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RE: Продам фирменый винил на любой вкус / 14-03-2020 21:36
Добавлю 14.3.2020.

AIR SUPPLY-Lost in love 1980 nm/nm- Arista (AL 9530) USA-240
AIR SUPPLY-Now and forever 1982 ex+/nm Phonograph Rec.(BTLC 1004) OIS Canada-240
AIR SUPPLY-Now and forever 1982 ex+/nm Arista (AL 9587) USA-240
AIR SUPPLY-Greatest hits 1983 ex+/nm Arista (ALB 8024) OIS USA-240
AIR SUPPLY-Heart in motion 1986 ex/nm Arista(AL9 8426) OIS USA-240
ART GARFUNKEL-Breakaway 1975 ex+/nm- Columbia (PC 33700) OIS USA-250
BILL QUATERMAN-Night after night 1977 nm-/nm RCA Victor (APL1-2027) OIS USA-260
BILLY JOEL-The stranger 1977 ex+/nm- Capitol Rec. (JC 34987) USA-260
BILLY JOEL-Glass houses 1980 ex+/nm Columbia (FC 36384) OIS USA-300
BRIMSTONE & TREACLE-Featuring The Police, Sting, Go.Go's* & Squeeze 1982 ex+/nm AM Rec.(SP-4915) USA-260
CLIQUE-The Clique 1969 ex/nm- White Whale (WW 7126) USA-390
FOXY-Party boys 1979 Sealead (D-30015, DASH 30015, 30015) USA-260
DIRT BAND-An american dream 1979 ex+/-nm United Artist Rec.(UA-LA974-H) OIS USA-240
DIRT BAND-An American dream 1979 nm/nm United artist Rec/(UA-LA974-H) USA-250
DIRT BAND-Make a little magic 1980 ex+/-nm United Artist Rec.(LT 1042) USA-240
DIRT BAND-Jealousy 1981 nm/-nm Liberty (LW-1106) OIS USA-240
DEL SHANNON-Drop down and get me 1981 ex/nm Elektra (SE-568) OIS USA-260
INCREDIBLE STRING BAND-Liquid acrobat as regards the air 1971 ex/nm(ex+) Island (ILPS-9172) GF UK-480
ERIC BOGLE-When the wind blows 1985 nm-/nm Topic(12TS 437) UK-320
JUSTIN HAYWARD-Night flight 1980 ex/nm Deram (DRL-1-4801) Promo OIS USA-250
JAMES TAYLOR-Jt 1977 nm-/nm Columbia Rec.(JC 34811) OIS GF USA-260
PAT TERRY GROUP-The Pat Teery group 1975 ex+/nm Myrrh (MSA 6550) OIS USA-280
GOOD CLEAN FUN-Good clean fun 1982 ex+/nm Overdrive Rec. (DRZ-7102) USA-240
LORDS,88-Back too roots the new Recording 1988 ex+/nm Horzu Music. (LP 1681) GF Germ-380
LORDS-Stormy 1989 ex+/nm Dino Music (IMS 58252031) OIS Germ-380
MOON MARTIN-Escape from domination 1979 nm/nm Capitol Rec.(1C 064-85 944) Germ-260
NEW ADVENTURES-The new adventures 1980 nm-/nm Poludor (2925 098) France-240
THREE DOG NIGHT-Suitable for framing 1969 ex/ex(nm) GF ABC Dunhill (DS 50058) Insert USA-300
THREE DOG NIGHT-Suitable for framing 1969 ex/ex- GF ABC Dunhill ( DS 50058) USA-220
THREE DOG NIGHT-Capptured live the forum 1969 ex/nm- Abc Dunhill GF (DS-50068) Insert USA-340
THREE DOG NIGHT-Captured live the forum 1969 ex/ex+ Abc Dunhill GF(DS-50068) USA-260
THREE DOG NIGHT-Captured live the forum 1969 ex/ex Abc Dunhill GF(DS-50068) Insert USA-250
THREE DOG NIGHT-Naturally 1970 ex/nm- ABC DUNHILL (DSX 50088) GF+Poster USA -320
THREE DOG NIGHT-It aint easy 1970 ex+/nm- ABC/Dunhill Rec.(50078) GF Orig.Insert USA-380
THREE DOG NIGHT-Harmony 1971 ex/vg++ Abc Dunhill (DSX 50088) USA-180
THREE DOG NIGHT-Golden Bisqhts 1972 ex+/nm Dunhill (DSX 50098) GF+Poster USA-280
THREE DOG NIGHT-Cyan 1973 nm/nm Dunhill (DSX-5015) OIS USA-300
THREE DOG NIGHT-Coming downg you way 1975 ex+/ex(nm) Abc Dunhill OIS USA-250


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RE: Продам фирменый винил на любой вкус / 17-03-2020 21:45
Добавлю 17.3.2020

ATLANTA RHYTHM SECTION-Underdog 1979 ex+/nm Polydor ( PD-1-6200) Canada-320
AMAZING RHYNHM ACES-Toucan do it too 1977 nm-/nm ABC Rec.(AB-1005) OIS USA-320
AMAZING RHYTHM ACES-Burning the ballroom down 1978 ex/ex+ ABC Rec.(AA-1063) OIS USA-260
CRAZY HORSE-At crooked lake 1972 ex/nm Epic (E 31710) USA-650
FORTUNES-Storm in a teacup 1972 ex+/nm Capitol (ST-11041) USA-390
JOHN BUTCHER AXIS-John Buther Axis 1983 ex/nm Polydor (810 059-1) USA-280
JOHN BUTCHER AXIS- Along the axis-1985 ex+/nm Capitol OIS USA-280
JOHN BUTCHER-Wishes 1987 ex+/nm Capitol Rec.(ST-12542) OIS USA-280
GARY CLARK JR.-The story of Sonny Boy Slim 2015 nm/nm 2LP WB Rec.(550131-1) GF OIS USA-750
MOTHER EARTH-Satisfied ex/ex+ 1970 Mercury ( SP-61270 ) GF USA-380
TAIL GATORS-Mumbo Jumbo 1986 ex+/nm Wrestler Rec.(WR986) USA-340
TAIL GATORS-Swamp rock 1985 nm-/ex+ Wrestler Rec.(WR-285) USA-320
ORLEANS-Forever 1979 nm/nm Infinity Rec. (INF-9006) OIS USA-300
ORLEANS-Forever 1979 ex+/nm Infinity Rec. (INF-9006) OIS USA-260
ORLEANS-Grown up children 1986 ex/ex+ MCA Rec. OIS USA-240
KERRY LIVGREN-Seeds of chance 1980 nm/nm Kirshmer(Guitarist for Kansas) (BL 36567) Sticker OIS USA-340
ENCENS- Spiritual Transgression / Energy Gate 1996 nm/nm Koyote Rec.(KR 003) UK-320
KALEIDOSCOPE-A beacon from mars 1968(7Cool nm-/nm Epic ( XSB 119354) (BN 26333) USA-700
ROBBY KRIEGER-No habla 1989 ex+/nm I.R.S. (IRS-82004) Canada-520
REDWIN-What this country needs..1972 ex/ex+ Fantasy (9405) USA-640
RHINESTONES- The rinestones 1975 nm/nm 2 Century (9209-489) Canada-380
RUDY-Just take my body 1979 ex/nm Polydor (PD-1-6226) Insert USA-340
SOUTHSIDE JOHNNY&THE ASBURY JUKES-I dont want to go home 1976 ex/nm Epica (AL34180) USA-320
WET WILLIE-Wet willie 1971 ex+/ex+ Capricorn Rec.(CP 013 GF USA-380-РЕЗЕРВ
WET WILLIE-Dixie rock 1975 ex+/nm- Capricorn Rec. (CP 0149) USA-320
WET WILLIE-Manorisms 1977 ex+/ex+ Epic (JE 34983) USA-320
WET WILLIE-Which ones willie? 1979 ex+/nm Epic (AL 35794) Promo OIS USA-340

(Отредактировал 20-03-2020 в 15:56 SPORT-20.)

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RE: Продам фирменый винил на любой вкус / 20-03-2020 21:36
Добавлю 20.3.2020.

BACON FAT-Tough dude 1971 ex+/nm Blue Gorizon (STEC 110) Original. France- 2600
BLUES CARAVAN-The blues caravan 1985 ex+/nm Gnp crescendo (GNPS 217Cool USA-650
BLUES MAGOOS-Never goin back to georgia 1969 ex+/nm- ABC Rec.(ABCS-697) GF Insert USA-780
BLUES MAGOOS-Gulf coast bound 1970 ex/nm- ABC Rec.(ABCS-710) GF USA-720
BLUES MAGOOS-Never goin back to georgia 1972 ex/ex+ ABC Rec.(ABCS-697) GF USA-520
BLUES IMAGE-Red & White 1970 ex/nm ATCO (SD 33-34Cool GF Orig. USA-750
BIG TWIST AND THE MELLOW FELLOWS-Playing for keeps 1983 ex+/nm Alligator Rec. (AL 4732) USA-520
CAMEL-Mirage 1974(81) nm-/nm Passport Rec. (PB 9855) OIS USA-420
CANDYMEN-The candymen bring you candy power 1968 nm/nm (ex+) ABC Rec.(ABCS-633) USA-520
KING EARL BOOGIE BAND-Trouble at mill 1972 nm-/nm Dawn (DNLS 3040) UK-780
DOORS- Watting for the sun 1968 nm-/nm Elektra (ELK 42041) Germ- 700
DOORS-The soft parade 1969 ex+/nm Electra (EKS-75005) GF USA-850
DOORS 13 1970 ex/vg+ Electra USA-160
DOORS-Morison Hotel 1970 ex+/nm Elektra (ELK 42080) GF Scandinavia-680
DOORS-Absolute live 1970 ex+/nm- 2LP Elektra (EKS 9002) GF Germ-800
DOORS-L.A. Woman 1971 ex+/nm- Elektra (K 42 090) Sticker Germ-680
DOORS-Alive,she chield 1983 ex/nm- Electra (96-0269-1) OIS Germ-480
GRASSROOTS-More golden grass 1970 ex+/ex+ ABC Danhill (DS-50087) Orig. GF USA-560
GLITTERHOUSE-Color blind 1968 Sealed Dynovoice Rec.(DY 31905) USA-650
EAGLES- One of these nights-1975 nm/nm Asylum (7E-1039) OIS USA-300
EAGLES-Hotel california 1976 ex+/nm(ex+) Asylum (AS 53 051) GF OIS Germ-320
EAGLES-Eagles live 1980 ex/nm- 2LP Asylum Rec.( BB 705) GF 2 OIS USA-420
MICHAEL EDWARD CAMBEL-1974 ex+/nm- Motown Rec ( M6-810S1) Orig. USA-380
MAGNA CARTA-Seasons 1970 ex+/nm ABC Dunhill (DS-50091) GF USA-580
MAGNA CARTA-In concert 72(73) ex+/nm Vertigo (6360 06Cool GF UK-750
MAGNA CARTA- Putting It Back Together 1976 ex/nm Ariola America (ST-50014)-520
MAGNA CARTA-Midnight blue 1982 ex+/ex+ Polydor (2925 127) OIS Holland-480
PAVLOVS DOG-At the sound of the bell 1976 ex+/nm CBS (CBS 32405) Holland-420
STEVE MARRIOT-Marriot 1976 nm-/nm A&M Rec. (SP 4572) USA-500
TERRY REID -River 1976(2006) nm/nm 4 Men With Beards (4 M10) GF USA-490
TERRY REID-Sedd of memory-1976 ex/nm- ABC Rec. Insert USA-360


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RE: Продам фирменый винил на любой вкус / 23-03-2020 21:26
Добавлю 23.3.2020

ANTHEM-Anthem 1971 ex/nm (ex+) Buddah Rec. (BDS 5071) OIS USA- 850
ALEX KORNER/MEMPHIS SLIM-Rock me baby 1965 ex+/nm Black Lion Rec.(BLP 30122) UK-500
ALEXIS KORNER-Blues incorporated 1974 ex+/-nm Just Sunshine Rec. USA-650
ALEXIS KORNER-Get off my cloud 1975 ex+/nm Columbia (AL 33427) USA-650
ALEXIS KORNERS-Blues Incorporated 1981 nm/nm Decca (6.24 475) Germ-290
ARMAGEDON-Armagedon 1975 ex+/ex(ex+) AM Rec. (SP-4513) OIS USA-680
BRIAN AUGER & TRINITY-Befour 1970 ex+/ex(+) RCA Victor.(LSP-4375) USA-500
BRIAN AUGERS OBLIVION EXPRESS-SeCond Wind 1972 ex+/nm- RCA Victor (LSP-4703) USA-680
BRIAN AUGER OBLIVION EXPRESS-Straight Ahead -nm/nm RCA Victor (APL1-0454) USA 650
BRIAN AUGER & THE TRINITY-Genesis 1974 ex+/ex+ Polydor (PD-6505) USA-650
BRIAN AUGERS OBLIVION EXPRESS-Rein forcements 1975 ex+/ex+ RCA Victor/(APL1-1210) GF USA-650
BRIAN AUGERS OBLIVION EXPRESS-Live oblivion 1976 ex+/nm 2LP RCA Victor GF USA-680
BRIAN AUGER OBLIVION EXPRESS-Happiness heartaches 1977 nm/nm WB (BS 2981) Insert USA-500
CURVED AIR-Air Conditioning 1970 ex+/nm WB Rec. (K 56004) UK- 690
GAYE BYKERS ON ACID-Drill your own hole 1987 nm/nm The Purple Fluid Exchange ‎– (V 247Cool UK-650
EARTH OPERA-Earth Opera 1968 ex+/nm (ex+) Elektra Gold. (EKS-74016) Unipak Orig. USA-950
FRATERNITY OF MAN- Fraternity of man 1968 ex/nm ABC Rec. (ABCS-647) USA- 1250
HOOKFOOT-Good times a comin 1972 ex+/ex+ AM Rec. ( SP-433 GF Orig. OIS USA-650
HEADS HANDS & FEET-Old soldiers never die 1973 ex/nm- Atlantic (K 40465) UK- 820
JEFF BECK and YARDBIRS-Shapes of things 1972 ex+/-nm Springboard (SPB-4039)-390
JEFF BECK/TIM BOGERT/CARMINE APPICE-Beck,Bogert & Appice 1973 ex/ex+ Epic. (KE 32140) Orig. USA-390
JEFF BECK-Wired 1976 nm/nm Epic (25AP 120) OIS Poster Japan-680
JEF BECK-Flash 1985 ex/nm Epic (AL 39483) USA-290
JOHN LORD-Windows 1974 ex+/nm Purple (1 C 062-95 634) GF Orig. Germ-650
HAWKWIND-Roadhawks 1976(84) nm/nm Fame (FA 4130961) GF UK-600
KRAFTWERK-Trans-europe express 1977 nm/nm Capitol (S11-56853) USA-1100
ROCKETS-On the road again 1978 ex+/nm IPG (170 00 Orig. GF France-950
MAHOGONY RUSH-Child of the novelty ex+/nm- 20 Century (T-451) GF USA-840
McCOYS-Human Ball 1969 ex+/nm Mercury (SR-61207) USA- 840
TAROT-The spell of iron mmxi 2011 nm/nm Nuclear Blast (NB 2739-1) Red Vinyl GF Europe -750
SCHADEL N1-Schadel 1970 ex+ex+ Unided Artist (UAS 29 114 ) GF Germ- 650
WICHITA FALL-Life is but a dream 1968 ex+/nm IR Imperial ( LP-12417) GF USA-840


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RE: Продам фирменый винил на любой вкус / 27-03-2020 23:28
27.3.2020. В продаже

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RE: Продам фирменый винил на любой вкус / 01-04-2020 22:12
Добавлю 1.4.2020.

AL COHN-The Progressive Al Cohn 1979 ex+/nm Savoy Records (SJL 1126) USA-350
AMBOY DUKES-Marriage on the rocks 1970 ex+/nm Polydor ‎– (24-4012) USA-450
AMBOY DUKES AND TED NUGENT-2 Originals Of Ted Nugent 1976 ex+/nm 2LP Discreet (K 69202) GF UK-650
AC/DC-Let there be rock 1977 nm/nm Atlantic (K 50366 ) UK-720
AC/DC-If you want blood you,ve got it 1978 ex/nm Atalntic(SD 19212)IUSA-650
AC/DC-If you want blood you,ve got it 1978 ex+/nm Atalntic (K50532) UK-700
AC/DC-Back in black 1980 ex+/nm Atlantic (K 50735) OIS UK- 1300
AC/DC-For thouse about to rock 1981 nm/nm- Atlantic (SD 11111) GF USA-680
AC/DC-The pazors edge 1990 nm/nm Atco (7567-91413-1) Insert UK & Europe-750
AC/DC-Ballbreaker 2014 Запечатана Columbia (88843049291) Europe- 860
BLACK SABBATH-Master of reality 1972 ex+/nm W&B Rec.(BS 2562) USA- 980
BLACK SABBATH-Technical ectasy 1976 ex+/nm W&B Rec. ( BS 2969) OIS USA-920
BLACK SABBATH-Never say die !1978 nm-/nm Vertigo (9124 101) Germ- 880
BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS-The birth of a legend 1976 ex+/nm 2LP Galla Rec.(2 GAS 1240) USA-860
BOB MARLEY-Chaces are 1981 nm/nm Cotillion (SD 522Cool Insert USA-680
BOB MARLEY& THE WAILERS-Confrontation 1983 ex+/nm Islands (90085) GF USA- 820
BONEY M.-Take the heat off me 1976 nm-/nm Hansa (65 201) Germ-580
BONEY M.-Nighflight to venus 1978 ex/nm- Hansa (S 26 026) Insert Germ-240
BONEY M.-Oceans of fantasy 1979 ex+/nm- Hansa (200 88Cool GF Sleeve Poster
OIS Germ -320
BONEY M.-Oceans of fantasy 1979 ex+/nm- Hansa (200 88 GF Sleeve Poster
OIS Netherlands-320
BLUES MAGOOS-Electric comic book 1967 nm-/ex(nm) Mercury (MG-21104) USA -680
DEEP PURPLE-Infinite 2017 Запечатан Ear Music 2LP Germ- 1050
CHYLD-Conception 1988 nm/-nm New Renaissance Records (NRR12) USA-460
GENE BERTONCINI-Bridges 1977 nm-/nm MPS (5D 064-60203) Hollland-480
GRAEME EDGE BAND Paradise ballroom 1977 ex+/nm London (PS 686) GF Insert USA-600
GOODS-The Gods Featuring Ken Hensley 1976 ex+/nm EMI (IMP 1012) USA-720
HOLLIES- Romany 1972 ex+/ex+(nm) Epic (BL 31992) GF USA-580
HOLLIES-1963-1970 nm/nm/ex+ 2LP EMI (1C 134-7 92907 1) GF Europe-400
HOLLIES-Hollies 1974 Epic (AL 32574) Orig. Insert USA-450
HOLLIES-Another night 1975 ex+/ex+ Epic (PE 33387) USA-360
HOLLIES-A crazy steal 1977 ex+/nm- Polydor (2383 474) Scandinavia-250
HOLLIES-Clarc hicks sylvert elliot 1977 ex/ex+ Epic(PE 34714) USA-260
JIMMY PAGE-Outrider 1988 nm-/nm Geffen Rec. (GHS 2418Cool OIS Sticker USA-480
JORMA KAUKONEN WITH TOM HOBSON-Quah 1974 ex+/nm Grunt (BFL1-0209) GF USA-480
RARE EARTH-In concert 1971 ex+/nm 2LP Rare Earth (R534R2) OIS USA-420
RARE EARTH-Willie remembers 1972 ex+/nm Rare Earth (R 543L) Double GF Orig.USA-480
RARE EARTH-Back to earth 1975 ex+/nm Rare Earth (HS-2501) USA-360
RARE EARTH-Motown superstar series 1981ex+/ex+ Motown ‎– M5-116V1 OIS USA-320
R KELLY-I wish 2000 ex+/nm Jive (01241-42740) USA-320
R.KELLY-Feelin,on yo booty-The remix 2000 nm/nm Jive (JDAB-42947-1) Promo USA-350
ROWANS-Rowans 1975 nm-/nm Asylum Rec. (7E-103Cool USA-340
MANFRED MANNS EARTH BAND -Manfred manns earth band 1972ex+/nm Polydor (PD-5015) USA-690
MICHAEL FRANKS-Objects of desire 1982 ex+/nm WB Rec(BSK 364Cool OIS USA-320
MILES DAVIS-Miles to go 1982 ex+/ nm- 2LP Columbia (AS 1376) USA-650
MIKE GREENE-Pale.pale moon 1975 ex/nm GRC (GADJ-10013) OIS USA-350
SHOCKING BLUE-With Love From ...1972 ex/nm Capri (CA 38-G) Insert Holland-520
SHOKING BLUE-The best Pink elephant (SSS 178 Y) Orig. Belgium- 680
SHOCKING BLUE-The fantastic 1972 ex+/ex+ Polydor (2459 305) Germ-420
SHOCKIN BLUE-Golden Hits 1991 nm/nm(ex+) Not On Label ‎– (С90 32291-2) USSR-200
SUPERTRAMP-Breakeast in America 1979 ex+/nm(ex+) OIS Holland-280
SUPERTRAMP-Breakfast in America 1979 ex/ex (SP-370 OIS USA-190
SUPERTRAMP-..Famous last words 1982 ex+/ex+ AM Rec.(SP 3732) OIS USA-290
SUPERTRAMP-Free as a bird 1987 nm/nm AM Rec (SP 5181) OIS USA-650
SUGARLOF-Sugarlof 1970 ex/ex(nm) Liberty (LST-7640) USA-360
STAN GETZ-Presents Jimmie Rowles* ‎– The Peacocks 1977 nm/nm Columbia (JC 34873) OIS USA-380
UFO-No heavy petting 1976 ex+/nm Chrysalis (CHR 1103) Orig. USA-950
STANLEY TURRENTINE-Inflation 1980 nm/nm Electra (6E-269) USA-350
STUDIO 54- Vol. 5 - "D.J. Land" 1982 ex+/nm Derby (COM 20331) Italy-320
WISHBONE ASH-Argus 1972 ex+/nm-MCA Rec.(MCA-49) Orig.Insert USA-650
WAYNE SHORTER-Atlantis 1985 nm-/nm- Columbia (FC 40055) OIS USA-480
VANILA FUDGE-The beat goes on 1968 nm/nm ATCO (SD 33-237) GF Orig.USA-840
VANILLA FUDGE-Renaissance 1968 (73) ex+/ex+ Midi (20 045) Germ-280
VANILLA FUDGE-Near the beginning 1969 ex+/ex+ Atco Rec.( SD 33-27 USA-340
VANILLA FUDGE-Rock & Roll 1969 ex/nm- Atco Rec. (SD 33-303) USA-350
VANILLA FUDGE-Near the beginning 1969 ex/ex+ Atco Rec.( SD 33-27 USA-340
VANILLA FUDGE-Rock & Roll 1969 ex+/nm- Atco Rec. (SD 33-303) USA-350
VANILA FUDGE-Mystery 1984 nm-/nm Atco (90149) OIS USA-360


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