1 Rod Stewart -Blondies have more fun-250
2 Tom Waits - Nighthawks at the diner-GER-250
3 Leonard Cohen-I*m your man-250
4 Los Lobos-This time-GER-120
5 Klaus Shulze-In blue-3CD-paper box-450
6 Cafe del Mar-Dreams 3---01-2003-31 Spain-400
7 Cafe del Mar-Volumen Quence-3CD-Spain-550
8 Claude Challe-Lover dose-2CD-France-500
9 -----
10 Sacred spirit-Volume 2 culture clash-220
11 Franz Ferdinand-Tonight+Blood-2CD-200
12 Garou-Seul-120
13 GPS-Window to the soul-150
14 Hooverphonic-Blue wonder power milk-180
15 Hooverphonic-The world is mine-60
16 Leonard Cohen -Songs of love and hate-250