1.Rainbow - Rising GF USA ex/ex+ 450
2.Nazareth - Hair of the dog USA ex+/nm-/ex+ 450
3.B.J.H. - Welcome to the Show Hetherlands ois ex+/ex+ 420
4.Vangelis - See you Later Ger ex+/nm- 420
5.Uriah Heep - Demons and Wizards USA GF2 ex/nm-(ex+) 420
6.Michael Bolton - Time, Love & Tenderness ois ex+/ex+ 400
7.Saga - Behaviour Ger ex+/nm- ois 170
8.Robert Plant - The Principle of Moments Ausrtalia ex+ ois 300
9.Boney m - Love For Sale UK nm-/nm- 260
10.Paul Mccartney - Pipes Of Peace nm-/nm- Holl GF/OIS 260
11.Status Quo - On The Level England GF ois ex+/ex+ 240
12.Genesis - Abacab Cbr102 uk ois ex/nm-(ex+) 230
13.Yes - Fragile GF USA ex-/ex(+) 220
14.Fixx - Calm Animals USA nm-/nm- 200
15.Mike Oldfield - Incantations 2LP Ger. ex/ex+/nm- 210
16.Mike Oldfield - Exposed 2LP Ger. ex/ex+/ex+ 200
17.Styx - The Grand Illusion Holl ois ex/ex+(nm-) 190
18.Saga - Worlds Apart nm-/nm- USA ois 180
19.Barclay James Harvest - Time Honoured Ghosts Ger. ois ex/nm- 180
20.Barclay James Harvest - Eyes Of The Universe Ger. ois ex+/nm- 180
21.The Alan Parsons Project - Pyramid GF Canada ex/ex+ 180
22.Adam and the Ants -Kings of the Wild Frontier England ois ex-/nm- 170
23.Steve Hackett - Cured CHC21 uk nm/nm- 170
24.Vangelis - Chariots of fire England ex/ex+(nm-) 160
25.Alan Parsons Project - Tales & Mistery of Imagination Ger. book ex+/nm-* 170
26.Abba - The Visitors Holl ex+/ex+ ois 170
27.Abba - The Album Holl ex+/ex+ ois 170
28.Jon and Vangelis - Short Stories Hol. ois ex+/ex+(nm-) 160
29.Pointer Sisters - Energy Ger.ois-poster ex/ex+ 150
30.Elton John - A Single Man USA ex/ex GF ois (волна) 45