Продам фирменные CD (обновил 01.03)
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kolos Не на форуме

Откуда: Харьков
Сообщений: 105
Репутация: 1267
Продам фирменные CD (обновил 01.03) / 07-02-2015 14:34
Jewel Casы могут иметь трещины

Жирным шрифтом помечены только прибывшие позиции.

Вычеркнутые позиции - проданы.

Обмен не интересует.

-резерв без задатка - 12 часов
-резерв задаток 50% - до полной оплаты

Все издания европейские (Германия, Голландия, Франция, реже UK, более новые издания EU) если не указано иначе.

Состояние оценивается по пятибальной системе (от 5 до 2). Все диски проигрываются без проблем, если не указано иначе.

- "5+" => не игрался
- "5" => возможно игрался, следов использования нет
- "5(-)" => диск проигрывался, если очень приглядываться, можно найти что-то минимальное
- "5-" => диск проигрывался, можно найти очень легкие следы использования. Состояние на Discogs примерно NM-
- "4+" => диск проигрывался, есть легкие волоски, возможны легкие отпечатки пальцев
- "4" => диск проигрывался, есть волоски, возможны легкие круговые неглубокие царапки, возможны легкие потертости, возможны отпечатки пальцев. Видно, что диск проигрывался, но обращались с ним бережно. Состояние на Discogs примерно VG+.
- "4-" => диск проигрывался, чуть больше следов использования чем на "4", но сильных или глубоких царапин нет, обращались довольно бережно, но слушали частенько.
- "3+" => диск проигрывался, может иметь легкие ссадины, остальное как на "4-", проигрывается без проблем. Состояние на Discogs примерно VG.
- "3" => диск проигрывался, имеет сильные или глубокие царапины, остальное как на "4-". Проигрывается без проблем.
- "2" не бывает

- "5+" => новый
- "5" => следов использования нет
- "5(-)" => можно найти что-то минимальное
- "5-" => можно найти очень легкие следы использования. Состояние на Discogs NM-.
- "4+" => буклет вынимался, имеет легкие следы использования, возможны легкие прижимы в месте креплений
- "4" => буклет вынимался, имеет следы использования, возможны прижимы в месте креплений, повреждений нет. Состояние на Discogs примерно VG+.
- "4-" => чуть хуже чем "4", возможен минимальный надрыв (1мм, в основном указано), возможна лёгкая волнистость от влаги, возможны легкие разводы от воды (указано)
- "3+" => может иметь легкие надрывы (в основном указано), следы от влаги/воды, но все еще не стыдно оставить в коллекцию. Состояние на Discogs примерно VG.
- "3" => имеет сильный надрыв, сильные следы использования или сильно поведен влагой. Все странички на месте
- "2" не бывает

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Исполнитель / Альбом / Особенности / Сост. ЦД / Сост. Буклет / Сост Digi или Slipcase / Цена €

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kolos Не на форуме

Откуда: Харьков
Сообщений: 105
Репутация: 1267
RE: Продам фирменные CD / 11-02-2015 20:18
Исполнитель / Альбом / Особенности / Сост. ЦД / Сост. Буклет / Сост Digi или Slipcase / Цена€

A до L

Обновил 01.03

3 doors down Away from the sun 4(+) 4 3,5€ 3€
3 doors down Away from the sun 5 5 4,5€
3 doors down Here without you Single 4 4+ 1,5€ 1€
3 doors down The better life 5- 5- 5€
36 Crazyfists A snow capped romance S S 6€
36 Crazyfists Bitterness the star S S 6€
ABBA ABBA 831 596-2, made in germany 4- 5- 8€ 7€
ABBA The definitive Collection 2CDs, slipcase 5- 5(-) 3+ 3+ 5,5€
ABBA The hits no ifpi 5 5 5€
ABBA The Hits 2 no ifpi 5 5 5€
ABBA The name of the game 5(-) 5 5€ 4,5€
Abba Waterloo with ifpi 4+ 5- 5€ 4,5€
Abba Waterloo no ifpi, spectrum 550 0342 5(-) 5 6€
ABBA Waterloo with ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Abba Waterloo with ifpi, spectrum 5 5 5,5€
AC/DC Blow up your video no ifpi 5- 5- 8€
AC/DC Flick of the switch no ifpi 5 4- 7€
AC/DC High voltage no ifpi, надпись ручкой на внутренней стороне буклета 5+ 5- 10€
AC/DC Let there be rock with ifpi 5- 4 6€ 5,5€
AC/DC Let there be rock no ifpi 5+ 4+ 8€
AC/DC Live no ifpi 5 5- 6€
Ace Of Base Happy Nation no ifpi 5 5 5€
Ace of base Happy nation no ifpi, Диск чуть пыльный 5- 4 4€
Ace of base The bridge средняя страничка буклета не закреплена, в остальном буклет 4+ 5- 3+ 2,5€
Adele 21 5 5 5,5€
Adele 21 5(-) 5(-) 5€
Adriano Celentano Azzurro: Una Carezza in un Pugno 2002 5- 5- 15€
Aerosmith Big ones white jewel case 5- 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Aerosmith Get a grip white jewel case, sticker on cd+booklet, marking on cd (marker) 4 4 4€ 3,5€
Aerosmith Get a grip white jewel case 5- 5- 5€
Aerosmith Get a grip white jewel case, no ifpi, чуть порванный и волнистый буклет 4 3 2,5€ 2€
Aerosmith Get a grip white jewel case 5- 5- 5€
Aerosmith Get a grip with ifpi 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Aerosmith Nine Lives 5- 5 5,5€
Aerosmith Pump 5 5- 5,5€
Aerosmith Rock in a hard place no ifpi, dadc austria 5(-) 5 10€
Aerosmith Rocks no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5- 10€
Agnostic Front Something's gotta give 5 5 8€ 7€
A-HA East of the sun west of the moon with ifpi 5+ 5+ 5€
A-HA East of the sun west of the moon no ifpi 5 5 5,5€
A-HA East of the sun west of the moon no ifpi, диск чуть запыленный 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
A-HA East of the sun, west of the mon no ifpi 4+ 4 3,5€ 3€
A-HA Headlines and deadlines. The hits of A-HA with ifpi 5 5 5€
A-HA Headlines and deadlines. The hits of with ifpi 5(-) 5- 4,5€
A-HA Hunting high and low no ifpi 5- 5 6€
A-HA Minor Earth / Major sky 4- 4- 3€
A-HA Minor Earth Major sky разводы на диске 4(+) 5- 4,5€
A-HA Minor Earth/Major sky диск чуть грязный 4 4+ 3,5€
A-HA Scoundrel days no ifpi 4 4- 3,5€ 3€
Alanis Morisette Jagged little pill 5 5 4,5€ 4€
Alanis Morisette Jagged little pill 5 5 4,5€
Alanis Morisette Jagged little pill 5 5 4,5€
Alanis Morisette Jagged little pill 5- 4- 3,5€ 3€
Alanis Morisette Supposed former infatuation junkie 5 5 4,5€
Alanis Morisette Supposed former infatuation junkie 5+ 5+ 5€
Alice in chains Facelift no ifpi 5(-) 5- 7€
Alice in chains Dirt no ifpi 5- 5- 7€
Alice in chains Dirt dadc austria, no ifpi 5-- 4- 5,5€
All ends A road to depression s s 4 3€
All Saints Saints & Sinners 5 5 3,5€ 3€
All Saints All saints 5 5 3,5€ 3€
Alphaville Forever young no ifpi 4 4 4€
Alphaville Catching rays on giant S S 10€
Alter Bridge AB III S S 8€
Amy Winehouse Frank 4+ 4 3,5€ 3€
Amy Winehouse Frank 5+ 5(-) 5€
Amy Winehouse Lioness: Hidden treasure 5+ 5- 5€
Anastacia Anastacia 5- 4(+) 3,5€ 3€
Anastacia Anastacia 5- 5- 3,5€
Anathema Alternative 4 CD vile 73, чуть подмоченный и склеевшийся буклет 4+ 3+ 3,5€ 3€
Annihilator Never, neverland the annihilator remasters 5+ 5+ 7€
Anthrax Sound of white noise no ifpi 5- 4+ 7€ 6€
Anthrax Spreading the disease no ifpi, made in USA by PDO 5- 5 8€
Apocalyptica Plays Metallica by four cellos 4 5- 4€ 3€
Apocalyptica Plays Metallica by four cellos 5- 5- 5€
Apoptygma Berzerk Soli Deo Gloria Digi, remastered deluxe ed. 5+ - 5- 10€
Apoptygma Berzerk Harmonizer диск чуть грязный 4 4 4,5€
Arctic Monkeys Favorite worst nightmare Digi 5 5 4 6€
At the gates At war with reality 5 5 12€
Audioslave Audioslave 5- 5- 6€
Audioslave Audioslave 5 5 6,5€
Audioslave Audioslave 5- 5- 5,5€ 5€
Audioslave Out of exile 4 3+ 3,5€ 3€
Audioslave Out of exile 5 5 7€
Audioslave Revelations 5- 5 7€
Audioslave Revelations 5- 4 5€
Avril Lavigne Let go 4+ 4 3€
Avril Lavigne The best damn thing 5 5 4,5€
Avril Lavigne Under my skin 4- 4 2€ 1,5€
Avril Lavigne Under my skin 4+ 4 3€
Axxis Kingdom of the night with ifpi 5- 4 5€
Backstreet boys Backstreet's back 3 4+ 3€ 2€
Backstreet boys Backstreet's back 4 4+ 3,5€
Backstreet boys Backstreet's back 5(-) 5- 4€
Backstreet boys Millenium подмоченные вставки 5 4 3€
Backstreet boys Millenium 4 4 2,5€
Bad Boys blue Game of love no ifpi 4+ 5 7€
Bad Company 10 from 6 no ifpi 4 4 4,5€
Bad religion Against the grain no ifpi, US 5- 5 6€
Bad religion Recipe for hate 5++ 5- 6€ 5,5€
Bad Religion Stranger than fiction 5- 4+ 6€ 5,5€
Bad Religion The gray race 5- 4- 4,5€
Bananarama Bunch of hits 5 5 5€
Barbra Streisand The broadway album 5- 4 4,5€ 4€
Barbra Streisand The essential 2cds 5+ 5- 6€
Barry White With love unlimited. Satin & Soul Vol II 2CDs, no ifpi, fatbox 5- 5- 6€
Beardfish Sleeping in traffic. Part two 4 5 7€
Beastie Boys Some old bullshit no ifpi 5++ 5 5€
Beastmilk Climax S S 10€ 9€
Beastmilk Climax S S 10€
Beck Mutations DIGI, limited 5+ 5 4+ 10€ 9€
Bee Gees E.S.P no ifpi, made in W.Germany by Pdo 5(-) 5 6€
Bee Gees E.S.P. with ifpi 5+ 5 4,5€
Bee Gees High Civilization club edition 4+ 5 4,5€ 4€
Bee Gees High civilization no ifpi 4+ 5 4,5€
Bee Gees Still waters Japan 3(+) 5- 10€
Beehler Messages to the dead S S 5€
Belphegor Pestapokalypse VI 5 5- 7€
Benny Goodman S S S S 4€
Beyonce Dangerously inlove 5 5 5€ 4€
Beyonce I am… Sasha Fierce 4+ 5 4€ 3,5€
Billy Idol 11 of the best no ifpi 4 4 4€ 3,5€
Billy Idol 11 of the best no ifpi 5 4+ 4,5€
Billy Idol Billy Idol emi swindon, no ifpi 5 5 7€
Billy Idol Charmed life no ifpi, UK 5- 5 5,5€
Billy Idol Vital Idol emi swindon, no ifpi 5(-) 4+ 4,5€
Billy Joel An innocent man with ifpi 5 5 4,5€
Billy Joel Greatest Hits Volume I & Volume II 2CDs, fatbox, mastered by dadc austria, no ifpi 5- 5 7€
Billy Joel River of dreams 5 4 4€
Billy Talent II 3+ 4 3,5€ 2,5€
Billy Talent III 5 5 4€
Biohazard Biohazard 4 5- 5€ 4,5€
Bjork Debut 5- 5 5€
Bjork Post 4+ 5 4,5€
Black Sabbath Greatest hits no ifpi 4 5 5€
Black Sabbath Technical Ecstasy 2004 5 5 10€
Black Sabbath Vol 4 Digi 5 5 4+ 10€
Blackmores night Shadow of the moon 5- 5 7€
Blackmore's Night Winter carols 5- 5 6€
Blind Guardian A twist in the myth Digi, 2CDs 5 5 5-- 10€
Blind Guardian Imaginations from the other side 5(-) 5 10€
Blind Guardian A night at the opera 5- 5 7€
Blind Guardian Past and future secret single 3+ 3+ 1,5€
Blink 182 Greatest Hits 5 5 5€
Blink 182 Greatest hits 5 5 4,5€ 4€
Blink 182 Greatest hits 4++ 5- 4€
Blink 182 Take off your pants and jacket Digi, limited edition 5 5- 4 6€ 5,5€
Blood, Sweat & Tears Greatest hits 1972, dadc austria, no ifpi, имя на буклете 5- 4 5€
Blue System Deja Vu sonopress, no ifpi, club edition 5- 5 8€
Blue System Twilight no ifpi 5 5 8€
Blue System Twilight sonopress, no ifpi 5- 5- 7€
Blur The great Escape 5 5- 5€
Bob Dylan Blonde on blonde mastered by dadc austria, no ifpi 5- 5 6,5€ 6€
Bob Dylan Greatest hits 5- 5 4,5€ 4€
Bob Dylan Greatest Hits 30th anniversary 5+ 5+ 5€
Bob Dylan The first album 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Bob Dylan The freewheelin' 2003 5 4+ 5€
Bob Marley The Best! одна царапина, no ifpi, 1992 4 5 3,5€
Bob Marley & The Wailers Confrontation sonopress, no ifpi 5- 5- 7€
Bob Marley and the wailers Live with ifpi 5- 5 4,5€
Bob Marley And the Wailers The birth of a legend (1963-66) no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5 5€
Bolt Throver Those once loyal 5 5 12€
Bon Jovi 7800° Fahrenheit made in W.Germany by PDO, no ifpi, легкие отпечатки пальцев на диске 5- 4 6€
Bon Jovi Blaze of glory no ifpi, club edition 5- 5- 6€
Bon Jovi Blaze of glory no ifpi, диск чуть пыльный 4+ 5- 4,5€
Bon Jovi Blaze of glory no ifpi, диск чуть пыльный 4+ 5 4,5€
Bon Jovi Blaze of glory with ifpi, made in France by PMDC 5 5- 5€
Bon Jovi Blaze of glory with ifpi 5(-) 5- 5€ 4,5€
Bon Jovi Blaze of glory with ifpi 5- 4 4,5€ 4€
Bon Jovi Blaze of glory with ifpi 5 5 5€
Bon Jovi Bon jovi with ifpi 5(-) 4+ 4,5€
Bon Jovi Bon Jovi made in w.germany by pdo hannover, no ifpi 4(+) 4 5€
Bon Jovi Bounce 5 5 6€
Bon Jovi Bounce 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
Bon Jovi Bounce 5 5 5,5€
Bon Jovi Crossroad. The best of The bon Jovi remasters 5 5 4,5€
Bon Jovi Crossroad. The best of 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
Bon Jovi Crossroad. The best of 4 5 3,5€ 3€
Bon Jovi Crossroad. The best of 5 5 5€
Bon Jovi Crossroad. The best of 4- 4 3€ 2€
Bon Jovi Crush 4 5 4,5€ 4€
Bon Jovi Crush 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
Bon Jovi Crush 5- 5 5€
Bon Jovi Crush 5 5 6€
Bon Jovi Crush 4 4 3,5€ 3€
Bon Jovi Crush 4+ 5 4,5€
Bon Jovi Crush 5 5 6€
Bon Jovi Crush 5- 5 5€
Bon Jovi Crush 5+ 5 6€
Bon Jovi Crush 4-- 5- 3€
Bon Jovi Keep the faith no ifpi 4+ 4 4€ 3,5€
Bon Jovi Keep the faith no ifpi, made in Germany by PMDC 5- 5- 4,5€
Bon Jovi Keep the faith no ifpi 5-- 4++ 4€
Bon Jovi Made in Japan unofficial 5- 4 6€ 5€
Bon Jovi New Jersey no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo 4++ 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Bon Jovi New Jersey no ifpi, pmdc 5 5 6€
Bon Jovi New Jersey with ifpi 5- 5 4,5€
Bon Jovi New Jersey with ifpi 5 5 5€
Bon Jovi New Jersey with ifpi, special price, диск чуть пыльный 4+ 5- 4,5€ 4€
Bon Jovi Slippery when wet with ifpi 0218, 830 264-2 09 + 1-c 5 4 4,5€ 3,5€
Bon Jovi Slippery when wet with ifpi, made in Uk by PMDC, IFPI 0400 5 5 5€
Bon Jovi Slippery when wet with ifpi 5 5 5€
Bon Jovi The circle 5(-) 4 5€
Bon Jovi These days 5- 5- 5€
Bon Jovi These days 5- 4+ 4€
Boney M Greatest hits of all time. Remix with ifpi 5- 5(-) 6€
Bonfire Fire Works 5+ 5+ 7€ 6€
Bonfire Knock out with ifpi 5 5 6€
Bonnie Tyler Angel heart no ifpi, sonopress 4+ 5 4,5€ 4€
Bonnie Tyler Faster than the speed of light dadc austria, no ifpi, sticker with a name on booklet 5 5- 5€
Bonnie Tyler The best S S 5€
Bonnie Tyler The very best of dadc austria, царапина 1 см в остальном как новый, 1993 4 5 3€
Boston Boston 88697184002 5 5 5€
Boston Boston no ifpi, Japan for Europe 5- 5- 25€
Bright Eyes I'm wide awake, it's the morning 5 5 6€
Bring me the horizon That's the spirit 5 5- 7€
Britney Spears …baby one more time 5- 5- 3,5€
Britney Spears …baby one more time 4+ 4+ 3€
Britney Spears In The Zone 5- 5 3,5€
Britney Spears oops!... I did it again 5(-) 5- 4€
Bruce Springsteen Born in the USA no ifpi 5 5- 5,5€ 5€
Bruce springsteen Born in the USA no ifpi 4 5- 4,5€ 4€
Bruce Springsteen Born in the USA dadc austria, no ifpi 5 5 6€
Bruce Springsteen Greatest Hits 5 5 4,5€
Bruce Springsteen Greatest hits отпечатки пальцев 4 5 4€ 3,5€
Bruce Springsteen Lucky town dadc austia, no ifpi 5- 5 4,5€
Bryan Adams 18 till i die 5- 5- 5€
Bryan Adams Bryan Adams no ifpi, made in France by PMDC 5 5 8€
Bryan Adams Cuts like a knife no ifpi 5 5 6€
Bryan Adams Cuts like a knife no ifpi, made in germany by pdo 4 5 4,5€ 4€
Bryan Adams Cuts like a knife with ifpi 5 5 5€
Bryan Adams Into the fire no ifpi 5 5- 6,5€
Bryan Adams Into the fire US, cutout, no ifpi 5 5 7€
Bryan Adams Into the fire with ifpi 4+ 5- 5€ 4,5€
Bryan Adams Reckless no ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Bryan Adams Reckless no ifpi 5(-) 5(-) 6€
Bryan Adams So far so good 4+ 5- 4,5€ 4€
Bryan Adams So far so good 5- 5- 5€
Bryan Adams Unplugged 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
Bryan Adams Unplugged 5(-) 5 5€
Bryan Adams Waking up the neighborhood no ifpi 5 5 6€
Bryan Adams Waking up the neighborhood no ifpi 5(-) 5 5,5€
Bryan Adams Waking up the neighborhood no ifpi 5 4 3,5€
Bryan Adams Waking up the neighbours with ifpi 5- 4+ 4,5€
Bryan Adams You want it you got it no ifpi, диск слегка запыленный, нет задней вставки 5-- 4+ 3€
Bryan Ferry As time goes by digi 5 5 4- 4€
Bryan Ferry Olympia 5++ 5++ 7€
Bryan Ferry The ultimate collection 5 5 5€
Bryan Ferry & Roxy Music Streetlife. 20 Great Hits made in uk, no ifpi 5(-) 5 6€ 5,5€
Bullet for my valentine Venom deluxe edition, 3d cover 5 5- 6€
Bullet for my valentine The poison 5- 5 6€ 5€
Bush Razorblade suitcase uk 5- 5- 6€
Bush Razorblade suitcase SPV Germany 4++ 5- 5€
Bush Razorblade suitcase uk 4+ 4+ 4,5€ 4€
Camouflage Voices & Images волнистый буклет, made in w.germany on cd 4 4(-) 4,5€
Carmel The drum ist everything no price code 5 5- 4€ 3,5€
Cassandra Wilson Blue light 'til dawn with ifpi 5 5- 7€
Cat Stevens Tea for the tillerman with ifpi 5- 4- 4€ 3,5€
Cat Stevens Tea for the tillerman sonopress, no ifpi 5(-) 5-- 5€
Cat Stevens Teaser and firecat sonopress, no ifpi 5- 5 5€
Cat stevens Teaser and firecat sonopress, no ifpi, наклейка на внутренней стороне буклета с инициалами 5 5- 4,5€
Celine Dion A new day has come 5- 4- 3,5€ 3€
Cher Believe USA 5- 5 5€
Cher Believe 5 5 4,5€ 4€
Cher Believe 5- 4 3,5€ 3€
Cher Believe 5 5 5€
Cher Heart of stone sonopress, no ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Cher Love Hurts sonopress, no ifpi, club edition 4+ 5- 4,5€
Chicago 19 no ifpi 5 5 5€
Chimaira Resurrection S S 6€
Chris de burgh Best moves no ifpi, sticker with a name on booklet 5-- 4+ 4,5€
Chris de burgh Crusader no ifpi, made in west germany by polygram 5- 5 7€
Chris de burgh Into the light with ifpi, sticker with a name on booklet 5 5- 5€
Chris de burgh Man on the line no ifpi 5(-) 5 6€
Chris de burgh Power of ten no ifpi 4++ 4+ 5€
Chris De Burgh Spanish train and other stories with ifpi, sticker with a name on booklet 5- 5 5€
Chris de burgh Spark to a flame. The very best of no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo 5- 5- 5€
Chris de burgh Spark to a flame. The very best of no ifpi, made in W. Germany by PDO 4+ 5- 4,5€
Chris de burgh Spark to a flame. The very best of no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo 5- 5 5€
Chris de burgh Spark to a flame. The very best of no ifpi 4 4+ 4€
Chris De Burgh The getaway with ifpi, sticker with a name on booklet 5 5- 6€
Chris Isaak Wicked Game 4 5 4,5€
Chris Norman Midnight lady (=Some hearts are diamonds) 5 5- 8€
Chris Rea Dancing with strangers made in w.germany by pdo, no ifpi 4- 5 3,5€
Chris Rea Deltics no ifpi 5 5 6€
Chris Rea New light through old windows. The best of no ifpi 5 5 6€
Chris Rea On the beach with ifpi, 2292-42375-2 5+ 4 4,5€
Chris Rea On The beach no ifpi, 242 375-2 5- 5 6€
Chris Rea The best of 1994 5- 5- 4,5€
Chris Rea The best of 1994 5(-) 5(-) 5€
Chris Rea The best of. New light… no ifpi 5- 5- 6€
Chris Rea The road to hell no ifpi 5(-) 5- 5,5€
Chris Rea The road to hell no ifpi 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Chris Rea The road to hell no ifpi 4 5- 3,5€
Chris Rea The road to hell no ifpi 5 5- 6€
Chris Rea The road to hell no ifpi 5- 5 5,5€
Christina Aguilera 1999 4+ 4+ 3€
Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera 5 5 3€
Christina Aguilera Stripped 5+ 4- 3€
Clannad Legend 5 5 4,5€
Coldplay Viva la vida or … 5- 5 6€
Coldplay X&Y 5- 5 5,5€
Coldplay X&Y 5 5 6€
Coldplay X&Y 5- 5 5€
Colosseum Bread & Circuses 5- 5- 10€
Coolio Gangsta's Paradise 4 5- 4€
Count Basie Jazz Classic's fatbox, 2cds S S 6€
Craaft Craaft no ifpi 5 5 20€
Cradle of filth Midian 5- 5- 7€
Cranes Wings of joy sonopress, no ifpi 5- 4 4€
Creed Human clay 4+ 5- 4,5€
Creedence clearwater revival Chronicle. The 20 greatest hits 5 5 6€
Creedence clearwater revival Cosmo's factory no ifpi 5-(4+) 5 12€ 10€
Creedence Clearwater revival Cosmo's factory no ifpi 5(-) 5 8€
Crematory Believe 4(+) 4(+) 5€ 4,5€
Crosby Stills Nash Live it up no ifpi 5 5 4,5€
Crosby, Stills & Nash CSN newly digitally remastered from the original master tapes 4+ 5 5€
Crowbar Broken glass 5(-) 5 6€
Cypress Hill Till death do us part 5- 5- 4,5€
Cypress Hill Stoned raiders 5- 5 5€
Darude Before the strom пальчики на цд 5- 5- 4,5€
Dave Brubeck We're all together again for the first time with fpi 4 5 5€
David Bowie Hunky dory no ifpi, made in usa by pdo 3+ 5 8€
David Bowie Station to station digitally remastered 1999 5- 5 8€
David Bowie The rise and fall… no ifpi, 1990 5(-) 5 8€
David Garrett Classic romance super jewel case 5- 5 4,5€
David Gilmour David Gilmour 2006 5- 4+ 7€
David Guetta One love 5 5- 4,5€
David Sylvian Gone to earth no ifpi 5- 5 5€
Dead Can Dance Spiritchaser super jewel case 5 5 10€
Decapitated Carnival is forever S S 7€
Deep Purple Concerto for group and orchestra with ifpi 5 5(-) 10€
Deep Purple Concerto for group and orchestra slipcase S S 15€
Deep Purple Deepest Purple with ifpi 4 4 4,5€
Deep Purple Fireball slipcase, anniversary edition, remastered S S 10€
Deep Purple In rock emi 7243 8 34019 2 5, not signed jewel case S S 10€
Deep Purple Knocking at your back door with ifpi 5- 5- 6€
Deep Purple Perfect Strangers with ifpi 5 5 7€
Deep Purple The battle rages on club edition 4+ 5- 7€
Deep Purple The battle rages on sonopress, no ifpi 5 5 8€
Deep Purple The house of blue light with ifpi 5+ 5 7€
Def Leppard Adrenalize no ifpi 5- 5 6€
Def Leppard Adrenalize made in usa, no ifpi 4- 5- 4€
Def Leppard Adrenalize no ifpi 5- 4+ 5€
Def Leppard On through the night no ifpi, 822 533-2 01 # DD, made in W.Germany by PDO 5 4+ 7€
Delerium Archives Vol. 1 2cds, задний буклет волнистый 4+ 4 5€
Depeche Mode Music for the masses no ifpi, dadc austria, italia 5- 4 10€
Depeche Mode Playing the angel 5- 5 7€
Depeche mode Playing the angel 5- 5- 6,5€
Depeche Mode Songs of faith and devotion sonopress, no ifpi 5 4+ 6€
Depeche Mode Songs of faith and devotion sonopress, no ifpi 5- 4+ 5,5€
Depeche Mode Sounds of the universe 5- 5 7€
Depeche Mode The best of videos DVD 5- 5- 6€
Depeche Mode Ultra with ifpi 5- 5- 5,5€
Depeche Mode Ultra 5- 5 6€
Destiny's Child Survivor 5- 5(-) 3,5€
Destiny's Child The writing's on the wall 5 5 3,5€
Diana Krall The Girl in the other room 5- 5(-) 6,5€
Diana Krall The girl in the other room 4++ 4- 4,5€ 4€
Diana Krall The girl in the other room 5 4 5,5€
Diana Ross Baby it's me 5- 4 10€
Diana Ross Why do fools fall in love 1996, with ifpi 5 5 5€
Dido Girl who got away 4+ 4++ 4€
Dido Life for rent 5 5 5€
Dido Life for rent 5 5(-) 4,5€
Dido No Angel диск чуть пыльный 5- 5- 4€
Dido No angel 5- 5(-) 4,5€
Dimmu Burgir Stormblast DIGI, CD+DVD 4+/4+ 4 4 8€ 7€
Dinosaur jr Give a glipmse S S 12€
DIO Dream evil with ifpi 5- 5 7€
DIO Holy diver with ifpi 5-(4+) 4+ 6€
Dire Straits Brothers in arms made in w.germany by pdo 4++ 5- 7€
Dire Straits Brothers in arms made in Germany 4 4+ 5€
Dire Straits Brothers in arms remastered 4++ 5- 5€
Dire Straits Communique digital remasters 5+ 5- 6€
Dire Straits Communique with ifpi 5 5- 6,5€
Dire Straits Dire Straits remastered 5 5 5€
Dire Straits Dire Straits ifpi 0281, made in france by pmdc 5 5 6€
Dire Straits Dire Straits made in germany by pmdc, marking on cd (marker) 5(-) 5- 5€ 4,5€
Dire Straits Dire Straits with ifpi 5 5 5,5€
Dire Straits Love over gold no ifpi, made in w.germany by polygram 5- 5- 7€
Dire Straits Love over gold no ifpi, made in France by pmdc 5 5- 6,5€
Dire Straits Making movies with ifpi 5 5 6€
Dire Straits Money for nothing no ifpi, made in germany by pmdc 5- 5- 6€
Dire Straits On every street no ifpi, made in U.K 5-- 4 4,5€
Dire Straits On every Street no ifpi, made in Germany 5 5(-) 8€
Dire Straits On every street no ifpi, made in France by PDO 5- 4+ 5,5€
Dire Straits On every street no ifpi, made in Germany on mould 5(-) 5- 7€
Dire Straits On every street no ifpi, made in Germany 5- 4 5€
Dire Straits On every street no ifpi, uk, легкие разводы 5- 5- 6,5€
Dire Straits On every street no ifpi,made in Germany, разводы на диске (аккуратно протереть), задняя вставка подмоченная 4 4- 3,5€
Dismal Euphony Soria Maria Slott 4 5- 12€ 11€
Disturbed Believe 9362-48320-2 S S 7€
DJ Bobo Greatest hits пальчики на диске 4+ 5- 4,5€
Don Henley Building the perfect beast no ifpi 5 5- 7€
Doro Angels never die no ifpi 5- 5- 6€
Doro Calling the Wild задняя вставка чуть волнистая 5 5- 6€
Doro Machine II machine 5 5- 6€
Doro True at heart печать на буклете, no ifpi 5 4+ 5€
Doro & Warlock Rare diamonds no ifpi 5(-) 5 6€
Dr. Alban One love. The album. Second edition no ifpi 5- 4+ 5€
Dream Theater Awake 5 5 7€
Dream Theater Live at the marquee no ifpi 5 5 6€
Dschinghis Khan Die grossen erfolge no ifpi, sonopress 5 5 7€
Duke Ellington The gold collection. 40 classic performances fatbox, slipcase, gold cds 5- 5- 4 7€ 6€
Dzyan Time machine 5- 5- 13€
Eagles Hell freezes over with ifpi 5 5 5€
Eagles Hell freezes over 4 5 4,5€ 4€
Eagles Hotel California no ifpi, 755960509-2 WME 5-- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Eagles Hotel California digitally remastered 5 5 5€
Eagles Hotel California digitally remastered 5 5 5,5€
Eagles Hotel California no ifpi, Matrix 2 53051 SRC-01, 7559-60509-2 5- 4 6€
Eagles Hotel california no ifpi, manufactured in W.Germany 4+ 5 6€
Eagles Hotel california no ifpi, 755960509-2 WME, разводы на диске 4 5 5€
Eagles Their greatest hits usa, no ifpi, диск грязный 4- 5 4€
Edguy Tinnitus Sanctus S S 12€
Edith Piaf The anthology 2cds, 1998 5-/5 4+ 6€
Elton John Blue Moves no ifpi, наклейка на внетренней стороне буклета с инициалами 5- 5- 8€
Elton John Breaking hearts no ifpi 5 4+ 4,5€ 4€
Elton John Made in England 5 5- 4,5€
Elton John Sleeping with the past no ifpi 4 4 4,5€ 4€
Elton John The big picture 5 5 5€
Elton John The big picture 5 5 4,5€
Elton John The very best of no ifpi, 2cds, fatbox, booklet, made in France by PDO 5 5 8€
Elton John The very best of no ifpi, 2CDs, fatbox, booklet, made in Germany 5- 5(-) 7€
Elton John The very best of with ifpi, 2CDs, fatbox, booklet, второй диск пыльный 5-/4+ 5- 6€
Elton John The very best of 2cds, fatbox, booklet, with ifpi, легкие пальчики 4+ 5 4+ 6€
Eluveitie Helvetios 5(-) 5- 8€
Eluveitie Origins 5(-) 5 8€
Elvis Presley …At his best 2CDs in slipcase 5 5 4- 6€
Elvis Presley 34 great hits fatbox, 2cds 5 5 6€
Elvis Presley Love songs 5 5 4,5€
Elvis Presley Love songs 2cds 5- 5 5€
Eminem The marshall mathers 2 Digi S S(5-) S 10€
Eminem The slim shady lp 5 5(-) 5€
Enigma MCMXC a.D. no ifpi 5 5 6€
Enigma The cross of changes no ifpi 4+ 5 5€
Enigma The cross of changes no ifpi 4 5 4€
Enigma The cross of changes with ifpi 5- 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Enigma The cross of changes no ifpi 5- 5 5€
Enya A day without rain 5 5 5€
Enya A day without rain 5(-) 5 4,5€
Enya Amarantine 2cds 5- 5 5€
Enya Shepherd moons no ifpi 4 4+ 4,5€ 4€
Enya Shepherd moons no ifpi 5 5 6€
Enya Shepherd Moons no ifpi 5 5 5,5€
Enya Shepherd moons no ifpi 5 5- 5€
Enya Shepherd moons with ifpi 5+ 5+ 6€
Enya The celts with ifpi 5 4 4€
Enya The memory of trees 4(-) 4- 3,5€ 3€
Enya The memory of trees 5- 5 5€
Enya Watermark with ifpi 5 5 5€
Enya Watermark no ifpi 5(-) 5- 5€
Enya Watermark no ifpi 5 5 6€
Era 2 5 5 4,5€ 4€
ERA ERA 5- 5- 4€
Erasure Chorus no ifpi 5- 5- 6€
Erasure I say I say I say sonopress, no ifpi 5- 5 6€
Erasure I say I say I say with ifpi 4+ 5- 5€
Erasure The innocents sonopress, no ifpi 5(-) 5- 6€
Eric Burdon and WAR The black man's burdon 2cds 5 5- 15€
Eric Clapton From the cradle 5 4 5€ 4,5€
Eric Clapton Pilgrim 5++ 5++ 7€
Eric Clapton Timepieces The best of with ifpi, пальчики на цд 4+ 4+ 4,5€ 4€
Eric Clapton Timepieces. The best of with ifpi, задняя вставка чуть волнистая 5- 5 4€ 3,5€
Eric Clapton Unplugged no ifpi 4(+) 4(+) 4,5€
Eric Clapton Unplugged with ifpi 4+ 5 4€
Eric Clapton Unplugged no ifpi 4+ 5- 4,5€
Eros Ramazotti Musica E with ifpi, чуть волнистая задняя вставка 5(-) 5- 4€
Erotic Jesus Obnoxious Lim.Edition, no.1066 5- 5- 7€
Europe Simply the best 5 5 5€
Europe Out of this world mastered by dadc austria, no ifpi 4+ 5 5€ 4,5€
Eurythmics Be yourself tonight sonopress, no ifpi 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Eurythmics Revenge with ifpi 5 5- 5€ 4,5€
Eurythmics Touch no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo 5 4 5€
Evanescence The open Door Digi 5 5 4 5€
Evanescence Fallen 4 5- 4,5€
Extreme III sides to every story 5(-) 5 6€
Extreme III Sides to every story no ifpi 4 4 4,5€ 4€
Extreme Pornograffiti 4(+) 5- 5€ 4,5€
Extreme Pornograffitti no ifpi 5 5 6€
Extreme Pornograffitti no ifpi 3 3 3€ 2€
F.K.Ü 4: Rise of the mosh mongers Digi S S 7€
Faith no more Album of the year 5 5 7€
Faith no more Angel dust no ifpi 4 4 5€
Faith no more King for a day 5(-) 5- 6€
Faith no more King for a day… +sticker 5(-) 5 7€
Faithless Sunday 8pm 5 5 5€
Fall out boy Believers never die 5 5 4€
Fall Out Boy Folie a deux 5- 5- 3€
Fall Out Boy Infinity on high 5 5 3€
Fall Out boy Infinity on high super jewel case 5 5 3,5€
Fall out boy Mania 5 5 4€
Fates Warning The spectre within 5- 5 10€
Fates Warning Chasing time 5- 5- 5€
Fear of god Within the veil no ifpi, cut out on booklet and back inlay,back inlay has two small damages, fotos on request 5(-) 5- 15€
Filter The trouble with angels 5 5 5€
Fleetwood Mac Behind the mask no ifpi 5+ 5+ 6€
Fleetwood Mac Mirage no ifpi 5 5 6€
Fleetwood Mac Tango in the night with ifpi 5 5- 4,5€
Fleetwood Mac Tango in the night no ifpi 5-- 4+ 3,5€
Flotsam and Jetsam When the storm comes down no ifpi 5- 5(-) 15€
Foo Fighters One by one 2CDs 5- 5 6€
Foo Fighters One by one 5- 5 5,5€ 5€
Foo fighters One by one 5 5 7€
Foo Fighters Skin and bones S S 8€
Foo Fighters Skin and bones 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
Foreigner 4 no ifpi 4 4 5€
Foreigner 4 no ifpi 5- 5 7€
Foreigner Agent Provocateur no ifpi, warner 5 5- 7€
Foreigner Records with ifpi 5- 4(-) 4,5€ 4€
Foreigner Records digitally remastered 5 5 4,5€
Foreigner Unusual heat no ifpi 5 4 6€ 5,5€
Frank Zappa Sheik Yerbouti usa, no ifpi 5 5 8€
Frank Zappa Joe's Garage. Act I, II & III 2CDs, with ifpi 4-/4 4 10€ 9€
Frank Zappa Waka/Jawaka no ifpi, manufactured in the usa 5 5- 8€
Frank Zappa/The mothers of invention Absolutely free RCD 10502, EU 5 5- 8€
Frankie goes to hollywood Welcome to the pleasuredome no ifpi 4(+) 4 4€
Frankie goes to hollywood Welcome to the pleasuredome no ifpi, Sanyo Japan 5 4+ 10€
Frankie goes to hollywood Welcome to the pleasuredom no ifpi, sonopress 5-(4++) 5-(4++) 8€
Freddie Mercury Mr.Bad guy no ifpi 5- 4 20€ 18€
Freddie Mercury The album no ifpi, sonopress 4(-) 4 4,5€ 4€
Freddie Mercury The album with ifpi 5- 5-- 5€
Freddie Mercury The album no ifpi, sonopress 5++ 5 8€
Freddie Mercury The album no ifpi, sonopress 5(-) 5 6,5€
Free Fall Power and volume Digi S S 4,5€
Freedom Call Live in Helluetia 2xDVD S S 7€ 6€
Gary Moore After hours no ifpi, dadc austria 5- 4- 4,5€ 4€
Gary moore After hours with , 0777 7 86269 2 3 5 5 5,5€
Gary Moore After hours no fpi, dadc austria 5(-) 5- 6€
Gary Moore After hours no ifpi, dadc austria 5- 4 4,5€
Gary Moore After the war sonopress, no ifpi 4 4 4€ 3,5€
Gary Moore After the war no ifpi 5- 4 4,5€
Gary Moore Ballads & Blues 1982-1994 S S 7€
Gary Moore Still go the blues with ifpi 5 5- 5,5€
Gary Moore Still got the blues no ifpi, dadc austria, надрыв на буклете 0,3мм 4 3+ 4,5€ 3€
Gary Moore Still got the blues digitally remastered edition, 2002 5(-) 5(-) 6€
Gary Moore Still got the blues with ifpi 5- 4 4,5€
Gary Moore Victims of the future no ifpi, mastered by nimbus 5- 4 5€
Gary Moore & The midnight blues band Back to the blues 2cds, fatbox, unofficial 5- 5 10€ 9€
Genesis ...Calling all stations 5- 5 6€
Genesis …and then there were three… no ifpi 5 5- 8€
Genesis …and then there were three… no ifpi, s cdscd 4010 01, manufactured in the uk on cd, no barcode 5- 4+ 7€
Genesis …calling all stations 5- 4+ 5€
Genesis …calling all stations… 5- 4 4,5€ 4€
Genesis A trick of the tail диск грязноватый, definitive edition remsater 4 5 5€
Genesis A trick of the tail no ifpi, blue cd, made in U.K on cd, made in u.k. by pdo, cdscd4001 100351 01 %, no barcode, similar like https 5- 5- 20€
Genesis A trick of the tail no ifpi 4 5 8€
Genesis Abacab no ifpi, made in w.germany on cd 5- 5(-) 6€
Genesis Foxtrot no ifpi, mastered by nimbus, cascd 1058 tochka 2:9, compact price on booklet 5- 5 7€
Genesis Invisible touch mastered by nimbus gend cd2 7 tochek 5- 4 6€ 5,5€
Genesis Invisible touch no ifpi, nimbus england 5 tochek 4+ 4 5€
Genesis Platinum collection 3CDs, fatbox 4-/5-/5 5 4 8€ 7€
Genesis The lamb lies down on a broadway 2CDs, fat box, mastered by nimbus, CGSCD 1/1 : 5- 5 25€
Genesis The lamb lies down on broadway 2Cds, fat box, no ifpi, mastered by nimbus 4/3+ 5- 15€
Genesis Trespass no ifpi, mastered by nimbus, cascd 1020 6tochek 3:3, manufactured in the uk on cd 5 5(-) 8€
Genesis We can't dance no ifpi, sonopress 5(-) 5 6€
Genesis We can't dance no ifpi,dadc austria 4++ 5- 4,5€
Genesis We can't dance no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5 6€
Genesis We Can't dance no ifpi, dadc Austria 4+ 4- 3,5€
Genesis We can't dance no ifpi 4 4+ 4€ 3,5€
Genesis We can't dance no ifpi, dadc austria 5- 5- 5€
Genesis We can't dance no ifpi, легкие отпечатки пальцев на цд 5- 4+ 4,5€
Genesis Wind & Wuthering no ifpi, sonopress cdscd 4005/b-2309 A, no barcode 5- 5- 8€
Gentle Giant Acquiring the taste with ifpi, made in Germany by PMDC 5- 5 8€
Gentle Giant Gentle giant no ifpi, made in Germany by PDO 5 5- 15€
George Harrison Cloud nine no ifpi 5- 5- 7€
George Michael Faith no ifpi, manufactured by cbs/sony in japan on cd 5+ 5+ 10€
George Michael Faith no ifpi, US, надлом на буклете 4 4+ 4€ 3,5€
George Michael Ladies & Gentlemen. The best of 2CDs, fatbox, with ifpi 5- 5 7€ 6,5€
George Michael Ladies & Gentlemen. The very best of 2CDs, fatbox 5 5 8€
George Michael Listen without prejudice with ifpi 5- 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Gianna Nannini The collection 1998 5 5- 4,5€
Gianna Nannini California no ifpi, made in germany by pmdc 5(-) 5- 4,5€
Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings no ifpi 4+ 4 3,5€ 3€
Gipsy Kings Gipsy kings with ifpi 5+ 5 5€
Glenn Miller His original recordings 2CDs, fatbox, sonopress no ifpi 4 5- 6€ 5,5€
Gloria Estefan Anything for you mastered by dadc austria 5- 5 3,5€ 3€
Goldfrapp Supernature 4- 4- 3,5€ 3€
Good charlotte Good morning revival 4 4- 3€ 2€
Good Charlotte Greatest Remixes 5- 5 3€ 2,5€
Gorefest Erase 5(-) 5 10€
Gotthard Gotthard with ifpi, sonopress 4- 5- 4€ 3,5€
Gotthard Gotthard no ifpi 4+ 5 5,5€
Gotthard Need to believe big box (no lanyard, no tour pass) 4 5 4+ 10€
Gotthard G no back cover 3+ 4- 2,5€
Gotthard Dial Hard no back cover, with ifpi 3+ 4 2,5€
Gotthard Open no back cover 4- 4- 3€
Gotthard Homerun no back cover 4- 4- 3€
Gotthard D-Frosted no back cover 3+ 4+ 2,5€
Grand Funk Railroad Closer to home 2002 S S 12€
Grand Funk Railroad Grand Funk Railroad 2002 S S 12€
Grand Funk Railroad Shinin' on 2003 S S 12€
Grand Funk Railroad Survival japan cd,no obi 4- 4+ 13€
Grand Funk Railroad We're an american band 2002 S S 12€
Green day 21th century breakdown 5(-) 5 5€
Green Day American idiot 5- 5- 5€
Green day American idiot 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Green day American Idiot 5 5 6€
Green day American idiot 5- 5- 5€
Green Day American idiot чуть склеевшийся буклет 4 4- 4€ 3€
Green Day Dookie 5 5 5€
Green day Dookie no ifpi 5 5- 4,5€
Green Day Insomniac S S 7€
Guns N'roses Appetite for destruction no ifpi 4+ 5- 6€
Guns n'Roses Appetite for destruction no ifpi, sonopress 5- 5(-) 7€
Guns n'roses Appetite for destruction with ifpi 4 4 5€ 4,5€
Guns n'roses Appetite for destruction with ifpi 5 5 6€
Guns n'Roses Appetite for destruction with ifpi 5(-) 5- 5,5€
Guns n'Roses Appetite for destruction with ifpi, sonopress 5- 5- 6€
Guns n'Roses Appetite for destruction with ifpi 5 5- 6
Guns n'roses Chinese democracy S S 7€
Guns n'roses Chinese Democracy 5 5 6€
Guns n'roses Lies sonopress, no ifpi 5 5 7€ 6€
Guns N'roses Lies with ifpi 5- 5- 5,5€ 5€
Guns N'roses Live USA no ifpi 5- 4 5€
Guns n'roses The spaghetti incident no ifpi, sonopress 4 5-- 5€
Guns n'roses The spaghetti incident no ifpi, sonopress 5(-) 5-- 6€ 5,5€
Guns n'roses The spaghetti incident no ifpi, sonopress 5 5-(-) 7€
Guns n'roses Use your illusion I no ifpi, sonopress 5- 5-- 2€
Guns n'roses Use your illusion I no ifpi, Sonopress F-5328 3(-) 4- 4€ 5€
Guns n'roses Use your illusion I no ifpi, Sonopress F-5328 4 4+ 4€
Guns N'Roses Use your illusion I with ifpi 4 5- 6€
Guns N'roses Use your illusion I with ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
Guns n'roses Use your illusion II no ifpi, dadc austria 4 4- 5€ 4€
Guns n'roses Use your illusion II no ifpi, sonopress, пальчики на цд 4 4 5€
Guns N'roses Use your illusion II no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5(-) 6€
Guns N'Roses Use your illusion II no ifpi, austria dadc, наклейка на внутренней стороне буклета 5- 5(-) 5,5
Guru Guru Ufo 5 5- 12€
Gwen Stefani The sweet escape 4(-) 4 3€ 2€
Hammer Too legit to quit sonopress, no ifpi 4+ 4+ 4€
Heart Brigade no ifpi 5 4+ 4,5€
Hell Human remains S S 8€
Helloween My god-given right Earbook S S 20€
Herbie Hancock Sunlight Digi, jazz originals 5 5 4- 5€ 4,5€
HIM Dark light диск запыленный 4 5- 4€
HIM Razorblade romance 4+ 4+ 4,5€ 4€
HIM Razorblade romance 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Him Razorblade romance 5(-) 5 6€
HIM Venus Doom диск запыленный 4 5 4,5€
HIM Deep Shadows and brilliant highlights Digi 5 4 4 5€
Hooters One way home no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 4+ 5 4,5€
Hooters One way home no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5-- 5 5€
Hot Chocolate 2001 sonopress, no ifpi 5 5 5€
Hurts Exile 5 5- 6€
Hurts Happiness 5- 5 6€
Immolation Atonement Digi 5 5 5 13€
In Flames The jester Race + black-ash inheritance digi 5+ 5 5 10€
In strick confidence Love Kills! 5+ 5 7€
INXS Kick w.germany by pdo, no ifpi 5 5 7€
INXS Kick no ifpi 4+ 5- 6€ 5,5€
INXS Kick no ifpi 5 5- 6,5€
INXS The greatest hits 1994 5(-) 5 6€
Iron Butterfly In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida with ifpi 5 5 5€
Iron Maiden Powerslave no ifpi 4+ 5 20€ 18€
Jack Johnson In between dreams digi 5- 5 5 5€
James Blunt All the lost souls deluxe edition, 2CDs 5 4+ 6€ 5,5€
James Blunt All the lost souls 5- 5 4,5€ 4€
James Blunt All the lost souls 5+ 5+ 5€
James Blunt Back to bedlam: The bedlam sessions 2cds 5+ 5+ 6€
James blunt Moon landing 5- 5 4,5€ 4€
James Morrison Undiscovered 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Jamiroquai A funk odyssey 4- 5- 3,5€ 3€
Jamiroquai A funk odyssey 5- 5- 4,5€
Jamiroquai Emergency on planet earth no ifpi 5- 5 4,5€
Jamiroquai Emergency on planet earth 4- 5 4€ 3€
Jamiroquai The return of the space cowboy 4+ 5 4,5€ 4€
Jamiroquai The return of the space cowboy 4(+) 5 4€ 3,5€
Jan Garbarek / The Hilliard ensemble Officium booklet+kartonka 5 5 3+ 3+ 7€
Jan Garbarek /The hilliard ensemble Officium with ifpi 5- 5- 6€
Janis Joplin Greatest hits gold cd, slipcase, with ifpi 5- 4 4 6€
Jason Mraz We sing, we dance. We steal things 4(-) 5- 3,5€ 3€
Jean Michel Jarre Musik aus Zeit und raum no ifpi 4+ 5 10€ 9€
Jean Michel Jarre Equinoxe with ifpi, France, 1997 5- 5 7€
Jennings, Nelson, Cash & Kristofferson Highwayman no ifpi 4 5- 4,5€
Jerry Granelli News from the street 5 5 6€ 5€
Jesus Christ Superstar 2CDs, fatbox, sonopress, no ifpi, первый диск грязный 5- 4+ 10€ 9€
Jethro Tull Broadsword and the beast CCD 1380, no ifpi, printed in west germany, ccd 1380 2891439 02 5- 4 7€ 6,5€
Jethro Tull M.U. - The best of Jethro Tull mastered by Nimbus, dve tochki 4+ 5- 5€
Jethro Tull Stand up 252 657-222, printed in germany, sonopress 252 657 a 5- 4+ 10€ 9€
Jethro Tull Stormwatch no ifpi 5(-) 5 6€
Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix 2Cds, fat box(broken), made in germany by pdo 4- 5 12€
Jimi Hendrix Electric ladyland 111 600-2 S S 7€
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant No quarter 5- 5 6€
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant No Quarter with ifpi 5-- 5 5€ 4,5€
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant No quarter 5 5 7€
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant No quarter 5- 5 6€
Joe Cocker Across from midnight 5 5 4,5€
Joe Cocker Cocker no ifpi, Japan cd,printed in japan, Runout CDP 7 46268 2 1B1 4- 5- 5€
Joe Cocker Cocker no ifpi, cd made in japan, booklet printed in holland 5- 4+ 8€
Joe Cocker Greatest Hits 1998 S S 6€
Joe Cocker Greatest Hits 3+ 4 2,5€
Joe Cocker Greatest hits 1998 5 5- 5€
Joe Cocker Have a little faith no ifpi 5 5 4,5€
Joe Cocker Heart & soul 4 5 3,5€
Joe Cocker Night calls dadc austria, no ifpi 5- 4 4,5€ 4€
Joe Cocker Organic 4 5 3,5€
Joe Cocker With a little help from my friends no ifpi 5- 5- 11€
John Bongiovi The power station years 1980-1983 digitally reworked 5- 5 2€ 1,5€
John Denver Back home again usa 5- 5 4,5€
John Frusciante The will to death Digi 5 5 4+ 6€
John McLaughlin Trio Que alegria with ifpi 4 4+ 6€
John Mellencamp Human wheels no ifpi 5(-) 5- 6€ 5€
Johnny Cash 1994 5- 5 6€
Johnny Cash A hundred highways 5(-) 5 5€
Johnny Cash At san Quentin Legacy edition, 2CDs+DVD, Digi 5-/5/5- 5- 4+ 5- 5- 15€
Johnny Cash Christmas as i knew 5- 5 3,5€
Johnny Cash Man in black. The very best of 2CDs 5- 5 6€
Johnny Cash The man comes around 5 4+ 5€
Johnny Cash The man in black. The definitive collection 5- 5 6€
Johnny Cash Walk the line. The very best of 3CDs, slipcase 5-/5/5 5 4+ 8€
Jon And Vangelis The best of made in germany by pdo, no ifpi 5 5- 5€
Journey Greatest hits 1996 S S 6€
Judas Priest Sad wings of destiny 5 5 10€
Judas Priest Priest…Live! no ifpi, manufactured by dadc austria 5- 4+ 8€
Kamchatka The search S S 12€
Kate Bush Kick inside with ifpi 5+ 5+ 6€
Kate Bush Hounds of love no ifpi, sonopress, made in w.germany 5 5- 7€
Katie Melua Call of the search 5 5- 5,5€
Katie Melua Call off the search 5+ 5 6€
Keane Under the iron Sea 5(-) 5 5€
Keith Jarrett Invocations The moth and the flame 2CDs, printed in west germany 4+ 4 8€
Keith Jarrett / Jan Garbarek Luminessence with ifpi 5 5- 7€
Keith Urban Days go by 5- 5 5€
Kelly Clarkson My december 4 4 3,5€ 3€
Kelly Clarkson Breakaway 5+ 5+ 4,5€
Killing Joke Absolute dissent 5- 5- 8€
Kings of convenience Quiet is the new loud 5- 5 6€
Kings of convenience Riot on an empty street 5 4 6€ 5,5€
Kings of leon Because of the times 5 5 6€
Kings of leon Come around sundown 5 5 6€
Kings of Leon Only by the night Discbox Slider 5 /x/ 5- 5€
Kings of leon Only by the night 4+ 5 4,5€ 4€
Kings of leon Only by the night 4+ 5 5€
Kiss Smashes, trashes & hits no ifpi, made in w.germany 5- 5- 5,5€ 5€
Klaus Schulze EN=TRANCE no ifpi, made in W.germany by PDO 5- 5- 8€
Korn Follow the leader 5 5- 6€
Korn Follow the leader 5-- 5- 5,5€
Korn Life is peachy 5 5- 6€
Korn See you on the other side 5- 5 6€
Korn The path of totality & Korn III: Remember who you are slipcase. 5-/5- 4+/5 4- 12€
Korn The path of totality & Korn III: Remember who you are slipcase. S S S(5-) 14€
Kraftwerk The man machine no ifpi, made in UK 4 4 6€
Kraftwerk The mix no ifpi 5- 5- 10€
Krisiun Forged in fury Digi 5(-) 5 5- 8€
Kuschelrock 8 2CDs 5- 5 4,5€
Kvelertak Kvelertak 5- 5- 8€
Kylie Minogue Kylie no ifpi 5 5- 6€
Lacrimosa Angst 5- 4-- 4€
Lacrimosa Satura no ifpi 5- 5- 8€
L'ame immortelle 10 Jahre 5 5 9€
L'ame immortelle Namenlos 2CDs 5 5 10€
Lana Del Rey Born to die 5- 5(-) 6€
Lars Danielsson Libera me Digi, sacd 5(-) 5 10€
Led Zeppelin Houses of the holy with ifpi 5 5 7€
Led Zeppelin Houses of the holy USA, 1994(?), remastered 5 5 7€
Led Zeppelin How the west was won 3cds, digi 5-/4/4- - 4 8€
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin 1969 digitally remastered 5- 4 6€
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin 1971 no ifpi 5- 5- 10€
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin 1971 with ifpi 5 5 7€
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin 1971 digitally remastered 5 5- 7€ 6€
Lennon Plastic Ono band Shaved fish no ifpi 4 4- 4,5€
Lenny Kravitz Are you gonna go my way 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
Lenny Kravitz Are you gonna go my way 5(-) 5 5€
Lenny Kravitz Black and white America Digi 5-/5 5 4- 4,5€
Lenny Kravitz It's time for a love revolution 5+ 5 5€
Lenny Kravitz Let love rule no ifpi 5+ 5+ 6€
Leonard Cohen I'm your man with ifpi 4 5- 4,5€
Leonard Cohen Dear Heather 5 4- 4,5€
Lindemann Skills in pills Digi 5(-) 5 5 12€ 10€
Linkin Park Hybrid theory 5+ 5 7€
Linkin Park Hybrid theory Легкие царапки на не проигрываемом слое 5- 5 6€
Linkin Park Live in Texas cd+DVD 4/5 5 5€ 4,5€
Linkin Park Live in Texas CD+DVD 5/5- 5- 6€
Linkin Park Minutes to midnight Digi 4 5- 4(+) 4,5€ 4€
Linkin Park Reanimation Digi, made in Canada 5- 5 4+ 7€
Linkin Park The hunting party S S 8€
Linkin Park The hunting party 5(-) 5 7€
Liquido Zoomcraft 5 5 3€
Lou reed New york no ifpi 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
Lou Reed John Cale Songs for drella with ifpi 4+ 5 5€
Louis Armstrong The Album 2CDs, digi 5+ / 4(+) 5€
Louis Armstrong Anthology 3CDs, fatbox 4+/5-+4+ 5 4 7€
(Отредактировал 01-03-2020 в 20:58 kolos.)
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Откуда: Харьков
Сообщений: 105
Репутация: 1267
RE: Продам фирменные CD / 15-02-2015 13:08
Исполнитель / Альбом / Особенности / Сост. ЦД / Сост. Буклет / Сост Digi или Slipcase / Цена€

M до Z

Обновил 01.03

Machine Head Burn my eyes with ifpi 5- 5- 7€
Machine Head Through the ashes of empires 5 5 7€
Madness The liberty of norton folgate 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
Madonna American Life 4+ 5 4€ 3,5€
Madonna American Life 5- 5 4€
Madonna American life 5(-) 5 4,5€
Madonna Celebration 5- 5- 4€
Madonna Erotica with ifpi 5 5(-) 5€
Madonna Erotica no ifpi 5(-) 4 4,5€
Madonna Erotica with ifpi 5- 4 4,5€ 4€
Madonna Erotica with ifpi 5+ 5 5€
Madonna Hard candy 5- 5 5€
Madonna Like a prayer no ifpi 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Madonna Like a prayer w.Germany Pdo, no ifpi 5 5 6€
Madonna Like a prayer with ifpi, несколько отпечатков пальцев 5- 5 5€
Madonna Music 5 5- 4€ 3,5€
Madonna Music 5 5- 4€
Madonna Ray of light 5- 4+ 4€ 3,5€
Madonna Ray of light 5- 5- 4,5€
Madonna Ray of light 5- 5- 4,5€
Madonna Ray of light 5 5- 5€
Madonna Ray of light буклет минимально примоченный 5- 5- 4€
Madonna The first album with ifpi 5 5 4,5€
Madonna The first album no ifpi 5 5 5€
Madonna The immaculate collection 5- 5- 4€ 3,5€
Madonna The immaculate collection 5- 5 4€
Madonna True blue with ifpi 4+ 5 4€ 3,5€
Madonna True Blue no ifpi, West Germany 5- 4 5€
Madonna True Blue with ifpi 5 5 5€
Magic Dirt Magic Dirt digi 5- / 5- 10€
Magnum Vigilante наклейка на диске 4+ 5 6€ 5,5€
Magnum Sacred blood divine lies SPV 268972 CD S S 10€
Mahavishnu orchestra Birds of fire original columbia jazz classics 5 5 6€
Manfred Mann's earth band Watch sonopress, no ifpi 4 5- 10€ 9€
Manfred Mann's earth band Watch no ifpi,made in France, different tracklisting, буклет с пометками ручкой+price sticker 4 4 6€
Manowar Best of. The hell of steel пальчики на диске 4 4 4,5€
Manowar Warriors of the world limited tour edition 5- 4- 13€ 12€
Marillion Clutching at straws no ifpi, emi swindon 5- 4+ 7€
Marillion Fugazi no ifpi, made in UK 5-(4+) 5- 5,5€
Marillion Seasons end no ifpi, UK 5(-) 5(-) 7€
Marilyn Manson Lest we forget The best of 5- 4- 4,5€
Marilyn Manson Mechanical Animals slipcase blue jewel case 4 5- 4 5€
Marilyn Manson Mechanical Animals Slipcase, blue jewel case 5- 5 4+ 6€
Marilyn Manson The last tour on earth 2cds 5-/5 5 7€
Mark Knopfler Golden Heart 5 5 7€
Mark Knopfler Local hero no ifpi, made in w.germany by polygram 4(-) 4- 4,5€
Mark Knopfler Sailing to philadelphia 5 5 7€
Mark Knopfler Sailing to philadelphia 5 5 6,5€
Mark Knopfler Tracker 5 5 7€
Mark Knopfler & Evelyn Glennie Altamira 5+ 5 10€
Maroon 5 Overexposed 5(-) 5- 5€
Martin Kesici Em kay 5 5 3€ 2€
Massive Attack Mezzanine 5- 5- 6€
Massive Attack Collected 5- 5- 6€
Matchbox 20 Yourself or someone like you 5 5 4€ 3€
Matchbox Tventy Mad Season 5 5 4€
Meat loaf Bat out of hell II no ifpi 5(-) 5 5€
Megadeth Countdown to extinction 1-2-19-NL, no ifpi 5 5 10€
Megadeth Countdown to extinction no ifpi 5- 5- 10€
Megadeth Countdown to extinction no ifpi 5- 4(+) 7€
Megadeth Countdown to extinction no ifpi, 798531 @ 1-1-2-NL 5- 5-- 8€
Megadeth Rust in peace 1st press 4+ 4 8€
Megadeth Rust in peace Remixed / remastered 5++ 5++ 8€
Men at work Business as usual 5- 5 5€ 4€
Mendeed The dead live by love Digi, lim edition S S S 4€
Metallica Bay arena trashers - The early years with ifpi 5(-) 4 7€
Metallica Black album with ifpi 5 5- 8€ 7€
Metallica Black album заедает на одной песне 4(?) 4 3€
Metallica Kill 'Em All with ifpi,universal, диск грязный 3+ 5- 4€
Metallica Load 5- 5- 7€
Metallica Naughty Vol. I unofficial 3 3 4,5€
Metallica S&M 2cds, задняя вставка волнистая 3+/4 5-- 4,5€
Metheny Mehldau Metheny Mehldau slipcase 5 5- 4 6€
Michael Buble Call me irresponsible 5(-) 5(-) 6€
Michael Buble Crazy love 5- 5- 6€
Michael Buble To be loved 5- 5 6€
Michael Jackson Bad special edition 5 5 6€
Michael Jackson Blood on the dance floor with ifpi 5- 5 5€
Michael Jackson Blood on the dance floor. History in the mix with ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Michael Jackson Dangerous no ifpi, dadc austria 5(-) 5- 5€
Michael Jackson Dangerous no ifpi, austria dadc 5(-) 5 5,5€
Michael Jackson Dangerous no ifpi, отпечатки пальцев на диске 5- 5- 4,5€
Michael Jackson Dangerous 4+ 4+ 4€
Michael Jackson History 2cds, fat box, gold cds, пальцы на цд 4/3+ 5 5- 6€
Michael Jackson Invincible with ifpi, made in EU 5- 5 6€
Michael Jackson Invincible with ifpi, made in Austria 5 4+ 5€
Michael Jackson Off the wall no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 4- 4+ 3,5€ 3€
Michael Jackson Off the wall no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5 5 6,5€
Michael Jackson Off the wall special edition, 2001 4+ 5- 4,5€
Michael Jackson Off the wall special edition, 2001 5- 5- 5€
Michael Jackson Off the wall with ifpi, US 5 5 7€
Michael Jackson Thriller 2008 5- 5 5€
Michael Jackson Thriller 25th anniversary 5++ 5++ 6€
Michael Jackson Thriller 25th anniversary 5- 5- 5€
Michael Jackson Thriller no ifpi 4+ 5 5€ 4,5€
Michael Jackson Thriller no ifpi, dadc austria 5(-) 5 5,5€
Michael Jackson Thriller special edition, gold cd, 2001 4+ 5 6€
Mick Jagger Wandering spirit no ifpi 5- 5 6€ 5€
Midnight Oil Diesel and dust manufactured by dadc austria, no ifpi 5- 4+ 5€
Midnight Oil Diesel and Dust with ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Midnight Oil Diesel and dust no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5- 6€
Midnight Oil Sometimes 5- 4+ 6€
Mike & the mechanics Hits 5- 4 4,5€
Mike Oldfield Crises 4+ 5 4,5€
Mike Oldfield Discovery no ifpi 5 5 10€
Mike Oldfield Guitars 5(-) 5 5€
Mike Oldfield Platinum 2012 stereo remaster 5 4+ 5€
Mike Oldfield Tubular Bells no ifpi 5 5(-) 6€
Miles Davis Ballads & Blues 5(-) 5- 6€
Miles Davis Birth of the cool no obi, japan 5- 5 20€
Miles Davis On the corner 2000 5 5(-) 7€
Miles Davis and Sonny Stitt Olympia - Oct. 11th, 1960 2CDs 5+ 5 4+ 4+ 10€
Milly Vanilli The U.S. Remix album. "All or nothing" sonopress, no ifpi, club edition 5- 4 6€
Ministry The mind is a terrible… 5- 4+ 4,5€
Moby Play 4 5 4€ 3,5€
Moby Play 5 5 4,5€
Modern Talking Alone. The 8th album 5- 4 4€
Modern Talking America 4+ 4 4,5€
Modern Talking Back for good 5- 5 4,5€
Modern Talking In the middle of nowhere sonopress 5- 5- 10€
Modern Talking Ready for romance. The 3rd album sonopress, no ifpi 5- 5- 14€
Modern Talking The 4th album sonopress, no ifpi,круглые царапки Не на проигрываемом слое 5- 4 10€ 9€
Modern Talking Victory. The 11th album digi 5- 4+ 4+ 6€
Modern Talking Year of the dragon 4+ 4 4€
Modern Talking Year of the dragon 4+ 4 3,5€ 3€
Modern Talking Year of the dragon 5- 4 4,5€
Monster Magnet Powertrip 5-- 5(-) 6€
Moonspell Sin Pecado slipcase 5(-) 5 4- 4- 8€
Moonspell Sin pecado sonopress 4 5- 5€
Morbid Angel Altars of madness with ifpi 5- 5 10€
Motörhead 1916 no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5- 5- 7€
Motörhead 1916 mastered by dadc austria, no ifpi 5- 5 8€
Mr Big Lean into it no ifpi 5- 5(-) 4,5€
Mr. Big Lean into it no ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€
Mudhoney Mudhoney no ifpi 5- 5 8€
Mudhoney Piece of cake no ifpi 5 5 8€
Murderdolls Beyond the valley of the murderdolls 5 5 7€
Murderdolls Women and children last Special edition, digi, cd+dvd 5- 5- 5- 8€
Muse Haarp 2CDs 5(-) 5- 6€
My chemical romance The black parade 5 5 6€
Napalm Death Scum 5 5 8€
Nazareth Loud'n'proud 5- 4 10€
Nazareth Rock'n'roll telephone BOX incl Digipack S S 30€
Neil Young Harvest Moon no ifpi 5- 5- 6€
Nickelback All the right reasons 5(-) 5 6€
Nickelback All the right reasons 4+ 5(-) 4€
Nickelback All the right reasons 5(-) 5 6€
Nickelback All the right reasons 4 5- 4€ 3€
Nickelback All the right reasons CD+DVD, digi 4/4+ 4+ 4- 5,5€
Nickelback Dark horse 5- 5(-) 6,5€ 6€
Nickelback Dark horse 5 5 7€
Nickelback Dark Horse 5- 5- 6€
Nickelback Dark horse 4- 4- 3,5€
Nickelback No fixed adress S S 8€
Nickelback Silver Side up 4- 4 4,5€ 4€
Nickelback Silver side up 5 5(-) 7€
Nickelback Silver side up разводы на диске 5-- 5-- 5€
Nickelback Silver side up задняя вставка чуть волнистая 5 5(-) 6,5€
Nickelback Here and now 5 5 8€
Nightwish Dark passion play digi, cd+dvd 4-/4+ 4 4- 6€
Nightwish Dark passion play 5- 5- 8€
Nightwish End of an era DVD 5 4 6€
Nightwish Eramaan viimeinen Single S S 6€
Nightwish Once slipcase 4 5- 4 6€
Nightwish Tales from the elvenpath 5- 5- 6€
Nile Annihilation of the wicked digi 5- 5 4(+) 7€
Nine inch nails Broken Digi, EP, US, with ifpi 5- x 4 4,5€
Nirvana Bleach with ifpi 5 4(+) 5€
Nirvana Bleach no ifpi 5- 5 7€
Nirvana In Utero with ifpi 5- 5 6€
Nirvana In Utero with ifpi 5- 5- 5,5€
Nirvana Nevermind with ifpi 5- 5- 7€
Nirvana Nevermind with ifpi 5(-) 5 7€
Nirvana Unplugged in new york 5- 5 4,5€
Nirvana Unplugged in New York with ifpi 5(-) 5 5€
Nocturnus The Key no ifpi, mastered by nimbus, moshcd 23tochka, легкие круговые царапки 5-(4+) 5 30€
Norah Jones Come away with me blue note records 5- 5 6€
Norah Jones Come away with me blue note records 5- 5 5,5€ 5€
Norah Jones Come away with me 5 5(-) 6,5€
Norah Jones Come away with me 5+ 5 7€
Norah Jones Feels like home blue note records, задняя вставка имеет волнистость 5- 5 5,5€
Norah Jones Feels like home blue note records 5 5 7€
Norah Jones Not too late 5- 5- 6€
Oasis (What's the story) Morning glory? 5 5 6€
Oasis Standing on the shoulder of giants 4 5- 4€
Oasis The masterplan 5- 5- 5€
Offspring Smash no ifpi, mastered by nimbus 4 5- 4,5€
One republic Waking up 5 3 2,5€
OneRepublic Apologize single 4+ 5 1€
Opeth Pale communion 5- 5 8€
Orphaned Land All is one 5- 5- 8€
OST Fifth Element 4- 4 3€
OST Grand theft auto. Vice city. Volume 2: Wave 103 4+ 4+ 5€
OST Grand theft auto. Vice city. Volume 3: Emotion 98.3 4(+) 5 5€
OST Imagine John Lennon 4- 5- 4,5€ 4€
OST In the name of the king S S 3€ 2,5€
OST Lord of the rings. The fellowship of the rings 5- 4+ 4,5€
OST Rocky III dadc austria, no ifpi 4+ 5 4,5€
OST Singles dadc austria, no ifpi 5- 5 5€
OST The Blues brothers no ifpi 5(-) 5(-) 5€
OST The doors no ifpi 4- 4- 4€
OST The matrix 4(-) 5- 3€
OST The rocky horror picture show nimbus england odna tochka 4+ 4+ 5€
OST. Music by Ryuichi Sakamoto, David Byrne and Cong Su The last emperor no ifpi, mastered by nimbus dve tochki 5(-) 5- 5€
Ozzy Osbourne Diary of a madman 5- 4+ 6€
Paradise Lost Believe in nothing 4+ 4+ 5€
Paradise Lost Draconian Times mastered by mayking 5(-) 5- 10€
Paradise Lost Draconian Times mastered by mayking, no ifpi 5(-) 4 8€
Paradise Lost Host диск грязный 4 5- 5€
Paradise Lost Icon no ifpi, mayking records company 5- 5- 8€
Passport Blue tattoo 4 5- 7€ 6€
Pat Benatar Crimes or passion no ifpi 5- 4- 5€
Pat Metheny 80/81 no ifpi 5- 5- 10€
Pat Metheny Bright Size Life with ifpi 5- 5- 6€
Pat Metheny One quiet night 5- 5 6€
Patricia Kaas Je te dis vous no ifpi 4+ 5 6€
Patricia Kaas Scene de vie 5- 5- 7€
Patricia Kaas Tour de charme 5(-) 5 7€
Paul Mccartney Off the ground with ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Paul McCartney Off the ground 4 4 4€
Paul Mccartney Off the ground no ifpi 4(-) 5- 3,5€
Paul Mccartney Off the ground no ifpi 4 5 4,5€
Paul Mccartney Off the ground no ifpi 4 5 4,5€ 4€
Paul McCartney Paul McCartney's Grinding stone booklet+slipcase 4 5- 4 8€ 7€
Paul Mccartney all the best no ifpi 5- 4 5€
Paul Mccartney All the best! no ifpi 4+ 5 5€
Paul Simon The rhythm of the saints no ifpi 5- 5 5€
Pavlov's dog Pampered manial sony music, with ifpi 5- 5 6€
Pearl Jam Pearl Jam 5- 5 5€
Pet shop boys Behaviour with ifpi 5 5 5€
Pet Shop Boys Behaviour mastered by dadc austria, no ifpi 5- 5 6€
Pet Shop Boys Bilingual 5- 4+ 5€
Pet Shop Boys Nightlife 4+ 5- 4€
Pet Shop Boys Nightlife 5- 5- 5€
Pet shop boys Very mid-price-sticker 5 5 5€
Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel 1982 5-/4+ 5- 6€
Peter Gabriel So no ifpi, printed in holland 5(-) 5(-) 6€
Peter Gabriel So mastered by dadc austria, no ifpi 4 5- 5€ 4,5€
Peter Gabriel Shaking the tree no ifpi, made in holland 5- 5 6€
Peter Green In the skies no ifpi, made in w.germany 3+ 4+ 6€
Peter Hammill Roaring forties no ifpi, пальчики на диске 5- 5- 10€
Phil Collins …but seriously no ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Phil Collins …But seriously no ifpi 5 5(-) 6€
Phil Collins …but seriously no ifpi 4 4 4,5€ 3,5€
Phil Collins …But seriously no ifpi 5- 4 5€ 4€
Phil Collins …But seriously no ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€
Phil Collins …Hits 4-- 5- 3€
Phil Collins Both sides no ifpi 5+ 5+ 5€
Phil Collins Both sides no ifpi 5- 4 3,5€
Phil Collins both sides no ifpi 5 5 4,5€
Phil Collins Both Sides no ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€
Phil Collins Dance into the light 5 5 5€
Phil Collins Face Value no ifpi 5 5 7€
Phil Collins Face Value with ifpi 5 5 6€
Phil Collins Face Value with ifpi 5(-) 5- 5€
Phil Collins Going back 5 5 3,5€
Phil Collins No jacket required no ifpi, 251 699-2 5 5 7€
Phil Collins No jacket required no ifpi, target cd, made in West Germany by Polygram 5- 4- 8€
Phil Collins No jacket required no ifpi 5 5 6€
Phil Collins No Jacket required no ifpi 5- 5- 5,5€
Phil Collins No jacket required no ifpi, легкие разводы на диске 5- 5 5,5€ 5€
Phil Collins Testify 5(-) 5(-) 4,5€
Phil Collins Testify 5- 5- 4€
Phil Collins Both sides 4- 4- 2€
Philip Glass Songs from liquid days no ifpi 5- 5- 6€
Philip Glass Songs from liquid days with ifpi 5- 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Pink Floyd The final cut Remastered 5- 5- 10€
Pink Floyd Atom heart mother no ifpi 5 5- 10€
Pink floyd The division bell 5- 5- 10€
Pink Floyd The Wall 2CDs, big double case 4-/4 5- 12€
Placebo Battle for the sun 5- 5 5€
Placebo Black market music 5- 5- 5€
Placebo Meds 5+ 5+ 5€
Placebo Once mor with feeling. Singles 1996-2004 5- 5 5€
Placebo Without you I'm nothing 4+ 5- 4,5€ 4€
Placebo Without you I'm nothing 5 5- 5€
Planet X Universe (feat. Derek Sherinian from Dream theater) 5- 5- 12€
Poison Flesh & blood no ifpi 5- 5- 6€
Portishead Dummy 5- 5 6€
Portishead Portishead 5 5 6€
Pretty Maids Future World 5 5 10€
Prince 1999 with ifpi 5 5 6€
Prince 1958-1993 Come with ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Prong rude awakening 5 5 6€
Public Enemy It takes a nation of millions to hold us back dadc austria, no ifpi 5 5- 6€
Public Enemy Apocalypse 91… The enemy strikes back dadc austria, no ifpi 5- 5 6€
Puddle of Mudd Life on display 5- 5 5€
Pulp This is hardcore 4 5- 5€
Pyogenesis Twinaleblood 5 5 14€
Queen A kind of magic 4+ 4+ 5€
Queen Greatest hits II no ifpi 4- 5 3,5€
Queen Greatest Hits II with ifpi 5- 5 4,5€
Queen Greatest Hits II 4- 4- 3,5€ 3€
Queen Greatest Hits III 5 4- 4€
Queen II 2011 digitally remastered 5 5 10€
Queen Jazz super jewel case 5+ 5 10€
Queen Live Killers 2CDs, fatbox 5-/5 4 8€
Queen Made in heaven with ifpi 5 5 7€
Queen Made in Heaven with ifpi 5 5 8€
Queen Made in heaven with ifpi 4 5 4,5€ 4€
Queen Made in heaven with ifpi, диск чуть пыльный 5- 5 6€
Queen Made in heaven with ifpi 4 4 4€ 3,5€
Queen Made in heaven with ifpi 4+ 5 6€
Queen News from the world with ifpi 5 5 7€
Queen The miracle no ifpi, made in holland 5 5 7€
Queens of the stone age Lullabies to paralyze 5- 5- 7€
Queens Of the stone age Era vulgaris super jewel case 5- 5 7€
Queensryche Empire dadc austria, no ifpi 5 5- 7€
R.E.M. Automatic for people no ifpi 5(-) 5 4,5€
R.E.M. Document with ifpi, sticker with a name on booklet 5 5 4,5€
R.E.M. Monster 5- 4+ 4€ 3,5€
R.E.M. Monster 5 5 4,5€
R.E.M. Out of time 5 5 6€ 5€
Radiohead Kid A 5 5- 7€
Radiohead Ok Computer 4- 5- 4€ 3,5€
Radiohead Pablo honey 5- 5 6€
Radiohead Pablo honey with ifpi 4+ 4- 4€ 3,5€
Radiohead Pablo Honey no ifpi 5 4 5€
Rage Carved in stone S S 8€
Rage against the machine Evil empire 4- 5(-) 3,5€
Rammstein Mutter задняя вставка намокшая 5-- 5-- 5€
Rammstein Mutter 5(-) 4 6€
Rammstein Sehnsucht 5 4- 5€
Reamonn Tuesday 4 4 3,5€ 3€
Reamonn Tuesday 5 5- 4,5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Greatest Hits 5(-) 5 5€ 4,5€
Red hot chili peppers Greatest hits 5+ 5 5€
Red hot chili peppers Mother's milk no ifpi 5 5 6€
Red Hot chili peppers Mother's milk with ifpi, made in Italy 4(+) 5 5€
Red Hot chili Peppers Mother's milk no ifpi 5-- 5- 5€
Red hot chili peppers Mother's milk no ifpi, emi swindon, made in the uk 5 5- 6€
Red Hot Chili peppers Red blood hot… with ifpi 4+ 5- 5€
Red hot chili peppers Stadium Arcadium Digi, 2CDs 4/4 5 4 5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium 2CDs, digi 5-/5- 5 4 7€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium 2cds 5-/5 5- 7€
Red hot chili peppers The red hot chili peppers no ifpi, emi swindon, made in uk 5 5- 8€
Richard Marx Repeat offender no ifpi 5- 5- 5,5€ 5€
Richard Marx Repeat Offender no ifpi 5 5- 6€
Richard Marx Repeat offender no ifpi, emi swindon, no barcode 5- 5- 5,5€
Richard Marx Repeat offender no ifpi, emi swindon 5 5 6€
Richie Sambora Stranger in this town with ifpi 5- 5- 6€
Rick Springfield Living in Oz sonopress, no ifpi 5 4+ 6€
Rihanna Rated R 5- 4+ 4,5€ 3,5€
Rihanna Good girl gone bad: Reloaded 5- 4(-) 4€ 3€
Rihanna Good girl gone bad 5 5 5€ 4€
Robbie Williams Intensive care 5 5 5€
Robbie Williams Reality killed the video star 5- 5 5€
Robbie Williams Swings both ways 5+ 5 5€
Rod Stewart Atlantic crossing no ifpi, no barcode 5- 4+ 6€
Rod Stewart The best of no ifpi 5(-) 5 5€
Rod Stewart Vagabond heart no ifpi 4- 5(-) 3,5€
Rolling Stones Flashpoint 1998 5- 5 6€
Rolling Stones Flashpoint with ifpi 4+ 5 5€ 4,5€
Rolling Stones Shine a light 2cds 5 5- 6€
Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge 5- 5 6€
Rolling Stones Voodoo lounge 4- 4 3€
Rolling stones Forty licks 2cds 4-/4 4 5€
Rondo Veneziano Scaramucce sonnopress, no ifpi 5(-) 5 5€
Rondo Veneziano Misteriosa Venezia sonopress, no ifpi 4- 4+ 3€
Roxette Joyride no ifpi 4+ 4- 4€ 3,5€
Roxette Joyride no ifpi 5 5- 5€
Roxette Joyride no ifpi 3+ 3+ 2,5€
Roxette Joyride no ifpi 5(-) 5 5€
Roxette Joyride no ifpi, emi swindon 4+ 5- 4€
Roxette Joyride with ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€
Roxette Joyride with ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
Roxette Look Sharp no ifpi. sonopress 4+ 5 4,5€ 4€
Roxette Look sharp with ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€
Roxette Look sharp! no ifpi 5 5 5€
Roxette Room service 5- 5 5€
Roxette Tourism dadc austria, no ifpi 4+ 5- 4,5€
Roxy Music Avalon mastered by nimbus 6 tochek 5- 4 6€
Roxy Music Flesh+blood no ifpi, made in w. germany by polygram 4 4+ 6€
Roxy Music Siren remastered, HDCD, 1999 5 5 7€
Roy Orbison Blue Bayou 5 5 4,5€
Roy Orbison Mystery girl 5- 4- 4,5€ 4€
Roy Orbison Mystery girl 5 4 4,5€
Roy Orbison Mystery girl sonopress, no ifpi 5 5- 5€
Rush Snakes & Arrows Digi, вмятина на диджи S S 4 5€
Rush Hold your fire printed in U.S.A on back inlay, Made in W.Germany on CD, Made in Germany in Runout, задняя вставка имеет волнистость 5(-) 5- 8€
Ryuichi Sakamoto Heartbeat sonopress, no ifpi 5- 4 5€
Sade Diamond life 2000 5(-) 5 6€
Sade Diamond life 2000 5(-) 5 5€
Sade Lovers rock USA 4(+) 5- 5€ 4,5€
Sade Lovers rock 5 5 7€
Sade Lovers rock 5 5 6€
Sade Promise sticker on booklet 5- 4 4,5€
Sade Promise with ifpi 5- 5 5€
Sade Promise japan cd, printed in holland on booklet 4- 5- 5€
Sade Stronger than pride with ifpi, 2000 4+ 4+ 4€
Sade Stronger than pride no ifpi, dadc austria, наклейка на буклете, Runout CDEPC-460497 91 C6, пальчики на цд 5-- 5 4,5€
Sade Stronger than pride no ifpi, dadc Austria, epc 460497 2, наклейка на диске, остатки наклейки на торце буклета 4 4 4€ 3,5€
Sade Stronger than pride no ifpi, dadc austria 5(-) 5- 6€
Sade The best of 477793 2 чуть подмоченный буклет 5(-) 4 3,5€
Sade the best of 5-- 5 4,5€
Saly Oldfield Celebration mastered by mayking, clacd103tochka, no ifpi 5-- 4 5€
Samsara The emptiness S S 4€ 3€
Sandra Paintings in yellow sonopress, no ifpi 5- 4+ 7€
Sandra The long play mastered by nimbus, no ifpi, круглые царапки ближе к краю 4 4 15€
Sandra The wheel of time Digi 5- no booklet 4+ 10€
Santana Caravanserai manufactued by dadc austria, no ifpi 5- 5 7€
Savatage Gutter ballet 5- 5- 6€
Saxon Innosence is no excuse remastered edition with bonus tracks S S 8€
Schiller Sehnsucht 5- 5- 7€ 6€
Schiller Sehnsucht super jewel case 5- 5- 7€
Schiller Tag und Nacht 5- 4 5€
Scooter Age of love 5 4+ 4,5€
Scooter We bring the noise 5- 5 4,5€
Scorpions Best 4+ 4+ 4,5€
Scorpions Best of no ifpi, made in Germany, 1978/1984 5 4 5€
Scorpions Best of rockers n'ballads made in uk, no ifpi 4- 4- 4€
Scorpions Best of. Vol.2 sonopress, no ifpi 5(-) 5 5€
Scorpions Crazy world with ifpi 5 5 6€
Scorpions Crazy World with ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Scorpions Crazy world no ifpi 5- 3 3,5€
Scorpions Crazy World no ifpi 5- 5- 7€
Scorpions Face the heat no ifpi 5- 5- 7€
Scorpions Pure instinct 4+ 5- 5€
Scorpions Pure instinct очень волнистый буклет, задняя вставка также с легкими повреждениями 5 3 3,5€
Scorpions Still loving you no ifpi 4(+) 5 5€
Scorpions Still loving you with ifpi, очень волнистый буклет 5- 3 3,5€
Scorpions Sting in the tail 5- 5- 6€
Scorpions Sting in the tail 5 5 7€
Seal Seal no ifpi 4+ 5 4,5€ 4€
Sepultura Arise no ifpi, RO 9328-2, dur ro 9328-2/5 02$ 4 4+ 6€
Sex pistols Never mind… with ifpi, warner 5(-) 5 6€ 5€
Shakira Fijacion Oral vol.1 5 5(-) 4€
Shakira Pies Descalzos 5(-) 5 4€ 3,5€
Shakira She wolf отпечатки пальцев на цд 4 5- 3€
Sheryl Crow The very best of 4+ 5 4€ 3,5€
Simon And Garfunkel Greatest Hits with ifpi 5(-) 5 4,5€ 4€
Simon and Garfunkel The simon and Garfunkel collection Japan CD, no ifpi 5- 4 5€
Simply Red A new flame no ifpi, US 5 5 5€
Simply Red Blue 5(-) 5(-) 3,5€
Simply Red Greatest hits 1996 5 5- 4€
Simply Red Life 5- 5- 3,5€
Simply Red Men and women with ifpi 5 5 3,5€
Simply Red Picture book with ifpi 5- 4+ 4,5€
Simply Red Stars no ifpi 4+ 5 4€ 3,5€
Simply Red Stars no ifpi 5 5- 4,5€
Simply Red Stars no ifpi 5- 5- 4€
Simply Red Stars with ifpi 5- 5 4€ 3,5€
Simply Red Stars with ifpi 5 4 3,5€ 3€
Simply Red Stars with ifpi 5 5 4€
Sinister Dark memorials CD+DVD, Digi 5/5- 5 5- 15€
Skid Row Skid Row no ifpi 5- 5- 7€
Skid Row Slave to the grind no ifpi 5-- 5- 6€
Slash Slash 5 5 7€
Slingblade The unpredicted deeds of molly black S S 5€
Slipknot IOWA 5 5 7€
Slipknot All hope is gone 5+ 5+ 7€
Slipknot All hope is gone 5(-) 5- 6€
Slipknot Vol. 3: (The subliminal verses) 5- 5- 6,5€
Smokey Changing all the time no ifpi, sonopress 5 5 12€
Smokey Changing all the time with ifpi 5(-) 5 8€
Smokie Bright lights & Back Alleys with ifpi DISCTRONICS 5 5 8€
Smokie Bright Lights & Back Alleys with ifpi, sonopress 5- 5 7€ 6,5€
Smokie Pass it around with ifpi 5+ 5+ 12€
Snap The madman's return sonopress, no ifpi 5 4+ 5€
Snow patrol Eyes open 3 5 2€ 1,5€
Social Distortion Social distortion dadc austria, no ifpi 5- 5 6€
Sonata Arctica Silence 5 5 10€
Sophie Ellis Bextor Read my lips New special edition 5- 5 4,5€ 4€
Soulfly Soulfly 4(-) 4 4,5€
Spice girls Spice 5 4+ 3€
Spice Girls Spice 5+ 5 3,5€
Spooky tooth feat. Mike Harrison The last puff sonopress, no ifpi 5- 5- 12€
Staind Break the cycle 5 5- 4,5€
Staind Break the cycle 5 5 5€
Steve Martin The crow DIGI, deluxe pop-up edition, 24 page booklet S S 5€ 3€
Stevie Ray Vaughan Live alive with ifpi 4 4+ 4€
Stevie Wonders Original Musiquarium I 2cds 4+ 4 4- 5,5€ 5€
Sting …nothing like the sun made in w.germany by pdo, no ifpi 5- 5- 6€
Sting Nothing like the sun no ifpi, Club-edition on case, Variant 2 5- 5- 6€
Sting The soul cages no ifpi 5 5- 6€
Stone sour Hydrograd 4 4 6€
Stone temple pilots Shangri-La Dee Da 5 5 6€
Success will write apocalypse across the sky The grand partition, and the abrogation of idolatry slipcase S S S S 4€
Suffocation …Of the dark light 5 5 8€
Sugarbabes Taller in more ways Digi 5 x 5- 4€ 3,5€
Sugarbabes Angels with dirty faces 5+ 5+ 4€ 3,5€
Sugarbabes Three 5+ 5+ 4€ 3,5€
Suicidal tendencies Still cyco After all these years no ifpi 5 5 6€
Suicidal tendencies Suicidal for life no ifpi 5- 5 6€
Supermax World of today with fpi, warner 5(-) 5- 8€
Supertramp Even in the quietest moments… no ifpi, made in Germany in Runout 5- 5- 7€
Supertramp Retrospectacle. The supertramp anthology 2cds 5- 5- 6€
Supertramp Supertramp digitally remastered, no ifpi 5 5- 10€
Supertramp The autobiography of no ifpi, made in germany 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Syd Barrett Opel 1994 5- 4 6€
Syd Barrett The madcap laughs 1994 4 4+ 6€
System of a down Steal this album 5 5 6€
System of a down System of a down 1998 5- 5- 6€
t.A.T.u 200 km/h in the wrong lane 4 5- 4,5€ 4€
t.A.T.u 200km/h in the wrong lane 5- 5 5€
t.A.T.u 200 km/h in the wrong lane 5- 5 4,5€
t.A.T.u Dangerous and moving CD+dvd, limited 5-/5- 5- 8€
Talk Talk Spirit of eden no ifpi 5- 5- 6€
Talk Talk Spirit of eden no ifpi, uk 4+ 4 4,5€
Tangerine dream Phaedra mastered by nimbus dve tochki 5+ 5 8€
Tangerine dream Stratosfear with ifpi, 1995 5 5 7€
Tanita Tikaram Ancient heart no ifpi, made in uk by pdo 5 5- 6€
Tarja Act 1 2CDs 5 5- 6,5€ 6€
Tarja Act I 2CDs 5/5 5 7€
Tarot Gravity of light s s s 10€
Taylor Swift Fearless 5-/4+ 4 3,5€ 3€
Tears for fears Elemental no ifpi 4 5- 4,5€ 4€
Tears For Fears Songs from… no ifpi 4+ 5- 5,5€
Tears for fears The hurting no ifpi, made in w.germany 4- 4+ 4,5€
Tesla Mechanical resonance with ifpi 5+ 5 7€
The 3 tenors In concert 1994 5 5 4€ 3,5€
The 69 Eyes X S S 8€
The Alan Parsons Project EVE no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo, буклет чуть подмоченный 5- 4 10€
The Art of noise In visible silence no ifpi 5 5 10€
The band feat Eric Clapton and John Watt Jubilation чуть намокший буклет 5 4 5€
The beatles 1 4+ 5- 5€
The Beatles Abbey road with ifpi 5+ 5 10€
The Beatles Anthology 2CDs, fatbox 4(+)/5- 5 7€ 6,5€
The Beatles Anthology 2CDs, fatbox, booklet, чуть намокший буклет 5 4 6€
The beatles Live at the BBC big double case, намокший инлэй 5- 4- 8€ 7€
The Beatles White Album 2CDs, fatbox, sonopress, no ifpi 5-/5 5 30€
The Beatles Yellow submarine made in USA, no ifpi, 5 6 CAPITOL JAX 5x8(x) Mirrored): CDP 7 46445 2 AR @ 1 +5+6 5- 5- 15€
The Beatles featuring Tony Sheridan Hamburg 1961 1987, unofficial release 5 4+ 8€
The black crowes The southern harmony and musical companion with ifpi 5- 5- 6€
The Black Eyed peas The E.N.D. 5- 5 4,5€
The Black Eyed peas The beginning 5 5- 4,5€
The Byrds Greatest hits mastered by dadc austria, no ifpi 4- 4+ 4€
The cardigans Gran turismo 4+ 5 4,5€
The cars Heartbeat city no ifpi, target 5- 5- 15€
The chemical brothers Surrender 5- 5- 5€
The Chemical brothers Dig your own hole 5(-) 5- 5€
The clash London Calling red jewel case, no ifpi 5- 5 6€
The clash Give 'em enough rope no ifpi, dadc austria, red jewel case, CD 32444 5(-) 5- 7€
The corrs In blue диск запыленный 4 4 3€
The corrs Talk on corners 5-- 4 3€
The cranberries Bury the hatchet 5- 5 5€
The Cranberries No need to argue 5(-) 5- 4€
The cranberries No need to argue white jewel case 5- 5- 4€
The Cranberries To the faithful departed yellow jewel case 5- 5- 4€
The cure Japanese whispers no ifpi 5 5 6€
The Cure Mixed up made in germany by pdo 5 5 6€
The Cure Paris надрыв на буклете 0,4 см 5- 3 3€
The Cure Wish no ifpi, us 5- 5-- 6€
The firm The firm US, no ifpi, Jimmy Page, Paul Rodgers 5 5 7€
The gaslight anthem The '59 sound 5(-) 5(-) 6€
The heads No talking just head 5(-) 5 4,5€
The Hollies Sing Dylan 5- 5- 6€
The Jazz Guitar Story 3cds 5/5-/5 5 8€ 7€
The Jeff Healey Band See the light no ifpi, made in west germany by pdo 5- 5- 6€
The Killers Day & Age 4+ 5 5€ 4,5€
The mission Grains of sand no ifpi 5(-) 5- 6€
The moody blues The present no ifpi 4+ 4- 4€
The offspring Americana 5 5- 5€
The offspring Days go by 5 5 6€
The offspring Greatest Hits 5- 5 5€
The Offspring Ixnay on the hombre 5- 5- 5€
The Offspring The offspring mastered by nimbus 4 4 4€ 3,5€
The offspring Smash 5(-) 4 4,5€
The pogues Waiting for herb 5 4+ 3,5€ 2,5€
The pussycat dolls PCD 5 5 4€ 3,5€
The rolling stones Aftermath no ifpi, like link but Matrix NO ''MADE IN GERMANY'' 5 5 10€
The rolling stones Between the buttons no ifpi, made in germany 5 5 15€
The Rolling stones Bridges to babylon 5 5 6€
The rolling stones Bridges to babylon Special edition slipcase 5 5 5 5 7€
The rolling stones Bridges to babylon special edition slipcase, наклейки на slipcase 4 5 4 4 5€
The rolling stones Hot Rocks 1964-1971 2cds, fatbox, with ifpi, no booklet 5- 5 7€
The Rolling stones Let it bleed no ifpi 4- 5- 5€
The Rolling stones Steel wheels no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
The Rolling stones Steel wheels no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5 5 7€
The rolling stones Sticky fingers no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5 5- 6€
The rolling stones Sticky fingers no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5 10€ 9€
The Rolling stones Tattoo you no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria, red jewel case 5- 5 7€
The rolling stones Their satanic majestic request with ifpi 5 5 10€
The rolling stones Voodoo lounge no ifpi, легкие разводы на диске 5-(4+) 5 5€
The sisters of mercy Some girls wander by mistake no ifpi 5 4+ 7€ 6€
The sisters of mercy Vision Thing no ifpi 5 5 7€
The Smashing Pumpkins Greatest Hits 2cds 5- 5 6€
The Smashing pumpkins Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness 2CDs 4+ 4+ 6€
The smashing pumpkins Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness 2CDs 4+/5 5- 6€
The Smiths Meat is murder no ifpi 5- 5 6€
The Strokes First impressions on earth Digi S S S(5-) 7€
The tragically Hip Road apples sonopress, no ifpi, надпись ручкой на 1 стр буклета 5 5- 4,5€
The tragically Hip Fully completely no ifpi, dadc Austria 5- 4+ 4,5€
The verve Urban hymns 5 5(-) 6€
The Verve Urban Hymns 3+ 4 3€
The Who Tommy 2CDs, fatbox 4 5 8€
The Who Who's next Digi, deluxe edition, 2003 5-(4+) 5- 5- 5- 5- 12€
Theatre of tragedy Strom 5- 5- 6€
Therapy? Troublegum подмоченный буклет 4- 4- 3€
Therion Deggial 5- 5- 7€
Thin Lizzy Live and dangerous no ifpi, made in west germany by pdo 5- 5 6€
Thirty seconds to mars A beautiful lie 5(-) 5 6€ 5,5€
Thirty Seconds to mars A beautiful lie 5- 4 4,5€
Throwdown Deathless 5 5- 3€
Tiamat Amanethes Digi, ltd S S S 10€
Tim Buckley Happy sad 5 4- 4€ 3,5€
Tina Turner Break every rule sonopress, no ifpi 5- 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Tina Turner Break every rule with ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Tina Turner Foreign affair no ifpi 5(-) 5 6€
Tina Turner Foreign affair no ifpi, emi swindon 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
Tina Turner Live in europe 2cds, fat box, sonopress, no ifpi, booklet 5- 5-- 6€
Tina Turner Private Dancer with ifpi 5- 5 5€
Tina Turner Private Dancer no ifpi, made in Japan on cd, CDP 7 46041 2 U 1 B2 TO 4(+) 5- 10€
Tom Petty Wildflowers slipcase, USA 5- 5- 4+ 8€
Tom Petty and the heartbreakers Greatest hits 5 5- 5€
Tom Petty and the heartbreakers Greatest hits no ifpi 5 5 5€
Tom Petty and the heartbreakers Into the great wide open with ifpi 5 5 6€
Tony Braxton Secrets 5- 5+ 4€ 3,5€
Tony Braxton Secrets чуть подмоченный буклет 3+ 4 2€
Toto Fahrenheit no ifpi 5 5 6€
Toto IV mastered by dadc austria, no ifpi 5 4 5€ 4,5€
Toto IV with ifpi 5- 5 5€
Toto Past to present 1977-1990 gold cd 4(-) 4 4€
Tracy Chapman Crossroads no ifpi 5 5 4,5€ 4€
Triptykon Melana chasmata S S 35€
Trivium In waves 5 5- 8€
Type o negative Bloody kisses sonopress, with ifpi 4 5-- 5€
Type o negative Bloody Kisses with ifpi 5(-) 5- 7€
Type O negative October rust диск пыльный 4+ 4- 5€
U.D.O. Thunderball (на заказ) Digi, 2CDs, SIGNED 5 5 5 20€
U2 Achtung baby with ifpi 5 4 4,5€
U2 How to dismantle an atomic bomb 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
U2 How to dismantle… 5++ 5- 5€
U2 October with ifpi 5- 5 4€ 3,5€
U2 POP 5- 5- 5€
U2 POP 5- 4 4,5€
U2 Rattle and hum with ifpi, CID U27, 842 299-2 5(-) 5 5€
U2 Rattle and hum no ifpi, sonopress 4 5 4,5€ 4€
U2 Rattle and hum with ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
U2 The Joshua Tree 2009 5+ 5 5€
U2 The unforgettable fire with ifpi, IMCD 236, UK 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
U2 The unforgettable fire with ifpi, France 5- 5 4,5€
U2 The unforgettable fire with ifpi, back insert 4- 4+ 5- 3,5€ 3€
U2 The unforgettable fire with ifpi, UK 5 5 5€
U2 The unforgettable fire with ifpi, France 5 5 5€
U2 War with ifpi 4+ 4+ 4€
U2 War with ifpi 5 5 5€
U2 Zooropa with ifpi 5+ 5 5€
Ultravox The very best of Ure & Ultravox no ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Urchin High roller OBI S S 12€
Uriah Heep …very 'eavy very 'umble 4(+) 5 12€ 11€
Uriah Heep Fallen Angel CLACD 176, back inlay намокшая, пальчики на цд 4 5/4- 12€ 11€
Uriah Heep Wonderworld 5- 5- 12€
Usher Confssions 5 5 4€
Van Der Graaf generator Godbluff digitally remastered with bonus tracks, 2005 5- 5- 7€
Van Halen 1984 no ifpi 4+ 5- 5,5€
Van Halen OU812 no ifpi 4 4 4,5€
Vanessa Mae The classical album 1 5- 5 4,5€ 4€
Vanessa Mae Storm 5(-) 5 4,5€ 4€
Vangelis Chariots of fire 25th anniversary edition digitally remastered, DIGI 5 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Vangelis Spiral 5 5- 5€ 4,5€
Vangelis Antarctica. The originalkotion picture soundtracck made in w.germany by pdo 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Vangelis China made in w.germany by polygram, буклет только 1 стр из двух 5(-) Х 3€ 2,5€
Vanilla Ice To the extreme no ifpi 5- 4+ 4€ 3,5€
Volbeat Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies 5 5- 6€
Volbeat Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady ladies deluxe limited edition, 2CDs, digi S S 12€
Warlock Triumph and agony no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo 5- 4+ 7€ 6,5€
Whitesnake Greatest hits optimal media gmbh 5 5 5€
Whitesnake In the shadow of the blues 2CDs, PROMO S S 10€ 9€
Whitesnake Live… In the heart of the city 5 5(-) 7€
Whitesnake Slip of the tongue no ifpi, USA, small cut out on case 5 5- 7€
Whitesnake Good to be bad S S 10€
Whitesnake Forevermore CD+DVD, DIGI S S S(5(-)) 15€
Whitney Houston The ultimate collection 5++ 5++ 4,5€ 4€
Within Temptation Mother earth 4 4- 4€ 3,5€
Within Temptation The silent force 5- 5 7€
Wu-Tang Clan Gravel pit single 4- 5 3,5€
Wynton Marsalis & Eric Clapton Play the blues 5++ 5++ 7€ 6€
Yello Baby no ifpi 5- 5 10€
Yello Flag no ifpi 4+ 5- 7€
Yello Touch digi 4+ 4+ 4 7€
Yello Touch Digi 5(-) 5- 4 8€
Yello You gotta say yes to another excess with ifpi 5- 5 7€
Yello Zebra 5 5 10€
Yes 90125 expanded & remastered 5 4- 4,5€
Yes 90125 no ifpi 5- 5-- 5,5€ 5€
YES 90125 no ifpi 5- 5(-) 6€
Yes Union cut out, US, no ifpi 5 5 6€
YES YES 1969, no ifpi 5- 4- 10€ 9€
Yes Yessongs 2CDs, digitally remastered 5 5 7€
Yves Montand The very best of 2CDs, digi 5++ 5++ 4- 6€ 5,5€
ZAZ ZAZ 5 5 6€
Zero Mentality The heartbreak hotel S S 4€ 3€
Zucchero The best of. Sugar fornaciari's 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
ZZ Top Afterburner no ifpi 5- 4 4€ 3,5€
ZZ Top Afterburner no ifpi 5(-) 5- 5€ 4,5€
ZZ Top Afterburner no ifpi 5(-) 5 5€
ZZ Top Eliminator with ifpi 5 5- 5€
ZZ Top Greatest Hits 5- 5- 4,5€
ZZ Top Greatest Hits 5(-) 5(-) 5
ZZ TOP Incinerator 5- 5 7€
ZZ Top Recycler cut-out 3+ 4- 2€
ZZ Top Recycler no ifpi 5 5-- 5€
ZZ Top Recycler cutout, no ifpi, US, легкие пальчики 5-- 4+ 4,5€ 3€
ZZ Top Tejas with ifpi 5- 5 6€
(Отредактировал 17-03-2020 в 12:43 kolos.)
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Откуда: Харьков
Сообщений: 105
Репутация: 1267
RE: Продам фирменные CD / 22-02-2015 22:28
Исполнитель / Альбом / Особенности / Сост. ЦД / Сост. Буклет / Сост Digi или Slipcase / Цена €


Обновил 30.11

Albinoni Bach Boccherini Gluck Händel Marcello Pachelbel Festliche Musik des Barock. Treasures of baroque music classical masterworks in digital, 507.2109-2 5 5 4,5€
Albinoni* • Corelli* • Locatelli* • Vivaldi* classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Anthology of russian symphony music Polonaises and waltzes by russian composers SUCD 10-00029, Мелодия 5+ 5+ 20€
Anton Bruckner / Wiener Philharmoniker • Claudio Abbado Symphony Nr. 4 Es-dur »Romantische« deutsche grammophon 5 5 5€
Antonín Dvořák Symphonie No.9 "Aus Der Neuen Welt"/"From The New World" classical masterworks in digital 5 4 4,5€
Antonín Dvořák / Bedřich Smetana, Wiener Philharmoniker, Herbert von Karajan Symphonie Nr. 9 / Die Moldau no ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Antonio Vivaldi Die Vier Jahreszeiten / The Four Seasons classical masterworks in digital 5- 4 4,5€
Beethoven Symphony No. 9. NBC Symphony. Toscanini 4 5- 4€
Beethoven* - Staatskapelle Berlin, Otmar Suitner Symphony No. 4 japan 5 5- 10€
dam Glinka Joh. Strauss Suppe Ein Ouvertüren-Feuerwerk. A firework of overtures classical masterworks in digital, 506.2142-2 5 5 4,5€
Dvorak The essential 2cds, decca 4+/4- 4+ 5€
Edward Elgar* - Leonard Bernstein, BBC Symphony Orchestra Enigma Variations, "Pomp And Circumstance" Marches Nos. 1&2, "The Crown Of India": March deutsche grammophon 5- 5 6€
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Symphonien No. 4 "Italienische / Italian" & No. 5 "Reformation" classical masterworks in digital 5- 5- 4,5€
Franz Liszt Symphonische Dichtungen / Symphonic Poems classical masterworks in digital 5- 4 4,5€
Franz Schubert Symphonien Nos. 5 D 485 & 8 D 759 "Unvollendete" / Unfinished classical masterworks in digital 5- 4 4,5€
Frederic Chopin Joseph Haydn Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 / Piano Concert No. 2. Klavierkonzert Nr. 11 / Piano concerto No. 11 classical masterworks in digital 5 5- 4,5€
Frédéric Chopin, Peter Schmalfuss Walzer = Valses = Waltzes classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Georg Friedrich Händel - Norddeutsche Philharmonie / Hans Zanotelli ‎ Wassermusik / Water Music Suiten / Suites Nos. 1-3 classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Georges Bizet Carmen Suiten - Suites NOS. 1& 2. L'arlesienne - Suite No. 1 classical masterworks in digital, 506.2159-2 5 5 4,5€
Johann Sebastian Bach Brandenburgische Konzerte / Brandenburg concertos NOS. 1-3 BWV 1046-1048 classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Johannes Brahms, Alfred Scholz Ungarische Tänze / Hungarian Dances Nos. 1 - 21 classical masterworks in digital 5 5- 4,5€
Joseph Haydn Symphonien - No. 6 "Le Matin" (Der Morgen / Morning) - No. 7 "Le Midi" (Der Mittag / Midday) - No. 8 "Le Siur" (Der Abend / Evening) classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Ludwig van Beethoven Die Berühmten Klaviersonaten - The Famous Piano Sonatas (Mondschein/Moonlight - Pathétique - Waldstein) classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Ludwig van Beethoven Violinkonzert / Violin Concerto OP. 61 classical masterworks in digital 5 4 4,5€
Ludwig van Beethoven Symphonie No. 9 (Chor - Choral) classical masterworks in digital 5- 4+ 4,5€
Maurice Ravel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Bedřich Smetana, Tomaso Albinoni, Edvard Grieg Ravel: Bolero, Mozart: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Smetana: Moldau, Albinoni: Adagio Etc. classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Modest P. Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel, London philarmonic orchestra Bilder einer Ausstellung / Pictures at an exhibition. Bolero classical masterworks in digital, 506.2104-2 4+ 5- 4,5€
P.Tchaikovsky S. Rachmaninov Zara Dorukhanova Romances SUCD 10-00202 5 5 20€
Peter Breiner and his chamber orchestra Beatles go Baroque with ifpi, sonopress 5- 4+ 6€
Puccini La Boheme emi classics, 2cds, booklet, box 5+ 5 4+ 7€
Ravel-Bolero And other classical Masterworks from Debussy / Bizet / Massenet/ Chopin / Franck 3CDs, grand gala new new 4 7€
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S. Rachmaninov. Conductor E. Svetlanov Symphonic dances… Melodiya 5+ 5+ 20€
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Shigeaki Saegusa arranges the Beatles performed by Die 12 Cellisten der Berliner Philarmoniker Memories Fun House Inc. FHCE-2002, Japan no Obi 5- 5- 15€
Smetana* - Bruch* - Dvorak* - Debussy*, London Symphony Orchestra*, Alfred Scholz, Philharmonia Slavonica, Alberto Lizzio, Austrian Broadcasting*, Milan Horwat* Moldau · Kol Nidrei Und Andere Werke / And Others classical masterworks in digital 4+ 5- 4,5€
Tschaikovsky Greatest Works 3CDs, Grand gala 5/4/4/ 5 4 7€
Tschaikowsky I deutsche grammophon, TL 511/03 5 5 5€
Tschaikowsky Nutkracker Suite zyx classic 4- 5- 4€
Tschaikowsky* • Wiener Philharmoniker • Herbert Von Karajan Symphonie No.5 made in UK, deutsche grammophon 5 5- 5€
Vivaldi Die vier Jahreszeiten zyx classic 4- 5 4€
Vivaldi*, Gidon Kremer, London Symphony Orchestra*, Claudio Abbado Le Quattro Stagioni deutsche grammophon 5- 5 5€
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Mozart Festival Orchestra, Alberto Lizzio, Richard Edlinger Symphonien No. 38 "Prager/Prague" & No. 40 classical masterworks in digital 5- 4 4,5€
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Royal Philarmonic Orchestra, Enrique Batiz Symphonien. No. 35 "Haffner" & No. 41 "Jupiter" classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Wolfgang Amadeus Mzart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik + Oboenkonzert/ Oboe Concerto Kv 314+ Fagottkozert/Bossoon Concert Kv 191 classical masterworks in digital 5 4 4,5€
(Отредактировал 30-11-2019 в 16:17 kolos.)
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Откуда: Харьков
Сообщений: 105
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RE: Продам фирменные CD / 03-03-2015 00:33
(Отредактировал 17-07-2019 в 23:11 kolos.)
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Откуда: Харьков
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RE: Продам фирменные CD / 06-03-2015 00:40
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Откуда: Харьков
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RE: Продам фирменные CD / 10-03-2015 18:16
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RE: Продам фирменные CD / 16-03-2015 14:18
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Откуда: Харьков
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RE: Продам фирменные CD / 19-03-2015 12:16
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RE: Продам фирменные CD / 22-03-2015 11:38
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RE: Продам фирменные CD / 25-03-2015 11:37
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RE: Продам фирменные CD / 28-03-2015 13:58
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Откуда: Харьков
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RE: Продам фирменные CD / 31-03-2015 11:40
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Откуда: Харьков
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RE: Продам фирменные CD / 03-04-2015 11:46
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Откуда: Харьков
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RE: Продам фирменные CD / 06-04-2015 11:35
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Откуда: Харьков
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RE: Продам фирменные CD / 09-04-2015 11:21
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Откуда: Харьков
Сообщений: 105
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RE: Продам фирменные CD / 12-04-2015 14:02
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Откуда: Харьков
Сообщений: 105
Репутация: 1267
RE: Продам фирменные CD / 15-04-2015 13:31
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Откуда: Харьков
Сообщений: 105
Репутация: 1267
RE: Продам фирменные CD / 18-04-2015 18:20
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Откуда: Харьков
Сообщений: 105
Репутация: 1267
RE: Продам фирменные CD / 20-04-2015 11:09
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