Продам недорого AVI Lab series CD player.
Проигрыватель в отличном состояние,пульт,документы,двойная коробка, made in UK
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кое-что и на нашем форуме о нём есть...
очень музыкальная железяка!

"After further listening - including inserting it in several other systems - I thought I'd better let you know that I have come to love the CD player. Not only is it better than I first thought, it is unequivocally better than the Densen and, indeed, every other CD player I have been able to lay my hands on, including the very highly regarded £4000 Musical Fidelity kW SACD player.
Don't ask me what made the difference - me, great products getting better the longer you listen to them...I don't know. Interestingly, the laminations on the power amp's transformer have stopped humming, too. In fact, the whole system sounds better than ever, i.e. quite astonishingly good."
цена - 1400 у.е.
контакты - личка или по тел.050-3741347 или 067-3727746