Перечень редких и музыкальных кабелей пополнен межблочным AudioTruth Emerald x 3 Air-Hyperlitz Triple Balanced FPC-6 Copper MADE IN USA, 2х0.5м, RCA разделки коннекторами "типа" WBT-0144s - 200$.
AudioQuest Emerald uses three wonderful FPC-6 conductors. Patented Air-Hyperlitz construction provides radically better performance. The same adjectives apply over and over; great ease, better preservation of dynamic contrast and of all the elements that make music involving. However, Emerald uses Teflon isolating elements between the FPC-6 copper conductors. Compared to the polypropylene elements in Opal, Teflon allows for considerably tighter focus and less overhang, cleaner sound and tighter bass.[/quote]