Продам винил [12" A-K] // Bloodred Distribution
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Продам винил [12" A-K] // Bloodred Distribution / 23-10-2016 12:03
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в наличии винил:


12" До Скону ‎(Do Skonu) – Ад (Hell) 2016 Forever Plagued Records ‎– FPR045 (ltd.300, hand-numbered) - NEW 400UAH/13EUR
12" До Скону (Do Skonu) ‎– Великое Пробуждение Среди Великого Сна (The Grand Awakening Among The Great Sleep) 2014 (reissue 2016) Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP245 (ltd.300) - NEW 400UAH/13EUR
12" До Скону ‎(Do Skonu) – Холодные Потоки Смерти (Cold Streams Of Death) 2012 (reissue 2016) Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP248 (ltd.300) - NEW 400UAH/13EUR

12" ...and Oceans ‎– The Symmetry Of I The Circle Of O 1999 (reissue 2016) Those Opposed Records ‎– TOR070 (ltd.184/200) - NEW 24EUR
12" A Story Of Rats ‎– The Immeasurable Spiral 2018 Psychic Violence ‎– PV-XVIII (orange transparent vinyl, ltd.150) - NEW 18EUR
12" Abbath – Abbath 2016 Season Of Mist ‎– SOM 366LPA (blue ice vinyl, ltd.300) - NEW 30EUR
12" Abbath – Abbath 2016 Season Of Mist ‎– SOM 366LPCW (white vinyl, ltd.425 +poster) - NEW 22EUR
12" Abigor ‎– Höllenzwang - Chronicles Of Perdition 2018 Avantgarde Music ‎– AV999LP - NEW 18EUR
12" Abigor / Nightbringer / Thy Darkened Shade / Mortuus ‎– split 2017 self-released (side B plays from the inside out, ltd.500) - SEALED 42EUR
12" Abominator – Nuctemeron Descent 2003 Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP 145 - NEW 14EUR
12" Aborym ‎– Generator 2006 (reissue 2014) Dead Seed Productions ‎– DSP003LP (clear smoke vinyl, deluxe hardcover) - NEW 18EUR
12" Absu ‎– The Sun Of Tiphareth 1995 (reissue 2013) The Crypt ‎– CRYPT 34 (LP+DLP+7", black vinyl, hand-numbered 071/666 boxset) - M/NM 90EUR
12" Abyssal ‎– Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius 2014 Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP180 (DLP) - NM/M 20EUR
12" Accept ‎– Blood Of The Nations 2010 (reissue 2012) Nuclear Blast ‎– NB 2884-1, Nuclear Blast ‎– 27361 28841 (DLP, clear vinyl) - M/NM 65EUR
12" Acheron ‎– Anti-god, Anti-christ 1996 (reissue 2018) Funeral Industries ‎– FI 083 (bronze vinyl) - SEALED 14EUR
12" Acherontas / Arditi / Puissance / Shibalba ‎– Pylons Of The Adversary 2014 W.T.C. Productions ‎– w.t.c 118 - NEW 15EUR
12" Acherontas / Crimson Moon / Akrabu / Shibalba ‎– Ana Harrani Sa Alaktasa La Tarat 2012 Obscure Abhorrence Productions, Art Of Propaganda ‎(ltd.400) - NEW 12EUR
12" Adaestuo ‎– Tacent Semitae (ep) 2016 (reissue 2017) W.T.C. Productions ‎– W.T.C.152 - NEW 15EUR
12" Aevangelist ‎– Dream An Evil Dream 2015 (reissue 2016) Debemur Morti Productions ‎– DMP0125 - NEW 11EUR
12" Aevangelist ‎– Writhes In The Murk 2014 Debemur Morti Productions ‎– DMP0114 - NEW 18EUR
12" Agalloch ‎– Ashes Against The Grain 2006 (reissue 2011) Grau ‎– Grau 006 LP (DLP, ltd.500) - NM/NM 36EUR
12" Agalloch ‎– Pale Folklore 1999 (reissue 2005) Profound Lore Records ‎– PFL 012, Infinite Vinyl Series ‎– IVS011 (DLP, blue vinyl) - VG+/VG+ 145EUR
12" Agalloch ‎– The Mantle 2002 (reissue 2011) Grau ‎– Grau 001 LP (DLP, ltd.500) - VG+/NM 36EUR
12" Agalloch ‎– The Serpent & The Sphere 2014 Licht von Dämmerung Arthouse ‎– KH009 (DLP, burgundy translucent, etched, ltd.1000) - M/NM 55EUR
12" Ahab – The Boats Of The Glen Carrig 2015 (reissue 2018) Napalm Records ‎– NPR 598 LP (DLP) - SEALED 32EUR
12" Ahab ‎– The Call Of The Wretched Sea 2006 (reissue 2018) Napalm Records ‎– NPR 198 VINYL (DLP) - SEALED 39EUR
12" Ahab ‎– The Divinity Of Oceans 2009 (reissue 2018) Napalm Records ‎– NPR 300LP (DLP) - SEALED 27EUR
12" Ahab – The Giant 2012 (reissue 2018) Napalm Records ‎– NPR 426 LP (DLP) - SEALED 25EUR
12" Akhlys ‎– The Dreaming I 2015 (reissue 2018) Debemur Morti Productions ‎– DMP0120 (clear with black splatters vinyl) - NEW 24EUR
12" Akhlys ‎– The Dreaming I 2015 Debemur Morti Productions ‎– DMP0120 1st-press - NEW 60EUR
12" Akitsa ‎– Au Crépuscule De L'Espérance 2010 W.T.C. Productions (ltd.400) ‎– NEW 36EUR
12" Almyrkvi ‎– Pupil Of The Searing Maelstrom 2016 Ván ‎– VÁN185 - NEW 18EUR
12" Aluk Todolo ‎– Finsternis 2009 (reissue 2013) Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– ned034, The Ajna Offensive ‎– flame73 - NEW 16EUR
12" Aluk Todolo ‎– Voix 2016 Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– ned039, The Ajna Offensive ‎– flame99 - NEW 16EUR
12" Amorphis ‎– Eclipse 2006 Black Lodge Records ‎– BLOD 041LP - NM/M 90EUR
12" Anatomia ‎– Dissected Humanity 2005 (reissue 2010) Nuclear War Now! Productions ‎– ANTI-GOTH 150 - NM/M 30EUR
12" Ancient – Svartalvheim 1994 (reissue 2018) Soulseller Records ‎– SSR118LP - NEW 22EUR
12" Ancient – The Cainian Chronicle 1996 (reissue 2017) Floga Records ‎– FL176 (DLP) - NEW 22EUR
12" Ancient – Trolltaar (reissue 2017) Sleaszy Rider Records ‎– SR-0210 LP (remastered) - NEW 24EUR
12" Animus Mortis ‎– Testimonia 2016 Godz Ov War (ltd.200) - NEW 15EUR
12" Animus Mortis ‎– Testimonia 2016 Godz Ov War (ltd.200) - VG+/M 11EUR
12" Annthennath ‎– Paeans Of Apostasy 2008 Necromancer Records ‎– NECRO 020 (white vinyl) - M/NM 9EUR
12" Annthennath / Quintessence – Eram Quod Es, Eris Quod Sum 2014 Armée De La Mort Records ‎– ADLM-LP-04 (ltd.300) - NEW 13EUR
12" Antaeus ‎– Condemnation 2016 (reissue 2017) Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– NED042 - NEW 20EUR
12" Antaeus ‎– De Principii Evangelikum 2002 (reissue 2015) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP133splatter (red/white splatter vinyl, ltd.361) - NEW 17EUR
12" Anthrax ‎– Worship Music 2011 (reissue 2015) Nuclear Blast ‎– NB 2166-1, Nuclear Blast ‎– 27361 21661 (DLP) - SEALED 18EUR
12" Antropomorphia ‎– Necromantic Love Songs 2011 The Crypt ‎– CRYPT 19 (DLP, 45RPM, ltd.139/500) - VG+/M 50EUR
12" Aosoth ‎– Aosoth 2008 (reissue 2013) Only Vinyl Is Real ‎– OVIR017 (grey vinyl) - NEW 14EUR
12" Aosoth ‎– Ashes Of Angels 2009 (reissue 2013) Agonia Records ‎– ARLP066 - M/NM 16EUR
12" Aosoth ‎– V - The Inside Scriptures 2017 Agonia Records ‎– ARLP155 - NEW 20EUR
12" Aosoth ‎– V - The Inside Scriptures 2017 Agonia Records ‎– ARLP155 (opaque translucent vinyl, ltd.160) - NEW 80EUR
12" Aosoth ‎– V - The Inside Scriptures 2017 Agonia Records ‎– ARLP155 (white vinyl, ltd.260) - NEW 40EUR
12" Aosoth & Order Of Orias ‎– Appendix B / Ruinous Hope 2015 W.T.C. Productions ‎– W.T.C. 134 - NEW 13EUR
12" Aphex Twin ‎– Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (reissue 2013) Apollo ‎– AMBLP3922 (DLP) (remastered) - NM/NM 22EUR
12" Archgoat ‎– The Apocalyptic Triumphator 2015 (reissue 2017) Debemur Morti Productions ‎(clear vinyl) - NEW 20EUR
12" Archgoat ‎– The Luciferian Crown 2018 Debemur Morti Productions ‎– DMP 0163 (16-pages booklet) - SEALED 20EUR
12" Arckanum ‎– Helvítismyrkr 2011 Season Of Mist Underground Activists ‎– SUA 019LP (orange vinyl, ltd.144/500) - SEALED 26EUR
12" Arditi ‎– Imposing Elitism 2014 (reissue 2015) Equilibrium Music ‎– EQM038 - NEW 18EUR
12" Arkha Sva / Sacrificia Mortuorum / Lugubrum ‎– N.O.I.R. (Nécromancie Outrancière Et Irresponsabilité Religieuse) 2009 Those Opposed Records ‎– TOR 017 (+postcards) - NEW 20EUR
12" Arkhon Infaustus ‎– Passing The Nekromanteion (ep) Les Acteurs De L’Ombre Productions ‎– AO-056 - NEW 20EUR
12" Arkona ‎– Chaos.Ice.Fire 2014 (reissue 2016) Hellfire Records – HFR006 (ltd.300) - NEW 16EUR
12" Armagedda ‎– I Am (ep) 2010 (reissue 2011) Eisenwald Tonschmiede ‎– EISEN051 (red vinyl, 45RPM) - SEALED 13EUR
12" Ash Borer ‎– 2009 Demo (reissue 2012) Vendetta Records – Vendetta 63 - NEW 13EUR
12" Asphyx ‎– Deathhammer 2012 Century Media ‎– 9981631 - NM/VG+ 28EUR
12" Atanor ‎– Atanor (ep) 2016 Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP294 - NEW 12EUR
12" Atomic Aggressor ‎– Rise Of The Ancient Ones 2008 Hells Headbangers ‎– HELLS LP 033 (+poster) - NM/M 16EUR
12" Atomizer – The Death Of Forever 2000 (reissue 2004) Hells Headbangers ‎– HELLS PLP 007 (picture LP, cut-out cover) - VG+/M 12EUR
12" Aura Noir ‎– Aura Noire 2018 Indie Recordings ‎– INDIE137LP2 (white vinyl with black and red speckles) - SEALED 26EUR
12" Auroch – Taman Shud 2014 Dark Descent Records ‎– DDR112LP - NEW 14EUR
12" Austere / Isolation – Bleak… 2010 Eisenwald Tonschmiede ‎– Eisen 052, Eternity Records ‎– Eter040 (DLP, gold/black vinyl) - NEW 24EUR
12" Autopsy ‎– Mental Funeral 1991 Peaceville ‎– VILE 25L (green marbled vinyl) - NM/VG+ 100EUR
12" Autopsy – Severed Survival 1989 (reissue 1990) Peaceville ‎– VILE 12 - VG+/VG 50EUR
12" Averse Sefira ‎– Advent Parallax 2008 (reissue 2009) The Ajna Offensive ‎– FLAME46 (DLP, 45RPM, white with marble splatters vinyl) - SEALED 18EUR
12" Avichi ‎– The Divine Tragedy 2007 (reissue 2013) Canonical Hours ‎– CHLP003, New Density ‎- SEALED 14EUR

12" Baptism – The Beherial Midnight 2002 (reissue 2014) Northern Heritage ‎– NH-021B - NEW 17EUR
12" Baptism – Wisdom & Hate (ep) 2004 (reissue 2014) Northern Heritage ‎– NH-036B (remastered) - NEW 16EUR
12" BardSpec ‎– Hydrogen 2017 ByNorse Music ‎– BNM005LP (DLP) - SEALED 24EUR
12" Bathory ‎– Bathory 1984 (reissue 2010) Black Mark Production ‎– BMLP 666-1 - SEALED 26EUR
12" Bathory ‎– Hammerheart 1990 (reissue 2007) Black Mark Production ‎– BMDP666-5 (picture LP) - S/VG+ 24EUR
12" Behemoth – I Loved You At Your Darkest 2018 Nuclear Blast ‎– NB 4265-1 (DLP, 45RPM) - SEALED 24EUR
12" Behemoth – Live In Toulouse + Rarities 2002 Metal Mind Productions ‎– MMP LP 0170 - NM/NM 17EUR
12" Behemoth – Messe Noire 2018 Nuclear Blast ‎– NB 3969-1, Nuclear Blast ‎– 27361 39691 (DLP) - SEALED 24EUR
12" Behemoth – The Satanist 2014 Nuclear Blast ‎– NB 3104-1, Nuclear Blast ‎– 27361 31041 (DLP) - SEALED 24EUR
12" Belenos ‎– Chemins De Souffrance 2007 (reissue 2008) Northern Silence Productions ‎– NSP 060 (red vinyl, ltd.28/200) - NM/NM 16EUR
12" Belenos ‎– Errances Oniriques 2000 (reissue 2018) Forgotten Wisdom Productions ‎– FWP081 (DLP, haze vinyl) - NEW 24EUR
12" Belenos ‎– Spicilège 2002 (reissue 2015) Forgotten Wisdom Productions ‎– FWP074 (ltd.300) - NEW 16EUR
12" Bergrizen ‎– 10 Years Anniversary 2017 Purity Through Fire ‎(x5 LPs wooden box, patch, poster) - NEW 2700UAH/100EUR
12" Bestial Mockery ‎– Slaying The Life 2007 (reissue 2014) Hells Headbangers ‎– HELLS LP 023 (purple/black splatter vinyl) - NEW 15EUR
12" Bestial Warlust ‎– Satan's Fist 2012 Hells Headbangers ‎– HELLS MLP 025 (45RPM, single sided, etched) - NEW 12EUR
12" Bethlehem ‎– Bethlehem 2016 (reissue 2018) Prophecy Productions ‎– PRO202LP - NEW 24EUR
12" Bethlehem ‎– Bethlehem 2016 (reissue 2018) Prophecy Productions ‎– PRO202LP (red vinyl) - NEW 28EUR
12" Bizarre X / Pretty Little Flower ‎– My Chucks In Your Face / Dissolution Of Rights 2005 Vulgar Records ‎– VR14, Useless Records ‎– use-113, Towerviolence Records ‎– mssc:11, Mass Suicide Society Conspiracy ‎– mssc:11 (yellow and red splatter vinyl, 45RPM) - SEALED 12EUR
12" Black Cilice ‎– A Corpse, A Temple 2011 (reissue 2018) Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP238 (swamp green vinyl, ltd.18/300) - NEW 17EUR
12" Black Cilice ‎– A Corpse, A Temple 2011 (reissue) Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP238 (transparent red vinyl, ltd.194/300) - NEW 18EUR
12" Black Cilice ‎– Mysteries 2015 (reissue 2018) Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP227 (swamp green vinyl, ltd.170/300) - NEW 17EUR
12" Blackdeath ‎– Phobos 2013 (reissue 2015) Heidens Hart ‎– HH102, Northern Heritage (ltd.250) - NEW 14EUR
12" Blacklodge ‎– MachinatioN 2012 Season Of Mist Underground Activists ‎– SUA 025LP (DLP, ltd.263/500) - SEALED 17EUR
12" Blasfemia – Guerra Total 2005 (reissue 2011) F.O.A.D. Records ‎– F.O.A.D. 017 - NM/NM 14EUR
12" Blasphemic Cruelty ‎– Devil's Mayhem 2008 (reissue 2010) Nuclear War Now! Productions ‎– ANTI-GOTH 147 (transparent red vinyl, ltd.100) - M/NM 22EUR
12" Blasphemy – Blood Upon The Altar 1989 (reissue 2018) Nuclear War Now! Productions ‎– ANTI-GOTH 398 (red vinyl, die hard edition, remastered) - NEW 40EUR
12" Blattaria ‎– Blattaria 2017 Fallen Empire ‎– FE-52 (red/black swirl vinyl, ltd.250) - NEW 22EUR
12" Blaze Of Perdition ‎– Conscious Darkness 2017 Agonia Records ‎– ARLP152 w/o booklet - NEW 18EUR
12" Blue Hummingbird On The Left ‎– Atl Tlachinolli 2019 Nuclear War Now! Productions ‎– Anti-Goth 416, Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP 405 - NEW 22EUR
12" Blut Aus Nord ‎– Deus Salutis Meæ 2017 Debemur Morti Productions ‎– DMP0154 - NEW 19EUR
12" Blut Aus Nord ‎– Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue With The Stars 2009 (reissue 2018) Debemur Morti Productions ‎– DMP0161-LP (DLP, green marble + purple marble etched) - NEW 36EUR
12" Bölzer ‎– Roman Acupuncture 2015 Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP206 (45RPM, single sided, etched) - NEW 14EUR
12" Bölzer ‎– Soma (ep) 2014 (reissue 2017) Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP337 (45RPM) - NEW 15EUR
12" Borgne ‎– [∞] 2018 Avantgarde Music ‎– AV335LP (DLP) - M/NM 24EUR
12" Borknagar ‎– Winter Thrice 2016 Century Media ‎– 88875175221 (DLP) - NEW 19EUR
12" Brutal Truth ‎– Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses 1992 (reissue 2010) Earache ‎– MOSH069LP (DLP, ltd.400) - SEALED 70EUR
12" Brutality ‎– Screams Of Anguish 1993 Nuclear Blast ‎– NB 075-1 (yellow translucent vinyl) - NM/VG+ 120EUR
12" Buioingola ‎– Il Nuovo Mare 2017 Sangue Dischi ‎– SD 28, Sentient Ruin Laboratories ‎– SRUIN 031, Shove Records – SH 63, Unquiet Records ‎– UNQUIET 025 - NEW 13EUR
12" Bulldozer ‎– Neurodeliri 1998 (reissue 2001) Warlord Records ‎– WR03 (picture LP) - NM/- 19EUR
12" Burzum ‎– Belus 2010 Back On Black ‎– BOBV215LP (DLP) - SEALED 22EUR
12" Burzum ‎– Burzum / Aske 1995 (reissue 2008) Back On Black ‎– BOBV072LP (DLP) - SEALED 24EUR
12" Burzum ‎– Det Som Engang Var 1993 (reissue 2008) Back On Black ‎– BOBV088LP - SEALED 20EUR
12" Burzum ‎– Filosofem 1996 (reissue 2008) Back On Black ‎– BOBV089LP (DLP) - SEALED 22EUR
12" Burzum ‎– Hvis Lyset Tar Oss 1994 (reissue 2008) Back On Black ‎– BOBV087LP - SEALED 20EUR

12" Cannibal Corpse ‎– Gallery Of Suicide 1998 (reissue 2009) Back On Black ‎– BOBV141LP (clear vinyl) - SEALED 20EUR
12" Carach Angren ‎– This Is No Fairytale 2015 Season Of Mist ‎– SOM347LPCY (yellow vinyl, ltd.200) - NEW 20EUR
12" Carcass ‎– Heartwork 1993 (reissue 2002) Earache ‎– MOSH 97 (red vinyl) - VG+/VG 70EUR
12" Carnage – Dark Recollections 1990 Necrosis Records ‎– NECRO 3 1st-press - VG+/VG+ 120EUR
12" Cephalic Carnage ‎– Misled By Certainty 2010 Relapse Records ‎– RR7055 (DLP, orange vinyl) - M/NM 40EUR
12" Cephalic Carnage ‎– Xenosapien 2007 Relapse Records ‎– RR 6736-1 (red transparent vinyl) - NM/VG+ 40EUR
12" Cepheide ‎– Respire (ep) 2015 (reissue 2016) Sick Man Getting Sick Records ‎– SIM021, Fallen Empire ‎– FE-37 (ltd.250) - NEW 18EUR
12" Cerekloth ‎– In The Midst Of Life We Are In Death 2013 Hells Headbangers ‎– HELLS LP 097 (white vinyl) - NEW 18EUR
12" Chaos Invocation ‎– Black Mirror Hours 2013 (reissue 2014) W.T.C. Productions ‎– W.T.C. 087 (DLP, + 28-page A5 booklet) - SEALED 24EUR
12" Charles Manson ‎– The Hallways Of The Always (reissue 2012) Neue Aesthetik, New Era Productions ‎(red vinyl, ltd.100) - NEW 30EUR
12" Chelsea Wolfe ‎– Abyss 2015 Sargent House ‎– SH141 (DLP, opaque baby blue vinyl, ltd.1000) - SEALED 50EUR
12" Chelsea Wolfe ‎– Live At Roadburn 2012 (reissue 2015) Roadburn Records ‎– RBR026, Outer Battery Records ‎– RBR026 (red vinyl) - SEALED 24EUR
12" Chelsea Wolfe ‎– Pain Is Beauty 2013 Sargent House ‎– SH106 (DLP) - SEALED 32EUR
12" Chelsea Wolfe ‎– The Grime And The Glow 2010 (reissue 2014) Sargent House ‎– SH125 (black/grey swirl vinyl) - SEALED 28EUR
12" Chhinnamasta ‎– Vajra-Sarpa 2016 Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP297 (ltd.300) - NEW 15EUR
12" Children Of Bodom ‎– Follow The Reaper 2000 (reissue 2005) Nuclear Blast ‎– NB 2187-1, Nuclear Blast ‎– 27361 21871 (blue vinyl, ltd.397/1000) - NM/VG+ 80EUR
12" Children Of Bodom ‎– Hatebreeder 1999 (reissue 2005) Back On Black ‎– BOBV013PD (picture LP, ltd.2000) - VG+/- 24EUR
12" Coffins ‎– Mortuary In Darkness 2005 (reissue 2012) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP251 (DLP, green vinyl) - NEW 18EUR
12" Coffins ‎– Sacrifice To Evil Spirit 2005 (reissue 2012) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP253 (DLP, white vinyl) - NEW 18EUR
12" Coffins ‎– Sacrifice To Evil Spirit 2005 (reissue 2012) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP253 (DLP) - NEW 18EUR
12" Coffins ‎– The Other Side Of Blasphemy 2006 (reissue 2012) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP252 (DLP, mustard vinyl) - NEW 18EUR
12" Coffins ‎– The Other Side Of Blasphemy 2006 (reissue 2012) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP252 (DLP) - NEW 18EUR
12" Cradle Of Filth ‎– Hammer Of The Witches 2015 Nuclear Blast ‎– NB 3408-1, Nuclear Blast ‎– 27361 34081 (DLP) - NM/M 20EUR
12" Craft – White Noise And Black Metal 2018 Season Of Mist Underground Activists ‎– SUA 065LP (1s-press, ltd.650) - NEW 22EUR
12" Craft – White Noise And Black Metal 2018 Season Of Mist Underground Activists ‎– SUA 065LP (red transparent vinyl, ltd.300) - NEW 26EUR
12" Creeping ‎– Revenant 2015 Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP222 (ltd.500 +poster) - NEW 13EUR
12" Crucifier ‎– Stronger Than Passing Time 2003 Death To Mankind ‎– DTM008 (picture LP, ltd.13/221, w/o insert) - NM/VG+ 17EUR
12" Cryptopsy ‎– Blasphemy Made Flesh 1994 (reissue 2005) Displeased Records ‎– D-00054 - NM/M 16EUR
12" Cult Of Fire – Life, Sex & Death (ep) 2016 Beyond Eyes Productions – BE04 (shaped picture vinyl) - NEW 650UAH/34EUR
12" Cult Of Fire – Untitled (ep) 2017 Beyond Eyes Productions – BD06 (, single sided, etched) - NEW 500UAH/30EUR
12" Cult Of Occult ‎– Five Degrees Of Insanity 2015 (reissue 2016) Vendetta Records ‎– Vendetta 106 (DLP, ) - NEW 18EUR
12" Cultes Des Ghoules ‎– Coven, Or Evil Ways Instead Of Love 2016 (reissue 2017) Of Crawling Shadows Records ‎– OCSR 020 (3LP, hardcover slipcase, 20-page booklet) - NEW 44EUR

12" D.B.C. ‎– Dead Brain Cells 1987 (reissue 2011) War On Music ‎– WOM019 - NM/VG+ 13EUR
12" Dark Funeral ‎– In The Sign... 1994 (reissue 2004) Vinyl Collectors ‎– VC0503 (picture LP) - VG+/- 14EUR
12" Darkestrah ‎– Khagan (ep) 2011 Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP 258 (white vinyl) - NEW 10EUR
12" Darkthrone ‎– A Blaze In The Northern Sky 1992 (reissue 2009) Peaceville ‎– VILELP 28 - SEALED 24EUR
12" Darkthrone ‎– Arctic Thunder 2016 Peaceville ‎– VILELP568 () - SEALED 22EUR
12" Darkthrone ‎– Dark Thrones And Black Flags 2008 (reissue 2015) Peaceville ‎– VILELP237, Tyrant Syndicate ‎– VILELP237 - NEW 20EUR
12" Darkthrone ‎– Panzerfaust 1995 (reissue 2010) Peaceville ‎– VILELP306 (remastered) - SEALED 26EUR
12" Darkthrone ‎– Plaguewielder 2001 (reissue 2012) Peaceville ‎– VILELP387 () - SEALED 18EUR
12" Darkthrone ‎– Soulside Journey 1991 (reissue 2012) Peaceville ‎– VILELP389 - NEW 20EUR
12" Darkthrone ‎– The Underground Resistance 2013 Peaceville ‎– VILELP425 - SEALED 20EUR
12" Darkthrone ‎– Total Death 1996 (reissue 2013) Peaceville ‎– VILELP329 (not-numbered, +CD) - SEALED 22EUR
12" Darkthrone ‎– Under A Funeral Moon 1993 (reissue 2013) Peaceville ‎– VILELP35 (gatefold) - SEALED 22EUR
12" Darvaza ‎– Darkness In Turmoil (ep) 2018 Terratur Possessions ‎– Voice 078 (45RPM) - NEW 28EUR
12" Dead Congregation ‎– Promulgation Of The Fall 2014 Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– NED 037 - NEW 18EUR
12" Dead Congregation ‎– Sombre Doom (ep) 2016 Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– NED040 (, 45RPM) - NEW 13EUR
12" Death – Leprosy 1988 Under One Flag ‎– FLAG 24 - VG+/VG+ 100EUR
12" Death Fetishist ‎– Clandestine Sacrament 2016 Debemur Morti Productions ‎– DMP0148 - NEW 19EUR
12" Death Like Mass ‎– Kręte Drogi (ep) 2015 (reissue 2016) Under The Sign Of Garazel Productions ‎- NEW 22EUR
12" Deathspell Omega ‎– Diabolus Absconditus / Mass Grave Aesthetics 2011 (reissue 2016) Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– NED 027 ( +poster) - NEW 18EUR
12" Deathspell Omega ‎– Drought (ep) 2012 Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– NED 030 (45RPM) - NEW 18EUR
12" Deathspell Omega / S.V.E.S.T. ‎– Veritas Diaboli Manet In Aeternum 2008 (reissue 2015) Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– NED 021, End All Life Productions ‎– EAL 058 () - NEW 17EUR
12" Decapitated ‎– Organic Hallucinosis 2006 (reissue 2010) Earache ‎– MOSH321LP (grey stainless vinyl, ltd.200) - M/NM 32EUR
12" Deceased ‎– As The Weird Travel On 2005 (reissue 2006) Hells Headbangers ‎– HELLS LP 013 - NM/M 50EUR
12" Deceased ‎– Luck Of The Corpse 1991 (reissue 2009) Hells Headbangers ‎– Hells PLP 028 (picture LP) - NM/M 30EUR
12" December Flower ‎– When All Life Ends... 2011 Imperium Productions ‎– IMP 016-1 - NEW 18EUR
12" Decrepit Birth ‎– ...And Time Begins 2003 Emetic Records ‎– Emetic 017 (picture LP) - VG+/- 16EUR
12" Deicide ‎– Amon: Feasting The Beast 1993 Roadrunner Records ‎– RR 9111 1 - NM/NM 70EUR
12" Demonized ‎– Demonized 2003 Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP 150 () - NEW 10EUR
12" Den Saakaldte ‎– Øl, Mørke Og Depresjon 2008 (reissue 2010) Aesthetic Death Records ‎– ADLP 002 (DLP, black+coloured vinyl, ltd.455/500) - NEW 15EUR
12" Denouncement Pyre ‎– Almighty Arcanum 2013 Hells Headbangers ‎– HELLS097 (red vinyl) - NEW 13EUR
12" Desiderii Marginis ‎– Songs Over Ruins 1997 (reissue 2017) Cyclic Law ‎– 89th Cycle (, ltd.150) - SEALED 20EUR
12" Destruction ‎– Infernal Overkill 1985 Steamhammer ‎– SH 0029 (no inner sleeve) - VG+/VG 40EUR
12" Destruction ‎– Release From Agony 1987 Steamhammer ‎– SH 0076, SPV Recordings ‎– SPV 08-7503 (white vinyl) - NM/NM 38EUR
12" Destruction ‎– Release From Agony 1987 Steamhammer ‎– SH 0076, SPV Recordings ‎– SPV 08-7503 (white vinyl) - NM/VG+ 32EUR
12" Destruction ‎– Sentence Of Death (ep) 1984 Steamhammer ‎– SH 0020 (white/blue labels) - VG/VG 50EUR
12" Destruktor ‎– Nailed 2009 Hells Headbangers ‎– HELLS LP 039 (ltd.666) - NM/NM 17EUR
12" Destruktor ‎– Nuclear Storm (ep) 2004 (reissue 2007) Hells Headbangers ‎– HELLS PLP 010 (picture LP, single sided, etched) - M/NM 12EUR
12" Devouring Star ‎– Antihedron (ep) 2017 Dark Descent Records ‎– DDR172LP (45RPM) - NEW 16EUR
12" Diapsiquir ‎– 180° 2016 End All Life Productions ‎– EAL071LP (DLP) - NEW 24EUR
12" Dodecahedron ‎– Kwintessens 2017 Season Of Mist Underground Activists ‎– SUA 073LPCT (clear vinyl, ltd.250) - NEW 24EUR
12" Dodsengel ‎– Mirium Occultum 2010 (reissue 2014) Terratur Possessions ‎– Voice 019 - SEALED 22EUR
12" Dolmen – On The Eve Of War 2002 (reissue 2017) The Crypt ‎– CRYPT 44 (silver and black marble vinyl, ltd.175, signed by Equitant) - NEW 24EUR
12" Drastus ‎– La Croix De Sang 2019 Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– NED048 - NEW 22EUR
12" Drastus ‎– Serpent's Chalice - Materia Prima 2009 End All Life Productions ‎– EAL059 (, 45RPM) - NEW 14EUR
12" Drudkh ‎– Борозна Обірвалася (A Furrow Cut Short) 2015 Season Of Mist Underground Activists ‎– SUA 059LPES (DLP, orange transparent black marble vinyl) - NEW 30EUR

12" Earth And Pillars ‎– Pillars I 2016 (reissue 2017) Avantgarde Music ‎– AV297LP, Eisenwald Tonschmiede ‎– Eisen116 (DLP) - NEW 22EUR
12" Edge Of Sanity ‎– Crimson I & II 2003 (reissue 2015) Black Mark Production ‎– BMLP168 (DLP, green transparent vinyl) - SEALED 26EUR
12" Edge Of Sanity ‎– Purgatory Afterglow 1994 (reissue 2015) Black Mark Production ‎– BMLP61 (orange vinyl) - SEALED 22EUR
12" Edge Of Sanity ‎– The Spectral Sorrows 1993 (reissue 2015) Black Mark Production ‎– BMLP37 (blue transparent vinyl) - SEALED 20EUR
12" Einstürzende Neubauten ‎– Live At Rockpalast 1990 (reissue 2016) Let Them Eat Vinyl ‎– LETV505LP (DLP, clear vinyl) - SEALED 26EUR
12" Eisenwinter ‎– Monumentales Scheitern 2010 Darker Than Black ‎– DTB 033 - NEW 15EUR
12" Elysian Blaze ‎– Blood Geometry 2012 Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP 272 (3LP, ) - NEW 26EUR
12" Embrace Of Thorns ‎– Atonement Ritual 2009 Nuclear War Now! Productions ‎– ANTI-GOTH 121 (+poster) - NM/M 16EUR
12" Enslaved ‎– In Times 2015 Nuclear Blast ‎– NB 3467-1, Nuclear Blast ‎– 27361 34671 (DLP, , etched) - SEALED 19EUR
12" Enslaved ‎– Yggdrasill 1992 (reissue 2011) Peaceville ‎– VILELP353 () - SEALED 20EUR
12" Entheogen – Without Veil, Nor Self 2017 (reissue 2018) Fallen Empire ‎– FE-56 (ltd.100) - NEW 22EUR
12" Enthroned ‎– XES Haereticum 2004 (reissue 2005) Displeased Records ‎– D-00144 - SEALED 15EUR
12" Esoterica – Aseity 2013 (reissue 2014) Duplicate Records ‎– DUPLO58LP () - NEW 14EUR
12" Eucharist ‎– Demise Rites 2012 (reissue 2015) Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP256 (, 45RPM) - NEW 13EUR
12" Exmortem ‎– Pestilence Empire 2002 Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP 139 () - NEW 10EUR
12" Extreme Noise Terror ‎– Law Of Retaliation 2008 (reissue 2009) Power It Up ‎– P.I.U. #103 () - NM/M 12EUR

12" Falkenbach ‎– ...En Their Medh Riki Fara... 1996 (reissue 2012) No Colours Records ‎– NC 008 (+insert) - NM/VG+ 15EUR
12" Fester ‎– Silence 1994 (reissue 2011) Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP 107 () - NEW 14EUR
12" Fides Inversa ‎– Mysterium Tremendum Et Fascinans 2014 (reissue 2015) W.T.C. Productions ‎– W.T.C.121 () - SEALED 17EUR
12" Fimbulwinter ‎– Servants Of Sorcery 1994 (reissue 2005) Hell Slaughter Records ‎– HSR-003 (bootleg, ltd.317/500) - M/NM 20EUR
12" Flagitious Idiosyncrasy In The Dilapidation ‎– Flagitious Idiosyncrasy In The Dilapidation 2008 (reissue 2009) Six Weeks ‎– SW-115 - SEALED/NM 14EUR
12" Forgotten Tomb ‎– Negative Megalomania 2007 (reissue 2011) Obscure Abhorrence Productions ‎– VG+/VG+ 12EUR
12" Fuath ‎– I 2016 (reissue 2017) Neuropa Records ‎– NRP57 (ltd.200) - NEW 26EUR
12" Funeral Mist ‎– Hekatomb 2018 Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– NED 046 1st-press - NEW 40EUR
12" Funeral Mist ‎– Salvation 2003 (reissue 2017) Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– NED002 (DLP) - NEW 28EUR
12" Furze ‎– UTD 2007 Worship Him Records ‎– WORSHIP009 () - SEALED 16EUR
12" Fvnerals ‎– Wounds 2016 Golden Antenna Records ‎– GOLDEN 039, The Native Sound ‎– Native 031 () - SEALED 18EUR

12" Gaahls WYRD ‎– Bergen Nov '15 2017 self-released (33RPM, hand-humbered) - NEW 28EUR
12" Galgeras ‎– Booswichterij 2005 (reissue 2006) Sadolust Records ‎– LUSTVINYL:04 - VG+/NM 12EUR
12" Gevurah ‎– Hallelujah! 2016 Profound Lore Records ‎– PFL166.5 (DLP) - NEW 34EUR
12" Gevurah ‎– Sulphur Soul (ep) 2018 Profound Lore Records ‎– PFL-206MLP - NEW 19EUR
12" Ggu:ll ‎– Dwaling 2016 Ván ‎– VÁN180 (DLP, white vinyl, etched) - NEW 22EUR
12" Ghost – Prequelle 2018 Spinefarm Records ‎– 0888072053885, Loma Vista ‎– LVR00370 - SEALED 24EUR
12" Goat Torment ‎– Sermons To Death 2015 (reissue 2016) Amor Fati – AFP035 (red vinyl, ltd.300) - NEW 15EUR
12" GOLD ‎– No Image 2015 Ván ‎– VÁN166 () - NEW 16EUR
12" Gorath ‎– Misotheism 2008 (reissue 2009) Eisenwald Tonschmiede ‎– EISEN039 (+7", ltd.300) - NEW 12EUR
12" Gorefest ‎– False 1992 Nuclear Blast ‎– NB 069 (yellow translucent vinyl) - NM/VG+ 70EUR
12" Gorefest ‎– Soul Survivor 1996 (reissue 2009) Black Sleeves ‎– BLACK-104LP () - SEALED 14EUR
12" Gorgoroth ‎– Antichrist 1996 (reissue 2018) Soulseller Records ‎– SSR110LP (45RPM, white vinyl) - NEW 19EUR
12" Gorgoroth ‎– Destroyer Or About How To Philosophize With The Hammer 1998 (reissue 2017) Soulseller Records ‎– SSR096LP (picture LP) - NEW 18EUR
12" Gorgoroth ‎– Destroyer Or About How To Philosophize With The Hammer 1998 (reissue 2017) Soulseller Records ‎– SSR096LP (white vinyl, ltd.350) - NEW 24EUR
12" Gorgoroth ‎– Instinctus Bestialis 2015 Soulseller Records ‎– SSR082LP () - NEW 15EUR
12" Gorgoroth ‎– Pentagram 1994 (reissue 2018) Soulseller Records ‎– SSR111LP (picture LP) - NEW 19EUR
12" Gorgoroth ‎– Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt 2009 (reissue 2016) Soulseller Records ‎– SSR 085LP ( +poster) - NEW 20EUR
12" Gorgoroth ‎– Under The Sign Of Hell 1997 (reissue 2017) Soulseller Records ‎– SSR100LP (white vinyl, ltd.350) - NEW 22EUR
12" Gorguts ‎– The Erosion Of Sanity 1993 (reissue 2016) Listenable Records ‎– POSH338 (orange vinyl) - SEALED 24EUR
12" Gost – Non Paradisi 2016 Blood Music – BLOOD-165 (DLP, 45RPM) - SEALED 24EUR
12" Grafvitnir ‎– Obeisance To A Witch Moon 2016 (reissue 2017) Carnal Records ‎– CRLP030 - SEALED 22EUR
12" Grand Nocturne ‎– Despair And Demise 2006 Asgard Musik ‎- VG+/VG+ 10EUR
12" Graupel ‎– Am Pranger... 2010 Ván ‎– Ván053 (heavy cardboard sleeve with embossed cover +CD +poster) - NEW 30EUR
12" Grave – As Rapture Comes 2006 Animate Records ‎– AR 016 - VG+/NM 20EUR
12" Grave – Out Of Respect For The Dead 2015 Century Media ‎– 9986011 () - NEW 17EUR
12" Griftegård ‎– The Four Horsemen (ep) 2015 Ván ‎– VAN147 (blue vinyl, 45RPM) - NEW 16EUR

12" Hades ‎– ...Again Shall Be 1994 (reissue 2010) Witching Hour Productions ‎– EVIL 016 DLP (DLP, cherry vinyl) - NM/NM 70EUR
12" Hades ‎– The Dawn Of The Dying Sun 1997 (reissue 2010) Witching Hour Productions ‎– EVIL 017 DLP (DLP, cherry vinyl) - NM/NM 70EUR
12" Haemorrhage / Dead – Chainsaw Necrotomy / Dead 2009 Apathic View Productions ‎– Apathic 012-1 (ltd.82/400) - M/NM 17EUR
12" Haemoth ‎– In Nomine Odium 2011 Debemur Morti Productions ‎– DMP0077 (+poster) - NEW 14EUR
12" Har – Visitation (ep) 2018 Blood Harvest ‎– YOTZ#2017-033 - NEW 15EUR
12" Hate Eternal ‎– Fury & Flames 2008 Metal Blade Records ‎– 3984-14656-1 (purple splatter vinyl, ltd.477/666) - NM/NM 30EUR
12" Hate Forest ‎– Nietzscheism 2009 Primitive Reaction ‎– PR 021 (DLP) - NM/NM 24EUR
12" Hecate Enthroned ‎– Dark Requiems...And Unsilent Massacre 1998 (reissue 2018) Back On Black ‎– BOBV517LP (grey vinyl) - NEW 24EUR
12" Hecate Enthroned ‎– The Slaughter Of Innocence, A Requiem For The Mighty – Upon Promeathean Shores (Unscriptured Waters) 1995-1997 (reissue 2018) Back On Black ‎– BOBV516LP (DLP, clear vinyl) - NEW 28EUR
12" Hell Militia ‎– Jacob's Ladder 2012 (reissue 2013) Season Of Mist Underground Activists ‎– SUA 026LPCR (red vinyl, ltd.200) - NEW 16EUR
12" Hellsaw ‎– Spiritual Twilight 2005 (reissue 2006) Temple Of Darkness Records ‎– TOD009 (DLP) - NM/VG+ 10EUR
12" Hermóðr ‎– Krigstid 2014 (reissue 2015) Amor Fati – AFP033 - NEW 15EUR
12" Hierophant – Peste 2014 Bridge Nine Records ‎– B9R219 () - NEW 14EUR
12" Holy Moses – Terminal Terror (Τηεοτοχψ) 1991 West Virginia Records ‎– 008-57101 1st-press - VG+/VG+ 30EUR
12" Hordes Of The Lunar Eclipse ‎– Dancing Demons In The Grey-lit Glade 2004 Serpens Caput Productions ‎– Holocaust 005 (LP+7", ) - M/VG+ 7EUR
12" Horna ‎– Hiidentorni 1997 (reissue 2016) Blut & Eisen Productions ‎– B&E.014 () - SEALED 16EUR
12" Horned Almighty ‎– Black Metal Jesus 2004 (reissue 2005) Infernus Rex ‎– IR004 - M/VG+ 9EUR
12" Hour Of Penance ‎– Disturbance 2003 (reissue 2012) Osmose Productions ‎– OVIR007 (brown vinyl) - NEW 14EUR
12" Hour Of Penance ‎– Pageantry For Martyrs 2005 (reissue 2012) Osmose Productions ‎– OVIR008 (green vinyl) - NEW 14EUR
12" Hour Of Penance ‎– Paradogma 2010 (reissue 2012) Osmose Productions ‎– OVIR012 (red vinyl) - NEW 15EUR
12" Hour Of Penance ‎– The Vile Conception 2008 (reissue 2012) Osmose Productions ‎– OVIR011 (grey vinyl) - NEW 14EUR
12" Howls Of Ebb / Khthoniik Cerviiks ‎– With Gangrene Edges / Voiidwarp 2017 Nuclear War Now! Productions ‎– ANTI-GOTH 353, Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP 336 - NEW 15EUR

12" Igorrr ‎– Savage Sinusoid 2017 Metal Blade Records ‎– 3984-15519-1 (pink vinyl, ltd.150) - SEALED 30EUR
12" Ildra ‎– Eðelland 2011 (reissue 2014) Heidens Hart ‎– HH103 () - NEW 400UAH/15EUR
12" Immolation ‎– Close To A World Below 2000 (reissue 2017) Metal Blade Records ‎– 3984-14349-1 () - SEALED 20EUR
12" Immolation ‎– Dawn Of Possession 1991 (reissue 2015) Listenable Records ‎– POSH296 () - SEALED 30EUR
12" Immortal ‎– Battles In The North 1995 (reissue 2010) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP 027 (white/black splatter, ltd.300) - NM/M 60EUR
12" Immortal ‎– Blizzard Beasts 1997 (reissue 2010) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP 051 () - NEW 20EUR
12" Immortal ‎– Northern Chaos Gods 2018 Nuclear Blast ‎– 3220-1, Nuclear Blast ‎– 27361 32201 - SEALED 20EUR
12" Impaled Nazarene ‎– Latex Cult 1996 (reissue 2013) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP038 - NEW 14EUR
12" Impaled Nazarene ‎– Suomi Finland Perkele - 100 Years Of Finnish Independence 1994 (reissue 2017) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP026-100 (white vinyl) - NEW 18EUR
12" Impaled Nazarene ‎– Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz... 1993 (reissue 2009) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP 010-2 (DLP, ltd.500) - S/NM 50EUR
12" Incantation ‎– Profane Nexus 2017 Relapse Records ‎– RR7348 (yellow with oxblood splatter, ltd.500) - NEW 24EUR
12" Incantation ‎– Tribute To The Goat 1997 (reissue 2016) Season Of Mist Underground Activists ‎– SUA 072LP (, ltd.666) - NEW 18EUR
12" Inferno – Gnosis Kardias (Of Transcension And Involution) 2017 W.T.C. Productions ‎– W.T.C.146 (+ 10-page booklet) - NEW 24EUR
12" Infestus – Chroniken Des Ablebens 2008 (reissue 2009) Debemur Morti Productions ‎– DMP0039, Slava Satan Records ‎– slava017 () - NEW 12EUR
12" Inkisitor ‎– Dysevangelist 2011 Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP240 () - NEW 12EUR
12" Inquisition ‎– Bloodshed Across The Empyrean Altar Beyond The Celestial Zenith 2016 Season Of Mist ‎– SOM 387LPCW (DLP, white vinyl) - NEW 24EUR
12" Inquisition ‎– Obscure Verses For The Multiverse 2013 (reissue 2018) Season Of Mist ‎– SOM315LPCG (crystal clear, green and black mixed vinyl) - NEW 24EUR
12" Inquisition ‎– Obscure Verses For The Multiverse 2013 Season Of Mist ‎– SOM 315LPCT (DLP, clear vinyl, ltd.150) - NEW 60EUR
12" Inquisitor ‎– Walpurgis: Sabbath Of Lust 1996 (reissue 2014) Hammerheart Records ‎– HHR 2014-12 (red vinyl) - NEW 15EUR
12" Isengard ‎– Høstmørke 1995 (reissue 2012) Peaceville Records ‎– VILELP417 - NEW 22EUR

12" Jordablod ‎– Upon My Cremation Pyre 2017 Iron Bonehead Productions ‎– IBP333 (DLP, , single sided) - NEW 20EUR

12" Kalmankantaja ‎– Viimeinen Virsi 2014 (reissue 2017) Hammerbund, Purity Through Fire ‎– PTF071 (ltd.199) - NEW 18EUR
12" Kalmankantaja ‎– Waldeinsamkeit 2016 (reissue 2017) Hammerbund, Purity Through Fire ‎– PTF070 (ltd.199) - NEW 18EUR
12" Kalmen ‎– Course Hex 2015 Ván ‎– VÁN153 (dark red vinyl, ltd.290) - NEW 14EUR
12" Kampfar ‎– Mare 2011 (reissue 2018) Animate Records ‎– AR078 (ltd.300) - SEALED 22EUR
12" Kampfar ‎– Profan 2015 Indie Recordings ‎– INDIE165LP () - SEALED 20EUR
12" Karyn Crisis' Gospel Of The Witches ‎– Salem's Wounds 2015 Century Media ‎– CMR92351 (DLP, ) - SEALED 17EUR
12" Keep Of Kalessin ‎– Kolossus 2008 Indie Recordings ‎– INDIE013LP (DLP) - NM/NM 18EUR
12" Keep Of Kalessin ‎– Reptilian 2010 Indie Recordings ‎– INDIE033LP (DLP) - NM/VG+ 18EUR
12" Khors ‎– І Ніч Схиляється До Наших Лиць (Night Falls Onto The Fronts Of Ours) 2015 Svarga Music ‎– BFGPS01, Bloodred Distribution ‎– BFGPS01 (gatefold) - SEALED 350UAH/13EUR
12" Khors ‎– Return To Abandoned 2010 (reissue 2011) Osmose Productions ‎– OVIR015 (DLP, ) - NEW 400UAH/18EUR
12" Khost [Deconstructed And Reconstructed By] Godflesh ‎– Needles Into The Ground 2016 Cold Spring ‎– CSR215LP () - SEALED 18EUR
12" Kill ‎– Inverted Funeral 2007 Obscure Abhorrence Productions ‎- VG+/M 15EUR
12" King Diamond ‎– Abigail II: The Revenge 2002 Metal Blade Records ‎– 3984-14379-1 (DLP) - NM/VG+ 60EUR
12" King Dude ‎– Music To Make War To 2018 Ván ‎– Ván250 (white vinyl) - NEW 22EUR
12" Kjeld ‎– De Tiid Hâldt Gjin Skoft (ep) 2010 (reissue 2014) Heidens Hart ‎– HH105LP, Art Of Propaganda ‎– HH105LP (, etched) - NEW 12EUR
12" Kommandant ‎– Kontakt/Iron Hands On Scandinavia 2015 Purity Through Fire ‎– PTF039 (, ltd.250, vinyl only release) - NEW 16EUR
12" Kreator ‎– Enemy Of God 2005 Steamhammer ‎– R20-0024609 2LP (DLP) - M/NM 60EUR
12" Kreator ‎– Extreme Aggression 1989 Noise International ‎– N 0129-1 (no postcard) 1st-press - VG/VG+ 40EUR
12" Kreator ‎– Out Of The Dark ... Into The Light (ep) 1988 Noise International ‎– NUK 118 - VG+/VG+ 22EUR
12" Kreator ‎– Phantom Antichrist 2012 Nuclear Blast ‎– NB 2588-1 (DLP, ltd.250 but not numbered) - NM/M 50EUR
12" Kreator ‎– Pleasure To Kill 1986 Noise – N 0037 (original version with no barcode, inner sleeve with white background titled "aggressive rock produktionen") - VG+/VG+ 50EUR
12" Kreator ‎– Violent Revolution 2001 Steamhammer ‎– SPV 085-72541 DLP (DLP) - NM/VG 80EUR
12" Kriegsmaschine ‎– Altered States Of Divinity 2005 (reissue 2018) No Solace ‎– NS-03 - NEW 20EUR
12" Kriegsmaschine ‎– Enemy Of Man 2014 (reissue 2018) No Solace ‎– NS-01 - NEW 20EUR
12" Kriegsmaschine ‎– Enemy Of Man 2014 No Solace ‎– NS-01 1st-press - NM/VG+ 40EUR
12" Kroda ‎– Ginnungagap Ginnungagaldr Ginnungakaos 2016 Purity Through Fire ‎– PTF037, Fimbulvinter Productions, Neue Aesthetik ‎- NEW 16EUR
12" Kwade Droes ‎– De Duivel En Zijn Gore Oude Kankermoer 2018 Ván ‎– VÁN246 (dark red vinyl) - NEW 20EUR
(Отредактировал 29-04-2019 в 17:55 egor_aka_vile.)
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RE: Продам винил // Bloodred Distribution / 03-11-2016 23:59
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RE: Продам винил // Bloodred Distribution / 26-11-2016 17:42
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RE: Продам винил // Bloodred Distribution / 26-12-2016 00:46
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RE: Продам винил // Bloodred Distribution / 21-01-2017 12:53
в продажу поступили:

12" До Скону ‎(Do Skonu) – Ад (Hell) 2016 Forever Plagued Records ‎– FPR045 (black vinyl, ltd.300, hand-numbered) - новый/new 400UAH/14EUR
12" Antaeus ‎– Condemnation 2016 Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– NED042 (black vinyl) - новый/new 18EUR
12" Belenos ‎– Spicilège 2002 (reissue 2015) Forgotten Wisdom Productions ‎– FWP074 (black vinyl, ltd.300) - новый/new 17EUR
12" Burzum ‎– Burzum / Aske 1995 (reissue 2008) Back On Black ‎– BOBV072LP (DLP, black vinyl) - запечатан/sealed 22EUR
12" Burzum ‎– Hvis Lyset Tar Oss 1993 (reissue 2008) Back On Black ‎– BOBV087LP (black vinyl) - запечатан/sealed 22EUR
12" Dead Congregation ‎– Sombre Doom (ep) 2016 Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– NED040 (black vinyl, 45RPM) - новый/new 15EUR
12" Deathspell Omega ‎– The Synarchy Of Molten Bones 2016 Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– NED041 (black vinyl, 45RPM) - новый/new 19EUR
12" Emperor – In The Nightside Eclipse 1994 (reissue 2008) Back On Black ‎– BOBV091LP (DLP, black vinyl) - запечатан/sealed 24EUR
12" Kauan ‎– Pirut (reissue 2016) Blood Music – Blood-039r (black vinyl) - запечатан/sealed 20EUR
12" Lifelover ‎– Pulver 2006 (reissue 2016) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP213 (black vinyl) - новый/new 20EUR
12" Lifelover ‎– Erotik (reissue 2016) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP214 (black vinyl) - новый/new 20EUR
12" Lifelover ‎– Dekadens 2009 (reissue 2016) Osmose Productions ‎– OPLP231 (black vinyl) - новый/new 20EUR
12" Metallica ‎– Metallica 1991 (reissue 2014) Blackened Recordings ‎– BLCKND008-1 (DLP, black vinyl) - запечатан/sealed 22EUR
12" Rorcal ‎– Világvége 2013 Cal Of Ror Records ‎– COR008, Sick Man Getting Sick Records ‎– SIM-008, Lost Pilgrims Records ‎– PLGM 002, Halo Of Flies ‎– HALO59 (black vinyl) - новый/new 17EUR
12" Rorcal ‎– κρέων (Creon) 2016 Bleak Recordings ‎– BR007, Grains Of Sand Records ‎– SAND 009, GPS Prod ‎– none, Halo Of Flies ‎– HALO91, Lost Pilgrims Records ‎– PLGM 017, Wolves And Vibrancy Records ‎(DLP, black vinyl) - запечатан/sealed 22EUR
12" Rotting Christ ‎– Triarchy Of The Lost Lovers 1996 (reissue 2016) Floga Records ‎– FL14-B (black vinyl) - новый/new 18EUR
12" Teitanblood ‎– Accursed Skin (ep) 2016 Norma Evangelium Diaboli ‎– NED043, The Ajna Offensive ‎– FLAME103 (black vinyl, 45RPM) - новый/new 16EUR
12" Thorns ‎– Stellar Deceit - Live In Oslo 2016 Distorted Harmony ‎– 066 (black vinyl) - новый/new 17EUR

7" Dead Congregation ‎– Rehearsal 06/2005 2015 Not On Label (Dead Congregation Self-released) ‎(black vinyl, 33RPM) - новый/new 8EUR
(Отредактировал 21-01-2017 в 17:00 egor_aka_vile.)
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Откуда: Киев
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RE: Продам винил // Bloodred Distribution / 24-02-2017 11:50
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RE: Продам винил // Bloodred Distribution / 20-03-2017 23:14
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RE: Продам винил // Bloodred Distribution / 13-04-2017 15:58
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RE: Продам винил // Bloodred Distribution / 04-05-2017 16:12
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RE: Продам винил [12" A-K] // Bloodred Distribution / 14-07-2017 17:52
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RE: Продам винил [12" A-K] // Bloodred Distribution / 06-12-2017 16:14
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RE: Продам винил [12" A-K] // Bloodred Distribution / 15-12-2017 12:40
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egor_aka_vile Не на форуме

Откуда: Киев
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RE: Продам винил [12" A-K] // Bloodred Distribution / 25-01-2018 01:16
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egor_aka_vile Не на форуме

Откуда: Киев
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RE: Продам винил [12" A-K] // Bloodred Distribution / 04-02-2018 20:03
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egor_aka_vile Не на форуме

Откуда: Киев
Сообщений: 0
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RE: Продам винил [12" A-K] // Bloodred Distribution / 14-03-2018 11:51
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egor_aka_vile Не на форуме

Откуда: Киев
Сообщений: 0
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RE: Продам винил [12" A-K] // Bloodred Distribution / 18-03-2018 14:44
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egor_aka_vile Не на форуме

Откуда: Киев
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RE: Продам винил [12" A-K] // Bloodred Distribution / 29-03-2018 20:47
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egor_aka_vile Не на форуме

Откуда: Киев
Сообщений: 0
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RE: Продам винил [12" A-K] // Bloodred Distribution / 08-04-2018 18:28
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egor_aka_vile Не на форуме

Откуда: Киев
Сообщений: 0
Репутация: 62
RE: Продам винил [12" A-K] // Bloodred Distribution / 25-03-2019 21:58
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egor_aka_vile Не на форуме

Откуда: Киев
Сообщений: 0
Репутация: 62
RE: Продам винил [12" A-K] // Bloodred Distribution / 29-04-2019 17:56
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