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Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - Версия для печати

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Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - celo - 28-02-2018 21:39

Hello from Istanbul,

Sorry for the English as I cannot speak any other foreign language.

It seems like Museatex Bitstream is very popular in your country. I have one and would like to modify it. I talked to John Wright. He was going to help me at first but then I assume he changed his mind and I did not push him to tell me what is what.

If anyone here has a modded unit or know someone who has one with the mods and/or did the mods themselves, would you be kind enough to take the CLOSE UP photos of the mods with some explanation?

I want to change the Power inlet, coaxial, the analog outputs and change the fuse (fuse rating 3.15A).

I am not an expert when it comes to doing mods but I have some knowledge.

Any help is appreciated.


RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - malekcs - 28-02-2018 22:30

Hello Celo !
I think you should look here: http://www.museatex.com/bitbox.htm#bitboxUpdate
However, if you are not very, very experienced at soldering & esp. desoldering, I would urge you not to try to fix the unit yourself, since the double-sided circuit board, in which every through-hole component is soldered into plated-through holes, is fairly delicate, so that circuit traces can be quite easily damaged by inexperienced desoldering, esp. the top side traces. Also, the "collateral damage" components are most often surface-mount parts, which also require experienced hands. Please do send it to John Wright to do the work. The cost of the upgrade will also cover the repair as well unless something very serious has happened.
Kind Regards !

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - celo - 01-03-2018 00:34

Thanks for the reply!

You scared me!Улыбка

I definitely can't do all the mods John does. Like I said above he even mentioned to me he would direct me with some easy mods but then he either forgot he told me or changed his mind. I let it go.

I just want to change the plugs, that's all. The upgrade would be nice to have but little above my budget.

I am not 100% confident about this mod but with some photos and instructions, I think I could pull it offУлыбка

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - powercord - 01-03-2018 16:21

Do you have the original Bitstream without any modifications? I would suggest you to sell it and look for the device upgraded by J.Wright. Bitstream is not that interesting in its original state compared to the upgraded one. Especially with the Black Gate mods. So don't waste your time and money.

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - celo - 01-03-2018 17:37

Correct, no modifications. It sounds very good, I cannot imagine how it sounds with the mods. Thanks for the suggestion.

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - malekcs - 01-03-2018 18:04

Hi, Celo!
powercord is right, you will spend a lot of money and it is not known when this device can break down.
I would advise you to look a new Wadia DACs: http://www.wadia.com/en-us/products

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - celo - 01-03-2018 19:41

I do like the sound of the Bitstream very much. Never heard Wadia but so far all the DACs I have listened to have digital sound. The Bitstream is very analog like. I do understand both of you though. It is an old DAC and may die soon.

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - malekcs - 01-03-2018 22:02

Excuse me, but can you tell us more about your Hi-Fi system?
DAC - Museatex Bitstream
CD -Transport or Audio Streamer ?
Which amplifier and speakers do you use ?

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - celo - 01-03-2018 22:08

All amplification Naim with Harbeth speakers. Streamer is Squeezebox Touch. However, I am planing to switch to computer based streaming with USB SPDIF converter with my Bitstream. I ONLY listen to Tidal HIFI. No CD, no LP, no local music.

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - malekcs - 01-03-2018 22:17

Thank you, you have a good choice of components in the system, but Museatex Bitstream this is a slightly different concept of sound.
It is more logical to look towards the new DAС of Naim, Exposure or Audiolab q-dac or m-dac.
Best regards !

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - celo - 01-03-2018 22:25

Thank you! Yes, I would like to mix some sound characters of each unit. PRAT with Naim, easy listening with Harbeth and analog sound with Bitstream. Still no LP sounding system but pretty good.

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - malekcs - 01-03-2018 22:44

You can open your topic and tell the participants of our forum about your system and the history of its development, as it was done mr ilia from Toronto, Canada.
He speaks English, Ukrainian and Russian, so he will help you erase the language barrier ...

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - powercord - 01-03-2018 23:09

Bitstream is the most "analogue" sounding Dac in the Museatex line of products. If you like the sound just try to find Bitsream with 2010 Plus mod or BG mod by J. Wright. Those mods are highly appreciated among the bitstream lovers. And try not to modify yours coz you will hardly sell it later.

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - celo - 01-03-2018 23:13

Thank you guys for all the suggestions and recommendations. I really appreciate it.

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - CTAC - 02-03-2018 08:14

(01-03-2018 22:08)celo писал(а):  All amplification Naim with Harbeth speakers. Streamer is Squeezebox Touch. However, I am planing to switch to computer based streaming with USB SPDIF converter with my Bitstream. I ONLY listen to Tidal HIFI. No CD, no LP, no local music.
It's really interesting, you're listening to Tidal only and you're trying to modify your components.
I would say people who're using services like Tidal for main music supply probably do not care for sound quality so much. They're not looking for the best material at all, they just eat ready made food. I'm not saying that's not good, but why you think if you change something in your system it's going to make significant change for you? Wink

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - celo - 02-03-2018 08:48

Although I do agree with you, I need to clarify; Tidal HIFI is not MP3 or similar quality. Tidal HIFI streams CD quality music. I frankly don't hear too much difference vs. CD. On the other hand LP is a different story but then IMO you need top notch LP player, very good phono stage, etc. It gets very expensiveУлыбка

Also, I am trying not to be one of those so-called audiophiles who listens the system other than music. I was like that before (still so but not as much), now especially after getting Harbeth, I stopped to criticize the sound. I listen to music more without trying to figure out what is wrong with my system.

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - malekcs - 02-03-2018 09:43

Hi, Celo!
Which interconnect and speaker cables do you use ?

RE: Museatex Bitstream Mods Help - celo - 02-03-2018 09:49

Hi Malekcs!
I use Naim's own NAC A5 and interconnects.