1 Renessaince Novella(Repertoire) - 240
2.Curved air Airborne(Repertoire) - 240
3.Foghat Night shift( Япония) - 350
4.Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac- 250
5.Slade The Amazing Kamikaze Syndrome - 240
6. Grand Funk Caught in the Act - 220
7. Le Orme Ad Gloriam - 240
8. Smokie The other side of the road - 230
9. Black Widow Sacrifice (Repertoire) - 240
10. Eloy Floating - 240
11. Adriano Celentano 68,91,96 - 240
12. Blues Band The Official Blues Band Bootleg Album (Repertoire) - 240
13. Skid Row Skid Row (Repertoire) - 240
14. Matia bazar Melancholia - 230
15. Moody Blues To our children's... - 240
16. Country Joe and the fish C.J.Fish - 210
17. Titanic 70,71 (Repertoire) - 240
18. Blue Oyster cult The Revölution by Night - 240
19. Bullfrog Second Wind - 250
20. Marillion Fugazi (2CD) - 340
21. Edgar Broughton band Sing brother sing - 260
22. Fever tree Fever tree - 260
23. Bonzo dog band Let's make up and be friendly - 260
24. Holderlin Holderlins traum - 260
25 .Captain Beefheart Safe as milk - 260
26 .Captain Beefheart Mirror man - 260
27. Back Door 8th Street Nites - 260
28.The Box Tops The original albums 1967-1969(2CD 4albums) - 350
29. Led Zeppelin 11 - 170
30. Cactus Cactology - 160
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