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Название-альбом-конверт-пластинка-фирма-цена в грн-доп инфо
ВСЕ по -80 грн
AC/DC-Dirty deeds done dirt cheap-ex+/ ex++/-Atlantic-
AC/DC-Who made who-nm/nm/-Atlantic-
Aphrodites Child-Best-ex/ex/Mercury-- разворот
Cat Stevens-The teacher and the firecat-ex/nm--/Island-
Kinks-Golden hour-nm- \ nm- \
Yes-90125-nm-\ex\ Atco-
Rennaissance-Turn of the cards-ex/nm-/Sire-
Spenser Davis Group-Gimme some lovin-ex/ex-/-Island
UFO-No place to run-ex++/nm- Chrysalys--
UFO-The wind the willing and the innount--nm-/nm Chrysalys--
UFO-Making contact--ex+/nm- Chrysalys--
Queen-Hot space-nm\nm\Elektra
Rod Stewart-Atlantic Crossing-ex/vg/Warner--разворот
The doors-Collection-ex/nm-/WEA-
Jesus Christ superstar--ex-/ex-/ex-I-
Dire Straits-Making movies-nm-/nm/-Vertigo-
ВСЕ по 120 грн
Bad Company-Run with the pack-ex+/nm/-Island-
Bob Dylan-Slow train coming-ex+/nm-/-Columbia-
Jim Capaldi-One man mission-nm-/nm/WEA-
Deep Purple-Stornbringer-vg/ex+/WB-
The Moody Blues-Caught vive-nm-\ex+\ex+ London rec- -2lp
ВСЕ по 160 грн
Pink Floyd-Relics-ex/nm-/MFP-
Savoy Brown-Street corner talking-ex+/nm--/-Parrot-- разворот
Eric Burdon-Declares War-ex+/ex-/Polydor-
Shocking blue-the original-nm-/nm-/Metronome-320
Led Zeppeling-4-nm-/ex/Atlantic-400
Canned Heat & John Lee Hooker-Hooker n Heat-ex/nm--/ex+ Liberty-Island-280-2lp-разворот