Усилитель Sony TA F570 ES.Цена 2000 грн.
Продается в отличном состоянии интегральный усилитель SONY TA-F570ES - легендарная серия от СОНИ -ES - высокий стандарт воспроизведения звука. Все входные клеммы позолочены.Есть фоно-корректор ММ/МС, транзисторы - SanKen, конденсаторы питания ELNA for Audio (black neg), Nichicon MUSE, трансформатор питания - огромный торроидальник запакован в отдельный бак - SONY ES.
Вес 12 кг. Основание - антивибрационное литое шасси - Gibraltar.
* 175 + 175 W DIN sine power output at 4 ohms (0.01%)
* 115 + 115 W DIN sine power output at 6 ohms (0.006%)
* 110 + 110 W DIN sine power output at 8 ohms (0.004%)
* low-noise NFB Entzerrerverstarker with high reinforcement, passive sound automatic controllers
* largedimensioned double power pack for sufficiently achievement also for highest dynamic points
* Connection type for 4 loudspeakers, suitably for largedimensioned leads
* Direct switch for original rendition of the source of clay/tone
* Super Legato linear system
* Direct entrances for genuine rendition of the source of audio signal
* gilded entrances: Phono, CD, Tape1, Tape2, Adaptor, Direct input, Aux, Tuner
* gilded exits: Tape1, Tape2, Adaptor
* Control elements behind a closable flap
* Input/Rec Selector
* Cartridge Phono
* SOURCE Direct
* Cartridge Phono
* Subsonic filter
* Muting key (- 20dB)
* gilded jack headset-phone
* Dimensions: approx. 430 x 150 x 375 mm (width x height of x depth)
* Weight: 12 kg
# G-chassis
# STD power pack
# Rec Out Selector
# Phono MM/MC in with Subsonic filter
# Stereo/mono switch
# adapter In/Out for grinding a Equalizers in
# distortion factor: 0.003%
# frequency response: 2 - 200000 Hz, +0/3 dB
# signal-to-noise ratio: 108 dB
# loudspeaker impedance: 4-16 ohms
# Dumping factor: 100
# headphone
# Speakers: A/B