. SS - фабрично запечатанный
Оценка состояния является субъективной и связана с моими персональными представлениями о кондиционности
Доставку оплачивает ПОКУПАТЕЛЬ
Пластинки помыты на машине VPI и прослушаны
конверт\пластинка звук цена в у.е
1THE MOODY BLUES 1981 long distance voyager nm-/ex++ 5- 12
2A.L.WEBBER 1970 jesus chris superstar nm//ex++/nm- 5-/5- 20 no box
3WINGS 1976 wings america ex++//ex++/nm-/nm- 5-/5-/5- 20 no poster
4AMERICA 1979 silent letter EX+/nm- 5- 12
5ABBA 1974 waterloo nm-/nm- 5 резерв
6FOREIGNER 1979 head games m=/nm- 5 20
7STEPPENWOLF 1969 at yourbirthday party nm-/nm- 4+ 22
8M.RUTHERFORD 1982 acting very strange m-/m- 5 10
9UK 1979 danger money ex++/ex++ 5- 15
10ROLLING STONES 1981 tattoo you ex+/ex++ 5- 15
11FREE 1970 fare and water ex++/ex++ 5= 25
12ANTHON PHILLIPS 1979 sides nm-/nm= 5= 12
13KAYAK 1977 starlight dancer nm=/nm 5 12
14GREG LAKE 1981 same ex++/ex++ 5- 12
15ENG.HUMPERDINCK release me nm/nm- 5- 15
16LED ZEPPELIN 1973 houses of the holy nm/ex+ 4+ резерв
17CLIFF RICHARD 1976 im nearly famous ex++/ex++ 5- 15
18ROBERT PALMER 1985 riptide m/m 5 10
19ROD STEWART 1984 сomooflage m-/m- 5- 12
20DONAVAN 1968 barabajagal nm-/ex++ 5= 15
21A B C 1981 the lexicon of love nm-/nm- 5 10
22ALAN PRAICE 1977 ss
23ALAN PARSONS 1977 i robot nm-/nm- 5- 10
24P.McCARTNEY 1982 tug of war ex++/es++ 5- 15
25APRIL WINE 1981 the nature of beast ex++/ex++ 5- 12
26DAVID BOWIE 1983 lets dance EX+/EX++ 5 12
27JOHN LENNON 1971 imagine nm/nm 5 25
28MILES DAVS 1985 youre under arrest ex++/ex++ 5- резерв
29QUEEN 1980 the game ex+/nm 5- 15
31ERIC CLAPTON 1983 money and cigarettes m/nm 5- 15
32FOXY 1979 hot numbers ss
33FIRM,THE 1985 firm nm/nm 5 15
34FRANK MARINO 1980 whats next nm/ex++ 5- 12
35YES 1972 close to the edge nm-/ex+ 5- 12
36WEATHER REPORT 1982 ex++/ex++ 5- 12
37THE MOODY BLUES 1965 go now ex++/nm- 5- 25
38FRANKIE VALLI 1978 is the word ex+/ex++ 5- 10
39JEFF BECK 1975 blow by blow nm-/nm- 5- 15
40YES 1983 90125 m-/m- 5- 15
41JOE McDONALD 1976 love is a fire nm-/nm- 5- 15
42ELTON JOHN 1972 dont shoot me nm/nm- 5- 15
43FIREFALL 1976 same m-/ex++ 5- 15
44THE BAND 1977 islands ex++/ex++ 5- 12
45PABLO CRUISE 1978 worlds away ex+/ex++ 5- 12
46HEAD EAST 1977 flant as a pancake nm-/nm- 5- 15
конверт\винил звук цена у.е
47SAXON 1981 denim and leather nm/nm 5 12
48SKY 1981 3 nm-/nm- 5- 10
49STEELY DAN 1972 cant buy a thrill nm/nm 5 15
50TOKYO 1980 same m/m= 5= 12
51SANTANA 1970 abraxas nm-/nm 5 15
52TRAFFIC 1970 john barleycorn must nm/nm 5 15
53BAD COMPANY 1979 desolation angels nm-/nm- 5 15
54AEROSMITH 1989 pump nm-/nm- 5- резерв
55JAMES BROWN 1980 soul syndrome nm/nm 5 12
56AMANDA LEAR 1978 sweet revenge ex++/ex++ 5- 12
57ABBA 1981 the visitors nm/nm 5- 12
58THEHUMAN LEAGUE 1986 crash nm/nm 5 резерв
59GEORGE MICHAEL 1987 faith nm/nm 5 12
60LEO SAYER 1975 another year ex++/nm- 5- 12
61CLIFF RICHARD 1980 im no hero nm/nm 5- 12
62DEEP PURPLE 1974 mark 1&2 ex++/nm/nm 5/5 22
63DEEP PURPLE 1987 house of blue light nm=/nm 5- 15
64KAYAK 1973 see see the sun m-/m- 5 15
65J.IGLESIAS 1978 sono on pirat nm/nm 5- 12
66RINGO STARR 1973 ringo nm/ex++ 5- 15
67THE BEATLES 1976 20 golden hits nm-/nm 5- 15
68GROV WASHINGTON 1980 winelight nm/nm 5- резерв
69GR. WASHINGHTON 1982 best is yet tocome nm/nm 5- 10
70OMEGA 1978 8 m-/m 5 резерв
71GEORDIE 1976 save the world ss 40
72OSANNA 1973 palepoli m-/m 5 25
73TEARS FOR FEARS 1989 thevseeda of love m-/ex+ 5- 12
74DAVE STEWART 1990 same m/m- 5= 15
75BAGGLES 1981 adventures in modern record m-/m 5 15
76ALAN PARSONS 1985 stereotomy nm/m- 5 12
MADE JAPAN конверт пластинка звук цена в у.е
77TOTO 1988 the seventh one nm/nm 5 20
78TRUMPET JAPAN 1985 best albom m/m 5 резерв
79GRAND FUNK R. 1981 grand funk lives m-/m- 5- 22
80SONNY CLARK TRIO 1960 m/m- 5- 20
made uk
81JEFF WAYNES 1978 war of the worlds nm/nm/nm 5/5 15
82YES 1977 going for the one ex+/ex+ 4- 10
83PAUL McCARTNEY 1980 2 ex++/ex++ 5- 20
84BUDGIE 1981 nightlight nm/nm 5- резерв
85THE MOODY BLUES 1978 octave ex++/nm- 5- 20
86DIRE STRAITS 1979 communique nm-/nm- 5- 20
87FRANK ZAPPA 1979 sheik yerbouti nm-/nm-/nm- 5- 40
88STATUS QUO 1975 on the level nm-/nm- 5 15
89ROXY MUSIC 1980 flesh+blood nm/nm 5 15`
90ROXY MUSIC 1979 manifesto nm=/ex++ 5= 12
91ELTON JOHN 1974 caribou nm-/ex++ 5- 12
92SHAKATAK 1983 out of this world ex+/ex+ 4+ 12
93DEMIS ROUSSOS 1974 forever and ever m-/m- 5 30
94ROLLING STONES 1974 it,sonly rocknroll nm/ex+ 5= резерв
95ROLLING STONEs 1968 beggars banguet nm/nm 5 55
96RAINBOW 1976 rising ex+/ex++ 5- 22
97GENESIS 1978 and then there were nm-/nm 5 15
98CAMEL 1977 rain dances ex+/ex++ 5- резерв
99THE MOODY BLUES 1981 long distance voyager ex+/ex+ 5= 12
100STING 1985 the dream of the blue ex/ex 3+ 8
101ALEX HARVEY BAND 1973 next ex/ex+ 5= 15
102E L P 1971 pictures exxxhibition ex/ex+ 4+ 12
лавсановый наружный пакет 75грн от 50шт
пакет антистат 30мКн прозрачный-полукруг 95грн от 50шт
roman1.66 отредактировал сообщение 17-01-2014 20:03: