1. Arafel 2003– The Way Of Defender /Sound Age Productions /– SAPCD 008 M- 2$
2. Cryptic 2010 – Infinite Torment /Total Metal Records , Metal Scrap Records/– CD-TMR01 – MSR016 M 3$
3. Edge Of Sanity 1991(2003)– Nothing But Death Remains /Irond/ – IROND CD 03-648 M 13$
4. Edge Of Sanity 1992(2003)– Unorthodox /Irond/ – IROND CD 03-647 M 13$
5. Edge Of Sanity 1997(2003)– Infernal /Irond/ – IROND CD 03-645 M 13$
6. Evoke Thy Lords 2008– Escape To The Dreamlands /Stygian Crypt Productions , Backfire Productions/– SCP 044 – BP 006 Sealed 3$
7. Freddie Mercury 1985– Mr. Bad Guy /IFM/ – IFM 064 109 A M- 15$
8. Human Parasite 2010– Proud To Build The Insidious Catastrophe /SoulFlesh Collector/ – SFC10-042 M- 5$
9. Morrah2005– Experiment In Blood /Metalism Records , More Hate Productions/ – MR 015-05– MHP 05-042 M- 2$
10. Nomicon 2001– Halla /CD-Maximum/ – CDM 1388 M 2$
11. Posthumous Blasphemer 2005– Crucified Humiliation /Relics Records, Sound Age Productions/ – RELIC 05 – SAPCD 059 M- 3$
12. Quo Vadis 2010– Infernal Chaos /Metal Scrap Records , Total Metal Records/UA– MSR017 – CD-TM02 M 2$
13. Running Wild 1985(2004)– Branded And Exiled /Союз/ – N00303 M 10$
14. Shocking Blue 2001– (CD+DVD) At Home / Scorpio's Dance+ Greatest Hits Around The World /Victor/ – VICP-61639 M- 10$
15. The Rolling Stones 1995(?)– Stripped /SRS Records/ – SRS-005 M- 2$
16. Fleshgore 2008– Wake Up For Freedom /Moon Records/UA – MR 3104-2 M 5$
17. Dr. Faust 2007– Perverted Obscenity /Союз/ – SZCD 5925-07 M 5$
18. Sundown 1997(2007)– (Digipak) Design 19 /Mazzar Records , Mystic Empire/ – MYST CD 268 M 5$
19. Posthumous Blasphemer 2008– Fracture The Worship /Coyote Records / – COY 63-08 M 5$
20. Satyricon 2008(?) – (Unofficial Release ) The Age Of Nero /Roadrunner Records / – RR 7893-2 M 2$
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