“Black Sabbath”
“Fairies Wear Boots”
“Tomorrow’s Dream”
“Into the Void”
“War Pigs”
“Behind The Wall of Sleep”
“Hand of Doom”
“Rat Salad”
“Iron Man”
“Children of the Grave”
“Dirty Women”
Все песни - как на подбор, золотой фонд БС.
А вот Оззи на открытии тура в Омахе облажался:
Osbourne’s voice wasn’t great. It wasn’t awful, really. It simply wasn’t very good. On Wednesday, he was sometimes flat. He was sometimes pitchy, occasionally off-key. He almost never hit the notes he was looking for.
Osbourne did better on less vocally demanding songs such as “Dirty Women” and “Black Sabbath.”
It was the first show of the tour, so maybe his voice will warm up. Maybe they’re still working out the sound in his monitors. Maybe it’s just that he’s 67 years old.