Би-амп или всеже би-вайринг?!?!
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serapion1984 Не на форуме

Откуда: Київ
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Репутация: 396
RE: Би-амп или всеже би-вайринг?!?! / 02-01-2019 15:51
Цитата:All the cables in a bi-wire set must be the same. There is often great temptation to use a wire known for good bass response on the woofer inputs and a different wire known for good treble response on the midrange/tweeter inputs. This will cause the different sonic characteristics of the two wires in the middle frequencies to interfere with the proper blending of the woofer and midrange driver through the crossover point. The consistency of the sound will be severely affected as the different sounding woofer and midrange drivers conflict with each other in the frequency range where our ears are most sensitive to sonic anomalies. The disappointing result is a vague image, a lack of transparency through the midrange and lower treble and a loss of detail and clarity.
Интересно. А я абсолютно согласен. Всегда такого же мнения придерживался и писал на форуме об этом ни раз.
"vague image" - точнее не скажешь про сцену, которую я ни раз слушал с применением разных кабелей.
(Отредактировал 02-01-2019 в 15:52 serapion1984.)

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RE: Би-амп или всеже би-вайринг?!?! - serapion1984 - 02-01-2019 15:51


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