What's seen above is what can be found on the web. No low-pass filter to the midbass and 2.2 uF to the tweeter. Polarity of tweeter is dubious as wavelengh is short at 7 kHz and whether tweeter should be connected with poisitive or negative polarity doesn't make serious impact on performance. Above to the right measurements at T height (red), between M and T (blue) and at M height (green). At T height we have some outphasing at 6.5 kHz and as listening position is likely to at T height, it may be advantageous to reverse tweeter polarity. From the web it can also be found that a single cap to the tweeter doesn't change the phase... Of coarse it changes the fase.
Что я делаю без охоты и из необходимости, того не могу делать долго и со старанием. Марк Туллий Цицерон