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Продам фирменные/лицензинные диски - Версия для печати

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Продам фирменные/лицензинные диски - odil.alifanov - 02-11-2016 19:41

СD из личной коллекции...все позиции соответствуют "MINT" и "EX." состоянию.
Заказ от 100гр.

Фирменные CD:

01.Blood Stained Dusk - Black Faith Inquisition (Moribund Records) - 150гр.

02.Вehexen ‎– Nightside Emanations (Digipack \Debemur Morti Productions) - sealed - 300гр.

03.Diabolicum - Ia Pazuzu (The Abyss of the Shadows) - [DIGI..../Code666 Records] - sealed - 300гр.

04.Dimension F3H - Reaping the World Winds (Hammerheart Records) - 150гр.

05.Flying (Mel. Death Metal/Ukraine) - January Stars (Moon Records MR 1773-2) - 80гр.
06.Flying (Mel. Death Metal/Ukraine)- A Proud Bird (Moon Records MR 1646-2) - 80гр.
07.Flying (Mel. Death Metal/Ukraine) - The Heir of the Future(Moon Records MR 1647-2) - 80гр.
08.Flying (Mel. Death Metal/Ukraine) - Graceful Murder(Moon Records MR 4658-2) - 80гр.

09.Hate Forest - Dead But Dreaming (Primitive Reaction) - 100 гр.

10.Horna - Pimeyden Hehku ( Debemur Morti Productions) - 100 гр.
11.Horna - Vihan Tiellд (Frostscald Records) - 100гр
12.Horna - Sotahuuto (Woodcut Records) - 120гр.

13.Kampfar - Djevelmakt (INDIE REC.) - sealed - 350 ГР.
14.Kampfar - Profan (INDIE REC.) - sealed - 350 ГР.

15.Khors - The Flame of Eternity's Decline / Cold - 2CD\SLIPCASE(Paragon Records) - 250гр.

16.Little Dead Bertha - In Memorium Premortis (Stygian Crypt Productions) - 100гр.
17.Little Dead Bertha - Two Sides (Stygian Crypt Productions) - 100гр.
18.Little Dead Bertha - Way of Blind (Stygian Crypt Productions) - 100гр.
19.Little Dead Bertha - Angel & Pain - (DIGI.../Metal Spirit Resurrection) - 150гр.

20.Sacrificia Mortuorum - Maturum Est (Hades Productions) - 150гр.
21.Sacrificia Mortuorum - Railler l'Hymen des Siиcles (DIGI/Apparitia Recordings) - 200гр.

22.Sapthuran - The Wanderer (Wraith Productions) - 150гр.

23.Sargoth (Sweden Black) - Lay Eden in Ashes (Black Diamonds Productions) - 100гр.

24.Slavia (Norway\музыканты из Taake,Disiplin) - Integrity and Victory (Drakkar Productions) - 100гр.

25.Szron & Kriegsmaschine (Split)(Under The Sign Of Garazel Productions) - 80гр.

26.Mourning Forest - Au Coeur de l'Ombre (Deathrash Armageddon Records) - 150гр.
27.Mourning Forest - De la Vermine (Hass Weg Productions) - 150 гр.

28.Tenebrous - Opus Magnum (DIGI.../Forever Plagued Records) - 200гр.

Лицензионные CD:

29.Dimension F3H - Does the Pain Excite You? (MAZZAR) 100гр.

30.Cradle Of Filth - Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder(Universal/Россия) - 50гр.

31.Kampfar - Heimgang (IROND) - 100 ГР.

32.The Kovenant - In Times Before the Light (Re-Recorded FONO) - 60гр.

Продажа одним лотом:

33.Dark Funeral - The Secrets of the Black Arts (IROND)
34.Dark Funeral - Vobiscum Satanas (IROND)
35.Dark Funeral - Under Wings of Hell (FONO)
36.Dark Funeral - Diabolis Interium (IROND)
37.Dark Funeral - Attera Totus Sanctus (CD-maximum)
38.Dark Funeral - Angelus Exuro Pro Eternus (Soyuz Music)

цена 6-ти компонентного лота 600 гр.