Продам СД диски фириенные/лицензионные/пиратские
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Продам СД диски фириенные/лицензионные/пиратские / 28-05-2017 20:09
1917 " Vision" - Southern hellish prod. /HMR028/ - 30грн

Abominant "Conquest" - Deathgasm records /DG017/ - 30грн
Abominattion "Doutrine of false martyr" - Animate records /AR005/ - 30грн
Act of God "The place of worship" - Musica prod /MP07/ - 30грн
Akercocke "Choronzon/Words that go unspoken,deeds that go undone" - 2CDSET Earache records - 100грн
Alkonost "Between the worlds" - Soyuz /SZCD2829-04/ - 35грн
Ambrazura "Kravia" - Tunes of torture - 35грн
Amber Tears "Revelations of renounced" - Stygian Crypt /SCP027/ - 35грн
Arcane Grail "Mysteries of the ancient charnel" - Musica production /MP14/ - 35грн
Ashen Light "Песни мертвых/Зов тьмы" - More Hate productions - 30грн
Ashen Light "Реальная жизнь-жизнь здесь и сейчас!" - Sound Age /SAPCD154/ - 30грн
Ashen Light "Кровь апокалипсиса" - More hate productions - 30грн
Autumn "Черные крылья" - Stygian crypt /SCP021/ - 35грн

Balam Akab "Xibalba" - American line /LA107/ - 40грн
Bestia "Ronkade parved" - Evil Distribution /ED004/ - 40грн
Bestiar "Inferno invert" - Mad lion records /MLR CD013/ - 40грн
Blood of Christ "...a dream to remember " - CDN records /CDN011/ - 60 грн
Blood of seclusion "Caustic deathpath to hell" - Butchered records /BRO41/ - 45грн
Bowels Out "Enlightenment through dismemberment" - CDN records /CDN012/ - 35грн

Cadaveric Crematorium "Grindpeace" - Punishment 18 records /P18R-007/ - 30грн
Chernobog "VLIDOXFATO" - Soundage prod /SAPCD030/ - 30грн
Combat Noise "Frontline offensive force" - Brutal beatdown records - 30грн
Corpsefucking Art " Splatter Deluxe " - Forever underground / FU016 / - 60 грн
Count de nocte "Carpe noctum" - Mad lion records /MLR CD005/ - 35грн
Crying blood "Animae damnatae" - Xtreem music /XM066/ - 40грн

Darkness Eternal "Misanthropic annihilation" - Autopsy kitchen records /AKR006/ - 40грн
Dark disciple "Kill everything worship nothing" - Mad lion records /MLRCD011/ - 40грн
Defaced Creation " Serenity in chaos " - Punishment 18 / P18R 075 / - 60грн
Demiurg "Bastinado" - Serpents lair - /SLP003/ - 35грн
Devangelic " Resurrection denied " - Comatose music /coma072/ - 50грн
Devastator "Ovar b" - Parat / PM04/ - 30грн
Disemboweled "Cadavers" - Nice to eat you records /NTEY063/ - 45грн
Disfigurement "Privilege of the sickest pleasure" - Anopsys records /AR002/ - 40грн
Drowned in blood "The warfare continues" - American line - /LA076/ - 35грн

Esqarial "Inheritance" - Empire records - /EMP-CD-019/ - 60грн
Eternal Sin "Christs false torments" - Wroth emitter productions /WE006/ - 40грн
Extirpating the Infected "Vaginal saw entorturement" - Sevared records /SR086/ - 50грн

Fastkill "Nuclear thrashing attack" - Worldchaos production /KDM024/ - 40грн
Fatal Portrait "Adventum" - More hate productions /MHP05-043/ - 30грн
Fleshbomb "At the first stage of perversion" - Soulflesh collector /SFC08-022/ - 50грн
Flesh Disgorged "A pulchritudinous macabre" - Bizarre leprous production /BLP0137/ - 45грн
Foul Stench " The bone " - Ukragh productions / UKR 0006 / - 50грн
Foul Stench "Eternal riot" - Sevared/Butchered /SR104/BR028/ - 40грн
From Beyond "Sounds of the grave" - Sonic temple records /STR003/ - 40грн
Funeral Feast "Genocide ad nauseam" - Hillos distribution/Northern sound records /HD001/NSR012/ - 40грн

Gastrorrexis "The taste of putrefaction" - Coyot records /COY132-13/ - 30грн
Gathering darkness "Beholders of the pain planet" - Grotesque productions - 50грн
Genocide "We rape the sky,we rape the hell" - Reek of putrefaction rec /ROP002/ - 45грн
Gorezone "Brutalities of modern domination" - Xtreem music /XM 070/ - 45грн
Gorged Afterbirth "Gorged Afterbirth" - Soulflesh collector rec /SFC09029/ - 30грн

Harmony Dies "Dont trust" - Ars Metalli /ARS009/ - 70грн
Hells Thrash Horsemen "Going sane" - H.T.H.productions /HTH001/ - 30грн
Hermh "After the fire-ashes/The spiritual nation born" - CD/DVD BOX - Pagan records Limited edition N328 of 666 - 100грн
HINDRANCE "REBIRTH" - Hecatombe records /HEC019/ - 35грн
HOLY BLOOD "Странник" - Musica prod /MP18/ - 20грн
Hydrophobia "human shredder" - World chaos /KDMO25/ - 30грн

Internal Devour "Aborted and slaughtered" - Morbid generation records /MGR 032/ -45грн

Kilhumanity "Killing" - Coyote records /COY1805/ - 25грн
Kimaera "Ebony veiled" - Stygian Crypt /SCP022/ - 30грн

Lacrimae "Course to arsoning" - American line /LA054/ - 40грн
Level above human "Final anthropic principle" - Imbecil entertaiment /IE17/ - 30грн
Little Dead Bertha "Two sides..." - Stygian Crypt /SCP010/ - 35грн
Little dead Bertha "Way of blind" - Stygian Crypt /SCP020/ - 35грн
Lividity "Used abused and left for dead" - Epitomate prod /EP002-06/ - 50грн

Membro genitaly befurcator - "Total war" - coyote records /COY5206/ - 25грн
Mind Eclipse "Relict" - Coyote records /COY42-07/ - 25грн
Mockery "...on the slab" - Hecatombe rec /HEC008/ - 30грн
Morrah "Experiment in blood" - More hate prod /MHP 05-042/ - 35грн
Mortifilia "Redemption" - Mondongo canibale records /MCR004/ -35грн
Muculords "Carpe Diem" - Akom productions /AK003CB/ - 35грн
Murk Exorbitance "Desecrated Reality" - Sound age /SAPCD 077/ - 35грн

Needful Things "Dead Point" - Khaaranus prod /KP017/ - 30грн
Non Immemor Mei "Реквием опавших листьев" - Musica production /MP09/ - 35грн

Oath to vanquish "Applied schizophrenic science" - Grindethic records /BEER012/ - 100грн
Omnihility "Biogenesis" - Sevared/Butchered /SR218/BR033/ - 45грн
Oxidised Razor "...Carne...Sangre" - Obliteration records /ORCD039/ -35грн

Painful Memories "Memorial to suffering" - Solitude prod /SP007/ - 40грн
Paroxysm "Revelation denied" - Great white north records /GWN013/ - 40грн
Perversion "Pillars of the enlightened" - Blast head records /BHR008/ - 40грн
Pighead " Cadaver desecrator " - Pighead - 50грн
Purulent Infection "Exhuming the putrescent" - Crematorium records /CR001/ - 50грн

Radigost "Nocturne" - Stygian crypt /SCP001/ - 60грн
Redrum "Mephisto opressor" - PaS records /PaS004/ - 35грн
Redrum "Power corrupts" - Evil legend records - 40грн
Relentless "Souls of charon" - Do or Die records /DOD03/ - 50грн
Remnant "Instrumentals unleashed" - Ghastly music /GM005/2012/ -45грн
Repulsive Dissection "Cut open the aborration" - Sevared records /SR079/ - 45грн
Rex Satanachia "First legion of hell" - Grom records /GRCD008/ - 45грн
Roots of Rot "Hated flesh" - American line /LA-072/A03/ - 25грн

Sacrificio "Fin de la fe" - Dans crypt records /DCR003/ - 30грн
Schrat "Schattenwahn" - Misantropic art productions /MACD35/ - 50грн
Scordatura "Torment of the weak" - Blast head records- 40грн
Semargl "Satanogenesis" - More hate productions /SAPCD097/ - 30грн
Semen "An intense experience molesting corpses with fetid stench" - American line /LA081/ - 30грн
Serra Bulho " Star whores " - Rotten Roll Rex /RRR053/ - 40грн
Siberiah " Modern age mausoleum " - Gaphals /GAP065/ - 70грн
Speculum Mortis "1348" - Griffin music /GRIFFIN007/ - 30грн

Tales of Darknord "Endless sunfall" - RIP productions - 35грн
Tales of Darknord "Dismissed" - More hate /MHP002-02/ - 35грн
The Morningside "The wind the trees and the shadows of the past" - Bad mood man /BMM 006-07/ - 40грн
Thirst of revenge " Annihilation of races " - Comatose music / coma053/ - 50грн
Thy flesh consumed "Pacified by oceans of blood" - CDN records /CDN014/ - 40грн
Twilight is Mine "The egregor of evil" - Oscorei music /OSMCD004/ - 30грн

Uppercut "Reanimation of hate" - GUC /GUC011-04/ - 30грн
Urskumug "Passover" - Haarbn productions /Haarbn006/ - 50грн

Verminous "Impious sacrilege" - Xtreem music /XM008/ - 40грн
Viscera Trail " Humiliation-ridden evisceration " - Epitomite productions /EP017-09/ - 60грн
Vrykolakas "Nocturnal demons of death" - Calamity productions -30грн
Vrykolakas "spawned from hellfire and brimstones" - Vrykoblast productions /BLAST002/ - 30грн

X-Rated 6ex6ex6ex "Woodland belt(deadly rap)" - Soyuz /SZCD 5798-08/ - 45грн

Волколак "Подвиг седого короля" - Othal productions /OLP018/ - 30грн
Врата Тьмы "Воины северной земли" - More hate productions /MHP04-026/ - 20грн
Откровения Дождя "Мраморные тона отчаяния" - Solitude prod /SP.013-07/ - 30грн

Лицензия :

Abaddon Incarnate "The last supper" - CD-Maximum - 35грн
Astarte "Quod superius sicut inferius" - CD-Maximum - 35грн
Carpathian Forest "Fuck you all!!!!" - Moon - 30грн
Crest of Darkness "Project regeneration" -Irond - 35грн
Deranged "Deranged" - Irond - 40грн
Fleshcrawl "Soulskinner" - Fono - 35грн
Haggard "Tales of Ithiria" - Irond - 40грн
Infinited Hate "Revel in bloodshed " - CD-Maximum - 30грн
Intestine Baalism "An anatomy of the beast" - CD-Maximum - 60грн
Katafalk " Storm of the horde " - CD-Maximum - 30грн
Skyforger "Kauja pie saules - Moon - 30грн
Throneaeon "Neither of gods" - Fono - 40грн
Yattering "Humans pain" - CD-Maximum - 35грн
Yattering "Murders concept" - CD-Maximum - 35грн

Пиратка :

Enslaved "Below the lights" - 20грн
Falkenbach " Turida " - 30грн
Limbonic Art "Legacy of evil" - 25грн
Mystic Circle "The great beast"- 25грн
Zyklon "World ov worms" - 20грн

DVD - Disgorge "Live in Moscow 23.11.08" 15th Anniversary brutality tour - Coyote records /COY-DVD-4-09/ - 70грн
DVD - Dimmu Borgir "World Misanthropy" - Irond DVD 03-01 - 70грн
DVD - Tsjuder "Norwegian Apocalypse" - CD-Maximum CDM DVD 058 - 70грн
DVD - Deeds of Flesh "Live in Montreal:Filmed live on the Canadian reduced to ashes tour 2004" - Unique Leader records /ULR60023-2/ - 100грн
(Отредактировал 28-05-2017 в 20:51 #1.)
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