Rod Stewart/Atlantic Crossing p75/ WB.Germany/ 5-. 80
Rod Stewart/Blondes have more fun p78/WB.Germany/ 5-. 80
Julian Lennon/The secret valne of day dreaming p86/Atlantic.USA/ 5-. 80
Commander Cody/Flying Dreams p78/Arista.USA/ 5-. 80
Mick Jagger/she^s the boss p85/CBS.Holland/ 4. 80
Bruce Springsteen/The river p80/CBS/ 2-LP/ 4. 100
Immaculate Fools/Dump Poet p87/A&M/ 5-. 50
Hair/the american tribal love-rock musical p67/ 4. 80
Rolling Stones/Still Life p82/ CBS USA/ 5.100
The Doors/Weird scenes inside the gold mine p72/ 2LP/ elektra USA/5-.150 ПРОДАН
Grand Funk/Live album /2 LP/Capitol USA/ 4. 140 ПРОДАН
Paul McCartney/Press to play p86/EMI/4. 70
Linda Ronstadt/Mad Love p80/Asylum.USA/4. 60
Eileen Donaghy/ Request from Ireland / Wing / UK / 5-/ 40грн
George Formby/ The inimitable / EMI / UK / 5-/ 40грн
John McCormack/ in opera and song / RCA / 5-/ 40грн
Elton John/ ice on Fire / RTB yugoslavia/ 4/ 30грн