Продам импортный винил
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RE: Продам импортный винил / 19-03-2020 23:19
Продам импортный винил.
№ Исполнитель Альбом Страна год Сост.(к/п) цена(у.е.)

1.Chicago-Chicago Transit Authority 2LP:Columbia(USA)1969 ex+/ ex+ 20
2.Deep Purple-In Rock;Harvest(England)1970 ex+/vg 25
3.Deep Purple-Fireball;Harvest(1st.England)1971 vg+/ex+ 30
4.Deep Purple-Machine Head;Harvest(1st.England)1972ex/vg на вид, по звуку ex- 35
5.ELO-Eldorado;United Artists(USA)1974 ex+/ex+ 12
6.ELO-FaceThe Music;United Artists(USA)1975 ex+/nm- 17
7.ELP- Same; Manticore(UK)1970 ex+/nm- 15
8.ELP- Pictures at an exhibition; Manticore(UK)1971 ex+/ex+ 10
9.Elton John ‎– 17-11-70 (Live);Hallmark(UK) 1971 ex+/ex+ 15
10.Genesis-Invisible Touch; Atlantic (USA) 1986 ex+/ex+ 10
11.Genesis-Nursery Cryme; Charisma(England) 1971 ex+/ex+ 20
12.Jean-Luc Ponty-Cosmic messenger;Atlantic (USA)1978 ex+/ex+ 10
13.Jeff Beck-Truth; Columbia b/w. Gramophon(Gr.Britan) 1968 ex/ex+ 30
14.Jethro Tull-Stand Up; Pop Up-Reprise (USA)1969 ex+/nm- 20
15.Jethro Tull-Aqualung; Chrysalis (England)1971 ex+/ex+ 30
16.Jethro Tull-Thick as a Brick;газета-Reprise (Canada)1972 ex+/nm- 20
17.Led Zeppelin‎–Houses Of The Holy; Atlantic-SD7255(1st press USA) ex/ex- 28
18.Led Zeppelin‎–In Through the Out Door;Swan Song (USA)ex+/nm- 25
19.Paul McCartney-Ram; Apple(England 1st.press 1/1)1971 ex+/g 10
20 Peter Gabriel-I; Charisma (England) 1977 ex+/ex 20
21 Peter Gabriel-III; Charisma (England) 1980 nm-/nm- 20
20 Pink Floyd-Wish You Were Here;Columbia(England)1975 nm-/ex+ 40
21.Phil Collins-No Jacket Required; Atlantic(Canada)1985 ex+/ex+ 15
22 Rick Wakeman‎-The Myths and Legends of King Arthur;A&M(England) ex+/ex+25
23.Rick Wakeman‎-Journey To The Centre Of The Earth; A&M(USA) ex/ex+ 15
24.Roger Taylor-Fun on Earth 2LP; Virgin, 2013 nm-/nm- 35
25.Spooky Tooth-Spooky Two;Island (England pink rim)1969 vg+/ex- 20
26.Uriah Heep-Fallen Angel; Chrisalis(Canada)1978 ex+/nm- 15
27.Yes-Time and a Word; Atlantic (England)1971 ex+/ex+ 25
28.Yes-Fragile; Atlantic (UK, k50009)1971 ex+/ex+ 17
29.Keith Jarrett-The Survivors 'Suite;ECM(German)1977 nm-/nm- 20
30.Mahavishnu Orchestra-Birds Of Fire;Dark Orange CBS(Holland 1st.)1973 ex+/nm- 17

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