Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 12.09
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Откуда: Харьков
Сообщений: 105
Репутация: 1267
Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 12.09 / 19-09-2021 21:14
- UPDATE 18.09 добавил более 200 позиций
- обновил цены
- удалил проданные

Jewel Casы могут иметь трещины и тд, не оцениваю.

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Не меняюсь.

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Если Вы ищете определенное издание, пожалуйста, присылайте ссылку издания, которое Вас интересует.

Состояние оценивается по пятибалльной системе (от 5 до 2). Все диски проигрываются без проблем, если не указано иначе.

- "5+" => не игрался
- "5" => возможно игрался, следов использования нет
- "5(-)" => диск проигрывался, если очень приглядываться, можно найти что-то минимальное
- "5-" => диск проигрывался, можно найти очень легкие следы использования. Состояние на Discogs примерно NM-
- "4+" => диск проигрывался, есть легкие волоски, возможны легкие отпечатки пальцев
- "4" => диск проигрывался, есть волоски, возможны легкие круговые неглубокие царапки, возможны легкие потертости, возможны отпечатки пальцев. Видно, что диск проигрывался, но обращались бережно. Состояние на Discogs примерно VG+.
- "4-" => диск проигрывался, чуть больше следов использования чем на "4", но сильных или глубоких царапин нет, обращались довольно бережно, но слушали частенько.
- "3+" => диск проигрывался, может иметь легкие ссадины, остальное как на "4-", проигрывается без проблем. Состояние на Discogs примерно VG.
- "3" => диск проигрывался, имеет сильные или глубокие царапины, остальное как на "4-". Проигрывается без проблем.
- "2" не бывает

- "5+" => новый
- "5" => следов использования нет
- "5(-)" => можно найти что-то минимальное
- "5-" => можно найти очень легкие следы использования. Состояние на Discogs NM-.
- "4+" => буклет вынимался, имеет легкие следы использования, возможны легкие прижимы в месте креплений
- "4" => буклет вынимался, имеет следы использования, возможны прижимы в месте креплений, повреждений нет. Состояние на Discogs примерно VG+.
- "4-" => чуть хуже чем "4", возможен минимальный надрыв (1мм, в основном указано), возможна лёгкая волнистость от влаги, возможны легкие разводы от воды (указано)
- "3+" => может иметь легкие надрывы (в основном указано), следы от влаги/воды, но все еще не стыдно оставить в коллекцию. Состояние на Discogs примерно VG.
- "3" => имеет сильный надрыв, сильные следы использования или сильно поведен влагой. Все странички на месте
- "2" не бывает

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kolos Не на форуме

Откуда: Харьков
Сообщений: 105
Репутация: 1267
RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 19.09 / 19-09-2021 22:17
Исполнитель / Альбом / Особенности / Сост. ЦД / Сост. Буклет / Сост Digi (если есть) / Сост. Slipcase (если есть) / Сост. Poster (если есть) / Цена € / Цена Sale €

2 Unlimited No Limits no ifpi 4+ 5 4€
3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down super jewel case 5(-) 5 5€ 4,5€
3 Doors Down Away From The Sun 4(+) 4 3,5€ 2€
3 Doors Down Away From The Sun 5 5 4,5€
3 Doors Down Away From The Sun 5- 5- 4€ 3€
3 Doors Down Here Without You Single 4 4+ 1,5€ 1€
3 Doors Down The Better Life 5 5 5€ 4,5€
36 Crazyfists A Snow Capped Romance 5- 5(-) 5€ 4€
36 Crazyfists A Snow Capped Romance S S 6€
36 Crazyfists Bitterness the Star S S 6€
ABBA ABBA 831 596-2, made in germany 4- 5- 8€ 5€
ABBA ABBA no ifpi, made in germany by pmdc, легкая примятость на креплении, задняя вставка чуть волнистая 5- 4+ 5€ 4,5€
ABBA Arrival 2001 5 5- 7€ 6,5€
ABBA Super Trouper no ifpi, runout: made in germany, задняя вставка имеет волнистость 5 5- 5€
ABBA The Complete Singles Collection 2CDs, 543 231-2 5 5- 7€
ABBA The Definitive Collection 2cds 5(-)/5 5 5€
ABBA The Hits 2 no ifpi 5 5 5€ 4€
ABBA The Name of the Game 5(-) 5 5€ 3,5€
ABBA The Name of the Game легкие пальчики на цд 5- 5- 3€
ABBA Voulez-Vous ifpi, made in germany by pmdc 5- 5- 6€
ABBA Waterloo ifpi 4+ 5- 5€ 3,5€
ABBA Waterloo ifpi 5- 5- 5€ 4€
ABBA Waterloo no ifpi, spectrum 550 0342 5(-) 5 6€ 5,5€
ABC The Lexicon of Love 538 250-2, легкие пальчики на цд 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
ABC The Lexicon of Love no ifpi, диск пыльный, 810 003-2 4 4(-) 2€
Abe Vigoda Crush задняя вставка чуть волнистая 5 5- 4,5€ 4€
AC/DC Black Ice digi 5 5 4 5,5€
AC/DC Blow Up Your Video no ifpi 5- 5- 8€ 6,5€
AC/DC For Those About to Rock ifpi, 7567-92412-2 5 5- 10€ 7€
AC/DC For Those About to Rock no ifpi 5+ 5+ 12€ 10€
AC/DC High Voltage remastered 5- 5- 6€ 5€
AC/DC Let There Be Rock no ifpi 5+ 4+ 8€ 6,5€
AC/DC Live no ifpi 5 5- 6€ 5€
AC/DC Stiff Upper Lip 4 5- 5€
AC/DC The Razors Edge no ifpi 5- 5 6€
AC/DC The Razors Edge no ifpi, диск чуть пыльный, 7567-91413-2 4 4+ 4,5€ 4€
AC/DC Who Made Who no ifpi 5- 4+ 6€ 5,5€
AC/DC Who Made Who no ifpi, 7567-81650-2 5 5 6,5€
Accept Best of ifpi 5- 5 5€
Ace of Base Happy Nation no ifpi 5(-) 5- 4€
Ace of Base Happy Nation no ifpi, диск чуть пыльный 5- 4 4€ 2,5€
Ace of Base The Sign no ifpi,us 4 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
Adele 21 4(-) 4 2€ 1,5€
Adele 21 5 5 5,5€ 5€
Adele 21 5- 5 5€ 3,5€
Adele 25 5(-) 5 5,5€ 5€
Adriano Celentano Azzurro: Una Carezza in un Pugno 2002 5- 5- 15€ 10€
Adriano Celentano Ciao Amore no ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 5€
Aerosmith A Little South of Sanity 2cds 4 5- 5,5€
Aerosmith Aerosmith / Toys in the Attic 2cds, slipcase 5(-)/5 5 4 15€ 13€
Aerosmith Big Ones white jewel case 5- 4+ 5€ 3,5€
Aerosmith Gems made by dadc austria 5 4 4,5€
Aerosmith Get a Grip ifpi 5 5 5€ 4€
Aerosmith Get a Grip ifpi,white jewel case 5 4++ 4,5€ 3,5€
Aerosmith Get a Grip white jewel case 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Aerosmith Get a Grip white jewel case, sticker on cd+booklet, marking on cd (marker) 4 4 4€ 2,5€
Aerosmith Honkin' on Bobo US 5 5 7€ 6€
Aerosmith Nine Lives 5- 5 5,5€ 4,5€
Aerosmith Permanent Vacation no ifpi 5-(4++) 5 4,5€ 4€
Aerosmith Pump ifpi, sonopress 5 5- 5€
Aerosmith Pump ifpi, sonopress 5- 5- 5€ 4€
Aerosmith Pump no ifpi 5 5- 5€ 4,5€
Aerosmith Rock in a Hard Place no ifpi, dadc austria 5(-) 5 10€ 8€
Aerosmith Rocks no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5- 10€ 8€
Aerosmith Rocks no ifpi, dadc austria, 474965 2, white jewel case 5- 5- 7€ 6€
Agnostic Front Something's Gotta Give 5 5 8€ 7€
A-HA East of the Sun West of the Moon ifpi 5+ 5+ 5,5€ 5€
A-HA Ending on a High Note. The Final Concert 5- 5- 7€
A-HA Headlines and Deadlines. The Hits of ifpi 5 5 5€ 4,5€
A-HA How Can I Sleep With Your Voice In My Head 5050466-3329-2-9 5- 5- 6€
A-HA Hunting High and Low no ifpi, 7599-25300-2 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
A-HA Hunting High and Low no ifpi, GOLD cd. пальчики на цд, 925 300-2 4 4 12€
A-HA Scoundrel Days no ifpi, легкие пальчики на цд 4+ 5- 5€
Ahab The Call Of The Wretched Sea NPR 198, sonopress 4- 4(+) 8€
Air Moon Safari 724384497828, CDV 2848 5- 5(-) 5,5€
Air Moon Safari 724384497828, CDV 2848 5 5(-) 6€
Air Talkie Walkie 72435 966002 8 5- 5- 5€
Air The Virgin Suicides 5 5- 5€
Airbourne Runnin' Wild 4+ 5- 5,5€ 5€
Al Di Meola / John Mclaughlin / Paco De Lucía Friday Night in San Francisco. Live ifpi 5 5- 6€ 5€
Al Di Meola Greatest Hits ifpi,dadc austria 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
Al Jarreau Best of 4+ 4 4,5€ 4€
Al Jarreau L is for Lover no ifpi,cd japan,booklet us,задняя вставка волнистая 4 4 8€ 6€
Al Stewart Year of the Cat 2001, digitally remastered, bonus tracks, 7243 5 35456 2 8 S S 7€
Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill 5 4 4€ 3€
Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill 5 5 4,5€ 3,5€
Alanis Morissette Original Album Series 5cds, slipcase, cardsleeves левый верхний угол чуть примят 5-/5-/4+/5-/5- - 5- 11€
Alanis Morissette Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie 5 5 4,5€ 3,5€
Alanis Morissette Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie 5+ 5+ 5€ 4€
Albert King The Heat of the Blues 2cds 5- 5 12€ 11€
Alice Cooper The Beast of no ifpi 4+ 4 5€ 3,5€
Alice Cooper Trash no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5 10€ 7€
Alice in Chains Black Gives Way to Blue 4- 4++ 5€
Alicia Keys As I Am The Super Edition, CD+DVD 5- 5 5€
Alicia Keys Songs in A Minor / The Diary of 2CDs, Two Original Albums, slipcase 5-/5 5 5- 6€
All Ends A Road to Depression s s 4€ 2,5€
All Saints Saints & Sinners 5 5 3,5€ 2€
Almanac Tsar CD+DVD, digi 4+/5- 5 5- 7€
Almanac Tsar CD+DVD,digi S S 10€ 9€
Alphaville Catching Rays on Giant 5(-) 5 8€ 6€
Alphaville Catching Rays on Giant S S 10€
Alphaville Forever young ifpi 5 5(-) 5€
Alphaville Forever young no ifpi, грибок на лицевой стороне диска 4 4 4€ 2€
Alphaville Prostitute 4509 96836-2 5- 4- 12€
Alter Bridge AB III S S 8€ 6,5€
Alter Bridge Fortress 5(-) 5(-) 8€ 7€
Alter Bridge The Last Hero digi 5- 5- 5- 10€
Amon Amarth Surtur rising Digi, 2CDs 5- 5 5- 12€
Amon Amarth Twilight of the Thunder God 5 5 7€ 6,5€
Amorphis Under the Red Cloud digi S S S 15€ 12€
Amy Macdonald Under Stars 5728885 S S 6€
Amy Winehouse Back to Black 2CDs,deluxe edition,super jewel case,легкие пальчики на цд 4+/5- 5- 6€ 5€
Amy Winehouse Back to Black super jewel case 5(-) 5 5,5€ 4,5€
Amy Winehouse Frank 5+ 5(-) 5€ 4€
Anastacia Anastacia 5- 4(+) 3,5€ 2€
Anathema Alternative 4 CD vile 73, чуть подмоченный и склеевшийся буклет 4+ 3+ 3,5€ 2€
Andreas Vollenweider Dancing With the Lion no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5 5(-) 3,5€
Andreas Vollenweider Kryptos пальчики на цд, COL 486878 2 4 4+ 4,5€
Annihilator Set the World on Fire digi 5- 5- 4 15€
Anthrax Sound of White Noise no ifpi 5- 4+ 7€ 5€
Antonin Dvořák Concerto for Violin and Orchestra / Romance / Mazurek PANTON 81 0855-2031 5+ 5- 5€
Apocalyptica 7th Symphony CD+Single, Slipcase, signed card (сост. 4) 5/5 4 4 12€ 11€
Apocalyptica Inquisition Symphony 5- 5- 5€
Apocalyptica Plays Metallica by Four Cellos 4++ 5- 4,5€ 4€
Apoptygma Berzerk Harmonizer диск чуть грязный 4 4 4,5€ 3€
Apoptygma Berzerk Soli Deo Gloria digi, remastered deluxe ed. 5+ 5- 10€ 8€
Arch Enemy Anthems of Rebellion 5- 5- 10€ 7€
Arch Enemy Doomsday Machine 4 4+ 4,5€
Arch Enemy Khaos Legions 5- 5- 8€
Arch Enemy Rise of the Tyrant 4- 5- 4,5€
Arctic Monkeys Favourite Worst Nightmare Digi, WIGCD188 5 5 4 6€ 5€
Armin Van Buuren A State of Trance 2014 2cds 4-(3+) 5- 4€
Art of Noise The Best no ifpi 5- 5 4,5€
Asia Astra no ifpi 5 5(-) 10€ 9€
Asking Alexandria The Black digi, 2 stickers 5- 5- 5- 6€
At the Gates At War With Reality 5 5 12€ 9€
Atomic Workers Third Disaster Nasoni S S 8€
Audioslave Audioslave 5- 5- 5,5€ 4€
Audioslave Audioslave 5 5 6,5€ 6€
Audioslave Audioslave 1st press, 510 130 2, with sticker on front S S 8€
Audioslave Out of Exile 4 3+ 3,5€ 2€
Audioslave Revelations 5- 4 5€ 4€
Audioslave Revelations 2cds 5+ 5 8€
Audioslave Revelations 82796 97728 2 5 5 7€ 6€
Avantasia Angel of Babylon 27361 24782 5(-) 5(-) 10€
Avenged Sevenfold Avenged Sevenfold 5(-) 5 6€ 5,5€
Avenged Sevenfold City of Evil 5- 5- 5€
Avenged Sevenfold Hail to the King dig 5- 4+ 5- 6€
Avenged Sevenfold The Stage 00602557097733 S S 8€
AVICII Stories 0602547573001 5- 5 6€
Avril Lavigne Let go 4+ 4 3€ 2€
Avril Lavigne The Best Damn Thing легкие пальчики на цд 4 5- 2,5€ 2€
Avril Lavigne Under My Skin 3+ 4- 1,5€ 1€
Avril Lavigne Under My Skin 4- 4 2€ 1,5€
Axxis Kingdom of the Night ifpi 5- 4 5€ 4€
Ayreon Universal Migrator Part 1: The Dream Sequencer slipcase 5- 5 4- 8€ 6,5€
Baccara The Original Hits no ifpi, sonopress 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
Backstreet Boys Backstreet's Back 3 4+ 3€ 1€
Backstreet Boys Backstreet's Back 4 4+ 3,5€ 1,5€
Backstreet Boys Backstreet's Back 5(-) 5- 4€ 3€
Backstreet Boys Millenium 4 4 2,5€ 2€
Backstreet Boys Millenium подмоченные вставки 5 4 3€ 1,5€
Bad Boys Blue Greatest Hits 2cds, CD 246.427 4(-)/4 4 10€
Bad Boys Blue House of Silence no ifpi, sonopress 5 5- 12€
Bad Boys Blue House of Silence no ifpi, sonopress, 262 136, пальчики на цд 5(-) 5(-) 10€ 9,5€
Bad Boys Blue More Best no ifpi, blue cd, sonopress, легкие пальчики на цд, примятости от креплений на буклете 4+ 4 5€ 4,5€
Bad Boys Blue To Blue Horizons no ifpi, INT 845.207, буклет имеет примятость от креплений 4- 4- 4€
Bad Company Straight Shooter no ifpi, 7567-92436-2 5- 5(-) 5,5€
Bad Religion Recipe for Hate 5+ 5- 6€ 4,5€
Bad Religion Stranger Than Fiction 5- 4+ 6€ 4,5€
Bad Religion The Gray Race 5- 4- 4,5€ 3,5€
Bananarama Bunch of Hits 5 5 5€ 3,5€
Barbra Streisand The Broadway Album 5- 4 4,5€ 3€
Barbra Streisand The Essential 2cds 5+ 5- 6€ 4,5€
Baroness Yellow & Green 2cds, slipcase 5- 5 4 7€ 6,5€
Barry White Greatest Hits ifpi, примятость от крепления сзади снизу+мин. надрыв (1мм) в остальном как новый 5- 4(-) 4€ 3,5€
Barry White With Love Unlimited Satin & Soul Vol II 2cds, fatbox, no ifpi 5(-)/5- 5- 7€
Beady Eye Different Gear, Still Speeding BEADYCD2 5- 5 4,5€
Beardfish Sleeping in Traffic. Part Two 4 5 10€ 9€
Beastie Boys Licensed to Ill ifpi, made in germany by pmdc 4 4 4,5€ 4€
Beastie Boys Some Old Bullshit no ifpi, 0777 7 89843 2 0 5 5-- 5,5€ 4,5€
Beastmilk Climax S S 10€ 9€
Beck Mellow Gold no ifpi 5 5(-) 5€ 4,5€
Beck Mutations Digi, limited, HDCD 5+ 5 4+ 10€ 6€
Bee Gees E.S.P. ifpi 5+ 5 5€ 4€
Bee Gees E.S.P. no ifpi, made in W.Germany by PDO, буклет чуть подмоченный 5- 4 3,5€
Bee Gees E.S.P. no ifpi, matrix: made in west germany by pdo, 925 541-2, пальчики на цд 4 5(-) 4,5€ 3,5€
Bee Gees High Civilization no ifpi 4+ 5 4,5€ 2,5€
Bee Gees Horizontal ifpi, примятости от креплений 5 4 9€ 8€
Bee Gees Horizontal no ifpi 5- 4+ 10€ 9€
Bee Gees One ifpi 5- 5- 5€ 4€
Bee Gees One no ifpi 5-- 5 5€ 3,5€
Bee Gees Still Waters Japan 3(+) 5- 10€ 9€
Beehler Messages to the Dead S S 5€
Belle and Sebastian Dear Catastrophe Waitress RTRADECD 080 4 4++ 4,5€ 4€
Belle and Sebastian The Boy With the Arab Strap 7243 8464292 1 4+ 5 4,5€ 4€
Belphegor Pestapokalypse VI 27361 17592 5 5- 12€ 11€
Benny Goodman Benny Goodman 2004 S S S 4€ 3€
Beth Hart Leave the Light On 0-06024-9878513-3 5- 5 8€
Between the Buried and Me Colors Live slipcase, cd+dvd 5 5 5-- 15€ 13€
Between the Buried and Me The Anatomy of us, half a slipcase 4+ 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Between the Buried and Me The Great Misdirect us, slipcase, digi, dvd+cd, пальчики на двд 4(-)/5(-) 5(-) 5- 4 8€ 7€
Between the Buried and Me The Silent Circus us, slipcase, cd+dvd 5(-)/4+ 4(-) 4 6€ 5,5€
Beyonce Dangerously in Love 5 5 5€ 2,5€
Beyonce I Am... Sasha Fierce 4+ 5 4€ 2€
Billy Idol 11 of the best ifpi 5 4+ 3,5€
Billy Idol 11 of the best no ifpi 5 4+ 4,5€ 4€
Billy Idol Billy Idol emi swindon, no ifpi 5 5 7€ 5€
Billy Idol Billy Idol no ifpi, 610 308, sonopress, диск грязный, задняя вставка волнистая 4 4 4,5€ 4€
Billy Idol Charmed Life no ifpi, UK 5- 5 5,5€ 4€
Billy Idol Vital Idol emi swindon, no ifpi 5(-) 4+ 4,5€ 3€
Billy Joel An Innocent Man ifpi 5 5 4,5€ 3€
Billy Joel Greatest Hits Volume I & Volume II 2CDs, fatbox, mastered by dadc austria, no ifpi 5- 5 7€ 5€
Billy Joel River of Dreams 5 4 4€ 2,5€
Billy Squier Don't Say No ifpi, UK, blue jewel case 5 4 5€ 3,5€
Billy Talent Billy Talent 4 5 4€ 2,5€
Billy Talent II 4- 5- 2,5€
Billy Talent II 5(-) 5 5€ 4€
Biohazard State of the World Address no ifpi, orange jewel case 5-- 4 4€ 3,5€
Bjork Debut 5- 5 5€ 4€
Bjork Debut us, 9 61468-2, no ifpi 4+ 5- 4,5€ 4€
Bjork Debut буклет примятость от крепления 4+ 4- 3€ 2,5€
Bjork Debut диск пыльный 5-- 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
Bjork Post 4+ 5 4,5€ 3€
Bjork Selmasongs 5 5 4,5€
Black Label Society Unblackened 2cds 5- 5 10€ 9€
Black Sabbath 13 S S 8€ 7€
Black Sabbath 13 digi, 3d cover 5--/5- 4 4 7€ 6€
Black Sabbath Black Sabbath digi, 2cds, deluxe expanded edition, брак при производстве, на диджи частично отсутствует ламинирование, в остальном почьи как новый 5(-)/5 5 5(-)(4) 12€
Black Sabbath Black Sabbath no ifpi, CLACD 196, неглубокая царапка на непроигрываемом слое, минимально заходит на проигрываемый слой (2мм) 5-(4+) 5 10€ 8€
Black Sabbath Greatest Hits 2009 5 5 5€
Black Sabbath Iron Man sonopress, no ifpi 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Black Sabbath Live at Last no ifpi, US, CSL/NEMS 6001 5- 5- 8€
Black Sabbath Never Say Die! digi, remastered edition 5 5 5 10€
Black Sabbath Paranoid 2004 4- 5- 6€ 4,5€
Black Sabbath Paranoid digi, 2010 5 5 4+ 7€ 6€
Black Sabbath Past Lives 2cds, на digi примятость, линия, скорее всего от неосторожного вскрывания, фото по запросу 5(-) 5- 5-(4(-)) 12€
Black Sabbath Sabbath Bloody Sabbath digi, remastered 5(-) 5(-) 5- 10€ 9€
Black Sabbath Sabotage digi, remastered edition 5- 5 5(-) 10€ 9€
Black Sabbath Technical Ecstasy 2004 5 5 10€ 9€
Black Sabbath Vol. 4 Digi 5 5 4+ 10€ 9€
Black Sabbath Vol. 4 digi 5(-) 5 5(-) 9€ 8€
Black Sabbath We Sold Our Soul for Rock 'n' Roll 2cds, no ifpi, fatbox, booklet, CBC 8013 4+/5- 5- 12€
Blackmore's Night Beyond the Sunset CD+DVD 4-/4+ 4 6€
Blackmore's Night Fires at Midnight примятости от креплений+мин надрывы на посл странице буклета сверху, SPV 085-72432 CD 4- 4- 4€
Blackmore's Night Shadow of the Moon 5- 5 7€ 5,5€
Blackmore's Night Under a Violet Moon 0044732ERE 4- 5- 4€
Bleeding Through Love Will Kill All 4408-2 S S 6€
Blind Guardian A Twist in the Myth Digi, 2CDs 5 5 5-- 10€ 7,5€
Blind Guardian Battalions of Fear no ifpi, sonopress, 262 152, диск чуть пыльный, 1991 4+ 4+ 6€ 5,5€
Blind Guardian Beyond the Red Mirror digi 5 5 5 10€
Blind Guardian Imaginations From the Other Side 5(-) 5 10€ 7€
Blind Guardian Nightfall in the Middle Earth 5- 5- 6€
Blind Guardian The God Machine dig S S S 15€
Blink 182 Greatest Hits 4++ 5- 4€ 2,5€
Blink 182 Greatest Hits 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Blink 182 Take Off Your Pants and Jacket Digi, limited edition 5 5- 4 6€ 5,5€
Bloc Party Silent Alarm VVR1030562 5- 5- 5€
Blood, Sweat & Tears Greatest Hits 1972, dadc austria, no ifpi, имя на буклете 5- 4 5€ 3,5€
Blue System Backstreet Dreams no ifpi, sonopress 5 4 6€ 5,5€
Blue System Body Heat no ifpi, sonopress, Matrix / Runout: SONOPRESS 259 436 A 5- 4+ 10€
Blue System Deja Vu no ifpi, sonopress 5 5 10€ 9€
Blue System Deja Vu no ifpi, sonopress 5- 5 7€ 5,5€
Blue System Forever Blue ifpi, sonopress 4 5- 5€ 4,5€
Blue System Twilight no ifpi, 260 295 5 5 8€
Blue System Twilight sonopress, no ifpi 5- 5- 7€ 5€
Blur Blur 5- 5 5,5€
Blur Leisure ifpi, emi swindon 4(+) 5(-) 4,5€ 4€
Blur The Great Escape 5 5- 5€ 4€
Blur The Magic Whip no obi strip 5- 4 4,5€
Blur Think Tank 07243-582997-2-4 4+ 5 4,5€
Bob Dylan Greatest Hits 30th anniversary 5+ 5+ 5€ 4€
Bob Dylan Subterranean Homesick Blues ifpi 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Bob Dylan The Freewheelin' 2003 5 4+ 5€ 4€
Bob Dylan Time out of Mind 486936 2 4 5 5€ 4,5€
Bob Dylan Time out of Mind задняя вставка имеет волнистость 4 5- 4,5€ 4€
Bob Marley & The Wailers Confrontation sonopress, no ifpi 5- 5- 7€ 4,5€
Bob Marley & The Wailers Legend. The Best of 2002 4 5 4€ 3,5€
Bob Marley & The Wailers Live ifpi 5- 5 4,5€ 3€
Bob Marley & The Wailers The Birth of a Legend (1963-66) no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5 5€ 3,5€
Bob Marley & The Wailers The Early Years. 1968-1974. The Very Best of no ifpi, mastered by mayking, gold cd, limited collectors edition, no slipcase, no postcards 5- 5-- 4,5€ 3,5€
Bob Marley & The Wailers Uprising ifpi 5-- 4 5€ 4€
Bob Marley The Best! одна царапина, no ifpi, 1992 4 5 3,5€ 2€
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band Nine Tonight 2011, bonus track, remastered 5(-) 4+ 5€
Bohren & Der Club of Gore Beileid digi 5- 4 9€ 8€
Bolt Thrower Those Once Loyal 5 5 12€ 11€
Bon Jovi 7800° Fahrenheit made in W.Germany by PDO, no ifpi, легкие отпечатки пальцев на диске 5- 4 6€ 4,5€
Bon Jovi Blaze of Glory digitally remastered 5(-) 5 4,5€ 4€
Bon Jovi Blaze of Glory ifpi 5(-) 5- 5€ 3,5€
Bon Jovi Blaze of Glory ifpi, made in France by PMDC 5 5- 5€ 4€
Bon Jovi Blaze of Glory no ifpi, club edition 5- 5- 6€ 4,5€
Bon Jovi Blaze of Glory no ifpi, диск чуть пыльный 4+ 5- 4,5€ 2,5€
Bon Jovi Bon Jovi ifpi 5(-) 4+ 4,5€ 3€
Bon Jovi Bon Jovi made in w.germany by pdo hannover, no ifpi 4(+) 4 5€
Bon Jovi Bounce 5 5 5,5€ 4,5€
Bon Jovi Bounce 5- 5 5€ 3€
Bon Jovi Crossroad. The Best Of 4- 4 3€ 1€
Bon Jovi Crossroad. The Best Of 4 5 3,5€ 2€
Bon Jovi Crossroad. The Best Of 5- 5- 4,5€ 3€
Bon Jovi Crossroad. The Best Of The bon Jovi remasters 5 5 4,5€ 4€
Bon Jovi Crush 4 4 3,5€ 2€
Bon Jovi Crush 4-- 5- 3€ 1€
Bon Jovi Crush 4 5 4,5€ 3€
Bon Jovi Crush 5- 5 5€ 4€
Bon Jovi Crush 5+ 5 6€ 5€
Bon Jovi Keep the Faith no ifpi 4+ 4 4€ 2€
Bon Jovi Keep the Faith no ifpi 5- 4+ 4€
Bon Jovi Keep the Faith no ifpi, made in Germany by PMDC 5- 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
Bon Jovi Keep the Faith no ifpi, made in germany by pmdc 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Bon Jovi Made in Japan unofficial 5- 4 6€ 3€
Bon Jovi New Jersey ifpi, special price, диск чуть пыльный 4+ 5- 4,5€ 3€
Bon Jovi New Jersey no ifpi, made in W.Germany by pdo 5-- 4 4€ 3,5€
Bon Jovi New Jersey no ifpi, pmdc 5 5 6€ 4,5€
Bon Jovi New Jersey The Bon Jovi Remasters 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Bon Jovi Slippery When Wet ifpi 5 5 5€ 3€
Bon Jovi Slippery When Wet no ifpi, made in france by pdo 5(-) 5- 6€ 5€
Bon Jovi Slippery When Wet no ifpi, made in Germany in Runout, made in W.Germany on booklet 5 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Bon Jovi The Circle 5- 5(-) 5€
Bon Jovi These Days 4 5- 2,5€ 2€
Bon Jovi These Days 5- 4+ 4€ 2,5€
Bon Jovi These Days 5- 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
Bon Jovi This House Is Not for Sale 4 5 5€
Boney M 20 Golden Hits. The Magic of ifpi, sonopress, задняя вставка чуть волнистая 5 5(-) 8€
Boney M Greatest Hits of All Times Vol. 2. Remix '89 no ifpi, sonopress 4(-) 5- 5€ 4,5€
Boney M Love for Sale ifpi, sonopress, пальчики на цд, 74321 21270 2 4 5- 8€
Boney M Nightflight to Venus 1994, ifpi, sonopress, 74321 21269 2, легкие пальчики на цд 4 4+ 8€
Bonfire Don't Touch the Light ifpi, sonopress, WD 74508 5 5- 10€
Bonfire Fire Works ifpi 5 5 6€
Bonfire Knock Out ifpi 5 5 6€
Bonfire Point Blanc no ifpi, sonopress 4- 4+ 4,5€ 3€
Bonnie Tyler Faster Than the Speed of Light dadc austria, no ifpi, sticker with a name on booklet 5 5- 5€ 3,5€
Bonnie Tyler The Best S S 5€ 3,5€
Boston Boston no ifpi, Japan for Europe 5- 5- 25€ 20€
Boston Don't Look Back 2008 5- 5- 5,5€
Boston Greatest Hits 5- 5 5€
Boston Third Stage no ifpi, Manufactured in Japan for MCA Records Inc., no barcode 5(-) 4 10€ 8€
Bozzio Levin Stevens Black Light Syndrome us 5- 5 12€ 11€
Bozzio Levin Stevens Situation Dangerous promo 5-- 4 10€ 9€
Brand New The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me super jewel case 5 5 8€ 6€
Brandy Never Say Never 4- 5- 3€ 2€
Brian Wilson Brian Wilson 081227996024, HDCD 5(-) 5 7€
Britney Spears ...Baby One More Time 5- 5- 3,5€ 2,5€
Britney Spears In the Zone 5- 5 3,5€ 2,5€
Britney Spears Oops!... I Did It Again 5(-) 5- 4€ 3€
Brooke Fraser Flags пальчики на цд 3+ 5 3€ 2€
Bruce Dickinson Tattooed Millionaire no ifpi, много отпечатков пальцев 4+ 5 5€ 4€
Bruce Springsteen Born in the USA no ifpi 4 5- 4,5€ 3€
Bruce Springsteen Born in the USA no ifpi 5 5- 5,5€ 4€
Bruce Springsteen Greatest Hits 5 5 4,5€ 3€
Bruce Springsteen Greatest Hits отпечатки пальцев 4 5 4€ 2€
Bruce Springsteen Lucky Town dadc austia, no ifpi 5- 5 4,5€ 3€
Bruce Springsteen The Ghost Of The Tom Joad 5 5 5€ 4€
Bryan Adams 11 super jewel case 4(-) 5- 3€ 2,5€
Bryan Adams 18 Til I Die 5- 5- 5€ 3,5€
Bryan Adams Cuts Like a Knife ifpi 5(-) 5 5€ 3,5€
Bryan Adams Cuts Like a Knife no ifpi 5 5 6€ 5€
Bryan Adams Cuts Like a Knife no ifpi, made in germany by pdo 4 5 4,5€ 3€
Bryan Adams Into the Fire ifpi 4+ 5- 5€ 3,5€
Bryan Adams Into the Fire no ifpi 5 5- 6,5€ 5€
Bryan Adams Into the Fire no ifpi, 393 907-2 03 * DX MADE IN W. GERMANY BY PDO 5 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Bryan Adams Into the Fire US, cutout, no ifpi 5 5 7€ 5€
Bryan Adams Reckless no ifpi 4 4 3,5€ 2,5€
Bryan Adams Reckless no ifpi 5(-) 5(-) 6€ 5€
Bryan Adams Reckless no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo, пальчики на цд 4(+) 5- 4,5€ 4€
Bryan Adams So Far So Good 4+ 5- 4,5€ 3€
Bryan Adams So Far So Good 5- 5- 5€ 3,5€
Bryan Adams So Far So Good made in usa by pmdc 4 5- 4€ 3,5€
Bryan Adams So Far So Good пальчики на цд, примятости от креплений 4(-) 4(-) 2€ 1,5€
Bryan Adams The Best Of Me 2005 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Bryan Adams Unplugged 5(-) 5- 4,5€ 3€
Bryan Adams Waking Up the Neighbours ifpi 5- 4+ 4,5€ 3,5€
Bryan Adams Waking Up the Neighbours no ifpi 5 4 3,5€ 2,5€
Bryan Adams Waking Up the Neighbours no ifpi 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Bryan Adams Waking Up the Neighbours no ifpi 5(-) 5 5,5€ 4,5€
Bryan Adams You Want It You Got It no ifpi, диск слегка запыленный, нет задней вставки 5-- 4+ 3€ 2€
Bryan Ferry Dylanesque 5- 5- 4,5€
Bryan Ferry The Ultimate Collection 5 5 5€ 4€
Buena Vista Social Club slipcase, booklet 5 5 4+ 7€ 5€
Bullet For My Valentine Scream Aim Fire 88697 23474 2 5- 5- 5€
Bullet For My Valentine Venom deluxe edition, 3d cover 5 5- 6€ 5€
Burton Corea Metheny Haynes Holland Like Minds 4(-) 5-- 6€ 5,5€
Bush Razorblade Suitcase SPV Germany 4++ 5- 5€ 4€
Bush Razorblade Suitcase uk 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Bush Sixteen Stone 2CDs,lim.ed,IND 90000 4+/5 4+ 7€ 5,5€
Bush The Science of Things 5(-) 5 6€ 5€
Caliban Ghost Empire 5 5 8€ 7€
California Breed California Breed CD+DVD, digi 5 5 5- 8€ 7,5€
Candlemass Psalms for the Dead CD+DVD, Mediabook S S S 10€
Captain Hollywood Project Love Is Not Sex no ifpi, Eurodance, INT 879.000 5(-) 4 4,5€
Carmel The Drum Is Everything no price code 5 5- 4€
Cassandra Wilson Blue Light 'til Dawn ifpi 5 5- 7€ 5,5€
Cassandra Wilson Blue Light 'til Dawn ifpi, blue note 5- 5- 5,5€ 5€
Cat Stevens Tea for the Tillerman sonopress, no ifpi 5(-) 5-- 5€
Cat Stevens Teaser and Firecat sonopress, no ifpi, наклейка на внутренней стороне буклета с инициалами 5 5- 4,5€
Cavalera Conspiracy Blunt Force Trauma cd+dvd, digi 5 5 4 10€ 9€
Celine Dion 1 Fille & 4 Types 4 4+ 4,5€ 3,5€
Celine Dion A New Day Has Come 5- 4- 3,5€ 1,5€
Celine Dion Unison no ifpi, dadc austria 4+ 4+ 4,5€ 3,5€
Cher Believe 5- 4 3,5€ 2€
Cher Believe 5 5 5€ 4€
Cher Believe USA 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
Cher Gypsys, Tramps & Thieves no ifpi, sonopress, задняя вставка имеет легкую волну 4++ 5 8€
Cher Heart of Stone sonopress, no ifpi 5- 5- 5€ 3,5€
Cher Love Hurts sonopress, no ifpi, club edition 4+ 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
Children Of Bodom Blooddrunk 5 5(-) 6€ 5,5€
Children Of Bodom Blooddrunk super jewel case, трещина 3см спереди 4(-) 5- 4€
Children Of Bodom Follow the Reaper 4- 4 4,5€ 3,5€
Children Of Bodom Hatebreeder special uk edition, 2008 5 5 10€ 9,5€
Children Of Bodom Hatebreeder US 5 5 10€ 8,5€
Chimaira Resurrection 27361 18232 S S 6€ 4,5€
Chimaira The Age of Hell cd+dvd, digi 5 5(-) 5-- 8€ 7€
Chris De Burgh Best Moves no ifpi, sticker with a name on booklet 5-- 4+ 4,5€ 3€
Chris De Burgh Crusader no ifpi, made in west germany by polygram 5- 5 7€ 5€
Chris De Burgh Flying Colours ifpi 5 5 5€ 4€
Chris De Burgh Into the Light ifpi, sticker with a name on booklet 5 5- 5€ 3,5€
Chris De Burgh Man on the Line no ifpi 5(-) 5 6€ 4,5€
Chris De Burgh Power of Ten no ifpi 4++ 4+ 5€ 4€
Chris De Burgh Spanish Train and Other Stories ifpi, sticker with a name on booklet 5- 5 5€ 4€
Chris De Burgh Spark to a Flame. The Very Best of ifpi, made in Germany by PMDC 5 5- 5€
Chris De Burgh Spark to a Flame. The Very Best of no ifpi 4 4+ 4€ 2,5€
Chris De Burgh Spark to a Flame. The Very Best of no ifpi, made in W. Germany by PDO 4+ 5- 4,5€ 4€
Chris De Burgh Spark to a Flame. The Very Best of no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo 5- 5- 5€ 4€
Chris De Burgh The Getaway ifpi, sticker with a name on booklet 5 5- 6€ 5€
Chris Isaak Wicked Game no ifpi 5 5(-) 6€
Chris Norman Hits From the Heart no ifpi, sonopress 5- 5 4,5€
Chris Rea Auberge no ifpi 4 4+ 4€
Chris Rea Chris Rea no ifpi, 2292-42371-2 5 5(-) 10€
Chris Rea Dancing With Strangers no ifpi, made in w. germany by pdo 5- 5- 5€
Chris Rea Deltics no ifpi 5 5 6€
Chris Rea Espresso Logic no ifpi 4+ 5- 4€ 3,5€
Chris Rea Espresso Logic no ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Chris Rea Espresso Logic no ifpi 5- 5-- 5€ 4,5€
Chris Rea New Light Through Old Windows. The Best of no ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 4,5€
Chris Rea The Best Of ifpi 4 4 4,5€
Chris Rea The Platinum Collection 5(-) 4+ 5€
Chris Rea The Road to Hell no ifpi 4 5- 3,5€ 2,5€
Chris Rea The Road to Hell no ifpi 5- 5 5,5€ 4,5€
Chris Rea The Road to Hell no ifpi 5(-) 5- 5,5€
Chris Rea The Very Best of 5(-) 5(-) 4,5€
Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera 4+ 4+ 3€ 2€
Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera 5 5 3€ 2,5€
Christina Aguilera Stripped 5+ 4- 3€ 2€
Christopher Cross Christopher Cross no ifpi 5+ 5- 5€
Chuck Berry Reelin' and a Rockin'. The Collection no ifpi 4+ 5 4€ 3,5€
Clannad Legend 5 5 4,5€ 3,5€
Clannad Sirius no ifpi, sonopress 5- 5 4,5€
Coldplay A Rush of Blood to the Head 7243 5 40504 2 8 5- 5 4,5€
Coldplay Parachutes 7243 5 27783 2 4, 527 7832 5- 5- 5,5€
Coldplay Parachutes задняя вставка волнистая 5 5 5,5€ 5€
Coldplay Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends 5- 5 6€ 5€
Coldplay Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends digisleeve 4 5 4+ 4€ 3,5€
Coldplay X&Y 5- 5 5,5€ 4,5€
Coldplay X&Y 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Coldplay X&Y буклет чуть подмоченный, задняя вставка волнистая 5- 4 3€
ColdWorld The Stars are Dead Now W.R. 007 4 4 10€
Conjurer Páthos digisleeve S S S(5(-)) 10€
Coolio My Soul 4++ 5- 4,5€
Corrosion of Conformity Corrosion of Conformity digi 5- 5- 4- 6€ 5,5€
Corrosion of Conformity Wiseblood 484328 2 5 5(-) 7€
Count Basie Jazz Classic's fatbox, 2cds S S 6€ 5,5€
Covenant Dreams of a Cryotank SPV 22252 CD 5 5 7€
Craaft Craaft no ifpi 5 5 20€ 18€
Craaft Second Honeymoon no ifpi, sonopress, легкие пальчики на цд 4 4 5€
Cranes Wings of Joy sonopress, no ifpi 5- 4 4€ 3,5€
Crash Test Dummies God Shuffled His Feet пальчики на цд, буклет чуть подмоченный 4(-) 4(-) 3,5€
Creed Human Clay 4+ 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
Creed Human Clay 4+ 5 5€
Creed Human Clay 4+ 5 5€
Creed My Own Prison 5 5 6€
(Отредактировал 18-09-2023 в 22:44 kolos.)
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Откуда: Харьков
Сообщений: 105
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 19.09 / 19-09-2021 23:22
Исполнитель / Альбом / Особенности / Сост. ЦД / Сост. Буклет / Сост Digi (если есть) / Сост. Slipcase (если есть) / Сост. Poster (если есть) / Цена € / Цена Sale €

Creed Weathered 5 5- 5€
Creedence Clearwater Revival Cosmo's Factory no ifpi 5(-) 5 8€ 7€
Creedence Clearwater Revival Cosmo's Factory no ifpi 5-(4+) 5 12€ 8€
Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival no ifpi, CD F-4512 5- 4- 7€
Creedence Clearwater Revival Green River 40th anniversary edition, 0888072308787 4 5- 6€ 5€
Creedence Clearwater Revival Pendulum 5(-) 4- 5€
Creedence Clearwater Revival Willy and the Poor Boys 25218451529 5- 5- 7€
Creedence Clearwater Revival Willy and the Poor Boys 40th anniversary edition, 0888072308794 5- 5 7€ 6€
Crematory Believe 27361 65092 de 4(+) 4(+) 5€
Crimson Glory Crimson Glory no ifpi, sonopress 4(+) 4 15€
Crosby, Stills & Nash CSN newly digitally remastered from the original master tapes 4+ 5 6€
Crosby, Stills & Nash Live It Up no ifpi 5 5 4,5€ 4€
Crowbar Equilibrium 1st press, SPITCD016 5 5- 7€
Cydonia Cydonia promo 4-(3+) 5- 4,5€
Cydonia The Dark Flower 3984-14436-2 4+ 5 5,5€
Danzig Danzig II: Lucifuge no ifpi 3+ 3+ 3,5€
Danzig Danzig III: How the Gods Kill 5- 4 6€
Darkane Rusted Angel WAR0009 4+ 4++ 6€
Darkside Spiral OLE1737CD 5(-) 5 10€
Darude Before the Storm пальчики на цд 3+ 5(-) 2,5€
Darude Before the Storm пальчики на цд 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
Darxtar We Came Too Late Nasoni S S 8€
Dave Brubeck We're All Together Again for the First Time with fpi 4 5 5€ 4,5€
Dave Mason Very Best of (member of Traffic), no ifpi, MCD31169, MCAD31169 5(-) 5 6€
David Bowie 1. Outside 5(-) 5- 6€
David Bowie Heathen 508222 2 5- 5- 5€
David Bowie Hunky Dory no ifpi, made in usa by pdo 3+ 5 7€
David Bowie Tonight made in japan, no ifpi 4 5(-) 7€
David Crosby Here if You Listen dig, 538429532 5- 5- 5- 8€
David Crosby Lighthouse 0602547977786 5(-) 5- 7€
David Crosby Sky Trails dig, 4050538286458 5- 5- 4 9€
David Garrett Classic Romance super jewel case 5- 5 4,5€ 3,5€
David Garrett Encore 5 5 3,5€
David Garrett Garrett vs Paganini 5-- 5- 5€
David Garrett Music 4- 4- 2,5€
David Gilmour On an island dig, 0946 3 55695 2 0 3+ 5 5(-) 5€
David Guetta Original Album Series 5cds 5-/4+/5-/5- - 5- 8€
David Murray 3D Family 5 5 8€
David Murray Live at the Lower Manhattan Ocean Club. Volumes 1&2 no ifpi 5- 5- 10€
Dead Can Dance Spiritchaser super jewel case 5 5 12€
Decapitated Carnival Is Forever 27361 27242 S S 7€ 6,5€
Deep Purple Come Hell or High Water ifpi 5 5- 7€ 6,5€
Deep Purple Concerto for Group and Orchestra ifpi 5 5(-) 10€ 7€
Deep Purple Concerto for Group and Orchestra slipcase, 2002 S S 15€ 14€
Deep Purple Deepest Purple. The Very Best of ifpi 4 4 4,5€ 3,5€
Deep Purple Deepest Purple. The Very Best of ifpi, легкие пальчики,прижим в месте креплений 4+ 4 4,5€
Deep Purple Fireball slipcase, anniversary edition, remastered, 1996 S S 12€
Deep Purple In Rock emi 7243 8 34019 2 5, not signed jewel case S S 10€ 9€
Deep Purple In Rock signatures on jewel case, anniversary edition, 7243 8 34019 2 5 4 5- 7€
Deep Purple Knocking at Your Back Door. The Best of in the 80's ifpi 5- 4 5,5€ 4,5€
Deep Purple Knocking at Your Back Door. The Best of in the 80's ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Deep Purple Knocking at Your Back Door. The Best of in the 80's no ifpi 4- 5- 3€
Deep Purple Made in Japan 2cds, the remastered edition, пальчики на цд 4/5- 5 6€
Deep Purple Made in Japan ifpi, made in uk, emi swindon, CDP 7 48050 2 4 5- 5,5€
Deep Purple Made in Japan no ifpi, matrix: CDP 748050-2 1-3-1-NL, made in holland 5- 5- 6€
Deep Purple Perfect Strangers ifpi, 1999, remastered 5 5 7€
Deep Purple Perfect Strangers no ifpi, made in W.Germany by PDO in runout, made in W.Germany by Polygram on CD 5- 5- 8€
Deep Purple Slaves and Masters no ifpi, made in W.Germany by PDO, диск чуть пыльный 4+ 4 6€
Deep Purple Slaves and Masters no ifpi,sonopress 4+ 5- 7€ 6,5€
Deep Purple The Battle Rages on club edition 4+ 5- 7€ 5€
Deep Purple The Battle Rages on ifpi 5(-) 5(-) 7€ 6€
Deep Purple The Battle Rages on sonopress, no ifpi 5 5 8€
Deep Purple The House of Blue Light ifpi 5+ 5 7€ 6,5€
Def Leppard Adrenalize made in usa, no ifpi 4- 5- 4€ 3,5€
Def Leppard Adrenalize no ifpi 5- 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Def Leppard Adrenalize no ifpi 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
Def Leppard On Through the Night no ifpi, 822 533-2 01 # YM, made in W.Germany by PDO 5 4+ 7€
Def Leppard Retro Active no ifpi, легкие пальчики на цд 4 5- 5€
Def Leppard Vault. Greatest Hits 5- 4+ 5€
Deftones White Pony 9362-47667-2 5 5 4,5€
Delerium Archives Vol. 1 2cds, задний буклет волнистый 4+ 4 6€
Demis Roussos Greatest Hits ifpi 5 5 4,5€
Demons & Wizards Demons & Wizards pop-up digi 5- 5 4 10€ 8€
Depeche Mode Exciter два пальчика на цд 4+ 5(-) 5€
Depeche Mode Music for the Masses no ifpi, dadc austria, italia 5- 4 12€ 10€
Depeche Mode Music for the Masses no ifpi, sonopress, 1st press, легкие пальчики на цд 4 4+ 8€
Depeche Mode Playing the Angel 5- 5- 6,5€ 5€
Depeche Mode Playing the Angel 5- 5 7€
Depeche Mode Songs of Faith and Devotion no ifpi, sonopress, задняя вставка мин. волнистая 5(-) 5- 5,5€
Depeche Mode Songs of Faith and Devotion no ifpi, us, cut-out, 9 45243-2 5 5- 6€
Depeche Mode Sounds of the Universe 4 5 6€ 5,5€
Depeche Mode Sounds of the Universe 5- 5 7€
Depeche Mode The Best of Videos DVD 5- 5- 6€
Depeche Mode The Singles 86>98 2cds 5- 5- 7€
Depeche Mode Ultra emi uden 5- 5- 6€
Depeche Mode Violator no ifpi, sonopress, INT 846.859, clear cd center, first edition 4 4- 5€
Depeche Mode Violator no ifpi, sonopress, много пальчиков на цд 4- 5-- 5€
Derek and the Dominos Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs 2011, remastered 5 5 6€
Derek Sherinian Inertia digi, Dream Theater 5- - 5- 6€
Destiny's Child Survivor 5- 5(-) 3,5€ 2,5€
Destiny's Child The Writing's on the Wall 5 5 3,5€ 2,5€
Diana Krall The Girl in the Other Room 4++ 4- 4,5€ 3,5€
Diana Krall The Girl in the Other Room 5 4+ 5€
Diana Krall The Girl in the Other Room 5 5 6€
Diana Krall The Girl in the Other Room 5- 5(-) 6,5€ 5,5€
Diana Ross Baby It's Me 5- 4 15€
Diana Ross Why Do Fools Fall in Love 1996, ifpi 5 5 5€
Dido Girl Who Got Away 4+ 4++ 4€ 3,5€
Dido Life for Rent 5 5(-) 4,5€ 4€
Dido Life for Rent 5(-) 5 4,5€ 3,5€
Dido No Angel 5- 5(-) 4,5€ 4€
Dido No Angel 5(-) 5 4,5€
Dido No Angel диск чуть пыльный 5- 5- 4€ 3,5€
Dimmu Borgir Death Cult Armageddon 3+ 4 4€
Dimmu Borgir Stormblast CD+DVD, digi 4+/5- 4+ 4- 8€
Dimmu Borgir Stormblast DIGI, CD+DVD 4+/4+ 4 4- 7€ 5,5€
Dinosaur Jr. Give a Glimpse of What Yer Not S S 12€ 10€
Dinosaur Jr. Without a Sound no ifpi, USA 5- 5 8€ 7€
Dio Dream Evil S S 10€ 9€
Dio Dream Evil ifpi 5- 5 7€ 6€
Dio Holy Diver remastered, 2005 5- 5(-) 6€
Dire Straits Brothers in Arms dire straits remastered 5 5 5,5€
Dire Straits Brothers in Arms made in w.germany by pdo 4++ 5- 7€ 6€
Dire Straits Brothers in Arms no ifpi, made in w germany by polygram 4(-) 5 5€
Dire Straits Brothers in Arms no ifpi, made in w.germany by polygram, примятость от крепления на буклете (легкий надрыв) 4- 4- 3€
Dire Straits Brothers in Arms remastered 4++ 5- 5€ 4,5€
Dire Straits Brothers in Arms SACD, super jewel case, 2005 4- 5- 10€
Dire Straits Communique digital remasters 5+ 5- 6€ 5,5€
Dire Straits Communique dire straits remastered 5 5 5€
Dire Straits Dire Straits dire straits remastered 5 5- 5€
Dire Straits Dire Straits ifpi 0281, made in france by pmdc 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Dire Straits Dire Straits ifpi, made in France by pmdc 5 5- 6€ 5,5€
Dire Straits Dire Straits made in germany by pmdc, marking on cd (marker) 5(-) 5- 5€ 4,5€
Dire Straits Dire Straits no ifpi, made in France by pmdc 5 4+ 5€
Dire Straits Love Over Gold dire straits remastered 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Dire Straits Love Over Gold no ifpi, made in France by pmdc 5 5- 6,5€ 6€
Dire Straits Love Over Gold no ifpi, made in france by pmdc, диск пыльный + легкие пальчики 4 5 4€ 3,5€
Dire Straits Love Over Gold no ifpi, made in w. germany by polygram, легкие пальчики на цд 4 4 4€
Dire Straits Love Over Gold no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo 5 5(-) 7€ 6,5€
Dire Straits Making Movies Barcode: 0 42280 00502 3, Price Code: PG 900 , Rights Society: BIEM / STEMRA , Matrix: 800 050-2 03 * , CD rim: nothing, On back cover: Printed in West Germany , On Booklet: Printed in West Germany, диск имеет легкую золотистую поверхность 5(-) 5(-) 7€ 6,5€
Dire Straits Making Movies ifpi 5 5 6€ 5€
Dire Straits Money for Nothing no ifpi, made in germany by pmdc 5- 5- 6€ 5€
Dire Straits Money for Nothing no ifpi, made in germany in runout 4 4 4,5€ 4€
Dire Straits On Every Street no ifpi, made in Germany 5- 4 5€
Dire Straits On Every Street no ifpi, made in Germany 5 5(-) 8€
Dire Straits On Every Street no ifpi, made in Germany on mould 5(-) 5- 7€ 6€
Dire Straits On Every Street no ifpi, made in U.K 5-- 4 4,5€
Dire Straits On Every Street no ifpi, uk, легкие разводы 5- 5- 6,5€ 5€
Dire Straits On Every Street no ifpi,made in Germany, разводы на диске, задняя вставка подмоченная 4 4- 3,5€ 2,5€
Disturbed Indestructible 5 5(-) 7€
DJ Bobo Greatest Hits пальчики на диске 4+ 5- 4,5€
Dog Eat Dog All Boro Kings ifpi, sonopress, rr9020-2 5 5- 4,5€
Dokken Back for the Attack no ifpi, us, small cut-out (hole) 4++ 5- 6€
Don Cherry Multikulti no ifpi, made in W.Germany by pdo 5 5- 15€
Don Henley Building the Perfect Beast no ifpi 5 5- 7€ 5,5€
Don Henley Cass County dig, 00602537919017 4 5 4 4,5€
Don Juan Matus Don Juan Matus Nasoni S S 10€
Donna Summer Donna Summer Target, MADE IN WEST GERMANY BY POLYGRAM 5 5 45€
Donovan Greatest Hits ifpi 5- 4 4€
Doro & Warlock Rare Diamonds no ifpi 5(-) 5 6€ 5€
Doro Angels Never Die no ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 5€
Doro Calling the Wild задняя вставка чуть волнистая 5 5- 6€ 5€
Doro Machine II Machine 5 5- 6€ 5€
Doro True at Heart печать на буклете, no ifpi 5 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Doves The Last Broadcast HVNLP35CD 5(-) 5(-) 4€
Down EP I Of IV digi 4+ 5- 4 5€
Dozer Call It Conspiracy promo, надпись маркером на задней стороне буклета 5-(4+) 4 15€
Dr. Alban Born in Africa 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
Dr. Alban Hello Afrika. The Album no ifpi, sonopress, 261 391 4 5-- 4€
Dragonland Starfall 77512-2 5- 4+ 7€
Dream Theater Awake 5- 5- 6€
Dream Theater Awake 5 5 7€
Dream Theater Distance Over Time dig, 19075917302 5(-) 5- 4+ 10€
Dream Theater Greatest Hit (...And 21 Other Pretty Cool Songs) digisleeve, 2cds 4 4+ 4 6€
Dream Theater Instrumental II (Your Brain On Our Music) unofficial, мин надрыв на буклете внизу (1,5мм) в остальном как новый 5 4 7€
Dream Theater Live at the Marquee ifpi, 7567-92286-2 5 5 6€ 5€
Dream Theater Live at the Marquee no ifpi 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Dream Theater Live Scenes From New York digisleeve, 3cds, капля клея на диджи 5-/5-/5- - 4(-) 6€
Dream Theater Official Bootleg: Master Of Puppets us, Runout: GT05740 DREAM THEATER MASTER OF PUPPETS 5-(4+) 5(-) 15€
Dream Theater Official Bootleg: The Number Of The Beast легкие пальчики на цд 4 5(-) 15€
Dream Theater The Astonishing dig, 2cds, диск 1 чуть пыльный 4/5- 5 4++ 10€
Dream Theater The Triple Album Collection 3cds, A Change of Seasons / Metropolis Pt2: Scenes from a Memory / Octavarium 4+/5-/5- - 5- 4+ 8€
Dream Theater When Dream and Day Unite ifpi 5(-) 5-- 5,5€
Dream Theater When Dream and Day Unite no ifpi 4 4 5,5€
Dschinghis Khan Die grossen Erfolge no ifpi, sonopress 5 5 7€ 6€
Duke Ellington The Gold Collection. 40 Classic Performances fatbox, slipcase, gold cds 5- 5- 4 7€ 5,5€
Duran Duran All You Need Is Now white tray, 0206551ERE 5- 5 6€
Duran Duran Greatest 5- 5 5€
Dzyan Time Machine 5- 5- 13€ 12€
Eagles Desperado us, no ifpi, matrix 50682 4/91 1DA1X 4 4 6€
Eagles Hell Freezes Over 4 5 4,5€ 3,5€
Eagles Hell Freezes Over ifpi 5 5 5€
Eagles Hotel California digitally remastered 5 5 5,5€
Eagles Hotel California digitally remastered 5 5 5€
Eagles Hotel California digitally remastered, 7559-60509-2 5 5- 5€ 4,5€
Eagles Hotel California no ifpi 4(-) 4 2,5€
Eagles Hotel California no ifpi, 755960509-2 WME, разводы на диске 4 5 5€ 4€
Eagles Hotel California no ifpi, manufactured in W.Germany 4+ 5 6€ 5€
Eagles The Long Run no ifpi, 7559-60560-2 5- 5- 6€
Eagles Their Greatest Hits usa, no ifpi, диск грязный 4- 5 4€ 3€
Earth and Fire Earth and Fire ifpi, jewel case 5 5- 20€
East 17 Walthamston no ifpi 4- 4(-) 2,5€
Ed Sheeran + 825646634422 5(-) 5 4€
Ed Sheeran X slipcase 5(-) 5 4+ 4€
Edguy Hellfire Club 27361 12442, lim. edition 4(-)/3+ 5- 4€
Edguy Rocket Ride S S 10€
Edguy Tinnitus Sanctus 27361 21792 S S 12€ 10€
Edith Piaf 30E Anniversaire ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€
Edith Piaf The Anthology 2cds, 1998 5-/5 4+ 6€ 5,5€
Editors The Back Room 4+ 4 4€
EELS Electro-Shock Blues DRD 50052 5 5 4,5€
EELS The Deconstruction dig, EWORKS1150CD 4+ 5- 4 7€
Eiffel 65 Europop +Bonus tracks 4- 4- 2,5€
Ektomorf Destroy limited edition, slipcase 5- 5- 4 6€
Ektomorf Redemption digi 5(-) 5 4 10€ 8€
Ektomorf What doesn't Kill Me... dig, пальчики на цд, 4 4-(3+) 4(-) 4,5€
Elbow Asleep in the Back VVR1019012 5 5- 4,5€
Elbow Little Fictions 5722720 5- 5(-) 4,5€
Elton John Blue Moves no ifpi, наклейка на внутренней стороне буклета с инициалами 5- 5- 8€ 6€
Elton John Breaking Hearts no ifpi 5 4+ 4,5€
Elton John Greatest Hits. Volume II no ifpi, made in w germany by polygram on cd, made in w germany by pdo in matrix, with "metronome" on rear insert, диск чуть пыльный 5-(4+) 5- 12€ 10€
Elton John Love Songs 5(-) 5- 3€
Elton John Reg Strikes Back no ifpi,made in w germany by pdo,легкие пальчики 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
Elton John Sleeping With the Past no ifpi 4 4 4,5€ 3,5€
Elton John The Big Picture 5 5 4,5€ 3,5€
Elton John The Big Picture 5 5 5€
Elton John The Very Best of 2cds, fatbox, booklet, ifpi, легкие пальчики 4+ 5 4+ 6€ 5€
Elton John The Very Best of 2CDs,fatbox,no ifpi,booklet 4+/5- 5 6€ 5,5€
Elton John The Very Best of ifpi, 2CDs, fatbox, booklet, второй диск пыльный 5-/4+ 5- 6€ 5,5€
Elton John The Very Best of no ifpi, 2CDs, fatbox, booklet, made in Germany 5- 5(-) 7€
Eluveitie Slania / Evocation 1 The Arcane metal hammer edition 5 5 4€
Elvis Presley ...At His Best 2CDs, slipcase 5 5 4- 6€ 5€
Elvis Presley 34 Great Hits fatbox, 2cds 5 5 6€ 5€
Elvis Presley Love Songs 5 5 4,5€ 3,5€
Elvis Presley Love Songs 2cds 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
Elvis Presley The Album 2CDs, slipcase 5(-) 5(-) 4- 4,5€
Emerson, Lake & Palmer The Best Of no ifpi 5 4 5€ 4€
Eminem The Eminem Show 5(-) 5- 6€
Eminem The Eminem Show CD+DVD, special lim. edition 5 5 7€
Eminem The Marshall Mathers LP 2 digi S S(5-) S 10€
Eminem The Slim Shady LP 5 5(-) 5€ 4,5€
Eminem The Slim Shady LP uk 5- 4+ 4€
Eminenz The Heretic диск грязноватый 4 4- 5€
Enchantment Dance the Marble Naked no ifpi, 77066-2 5-- 5- 10€
Enigma Le Roi est Mort, Vive le Roi! 4 5 6€
Enigma Love Sensuality Devotion. The Remix Collection Dig 5(-) - 4+ 6€
Enigma MCMXC a.D. ifpi 5(-) 5(-) 6€
Enigma The Cross of Changes no ifpi 4 5 4€ 3,5€
Enigma The Cross of Changes no ifpi 4+ 4 3€
Enigma The Cross of Changes no ifpi 4+ 5 5€ 4€
Enigma The Cross of Changes no ifpi 5- 5 5€
Enigma The Cross of Changes no ifpi 5 5(-) 6€
Enigma The Screen Behind the Mirror Dig 4 5 4 5€
Ennio Morricone Film Hits no ifpi, sonopress 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
Entombed Clandestine no ifpi, mastered by nimbus, MOSH 37 CD · 1:4 4(+) 4 18€
Entombed Left Hand Path no ifpi, mastered by nimbus, MOSH 21 CD · 1:5 4(+) 4 25€
Enya A Day Without Rain 5 5 5€
Enya A Day Without Rain 5(-) 5 4,5€ 3,5€
Enya Amarantine 2cds 5- 5 7€
Enya And Winter Came 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Enya Paint in the Sky with Stars. The Best of 5(-) 5 5€
Enya Shepherd Moons ifpi 5+ 5+ 6€ 4,5€
Enya Shepherd Moons no ifpi 4 4+ 4,5€ 3,5€
Enya Shepherd Moons no ifpi 5 5 5,5€ 5€
Enya The Celts ifpi 5 4 4€ 3,5€
Enya The Memory of Trees 5- 5 5€ 4€
Enya Watermark ifpi 5 5 5€ 4€
Enya Watermark no ifpi 4 4+ 3,5€
Enya Watermark no ifpi 5(-) 5- 5€ 4€
Era 2 5 5 4,5€ 3,5€
Era Era 5- 5- 4€ 3,5€
Erasure Nightbird 5- 5- 5,5€
Eric Burdon and War The Black Man's Burdon 2cds, us 5 5- 18€
Eric Clapton 461 Ocean Boulevard ifpi, made in france by pmdc 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
Eric Clapton Backtrackin' 2cds, fatbox, no ifpi, made in west germany by pdo 4/5- 4+ 6€
Eric Clapton Chronicles DVD 4 5 4,5€
Eric Clapton From the Cradle 4 4+ 3,5€ 3€
Eric Clapton From the Cradle 5 4 5€ 4,5€
Eric Clapton From the Cradle ifpi 5- 4 4,5€ 4€
Eric Clapton Journeyman легкие пальчики на цд 5- 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Eric Clapton Pilgrim 5- 5(-) 5€
Eric Clapton Pilgrim 5+ 5+ 7€ 5,5€
Eric Clapton Pilgrim диск чуть пыльный 5-(4++) 5 4,5€
Eric Clapton Slowhand the eric clapton remasters 5- 5 5€
Eric Clapton The Cream of ifpi 5- 4+ 4,5€
Eric Clapton The Cream of ifpi 5 5(-) 5€
Eric Clapton Timepieces. The Best of ifpi, задняя вставка чуть волнистая 5- 5 4€ 3,5€
Eric Clapton Timepieces. The Best of ifpi, пальчики на цд 4+ 4+ 4,5€ 3€
Eric Clapton Unplugged no ifpi 4+ 5- 4,5€
Eric Clapton Unplugged no ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Eros Ramazzotti Eros Ramazzotti 5- 5 4€
Eros Ramazzotti Musica E ifpi, чуть волнистая задняя вставка 5(-) 5- 4€ 3,5€
Eros Ramazzotti Tutte Storie no ifpi, sonopress, пальчик на цд 4+ 5 4€
Erotic Jesus Obnoxious Lim.Edition, no.1066 5- 5- 7€ 6,5€
Europe Out of this World mastered by dadc austria, no ifpi 4+ 5 5€ 4€
Europe Out of this World no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria, 462449 2 5- 5- 6€
Europe Simply the Best 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Eurythmics Be Yourself Tonight sonopress, no ifpi 5- 5- 5€ 4€
Eurythmics Greatest Hits ifpi, sonopress 4+ 4 3€
Eurythmics In the Garden no ifpi, sonopress, ND 75036 5- 5-(4+) 8€ 7,5€
Eurythmics In the Garden no ifpi, sonopress, rca, PD 70006 5 5 10€
Eurythmics Revenge ifpi 5 5- 5€ 4€
Eurythmics Revenge no ifpi, japan for europe, PD 71050, небольшая печать на 1 стр буклета, задняя вставка состояние 4 5- 4+ 5€
Eurythmics Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) / Touch / Be Yourself Tonight 3cds, BOX, slipcase, no ifpi, возможна продажа по отдельности, издания по запросу 5/5/5- 5/5/5 4- 16€
Eurythmics Touch no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo 5 4 5€ 4,5€
Evanescence Evanescence 5 5 6€
Evanescence Fallen 5- 5- 5€
Evanescence The Open Door Dig 4- 5 4 4€
Extreme II Pornograffitti 4(+) 5- 5€ 3,5€
Extreme II Pornograffitti ifpi 5(-) 5(-) 5€
Extreme II Pornograffitti no ifpi 3 3 3€ 1,5€
Extreme II Pornograffitti no ifpi 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Extreme III Sides to Every Story 5(-) 5 6€ 5,5€
Extreme III Sides to Every Story no ifpi 4 4 4,5€ 3,5€
F.K.Ü. 4: Rise of the Mosh Mongers digi S S 7€ 6€
Faith No More Album of the Year 4 5 5€
Faith No More Album of the Year 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Faith No More Album of the Year 5 5 7€ 6,5€
Faith No More Angel Dust 5 5- 6€
Faith No More Angel Dust ifpi, made in uk by pmdc 5- 5- 5,5€
Faith No More Angel Dust no ifpi 4 4 4,5€ 4€
Faith No More Angel Dust no ifpi 4 5 5€
Faith No More Angel Dust no ifpi, 828 401-2 5- 4+ 5,5€
Faith No More Introduce Yourself no ifpi 5- 4+ 5€
Faith No More King For a Day Fool For a Lifetime 4(-) 5- 3€
Faith No More King For a Day Fool For a Lifetime 5(-) 5- 6€ 5,5€
Faith No More King For a Day Fool For a Lifetime +sticker 5(-) 5 7€
Faith No More King For a Day Fool For a Lifetime uk 4 4 4,5€ 4€
Faith No More The Real Thing ifpi, made in the uk by pmdc 4+ 5- 6€
Faith No More Who Cares a Lot? The Greatest Hits 5 5- 6€
Faithless Sunday 8pm 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Falco 3 no ifpi 4+ 5- 5€
Fall Out Boy Believers Never Die 5 5 4€
Fall Out Boy Folie a Deux 5- 5- 3€ 2,5€
Fall Out Boy Infinity on High 5 5 3€ 2,5€
Fall Out Boy Infinity on High super jewel case 5 5 3,5€
Fall Out Boy Mania 5 5 4€ 3€
Fates Warning Chasing Time 5- 5- 6€
Fates Warning The Spectre Within 3984-14430-2 Metal Blade, 2002 5- 5 10€ 9€
Fear Factory Digimortal прижимы в месте креплений 5- 4(-) 5€ 4,5€
Fear of God Within the Veil no ifpi, us, cut out on booklet and back inlay,back inlay has two small damages, fotos on request 5(-) 5- 18€
Feist Metals 277912-2 5(-) 5 4,5€
Fight War of Words no ifpi, легкие пальчики на цд, Rob Halford 4 5(-) 5,5€
Filter Short Bus US 5- 5 6€
Filter The Trouble With Angels 5 5 5€
Fleetwood Mac and Christine Perfect Albatross no ifpi, dadc Austria, red jewel case 5 5 8€
Fleetwood Mac Behind the Mask no ifpi 5+ 5+ 6€ 5€
Fleetwood Mac Greatest Hits no ifpi 5- 5- 3,5€
Fleetwood Mac Greatest Hits no ifpi 5(-) 5- 4,5€ 4€
Fleetwood Mac Tango in the Night ifpi 5 5- 4,5€
Fleetwood Mac Tango in the Night no ifpi 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Fleetwood Mac The Chain. Selection From 25 Years 2CDs,no ifpi 4+/5- 5- 7€ 6€
Fleetwood Mac Then Play On ifpi 4+ 4++ 5€
Florence + the Machine Between Two Lungs 2cds, 275 381 1 5 5- 5€
Flying Colors Live in Europe 2cds 5-/4 4 7€
Flying Colors Second Flight: Live At The Z7 2cds+blu-ray, digi 5 5- 4+ 10€
FM Atomic Generation S S 12€
Foo Fighters Foo Fighters RCA 82876 55496 2 5 5 5€
Foo Fighters Greatest Hits 5(-) 5- 6€
Foo Fighters In Your Honor 2cds, пальчики на цд 4+ 5- 5,5€
Foo Fighters Medicine at Midnight digisleeve 5- 5- 4+ 8€
Foo Fighters One by One 5 5 7€
Foo Fighters One by One 2CDs 5- 5 6€
Foo Fighters Skin and Bones 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
Foo Fighters Skin and Bones 5- 5(-) 5€ 4€
Foo Fighters Skin and Bones S S 8€
Foo Fighters There Is Nothing Left to Lose 07863 67892 2 5 5- 5€
Foreigner 4 ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Foreigner 4 no ifpi 4 4 5€ 3,5€
Foreigner 4 no ifpi 5- 5 7€ 6€
Foreigner Agent Provocateur no ifpi, warner 5 5- 7€ 5,5€
Foreigner Foreigner us 4 5 5€
Foreigner Inside Information no ifpi, us, matrix 3 81808-2 SRC-02, диск очень пыльный 4 5-- 4€ 3,5€
Foreigner Records digitally remastered 5 5 5€
Foreigner Records ifpi 5- 4(-) 4,5€ 3€
Foreigner Records ifpi, 7567-80999-2 5(-) 5 4,5€
Foreigner Records no ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Frank Duval Vision no ifpi 4 5- 10€
Frank Sinatra New York New York. His Greatest Hits no ifpi 5-- 5 4€ 3,5€
Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention Absolutely Free RCD 10502, EU 5 5- 8€ 7€
Frank Zappa Joe's Garage. Act I, II & III 2CDs, ifpi 4-/4 4 10€ 7€
Frank Zappa Sheik Yerbouti usa, no ifpi 5 5 8€ 7€
Frank Zappa Waka/Jawaka no ifpi, manufactured in the usa 5 5- 10€
Frankie Goes to Hollywood Liverpool no ifpi, us, cd made in japan, hole on tray and back inlay, 7 90546-2 4 5 7€
Frankie Goes to Hollywood Welcome to the Pleasuredome 4509-94745-2 5 5- 6€
Frankie Goes to Hollywood Welcome to the Pleasuredome no ifpi 4(+) 4 4€ 3€
Frankie Goes to Hollywood Welcome to the Pleasuredome no ifpi, Sanyo Japan 5 4+ 10€ 8€
Frankie Goes to Hollywood Welcome to the Pleasuredome no ifpi, sonopress 5-(4++) 5-(4++) 8€
Freddie Mercury Mr. Bad Guy no ifpi 5- 4 20€ 13€
Freddie Mercury The Album ifpi 5(-) 5(-) 5€
Freddie Mercury The Album ifpi, грибок на лицевой стороне диска 5- 5-- 5€ 3€
Freddie Mercury The Album no ifpi, sonopress 4(-) 4 4,5€ 3€
Freddie Mercury The Album no ifpi, sonopress 5(-) 5 6,5€
Freddie Mercury The Album no ifpi, sonopress 5+ 5 8€
Free Fall Power and Volume Digi S S 4,5€
Freedom Call Live in Hellvetia 2xDVD S S 7€
Future Islands The Far Field dig 5- 5- 4+ 6€
Garbage Version 2.0 us, легкие пальчики на цд 4+ 5 4,5€
Gary Moore & The Midnight Blues Band Back to the Blues 2cds, fatbox, unofficial 5- 5 10€ 8€
Gary Moore After Hours ifpi 5+ 5 6€
Gary Moore After Hours ifpi, 0777 7 86269 2 3 5 5 5,5€ 5€
Gary Moore After Hours no fpi, dadc austria 5(-) 5- 6€ 5€
Gary Moore After Hours no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5- 7€
Gary Moore After the War no ifpi 5- 4 4,5€ 4€
Gary Moore After the War no ifpi, sonopress 4- 4- 3,5€ 2,5€
Gary Moore After the War no ifpi, sonopress 4 4 4€ 3,5€
Gary Moore After the War no ifpi, sonopress, Matrix: SONOPRESS C-5844/CDV2575 A 5 5 6,5€ 6€
Gary Moore Ballads & Blues 1982-1994 no ifpi 5- 5- 5,5€
Gary Moore Corridors of Power mastered by nimbus, cdv 2245 dve tochki, no barcode 4 4 6€
Gary Moore Still Got the Blues digitally remastered edition, 2002 5(-) 5(-) 6€ 5,5€
Gary Moore Still Got the Blues ifpi 5- 4 4,5€ 3,5€
Gary Moore Still Got the Blues ifpi 5 5- 5,5€ 5€
Gary Moore Still Got the Blues no ifpi, dadc austria 5- 5- 6€
Gary Moore Still Got the Blues no ifpi, dadc austria, надрыв на буклете 0,3мм 4 3+ 4,5€ 2,5€
Gary Moore Still Got the Blues US, mastered by nimbus, 2-91369 5(-) 5- 7€ 6,5€
Gary Moore Wild Frontier mastered by nimbus 5- 5- 7€
Gary Moore Wild Frontier no ifpi, DIXCD 56 5- 5- 5€
Gavin Friday and the Man Seezer Each Man Kills the Thing He Loves no ifpi, sonopress, 259 848 4++ 4(-) 4,5€
Gavin Harrison Cheating the Polygraph digibook, cd+dvd 5 5(-) 5- 15€
Genesis ...And Then There Were Three... no ifpi, s cdscd 4010 01, manufactured in the uk on cd, no barcode 5- 4+ 7€
Genesis ...Calling All Stations 5- 4+ 5€ 4€
Genesis ...Calling All Stations 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
Genesis A Trick of the Tail no ifpi, blue cd, made in U.K on cd, made in u.k. by pdo, cdscd4001 100351 01 %, no barcode 5- 5- 20€ 13€
Genesis A Trick of the Tail no ifpi, uk 4 5 8€
Genesis A Trick of the Tail диск грязноватый, definitive edition remsater 4 5 5€ 4,5€
Genesis Foxtrot no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria, Pictured Disc 5-(4+) 5(-) 10€
Genesis From Genesis to Revelation 2011, digisleeve 4 5- 5-(4+) 8€
Genesis Invisible Touch no ifpi, mastered by nimbus, dve tochki 5- 5-- 6,5€ 5,5€
Genesis Invisible Touch no ifpi, nimbus england 5 tochek 4+ 4 5€ 4,5€
Genesis Invisible Touch no ifpi, nimbus england, gend cd2 tochka 5- 5- 6,5€
Genesis Mama no ifpi, made in France by PMDC 5(-) 5 6€ 5€
Genesis Mama no ifpi, made in Germany in the runout 5 5 7€ 6€
Genesis Mama no ifpi, made in w germany on cd 5- 5 7€ 6,5€
Genesis Platinum Collection 3CDs, fatbox 4-/5-/5 5 4 8€ 6,5€
Genesis The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway 2Cds, fat box, no ifpi, mastered by nimbus 4/3+ 5- 15€
Genesis Three Sides Live 2cds, fatbox, no ifpi, 1цд потертость на непроигрываемом слое 4/5 4(-) 8€
Genesis Three Sides Live 2cds, fatbox, no ifpi, insert, 810 006-2, CD: Made in W. Germany, Matrix: Made in Germany 5-/4+ 5- 8€
Genesis Trespass no ifpi, mastered by nimbus, cascd 1020 6tochek 3:3, manufactured in the uk on cd 5 5(-) 10€
Genesis We Can't Dance no ifpi 4 4+ 4€ 2,5€
Genesis We Can't Dance no ifpi, dadc austria 4++ 5- 4,5€ 4€
Genesis We Can't Dance no ifpi, dadc austria 5- 5- 5€
Genesis We Can't Dance no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5 6€
Genesis We Can't Dance no ifpi, легкие отпечатки пальцев на цд 5- 4+ 4,5€ 4€
Genesis Wind & Wuthering no ifpi, sonopress cdscd 4005/b-2309 A, no barcode 5- 5- 10€
Gentle Giant Acquiring the Taste ifpi, made in Germany by PMDC 5- 5 10€
Gentle Giant Gentle Giant no ifpi, made in Germany by PDO 5 5- 15€ 14€
Gentle Giant Octopus ifpi 5- 5 7€
George Harrison Cloud Nine no ifpi 5- 5- 7€ 6,5€
George Michael and Queen with Lisa Stansfield Five Live no ifpi 5 5- 4€
George Michael Faith no ifpi, dadc austria, CDEPC-460000 22 D7 5 5(-) 6€ 5,5€
George Michael Ladies & Gentlemen. The Very Best of 2cds, fatbox, ifpi, 2x booklet 5-/5 5- 8€
George Michael Older 5 5 5€
George Winston Linus & Lucy. The Music of Vince Guaraldi sonopress usa 5(-) 5 6€
George Winston Summer no ifpi, sonopress, пальчики на цд 4 5 6€
Georges Moustaki Ma Liberté no ifpi, made in w.-germany by polygram, 823 843-2 5 5(-) 6€
Gianna Nannini California no ifpi, made in germany by pmdc 5(-) 5- 5€
Gianna Nannini Latin Lover no ifpi,made in w germany by polygram on cd,made in w germany in runout,прижимы в месте креплений 4+ 4- 4,5€
Gianna Nannini Maschi e Altri no ifpi, made in w. germany by pdo, 833 952-2 4(+) 4 4,5€
Gianna Nannini X Forza E X Amore no ifpi 5(-) 5(-) 5€
Giant Last of the Runaways ifpi, EDC, A&M 395 272-2 5(-) 5- 7€
Giant Sand Ballad of a Thin Line Man no ifpi, mastered by nimbus, наклейка с ценой на посл стр буклета 5- 4+ 15€ 14€
Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings ifpi 5+ 5 5€ 4€
Gipsy Kings Gipsy Kings no ifpi 4+ 4 3,5€ 2,5€
Glenn Miller His Original Recordings sonopress, no ifpi, 2CDs, fatbox 4 5- 6€
Glenn Miller The Glenn Miller Story. Volume 2 ifpi, sonopress, ND 89221 5 5 4€
Glenn Miller The Glenn Miller Story. Volume 3 ifpi, sonopress 5 5 4€
Gloria Estefan Anything for You mastered by dadc austria 5- 5 3,5€ 2,5€
Gnarls Barkley St. Elsewhere 5- 5 3€ 2,5€
Goldfrapp Black Cherry CDStumm196 5 5(-) 4,5€
Goldfrapp Felt Mountain 4+ 5 3,5€
Goldfrapp Felt Mountain CDStumm188 5- 5 4,5€
Goldfrapp Seventh Tree 5099951830021 5- 5 4,5€
Goldfrapp Supernature 4- 4- 3,5€ 2€
Goldfrapp Tales of Us digisleeve 4+ 5 4 4,5€
Good Charlotte Cardiology 5 4+ 4,5€ 3,5€
Good Charlotte Good Morning Revival 4 4- 3€ 1,5€
Good Charlotte Greatest Remixes 5- 5 3€ 2€
Gorefest Erase 5(-) 5 12€ 10€
Gorillaz Demon Days 5(-) 5(-) 5€
Gorillaz Gorillaz 7243 534488 0 6 5- 5- 4,5€
Gorillaz Song Machine digisleeve, 2cds, легкие надрывы на задней стороне диджи по углам слева (0,5 и 0,7мм) 3/4 4 3+ 5€
Gorillaz The Now Now 0190295643430 5- 5 6€
Gossip A Joyful Noise S S 6€ 5,5€
Gossip Music for Men 4+ 5- 4€ 3,5€
Gotthard Dial Hard no ifpi, 1st press, легкие разводы на диске 4 4+ 4,5€
Gotthard Gotthard ifpi, sonopress 4- 5- 4€ 2,5€
Gotthard Gotthard no ifpi 4+ 5 5,5€ 4,5€
Gotthard Homerun 5- 5(-) 6€
Gotthard Need to Believe big box (no lanyard, no tour pass) 4 5 4+ 10€ 8€
Gotthard Need to Believe box, no lanyard, no tour pass 4 4 4 7€
Gotthard Open no back inlay 4- 4- 3€
Gov't Mule High & Mighty digi (пожелтевший по краям, в остальном без нареканий) 5 5 4 8€ 7,5€
Grand Funk Railroad Shinin' on 2003 S S 12€ 11€
Grand Funk Railroad Survival japan cd,no obi 4- 4+ 13€ 10€
(Отредактировал 18-09-2023 в 22:45 kolos.)
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Сообщений: 105
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 19.09 / 20-09-2021 00:28
Исполнитель / Альбом / Особенности / Сост. ЦД / Сост. Буклет / Сост Digi (если есть) / Сост. Slipcase (если есть) / Сост. Poster (если есть) / Цена € / Цена Sale €

Grand Funk Railroad We're an American Band 2002 S S 12€ 11€
Graveyard Innocence & Decadence gatefold sleeve, limited edition S S 8€ 6,5€
Great White Hooked no ifpi, holland 5- 5- 8€
Green Day 21th Century Breakdown 5(-) 5 5€ 4€
Green Day American Idiot 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Green Day American Idiot 5 5 6€
Green Day American Idiot 5 5 6€ 5€
Green Day American Idiot чуть склеевшийся буклет 4 4- 4€ 2€
Green Day Bullet in a Bible dig, cd+dvd, 9362-49466-2 5-/5 - 4 4,5€
Green Day Dookie 5 5 5€ 4€
Green Day Insomniac S S 7€ 6€
Gregory Porter Be Good 233488 5(-) 5- 5€
Groove Coverage Covergirl 5+ 5 6€ 5,5€
Guns n' Roses Appetite for Destruction ifpi 4 4 5€ 3,5€
Guns n' Roses Appetite for Destruction ifpi 5- 5 5,5€
Guns n' Roses Appetite for Destruction ifpi 5 5 5€
Guns n' Roses Appetite for Destruction ifpi 5(-) 5- 5,5€
Guns n' Roses Appetite for Destruction ifpi, sonopress 5- 5- 6€ 5€
Guns n' Roses Appetite for Destruction no ifpi, sonopress 5- 5(-) 7€
Guns n' Roses Chinese Democracy 5 5 6€
Guns n' Roses Chinese Democracy S S 7€
Guns n' Roses Live Era '87-'93 2cds 5-/5-- 5-- 6€ 5,5€
Guns n' Roses Live USA no ifpi 5- 4 5€ 3,5€
Guns n' Roses The Spaghetti Incident no ifpi, sonopress 5 5-- 7€ 6€
Guns n' Roses The Spaghetti Incident no ifpi, sonopress, диск чуть пыльный, подмоченная задняя вставка 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Guns n' Roses Use Your Illusion I ifpi 4 5- 4€ 3,5€
Guns n' Roses Use Your Illusion I no ifpi, Sonopress F-5328 3(-) 4- 2€ 1,5€
Guns n' Roses Use Your Illusion I no ifpi, sonopress, диск чуть пыльный 5(-) 5- 5€
Guns n' Roses Use Your Illusion I no ifpi, sonopress, диск чуть пыльный, буклет мин. примочен, зажняя вставка подмочена (состояние 4) 4+ 4+ 3,5€
Guns n' Roses Use Your Illusion II ifpi, made in Germany by EDC 4+ 5- 4,5€ 4€
Guns n' Roses Use Your Illusion II no ifpi, austria dadc, наклейка на внутренней стороне буклета 5- 5(-) 5,5€
Guns n' Roses Use Your Illusion II no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5(-) 6€
Guns n' Roses Use Your Illusion II no ifpi, sonopress, пальчики на цд 4 4 5€ 4,5€
Guru Guru Ufo 5 5- 12€ 10€
Gwen Stefani The Sweet Escape 4(-) 4 3€ 1,5€
Gyorgy Kurtag Jatekok slipcase, ECM, примятость от крепления на буклете 5 4 4 6€
Haken The Mountain us, трещина спереди S S 14€
Hammerfall Built to Last CD+DVD, Mediabook S S S 10€
Hans Zimmer Film Music of Hans Zimmer 2cds, царапка на цд 2 5-/4- 4+ 7€
Hardline Double Eclipse no ifpi, sonopress 4+ 4(-) 7€
Heaven Shall Burn Deaf to Our Prayers 5 5- 7€ 6,5€
Heaven Shall Burn Of Truth & Sacrifice mediabook, 2cds+dvd 4/4+/4- 5 5- 12€
Heaven's Gate Livin' in Hysteria ifpi, steamhammer 4- 4 15€ 13€
Hell Human Remains 27361 27212 S S 9€
Helloween The Best. The Rest. The Rare no ifpi, цд потертости спереди 4- 4 4€
Herbie Hancock Future 2 Future 5 5 5€
HIM Dark Light slipcase,мин. помарка на диске (1мм) 4 5- 4 4,5€ 3,5€
HIM Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights 4++ 4 4,5€ 4€
HIM Greatest Lovesongs Vol. 666 пыльный/грязный цд 4 4(-) 3€ 2,5€
HIM Razorblade Romance 5- 4(-) 4,5€ 4€
HIM Razorblade Romance 5 5 6€
HIM Razorblade Romance буклет примятость от крепления, разводы на цд 4- 4 2,5€ 2€
HIM Uneasy Listening Vol. 1 & 2 2cds, digi 5(-)/4 4 4(-) 7€
HIM Uneasy Listening Vol. 1 88697142992, Card Slipcase 4+ - 4 5€
HIM Venus Doom 9362-49989-0 5 5 6€
Hooters One Way Home no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 4+ 5 4,5€ 3€
Hooters One Way Home no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5-- 5 5€ 4,5€
Hooters Zig Zag no ifpi, dadc austria 4+ 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
Hooverphonic A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular 5 5(-) 6€
Hot Chocolate 2001 sonopress, no ifpi 5 5 5€ 4€
House of Lords House of Lords no ifpi, sonopress 5 5- 10€
Hypocrisy End of Disclosure 5 5 8€
Ian Gillan Band Live at the Budokan. Volumes I & II no ifpi, mastered by nimbus 4+ 4 6€
Ibrahim Ferrer Buena Vista Social Club Presents Ibrahim Ferrer WCD055 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Iced Earth Alive in Athens Boxset, 3cds, digi, цд2 легкие пальчики 5-/5-/4 5- 4 15€ 14€
Iced Earth Horror Show 5(-) 5- 8€
Iced Earth Horror Show digi 4 4 4- 5,5€ 5€
Ike & Tina Turner Nutbush City Limits no ifpi, australia, cdax 701286 4 4 9€ 8€
Ill Nino Revolution Revolución 5(-) 5(-) 5,5€
In Strict Confidence Love Kills! 5+ 5 7€ 5,5€
Incubus A Crow Left of the Murder... cd+dvd, digi 4/4+ 5- 4+ 6€ 5,5€
Interpol Turn on the Bright Lights 7243 8128492 6 5- 4 4,5€
Inxs Definitive 4 5 4€ 3,5€
Inxs Full Moon, Dirty Hearts no ifpi, легкие примятости от креплений 5(-) 4 4,5€
Inxs Kick no ifpi 4+ 5- 6€ 4€
Inxs Kick no ifpi 5 5- 6,5€ 5€
Inxs Kick w.germany by pdo, no ifpi 5 5 7€
Inxs The Greatest Hits 1994 5(-) 5 6€ 4,5€
Iron Maiden No Prayer for the Dying no ifpi, emi swindon, легкие круговые царапки 4 4 6€ 5,5€
Iron Maiden Powerslave uk, no ifpi 4+ 5 20€
J.J. Cale The Very Best of 5+ 5+ 5,5€
Jack Johnson In Between Dreams digi 5- 5 5 5€ 4€
Jain Zanaka dig 5(-) 5- 4+ 7€
James Blunt All the Lost Souls 5- 5 4,5€ 3€
James Blunt All the Lost Souls 5+ 5+ 5€
James Blunt All the Lost Souls CD+DVD, slipcase 5/5- 5- 4 6€
James Blunt All the Lost Souls deluxe edition, 2CDs 5 4+ 6€ 4,5€
James Blunt Back to Bedlam 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
James Blunt Back to Bedlam: The Bedlam Sessions 2cds 5+ 5+ 6€ 5€
James Blunt Moon Landing 5- 5 4,5€ 3,5€
James Blunt Some Kind of Trouble & Back to Bedlam 2CDs, slipcase 5 5/5- 5- 7€
James Blunt Trouble Revisited CD+DVD S S 6€
James Labrie Elements of Persuasion 5(-) 5 6€
James Last and His Orchestra Classics from Russia 5- 4 4,5€
James Last Biscaya no ifpi, made in France by PMDC, буклет чуть намокший 4 4 4€ 3,5€
James Last Biscaya no ifpi, made in w. germany by polygram, club edition 5- 5(-) 4,5€
James Last Greatest Hits 5 5- 5€ 4,5€
James Morrison Undiscovered 5 5 6€ 4,5€
Jamiroquai A Funk Odyssey 4- 5- 3,5€ 2€
Jamiroquai Emergency on Planet Earth 4- 5 4€ 2€
Jamiroquai Emergency on Planet Earth 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
Jamiroquai The Return of the Space Cowboy 4(+) 5 4€ 2,5€
Jamiroquai The Return of the Space Cowboy 4+ 5 4,5€ 4€
Jamiroquai Travelling 5- 5- 5€
Jan Garbarek / The Hilliard Ensemble Officium booklet+kartonka 5 5 3+ 7€
Jan Garbarek / The Hilliard Ensemble Officium ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 4,5€
Janis Joplin Anthology 2cds, ifpi, 467405 9 5 5- 7€
Janis Joplin I Got Dem Ol' Kozmic Blues Again Mama! no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria, red jewel case, CDCBS 32063 5 5 6€
Jason Mraz MR. A-Z 5 5 5,5€ 5€
Jason Mraz We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things 4- 4+ 2,5€ 2,5€
Jason Mraz We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things 4(-) 5- 3,5€ 2,5€
Jay-Z / Linkin Park Collision Course пират?, 24352-30642-8 4 5- 1€
Jean Michel Jarre Electronica 1: The Time Machine dig 5- 5- 4 6€
Jean Michel Jarre Equinoxe ifpi, France, 1997 5- 5 7€
Jean Michel Jarre Oxygene 2014, 88843024682 5(-) 5 7€
Jeff Beck There and Back ifpi, 477781 2 5(-) 5-(4+) 5€
Jeff Beck Truth no ifpi, japan, 1990, TOCP-6317, no obi 4-(3+) 4- 15€
Jeff Buckley Grace 5(-) 5(-) 3,5€
Jennings, Nelson, Cash & Kristofferson Highwayman no ifpi 4 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
Jerry Granelli News From the Street vBr 2146 2 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Jessye Norman Simply the Best no ifpi, made in Germany by PMDC 4+ 4 5€ 4,5€
Jethro Tull Aqualung no ifpi, 7243 4 9 5401 2 5 5 5- 7€ 6€
Jethro Tull Broadsword and the Beast no ifpi, uk, emi swindon, CDP 32 1380 2 5- 5 5,5€
Jethro Tull M.U. - The Best of mastered by Nimbus, dve tochki 4+ 5- 5€ 4€
Jethro Tull Rock Island no ifpi, sonopress, 260 181 5- 5(-) 5€
Jethro Tull Stormwatch no ifpi 5(-) 5 6€ 5,5€
Jethro Tull The Broadsword and the Beast CCD 1380, no ifpi, printed in west germany, ccd 1380 2891439 02 5- 4 7€ 6,5€
Jimi Hendrix Electric Ladyland 111 600-2 S S 7€
Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix 2Cds, fat box(broken), made in germany by pdo 4- 5 12€ 9€
Jimi Hendrix Smash Hits. The Best of us, B0005204-02, 20th Century Masters The Millennium Collection 5- 5(-) 5€
Jimmy Eat World Chase This Light super jewel case, примятости от креплений 5(-) 4 4,5€
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant No Quarter 5- 5 6€
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant No Quarter 5- 5 6€ 4,5€
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant No Quarter 5 5 7€
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant No Quarter ifpi 5-- 5 5€ 3,5€
Joe Cocker Cocker no ifpi, cd made in japan, booklet printed in holland 5- 4+ 8€
Joe Cocker Cocker no ifpi, CDP 746268 2 AR @ 1 -1-6-NL 5 5(-) 5,5€
Joe Cocker Cocker no ifpi, Japan cd, printed in japan, Runout CDP 7 46268 2 1B1 4- 5- 5€ 4€
Joe Cocker Greatest Hits 3+ 4 2,5€
Joe Cocker Greatest Hits 5- 5 5€ 4€
Joe Cocker Greatest Hits 1998 S S 6€ 5,5€
Joe Cocker Have a Little Faith no ifpi 5- 5 5€
Joe Cocker Night Calls ifpi 4+ 5- 4€ 3,5€
Joe Cocker Night Calls no ifpi 5(-) 5 4,5€
Joe Cocker Night Calls no ifpi, dadc austria 5- 4 4,5€ 3,5€
Joe Cocker One Night of Sin no ifpi, uk, emi swindon, CDP 7 91828 2 5- 5(-) 4,5€
Joe Cocker The Best Of ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€
Joe Cocker The Collection no ifpi, CCSCD 126 5- 5 4,5€
Joe Cocker The Ultimate Collection 2cds S S 7€
Joe Cocker Unchain My Heart no ifpi, emi swindon 5 5(-) 5€
Joe Cocker Unchain My Heart no ifpi, uk 5- 5 4,5€ 4€
Joe Cocker With a Little Help From My Friends no ifpi 5- 5- 12€
Johannes Brahms, Berliner Philharmoniker, Herbert Von Karajan Symphonie No 1 no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo 5- 5- 5€
John Bongiovi The Power Station Years 1980-1983 digitally reworked 5- 5 2€ 1,5€
John Denver Back Home Again usa 5- 5 4,5€ 3,5€
John Frusciante The Will to Death digi 5 5 4+ 8€
John Lee Hooker House of the Blues no ifpi, задняя вставка чуть волнистая, MCD09258, CHD9258, PILZ 5 5 8€
John Lee Hooker Mr. Lucky no ifpi, ZD75087 5 5 6€
John Lemke People Do digi 5- 4- 6€ 5,5€
John Lennon Imagine no ifpi, uk, примятости от креплений на буклете 3+ 3+ 4€
John Lennon The Collection ifpi, emi swindon 5 5(-) 5€
John Mayall The Turning Point no ifpi, made in w germany by pdo, Printed in U.S.A., 823 305-2 Y-1 4 5(-) 6€
John Mayer Continuum 5- 5- 5,5€ 5€
John Mclaughlin Trio Que Alegria ifpi 4 4+ 6€ 4,5€
Johnny Cash A Hundred Highways 5(-) 5 5€ 4€
Johnny Cash At San Quentin Legacy edition, 2CDs+DVD, Digi 5-/5/5- 5- 4+ 5- 15€ 12€
Johnny Cash Christmas As I Knew It 5- 5 4,5€
Johnny Cash Man in Black. The Very Best of 2CDs 5- 5 6€ 5€
Johnny Cash The Man in Black. The Definitive Collection 5- 5 6€ 4,5€
Johnny Cash Walk the Line. The Very Best of 3CDs, slipcase 5-/5/5 5 4+ 8€ 7€
Jon And Vangelis The Best Of made in germany by pdo, no ifpi 5 5- 5€ 4,5€
Joni Mitchell Blue HDCD, 7599-27199-2 5 5(-) 5€
Journey Departure no ifpi, us, CMU 5- 5- 8€
Journey Departure us, ifpi, CK 36339 5-- 5- 7€
Journey Greatest Hits 1996 S S 6€ 5,5€
Journey Raised on Radio no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 4 5- 5€ 4,5€
Judas Priest British Steel no ifpi, columbia collectors choice, 1992 4 4 5€ 4,5€
Judas Priest Living After Midnight. The Best of the remasters, легкие пальчики на цд, 2002 4+ 5 5,5€ 5€
Judas Priest Painkiller the remasters 5+ 5 8€
Judas Priest Priest... Live! no ifpi, manufactured by dadc austria 5- 4+ 8€ 6,5€
Kadavar Kadavar digi 5 5(-) 12€ 11€
Kaipa Children of the Sounds digi 5 5 5 16€
Kamchatka The Search Goes on S S 12€ 10€
Kansas Closet Chronicles. The Best of 5- 5 6€
Kansas In the Spirit of Things no ifpi, MCAD-6254, MCD 06254 5- 5- 10€
Kansas Point of Know Return no ifpi, dadc austria 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Kansas Power ifpi, sonopress 5 5- 5,5€ 5€
Kansas Power no ifpi 5(-) 5- 10€ 9€
Kasabian Kasabian 82876 64317 2 5 5(-) 4,5€
Katatonia Live Consternation super jewel case, cd+dvd, трещина сзади 5/5- 5 7€ 6€
Kate Bush Hounds of Love blue tray, no ifpi, cool price 5 5- 6€
Kate Bush Hounds of Love no ifpi, japan for europe 4(-) 4 5€
Kate Bush Kick Inside ifpi 5+ 5+ 6€ 5,5€
Kate Bush Kick Inside no ifpi, CDP 7 46012 2 7tochek MASTERED BY NIMBUS 5- 4 5€ 4€
Katie Melua Call off the Search 5 5- 5,5€ 4,5€
Katie Melua Call off the Search 5+ 5 6€
Katie Melua Piece by Piece 4 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
Katie Melua Piece by Piece 4+ 5 5€
Katie Melua Piece by Piece cd+dvd, slipcase, special bonus edition 5/5- 5 4- 6€ 5,5€
Keane Under the Iron Sea 5- 5- 3,5€ 3€
Keane Under the Iron Sea 5(-) 5 5€ 4€
Keith Jarrett / Jan Garbarek Luminessence ifpi 5 5- 7€ 6€
Keith Jarrett Invocations / The moth and the Flame 2CDs, printed in west germany 4+ 4 8€
Keith Jarrett Vienna Concert no ifpi 5 5- 7€ 6,5€
Keith Urban Days Go By 5- 5 5€ 3,5€
Kelly Clarkson Breakaway 5+ 5+ 4,5€ 3,5€
Kelly Clarkson My December 4 4 3,5€ 2€
Killing Joke Absolute Dissent 5- 5- 13€
Killing Joke Fire Dances 2007 5 5- 8€
Killing Joke In Excelsis 5 5(-) 7€
Killing Joke Killing Joke 1980, 2005, remastered 5- 5- 7€
Killing Joke Laugh? I Nearly Bought One no ifpi, emi swindon 4+ 5 6€
Killing Joke Night Time 2007, 50999 5 10892 2 1 5 5 7€
Killing Joke Outside The Gate ifpi, emi uden 5 5(-) 7€
Killing Joke Pandemonium no ifpi 5- 4- 10€ 8€
Killing Joke Pandemonium no ifpi, dadc austria 5- 5(-) 12€
Killing Joke Revelations 2005, remastered 5(-) 5(-) 7€
Killing Joke What's THIS for...! 2005, remastered 5(-) 4++ 6€
Killswitch Engage As Daylight Dies 5(-) 5 6€ 5,5€
Kim Wilde Teases & Dares no ifpi, sonopress, MCD 03250, DMCF 3250 5- 4 7€
King Crimson Discipline no ifpi, emi swindon 5 4+ 7€
King Crimson Heroes digisleeve 5- - 5- 7€ 6€
King Crimson Lizard no ifpi, Matrix: EGCD 4 : 1 : 1 ·MASTERED· ·BY NIMBUS· 4- 5- 8€
Kingdom Come In Your Face made in W.Germany by pdo 5- 5- 10€ 8€
Kings of Convenience Quiet is the New Loud 5- 5 6€
Kings of Convenience Riot on an Empty Street 5 4 6€ 5,5€
Kings of Convenience Riot on an Empty Street пальчики на цд 4 5- 4,5€ 4€
Kings of Leon Aha Shake Heartbreak 82876 64744 2, white tray 5(-) 5(-) 5€
Kings of Leon Because of the Times 5 5 5,5€
Kings of Leon Come Around Sundown 5 5 6€ 5€
Kings of Leon Only by the Night 4+ 5 4,5€ 3€
Kings of Leon Only by the Night 5(-) 5(-) 5,5€
Kings of Leon Only by the Night Discbox Slider 5 5- 5€ 4,5€
Kip Hanrahan Days and Nights of Blue Luck Inverted no ifpi, manufactured by Sanyo, легкие круговые потертости, cut-out 4 5- 6€ 5€
Kip Hanrahan Vertical's Currency no ifpi, US, cut-out, на считываемом слое странная структура, фото по запросу, играет без проблем 5(?) 4 6€ 5€
Kiss 3CD»Playlist+Plus 3cds, slipcase, white jewel case, 06007 531 67182 5 5 4++ 15€
Kiss Greatest 4 5 4,5€ 4€
Kiss Greatest 5(-) 5 5€
Kiss Hotter Than Hell 1997, the remasters, 532 375-2(1Cool 5- 5 7€
Kiss Kiss the remasters, 532 374-2(1Cool 4- 4 4,5€
Kiss Smashes, Trashes & Hits no ifpi, made in w.germany 5- 5- 5,5€ 4,5€
Korn Chopped, Screwed, Live & Unglued 2cds+dvd 5/5/5- 5 10€
Korn Follow the Leader 5 5- 6€
Korn Follow the Leader 5(-) 5 5,5€
Korn Issues 2cds 5 5- 7€ 6€
Korn Korn пальчики на цд 4 5 4,5€
Korn The Path of Totality & Korn III: Remember Who You Are slipcase 5-/5- 4+/5 4- 12€ 9€
Korn The Path of Totality & Korn III: Remember Who You Are slipcase S S S(5-) 14€
Korpiklaani Ukon Wacka digi S S 10€ 8€
Kraftwerk Die Mensch-Maschine ifpi 4 4 8€
Kraftwerk Expo2000 Single, Lenticular Cover 5- 4+ 5€
Kraftwerk The Mix ifpi 5-(4+) 4+ 6€
Kraftwerk Toccata Electronica unofficial 5- 5- 6€
Krisiun Forged in Fury Digi 5(-) 5 5- 10€
Krokus One Vice at a Time no ifpi, sonopress 5- 4+ 6€
K's Choice Almost Happy 5 5 7€ 6,5€
K's Choice The Great Subconscious Club us, no ifpi 5 5- 7€ 6,5€
Kühn / Quintus Dark made in W.Germany by PDO 5 4 8€ 7,5€
Kvelertak Kvelertak 5- 5- 8€ 6,5€
Kylie Minogue Enjoy Yourself no ifpi,примятости в районе креплений+мал. надрыв(1мм) 5- 4- 4,5€ 4€
Kylie Minogue Greatest Hits no ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€
Kylie Minogue Kylie no ifpi 5 5- 6€ 5€
Kylie Minogue Kylie no ifpi, 2292-43838-2 4(-) 5- 3,5€ 3€
Kyuss ...And the Circus Leaves Town 5- 4 6€ 5,5€
Lacrimosa Angst ifpi, 27361 69502 4+ 4+ 5€
Lacrimosa Angst no ifpi, 1992, pilz cd, spv 4++ 4- 4,5€
Lacrimosa Einsamkeit ifpi, dadc austria 4 4 5€
Lacrimosa Stille HOS 781, 27361 68172 4- 5- 4,5€
Lady Gaga Chromatica 00602508854064 5 5 5€
Lamb of God Resolution digi 5 5- 4+ 6€ 5,5€
L'Ame Immortelle 10 Jahre 5 5 9€ 7,6€
L'Ame Immortelle Als die Liebe starb digi, tri 155 cd 5- 5 4 5€
L'Ame Immortelle Namenlos 2CDs 5 5 10€ 7,5€
Lana Del Rey Born to Die 5- 5(-) 6€ 5€
Lana Del Rey Born to Die 5(-) 5(-) 6€
Lana Del Rey Lust for Life 5758992 5- 5- 7€
Lana Del Rey NFR! 0807588 5 5 10€
Lana Del Rey Ultraviolence 3786615 5(-) 5 7€
Lancer Mastery dig s s 4€
Lars Danielsson Libera Me Digi, sacd 5(-) 5 15€
Lauryn Hill The Miseducation of 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
Leaves' Eyes Legend Land SIGNED, lim. edition 4-(3+) 5- 7€
Led Zeppelin Houses of the Holy ifpi 5 5 7€ 6,5€
Led Zeppelin How the West Was Won 3cds, digi 5-/4/4- 4 8€
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV digitally remastered 5 5 10€
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV ifpi, digitally remastered 5 5 7€
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV no ifpi 5- 5- 10€ 8€
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV no ifpi, 7567-81528-2 5- 4+ 7€ 6€
Led Zeppelin The Song Remains the Same no ifpi,2cds,us,fatbox,легкие пальчики на цд 1,3 201-2.1 SRC=08 M5S1 4+/5- 4+ 10€
Leeched To Dull The Blades Of Your Abuse PROS104112 5 5- 10€
Lennon Plastic Ono Band Shaved Fish no ifpi 4 4- 4,5€ 3€
Lenny Kravitz 5 4(+) 5 4,5€
Lenny Kravitz Are You Gonna Go My Way 5- 5- 4,5€ 3€
Lenny Kravitz Are You Gonna Go My Way 5(-) 5 5€
Lenny Kravitz Black and White America Digi 5-/5 5 4- 4,5€ 3,5€
Lenny Kravitz It's Time for a Love Revolution 4- 5- 3€
Lenny Kravitz Lenny 5- 5 4,5€
Lenny Kravitz Let Love Rule no ifpi 5+ 5+ 6€ 5€
Lenny Kravitz Let Love Rule no ifpi, emi swindon, made in italy 5 5(-) 4,5€
Leonard Cohen Greatest Hits ifpi, диск чуть запыленный, задняя вставка волнистая 4+ 5- 4€ 3,5€
Leonard Cohen I'm Your Man ifpi 4 5- 4,5€ 4€
Leonard Cohen The CBS Collection BOX, 5CDs 5-/5(-)/5( 5(-)/5(-)/ 30€
Liam Gallagher As You Were deluxe edition 5- 5 7€
Liam Gallagher Why Me? Why Not 0190295408381 5- 5 7€
Life of Agony River Runs Red sonopress, ifpi, RR 9043-2 5- 4 5,5€
Limp Bizkit Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water разводы на диске 4- 5 2,5€
Limp Bizkit The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1) digi 5- 5 4(+) 5€ 4,5€
Limp Bizkit Three Dollar Bill, Yall$ sonopress, буклет с надрывами 5- 3 2,5€
Lindemann Skills in Pills Digi 5(-) 5 5 12€ 11€
Linkin Park A Thousand Suns 9362-49633-3 5 5 5€
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory 4+ 5 5€ 4€
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory 5+ 5 7€
Linkin Park Hybrid Theory Легкие царапки на не проигрываемом слое 5- 5 6€ 4,5€
Linkin Park Live in Texas cd+DVD 4/5 5 4,5€
Linkin Park Live in Texas CD+DVD 5/5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Linkin Park Living Things sticker on case, 9362-49504-8 5(-) 5 5€
Linkin Park Meteora 9362-48444-2 5- 5- 5€
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight 5 5 5,5€
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight 5- 5- 5€
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight 9362-44477-2 4- 5 3€
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight Digi 4 5- 4(+) 4,5€ 3,5€
Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight digi 5(-) 5 4 6€ 5,5€
Linkin Park One More Light 5(-) 5 0€
Linkin Park Reanimation 4 5- 5€ 4,5€
Linkin Park Reanimation Digi, made in Canada 5- 5 4+ 7€ 6€
Linkin Park The Hunting Party 5- 5- 5€
Linkin Park The Hunting Party 5(-) 5 7€ 6€
Linkin Park The Hunting Party cd+dvd, 9362-49369-8 5-/5- 5 9€
Liquid Trio Experiment Spontaneous Combustion digi 5- - 5-(4+) 15€
Liquido Zoomcraft 5 5 3€
Lisa Stansfield Affection no ifpi, made in w germany by pdo 4(-) 5- 2,5€
Louis Armstrong Anthology 3CDs, fatbox 4+/5-/4+ 5 4 7€ 6€
Louis Sclavis Chine no ifpi, made in france by mpo 5- 5- 10€ 8€
Louis Sclavis Rouge no ifpi, made in Germany, легкие круговые царапки 5- 5- 10€ 9€
Lyambiko Something Like Reality Dig, 88697637092 5- 5- 5- 4,5€
Lynyrd Skynyrd 1991 no ifpi 4+ 4 5€ 4€
Lynyrd Skynyrd 1991 no ifpi 5 5- 5,5€
M.C. Hammer Too Legit to Quit no ifpi, sonopress, пальчики на цд 4- 4- 2,5€
Machine Head Burn My Eyes ifpi 5- 5- 7€ 5,5€
Macy Gray On How Life Is 5- 5- 5,5€ 4,5€
Macy Gray On How Life Is 5 5 6€
Madball Set It Off ifpi, sonopress 5- 5- 8€ 7,5€
Madness The Liberty of Norton Folgate 5- 5 6€ 4,5€
Madonna American Life 5(-) 5 4,5€
Madonna American Life 5(-) 5(-) 4,5€ 4€
Madonna Celebration 5- 5 4,5€
Madonna Celebration 5- 5- 4€ 3,5€
Madonna Confessions on a Dance Floor 4++ 4 3,5€
Madonna Confessions on a Dance Floor 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
Madonna Confessions on a Dance Floor 5 5 5€
Madonna Erotica ifpi 5- 4 4,5€ 3€
Madonna Erotica ifpi 5 5(-) 5€
Madonna Erotica no ifpi 5- 4+ 4,5€ 4€
Madonna Erotica no ifpi 5(-) 4 4,5€ 4€
Madonna Hard Candy 4 4+ 4€ 3,5€
Madonna I'm Breathless no ifpi 5- 5-(4+) 4,5€ 4€
Madonna I'm Breathless no ifpi, name on booklet 5(-) 4 4€ 3,5€
Madonna Like a Prayer ifpi 5 5(-) 4,5€ 4€
Madonna Like a Prayer no ifpi 5 5 6€ 4,5€
Madonna Like a Prayer w.Germany Pdo, no ifpi 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Madonna Like a Virgin ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Madonna MDNA 5- 4(-) 4,5€ 3,5€
Madonna MDNA 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
Madonna Music 4 5 3,5€ 2,5€
Madonna Music 5 5 4,5€
Madonna Music 5 5- 4€ 3,5€
Madonna Ray of Light 4 5 3€
Madonna Ray of Light 5- 5- 4,5€
Madonna Ray of Light 5 5- 5€ 4,5€
Madonna Ray of Light буклет минимально примоченный 5- 5- 4€ 3,5€
Madonna Something to Remember white jewel case 5 5- 4€
Madonna The First Album no ifpi 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Madonna True Blue ifpi 5 5 5€
Madonna True Blue no ifpi, West Germany 5- 4 5€ 3,5€
Magic Dirt Magic Dirt digi 5- 5- 10€ 8€
Magnum Brand New Morning 5- 5(-) 8€ 7,5€
Magnum Sacred Blood Divine Lies SPV 268972 CD S S 10€ 9€
Magnum Vigilante наклейка на диске 4+ 5 6€ 5€
Majestica A Christmas Carol S S 7€ 6€
Manfred Mann's Earth Band 20 Years of. 1971-1991 no ifpi 5(-) 5- 5,5€ 5€
Manfred Mann's Earth Band Masque no ifpi, sonopress, dixcd 69, no barcode 5- 4 5€
Manfred Mann's Earth Band Soft Vengeance 5 4+ 8€ 7€
Manfred Mann's Earth Band The Good Earth no ifpi, sonopress 5 5- 18€ 15€
Manfred Mann's Earth Band Watch sonopress, no ifpi 4 5- 10€
Manic Street Preachers Gold Against the Soul 5 5- 4,5€
Manowar Battle Hymns Rock series, 2000 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Manowar Fighting the World no ifpi 5(-) 5- 7€
Manowar Fighting the World no ifpi, 790 563-2 5- 5 7€ 6€
Manowar Kings of Metal ifpi 5- 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Manowar The Hell of Steel. Best of no ifpi, пальчики на цд 4 5- 4,5€
Manowar The Hell of Steel. Best of пальчики на диске 4 4 4,5€ 3€
Manowar The Triumph of Steel no ifpi, 7567-82423-2 5- 4- 5€ 4,5€
Marianne Faithfull A Child's Adventure no ifpi, sonopress, 255 334 5-(4+) 5(-) 15€
Marillion A Singles Collection no ifpi 4 5 5€ 4,5€
Marillion A Singles Collection no ifpi, 0777 7 99370 2 8 5- 5- 5€
Marillion Afraid of Sunlight 7243 8 33874 2 7 4 4+ 4,5€
Marillion Clutching at Straws no ifpi, emi swindon, UK 5 5- 7€
Marillion Clutching at Straws no ifpi, emi swindon, uk, CDP 7 46866 2 5- 4+ 7€ 5,5€
Marillion Misplaced Childhood / Script for a Jester's Tear 2cds, 5099909527829 5- 5 9€
Marillion Misplaced Childhood ifpi, 0777 7 46160 2 7 5(-) 5(-) 8€
Marillion Script for a Jester's Tear no ifpi, uk, CDP 7 46237 2, легкая примятость от крепления 5- 4 5€
Marillion Seasons End no ifpi, UK 5(-) 5(-) 7€ 6€
Marilyn Manson Lest We Forget. The Best of 5- 4- 4,5€ 3€
Marilyn Manson Lest We Forget. The Best of 5- 5- 5€
Marilyn Manson Mechanical Animals blue jewel case 4+ 4- 3,5€ 3€
Marilyn Manson Mechanical Animals slipcase, blue jewel case 4 5- 4 5€ 4,5€
Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris All the Roadrunning 5 5- 8€ 7€
Mark Knopfler Golden Heart 5 5 7€ 6€
Mark Knopfler Local Hero no ifpi, Matrix 811 038-2 03 ˙/ YC MADE IN GERMANY 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Mark Knopfler Privateering 2cds, 602537043217 5 5- 6€
Mark Knopfler Sailing to Philadelphia 5 5 6,5€
Mark Knopfler Sailing to Philadelphia 5 5- 6€ 5,5€
Mark Knopfler Sailing to Philadelphia 5(-) 4- 4,5€ 3,5€
Mark Knopfler Sailing to Philadelphia диск чуть пыльный 5(-) 5- 5,5€ 4€
Mark Knopfler The Ragpicker's Dream 2cds 4 5 6€
Mark Knopfler The Ragpicker's Dream легкие пальчики на цд 4+ 5 5,5€ 5€
Maroon 5 Hands All Over 4- 5 2,5€ 2€
Maroon 5 Jordi 00602438089802 5 5- 7€
Maroon 5 Overexposed 5(-) 5- 5€ 3,5€
Martin Kesici Em Kay 5 5 3€ 1,5€
Massive Attack Collected 5- 5- 6€ 5€
Masterplan Aeronautics S S 8€
Matchbox 20 Mad Season 5 5 4€ 3€
Matchbox 20 Yourself or Someone Like You 5 5 4€ 3€
Max Roach + Dizzy Gillespie Paris 1989 2CDs, fatbox, made in W.germany by PDO, следы от разложившегося паралона+поверхностные потертости на 5(-) 4+ 10€ 8€
Meat Loaf Bat Out of Hell II no ifpi 5(-) 5 5€ 4€
Meat Loaf Hits Out of Hell no ifpi, manufactured by dadc austria 5- 5- 4,5€
Megadeth Countdown to Extinction 1-2-19-NL, no ifpi, CDP-0777-79853120, Hol 5 5 10€
Megadeth Countdown to Extinction no ifpi 5- 5- 10€ 9€
Megadeth Countdown to Extinction no ifpi, 798531 @ 1-1-2-NL 5- 5-- 8€ 6€
Megadeth Rust in Peace Remixed / remastered 5+ 5+ 8€
Megaherz Kopfschuss 3+ 4+ 3€ 2,5€
Melechesh The Epigenesis slipcase 5- 5 5- 7€
Men at Work Business as Usual 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
Men at Work Business as Usual no ifpi, manufactured by dadc austria 4+ 5 4€
Mendeed The Dead Live by Love Digi, lim edition S S S 4€ 3,5€
Mercenary 11 Dreams CM 77496-2 4- 5- 5€
Meshuggah Koloss slipcase, digi, cd+dvd 5(-)/5- 5- 5(-) 5- 12€
Meshuggah The Ophidian Trek slipcase, digi, blu-ray+2cds 4+/5/5 5 5 5 12€
Meshuggah The Violent Sleep of Reason digi 5- 5(-) 5 10€
Metallica ...And Justice for All ifpi, made in germany by edc 5 5 7€ 6,5€
Metallica ...And Justice for All no ifpi, 836062-2, made in france by pmdc on cd, примятость от крепления, Matrix: 836 062-2 00 L7 1-C**G 4+ 4- 5€ 4,5€
Metallica Black Album ifpi 4+ 5- 5€ 4,5€
Metallica Black Album ifpi, made in germany by edc 5- 5 6€
Metallica Black Album заедает на одной песне 4 4 3€ 2€
Metallica Death Magnetic dig S S 10€
Metallica Death Magnetic super jewel case 5- 5-- 7€ 6€
Metallica Garage Inc. 2cds 5/5(-) 5- 8€ 7,5€
Metallica Hardwired...To Self-Destruct dig, 2cds, 00602557156263 5+/5(-) 5 5- 10€
Metallica Load 5(-) 5- 7€ 6€
Metallica Load pmdc france 5 5 8€
Metallica Naughty Vol. I unofficial 3 3 4,5€ 3,5€
Metallica Reload 5- 4 5,5€
Metallica Reload ifpi, made in germany by pmdc 5- 5(-) 7€ 6€
Metallica Reload made in germany by edc 5 5 8€
Metallica Ride the Lightning ifpi, US, 9 60396-2 5- 5 8€
Metallica S&M 2cds, задняя вставка волнистая 3+/4 5-- 4,5€ 4€
Metallica St. Anger 4(-) 4 5€
Metheny / Mehldau Metheny Mehldau slipcase 5 5- 4 6€ 5€
Metheny / Mehldau Quartet 5- 4 8€
Metronomy Metronomy Forever digisleeve 4+ 5- 4 8€
Metronomy Summer 08 dig, 9029596171 5(-) - 4+ 6€
MGMT Little Dark Age 88985476052 5- 4+ 10€
Michael Bublé Crazy Love 5- 4 5€ 4,5€
Michael Jackson Bad no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5 5 7€
Michael Jackson Blood on the Dance Floor. History in the Mix ifpi 5- 5 4,5€ 4€
Michael Jackson Blood on the Dance Floor. History in the Mix ifpi 5- 5 5€
Michael Jackson Blood on the Dance Floor. History in the Mix ifpi 5- 5- 5€ 3€
Michael Jackson Dangerous 4+ 4+ 4€ 3€
Michael Jackson Dangerous no ifpi, austria dadc 5(-) 5 5,5€
Michael Jackson Dangerous no ifpi, dadc austria 5- 5- 5€
Michael Jackson Invincible ifpi, made in Austria 5 4+ 5€ 4€
Michael Jackson Invincible ifpi, made in EU 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
Michael Jackson Off the Wall ifpi, CD 83468 5 5- 5€
Michael Jackson Off the Wall ifpi, US 5 5 7€ 6€
Michael Jackson Off the Wall no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5 5 6,5€ 6€
Michael Jackson Off the Wall special edition, 2001 5- 5- 5€
Michael Jackson Thriller 2008 5- 5 5€
Michael Jackson Thriller 25th anniversary 5+ 5+ 6€
Michael Jackson Thriller no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5(-) 6€
Michael Jackson Thriller special edition, gold cd, 2001 4+ 5 6€ 5€
Michael Oldfield Heavens Open no ifpi, dadc Austria 5 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Mick Jagger Wandering Spirit no ifpi 5 5 5,5€ 5€
Midnight Oil Diesel and Dust ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Midnight Oil Diesel and Dust no ifpi, dadc austria 5- 5 5,5€ 5€
Midnight Oil Diesel and Dust no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5- 6€
Midnight Oil Diesel and Dust no ifpi, manufactured by dadc austria 5- 4 3€
Midnight Oil Diesel and Dust no ifpi, manufactured by dadc austria 5- 4+ 5€ 3,5€
Midnight Oil Sometimes 5- 4+ 8€
Mike & The Mechanics Hits 5- 4 4,5€ 4€
Mike Oldfield Crises 4+ 5 4,5€ 4€
Mike Oldfield Discovery no ifpi, CDV 2308 5 5 10€
Mike Oldfield Earth Moving no ifpi, sonopress 5- 5- 6€
Mike Oldfield Five Miles Out ifpi, VI 863022 5- 5- 4,5€
Mike Oldfield Platinum 2012 stereo remaster 5 4+ 5,5€ 5€
Mike Oldfield Platinum no ifpi 5- 4 5€
Mike Oldfield The Collection 2011 5 5 5€
(Отредактировал 18-09-2023 в 22:45 kolos.)
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Сообщений: 105
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 19.09 / 20-09-2021 10:49
Исполнитель / Альбом / Особенности / Сост. ЦД / Сост. Буклет / Сост Digi (если есть) / Сост. Slipcase (если есть) / Сост. Poster (если есть) / Цена € / Цена Sale €

Mike Oldfield The Orchestral Tubular Bells no ifpi, mastered by nimbus CDV 2026 tochka, примятость от крепления вверху слева на посл. стр. буклета+мин надрыв (1мм) 5(-) 4(-) 4,5€ 4€
Mike Oldfield Two Sides. The Very Best of 2cds 5- 5 6€
Mike Portnoy Prime Cuts (From Mike Portnoy's Magna Carta Sessions) us 5- 5 12€
Mike Shinoda Post Traumatic 9362-49068-9 5- 5 5€
Miles Davis Amandla ifpi 5 5- 6€
Miles Davis Ballads & Blues 5(-) 5- 6€ 5,5€
Miles Davis Birth of the Cool no obi, japan 5- 5 20€ 18€
Miles Davis Greatest Hits 1997, CK 65418 4+ 5- 6€
Miles Davis Kind of Blue ifpi 5+ 5 6€
Milli Vanilli All or Nothing - The U.S. Remix Album sonopress, no ifpi, club edition 5- 4 6€ 4€
Milli Vanilli Girl You Know It's True. The Best of S S 8€
Milton Nascimento Milagre dos Peixes no ifpi, INT 3008 2 5- 5-- 10€ 9€
Ministry The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste 7599-26004-2 5- 4+ 4,5€
Miss May I At Heart us, sticker on case, легкие пальчики на цд 4+ 5 5€
Moby & The Void Pacific Choir More Fast Songs About the Apocalypse IDIOT057CD 5(-) 5- 8€
Moby & The Void Pacific Choir These Systems Are Failing lenticular cover, dig 5(-) 5(-) 4 7€
Moby Everything Was Beautiful, And Nothing Hurt dig, IDIOT060LP 5- 5- 4+ 8€
Moby Hotel 2CDs, slipcase, digi, int.LCDSTUMM240 5- 5- 5- 8€
Moby Innocents dig, 2cds, idiot024dlx 5-/5(-) 5 4 7€
Moby Music From Porcelain 2cds, dig 5- 5- 4 7€
Moby Play 2cds, limited edition, 5.0172.23.391 4/5 5- 5€
Moby Play 7243 8475762 5 5- 5 4,5€
Modern Talking Alone 4 4+ 3,5€ 2,5€
Modern Talking Alone 5- 4 4€ 3,5€
Modern Talking Alone 5- 5 5€
Modern Talking America 4+ 4 4€ 3€
Modern Talking America 4+ 4+ 4,5€
Modern Talking America 5(-) 4 5€
Modern Talking Back For Good 5 4(-) 3,5€ 3€
Modern Talking Back For Good 5(-) 5- 5€ 4,5€
Modern Talking In the Middle of Nowhere no ifpi, sonopress, 258 039 5- 5- 10€ 9€
Modern Talking In the Middle of Nowhere no ifpi, sonopress, круглые царапки не на проигрываемом слое, 258 039 5- 4 10€ 7€
Modern Talking Ready for Romance no ifpi, sonopress 5- 5- 14€ 11€
Modern Talking The Collection no ifpi, sonopress 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Modern Talking The Final Album. The Ultimate Best of 5 5 5€
Modern Talking The Final Album. The Ultimate Best of 5 5- 5€ 4€
Modern Talking Victory 4 5 4€
Modern Talking Victory 5- 4(-) 4€ 3,5€
Modern Talking Victory digi 5- 4+ 4+ 6€ 5,5€
Modern Talking Year of the Dragon 4+ 4 3,5€ 2,5€
Modern Talking Year of the Dragon 4+ 4 4€
Modern Talking Year of the Dragon 5- 4 4,5€
Modern Talking You Can Win, If You Want 290 381 S S 15€ 13€
Modern Talking You're my Heart You're my Soul 74321 70573 2, sony dadc 5(-) 5 5€
Monster Magnet Dopes to Infinity 540 315-2 5- 5(-) 6€
Moonspell Sin / Pecado slipcase 5(-) 5 4- 8€ 7,5€
Moonspell Sin / Pecado sonopress 4 5- 5€
Morgoth Cursed no ifpi 5- 4- 18€
Morse Portnoy George Cover to Cover sonopress arvato 5- 4 8€ 7,5€
Mother's Finest The Very Best of no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 4+ 5 4€
Motörhead 1916 ifpi, одна легкая царапка с края к центру (прим. 2см), 467481 2 4 5 4,5€ 4€
Motörhead 1916 no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5- 5- 7€ 6€
Motörhead 1916 no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5- 5 8€
Motörhead March or Die dadc austria 5- 5 8€ 6€
Motörhead No Sleep 'til Hammersmith no ifpi, sonopress, CLC 5090, пальчики на цд 4(-) 5- 6€
Mr. Big Lean Into It no ifpi 5- 5(-) 4,5€ 3,5€
Mr. Big Lean Into It no ifpi 5(-) 5(-) 5€
Mr. President We See the Same Sun 5- 4 4€ 3,5€
Muddy Waters Hard Again ifpi, 484466 2 5- 4 6€
Murderdolls Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls 5 5 7€ 5,5€
Murderdolls Women and Children Last Special edition, digi, cd+dvd 5- 5- 5- 8€ 7€
Muse Absolution 5 5 7€ 6,5€
Muse Black Holes & Revelations 4(-) 5 4,5€ 3,5€
Mylene Farmer Innamoramento 547 338 - 2 4-(3+) 5- 4,5€
Nazareth Loud 'n' Proud 5- 4 10€ 7€
Nazareth Rock 'n' Roll Telephone BOX incl Digipack S S 50€
Nazareth Snaz mastered by mayking,clacd 130 четыре точки,легкие пальчики на цд 5- 5- 12€ 10€
Neal Morse ? 5(-) 5- 18€
Neal Morse Testimony special edition, box, 2cds+bonus cd, HDCD, condition slipcase: 5, condition box: 4+ 5-/5(-)/5 4 20€
Neil Diamond And the Singer Sings His Song no ifpi, MCD 01607, MCAD 1607, PILZ 5 5 10€
Neil Diamond Moods no ifpi 5 5 8€
Neil Diamond Stones no ifpi, MCD 01908, DMCL 1908, PILZ 5 5 8€
Neil Diamond Sweet Caroline (= Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show), no ifpi, MCAD-31050 5 5 10€
Neil Diamond Tap Root Manuscript no ifpi, MCAD 31071, MCD 31071 5 5 8€
Neil Diamond Touching You Touching Me no ifpi 5 5 8€
Neil Young Everybody's Rockin' no ifpi, диск пыльный 5-(4+) 5(-) 10€
Neil Young Harvest Moon no ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Neil Young with Crazy Horse Barn 093624878438 5- 5- 5- 7,5€
New Riders Before Time Began no ifpi, us 4+ 4+ 15€
New Riders of the Purple Sage Gypsy Cowboy no ifpi, dadc austria 4 5- 15€
Nick Cave an the Bad Seeds + Kylie Minogue Where the Wild Roses Grow читаемый слой практически без царапинок 4 3 1,5€
Nickelback All the Right Reasons 4- 4++ 2€
Nickelback All the Right Reasons 4 5- 4€ 2,5€
Nickelback All the Right Reasons 4 5(-) 4€ 3€
Nickelback All the Right Reasons 5(-) 5 6€
Nickelback All the Right Reasons 5(-) 5 6€ 5,5€
Nickelback Dark Horse 5- 5- 6€ 4,5€
Nickelback Dark Horse 5 5 7€
Nickelback Dark Horse 5 5 7€ 6,5€
Nickelback Dark Horse 5- 5(-) 6,5€ 6€
Nickelback Here and Now 5 5 8€
Nickelback Here and Now 5(-) 5 7€
Nickelback No Fixed Address 5 5 7€ 6€
Nickelback No Fixed Address S S 8€ 7,5€
Nickelback Silver Side Up 4- 4 4,5€ 2,5€
Nickelback Silver Side Up 4 5 4,5€
Nickelback Silver Side Up 5 5(-) 7€
Nickelback Silver Side Up 5+ 5 7€
Nickelback Silver Side Up digi, cd+dvd 5(-)/5- 5 5-(4+) 6,5€ 6€
Nickelback Silver Side Up задняя вставка чуть волнистая 5 5(-) 6,5€ 6€
Nickelback Silver Side Up легкие разводы на диске 4+ 5- 5€
Nickelback Silver Side Up разводы на диске 5-- 5-- 4€ 3,5€
Nickelback The Long Road 5 5(-) 5,5€
Nickelback The State 5 5 6€
Nico Camera Obscura no ifpi, mastered by nimbus, bbl 63 cd tochka, две наклейки с ценой на внутренней стороне буклета 5- 4 20€
Nightwish Century Child 4 5- 6€ 5,5€
Nightwish Century Child mr-386-2 4++ 4 3€ 2,5€
Nightwish Dark Passion Play 5- 5- 8€ 7,5€
Nightwish Dark Passion Play 5(-) 5 8€
Nightwish Dark Passion Play digi, cd+dvd 4-/4+ 4 4- 5€
Nightwish End of an Era DVD 5 4 6€
Nightwish Endless Forms Most Beautiful cd+dvd, digipack, 27361 35850, tour edition 4/5- 5- 4 15€
Nightwish Endless Forms Most Beautiful digibook, 27361 34640 3+/4 5- 4 7€
Nightwish Eramaan Viimeinen Single S S 6€
Nightwish Oceanborn 5- 5 8€ 7,5€
Nightwish Once digi, platin edition, 27361 13902, мал. надрыв в месте где вставляется буклет 5 5 4+ 7€
Nightwish Once slipcase 4 5- 4 6€ 5,5€
Nightwish Once примятость на 1 креплении 4 4(-) 4,5€
Nightwish Tales From the Elvenpath 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Nightwish Wish I Had an Angel single 5(-) 5- 4€
Nightwish Wishmaster 4 4 5€ 4,5€
Nightwish Wishmaster mr-384-2 4 4 3€ 2,5€
Nile Annihilation of the Wicked digi 5- 5 4(+) 7€
Nirvana Bleach 9878-70031-2 5- 5 7€
Nirvana Bleach ifpi 4- 4 3,5€ 3€
Nirvana Bleach no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 4+ 5- 6€ 5,5€
Nirvana In Utero ifpi 5- 5- 5,5€ 4,5€
Nirvana In Utero ifpi 5 5 6€
Nirvana In Utero ifpi 5- 5 6€
Nirvana In Utero no ifpi 5 5- 8€ 7,5€
Nirvana Nevermind ifpi 5- 5- 7€ 6€
Nirvana Nevermind no ifpi, sonopress 5- 5- 8€ 7€
Nirvana Nirvana 5- 5- 5,5€
Nirvana Nirvana 5 5 6€
Norah Jones Come Away With Me 5 5(-) 6,5€ 6€
Norah Jones Come Away With Me 5+ 5 7€
Norah Jones Come Away With Me blue note records 5- 5 5,5€ 4€
Norah Jones Come Away With Me Canada, 7243 5 32088 2 0 5- 5- 7€ 6,5€
Norah Jones Feels like Home blue note records, задняя вставка имеет волнистость 5- 5 5,5€ 4,5€
Norah Jones Feels like Home US, 7243 5 84800 0 9 5- 5 7€ 6,5€
Nordic Union Second Coming (Ronnie Atkins from Pretty Maids, Erik Martensson from Eclipse, W.E.T.) S S 18€
Oasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory? 5- 5- 5€
Oasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory? 5 5 6€
Oasis Definitely Maybe 5- 5- 5€
Oasis Definitely Maybe 5 5- 6€
Oasis Definitely Maybe 5(-) 5- 6€ 5,5€
Oasis Heathen Chemistry rkidcd 25 5(-) 5- 6€
Oasis Standing on the Shoulder of Giants 4 5- 4€
Oasis The Masterplan 5- 5 5,5€
Oasis The Masterplan 5- 5- 5€
Offspring Smash matrix Е864322 4 4 4,5€ 4€
OneRepublic Apologize single 4+ 5 1€
OneRepublic Waking Up 5 3 2,5€ 2€
OneRepublic Waking Up 5- 5 4€ 3,5€
Opeth Pale Communion 5- 5 8€ 7,5€
Orphaned Land All Is One 5- 5- 8€
OST Batman PRINCE, no ifpi 4 5- 4,5€
OST Fifth Element 4- 4 3€ 2€
OST Grand Theft Auto. Vice City. Volume 2: Wave 103 4+ 4+ 5€ 4,5€
OST Grand Theft Auto. Vice City. Volume 3: Emotion 98.3 4(+) 5 5€ 4,5€
OST Imagine: John Lennon CDP 7 90803 2, UK 4- 5- 4,5€ 3€
OST In the Name of the King S S 3€ 2,5€
OST Music From and Inspired by the Motion Picture 8 Mile Eminem, 50 Cent... 5 5- 5€
OST Philadelphia no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5(-) 3,5€ 3€
OST Rocky III dadc austria, no ifpi 4+ 5 4,5€ 4€
OST Rocky III no ifpi, dadc austria, диск чуть пыльный 5- 5(-) 4,5€
OST Singles dadc austria, no ifpi 5- 5 5€ 4€
OST Star Trek. Shore Leave & The Naked Time no ifpi, задняя вставка состояние 4 5 4 4€ 3,5€
OST The Blues brothers ifpi 5- 5(-) 4€ 3,5€
OST The Blues brothers no ifpi 5(-) 5(-) 5€ 4€
OST The Last Emperor Music by Ryuichi Sakamoto, David Byrne and Cong Su, no ifpi, mastered by nimbus dve tochki 5(-) 5- 5€ 4,5€
OST The Lord of the Rings. The fellowship of the Rings 5- 4+ 4,5€ 3,5€
OST The Lord Of The Rings. The Two Towers 5-- 5- 4€ 3,5€
OST The Rocky Horror Picture Show nimbus england odna tochka 4+ 4+ 5€ 4€
OST The Rocky Horror Picture Show no ifpi, OSVCD 21653 5 4 4€ 3,5€
Otis Optic & The Option People Otis Optic & The Option People Nasoni S S 10€
Outlaws High Tides Forever. Greatest Hits of no ifpi, sonopress 5- 4- 4,5€
Overkill The Electric Age 2CDs, mediabook S S S 12€
Overkill The Years of Decay no ifpi, 782 045-2 5(-) 5- 8€
Ozzy Osbourne Blizzard of Ozz 2002 5 5- 6€
Ozzy Osbourne Diary of a Madman 5- 4+ 6€ 5,5€
Ozzy Osbourne Down to Earth 4+ 5- 5€ 4,5€
Ozzy Osbourne Scream original sticker on case 4(+) 4 5€
Paco de Lucia Castro Marin no ifpi, 1 мм надрыв буклет 5 4 5€ 4€
Pantera Far Beyond Driven no ifpi 4 4- 4€ 3,5€
Pantera Reinventing Hell. The Best of cd+dvd, slipcase 5/5(-) 5- 4- 6€
Pantokrator Aurum 5 5- 8€
Papa Roach Crooked Teeth us 5- 5- 7€ 6,5€
Papa Roach The Connection ESM 662 4 5 6€
Paradise Lost Believe in Nothing разводы на диске, 7243 5 30707 2 4 4(+) 5- 4,5€ 4€
Paradise Lost Draconian Times mastered by mayking 5(-) 5- 10€
Paradise Lost Draconian Times mastered by mayking, no ifpi 5(-) 4 8€ 7,5€
Paradise Lost Draconian Times no ifpi, mastered by mayking 4++ 4 6€ 5,5€
Paradise Lost Host 7243 4 99947 2 0 5- 5- 6€
Paradise Lost Icon no ifpi, mastered by mayking, cdmfn 125 tochka 5- 5- 10€
Paradise Lost Icon no ifpi, mayking records 4 4- 5€ 4,5€
Paradise Lost Icon no ifpi, mayking records company 5- 5- 8€ 7€
Paradise Lost One Second no ifpi, mastered by mayking 5- 5 7€
Paradise Lost One Second no ifpi, mastered by mayking, CDMFN 222 4++ 5- 5€ 4,5€
Paradise Lost One Second uk, CDMFN222 . MASTERED BY MAYKING 5(-) 4+ 6€
Paradise Lost Symbol of Life 5(-) 5 7€
Pat Benatar Crimes or Passion no ifpi, Chrysalis 610 312 5- 4- 6€ 5,5€
Pat Metheny Bright Size Life ifpi, ECM 1073 5- 5- 12€
Pat Metheny Works no ifpi, made in germany by pmdc, задняя вставка состояние 4 4+ 4 5€
Patricia Kaas Je Te Dis Vous ifpi 5 5 6€
Patricia Kaas Je Te Dis Vous no ifpi 4+ 5 6€ 5,5€
Patricia Kaas Je Te Dis Vous no ifpi, dadc austria 4 5- 4,5€ 4€
Patricia Kaas Mademoiselle Chante... no ifpi, made in germany in runout, пальчики на цд 4- 4 3,5€
Patricia Kaas Scene de Vie 5- 5- 7€ 6€
Patricia Kaas Scene de Vie no ifpi, mastered by dacd austria, пальчики на цд 4- 5- 3,5€
Patricia Kaas Tour de Charme 5(-) 5 7€ 6€
Paul Gilbert Space Ship One 5(-) 5 8€ 7,5€
Paul McCartney All the Best! no ifpi 4+ 5 5€ 4€
Paul McCartney Chaos and Creation in the Backyard 5- 5 6€
Paul McCartney Off the Ground 4 4 4€ 3€
Paul McCartney Off the Ground no ifpi 4 5 4,5€
Paul McCartney Off the Ground no ifpi 4 5 4,5€ 4€
Paul McCartney Press to Play no ifpi, japan for europe 5-- 4- 8€ 7,5€
Paul McCartney Red Rose Speedway 1993, 0777 7 89238 2 4 5(-) 5- 18€
Paul Simon The Rhythm of the Saints no ifpi 5- 5 5€ 4€
Paul Van Dyk Reflections 4 5 5€
Paul Van Dyk Volume. The Best Of 2cds 4-(3+) 5- 5€
Paul Van Dyk Volume. The Best Of 2CDs 4-/5- 5- 6€
Paul Weller Heavy Soul 5(-) 5 4,5€
Paula Abdul Shut Up and Dance (The Dance Mixes) no ifpi, mastered by nimbus, CDVUS 28 5- 4+ 8€ 7,5€
Pavlov's Dog Pampered Menial sony music, ifpi 5- 5 6€ 5€
Pearl Jam Pearl Jam 5- 5 6€
Pearl Jam Ten ifpi, EPC 468884 9 5 5 7€
Pearl Jam Vs. 4 4 5€
Pearl Jam Vs. 5(-) 5 7€ 6,5€
Pet Shop Boys Behaviour ifpi, CDP 79 4310 2, hol 5 5 5€
Pet Shop Boys Behaviour no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
Pet Shop Boys Bilingual 5- 4+ 5€ 4€
Pet Shop Boys Hotspot x2 0018 CD1 5(-) 5 8€
Pet Shop Boys Introspective no ifpi, runout CDP 790868 2 AR @ 1 1-2-13-NL, made in holland on cd 5 5- 6€ 5,5€
Pet Shop Boys Nightlife 4+ 5- 4€ 3€
Pet Shop Boys Nightlife 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Pet Shop Boys Please digital remaster 2001, 2009, 5099926828923 5(-) 5 10€
Pet Shop Boys PopArt. The Hits 2cds, 07243 593884 2 7 5-/4 4++ 5,5€
Pet Shop Boys Release 5 5(-) 5€
Pet Shop Boys Release Limited Edition, Pink Rose Slipcase 4+ 4 4++ 5€
Pet Shop Boys Super x2 0008 CD1 5- 5 6€
Pet Shop Boys Very cool orange jewel case, sonopress, no ifpi 5 4(-) 5€ 4,5€
Pet Shop Boys Very mid-price-sticker 5 5 5€
Peter Gabriel Passion no ifpi, sonopress, пальчики на цд, made in west germany 4 4(-) 3€
Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel 1977(2002), remastered, 7243 8 11678 2 3 5- 5(-) 7€
Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel 1978(2002), remastered, 5- 5(-) 7€
Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel 1980(2002), remastered 5- 5- 7€
Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel 1982(2002), remastered 5- 5 7€
Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel 1982, no ifpi, printed in west germany 5(-) 5 8€
Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel no ifpi, emi swindon, 1982 5-/4+ 5- 7€
Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel no ifpi, mastered by nimbus, PGCD2, 1978, легкие пальчики на цд 4+ 4+ 5€
Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel no ifpi, pgcd1, 1977 4+ 5- 6€ 5,5€
Peter Gabriel Scratch My Back ifpi, sonopress, диск пыльный 5- 5- 5,5€
Peter Gabriel Scratch My Back super jewel case 5- 5- 6€
Peter Gabriel Secret World Live 2CDs 5 5 5,5€
Peter Gabriel Shaking the Tree. Sixteen Golden Greats 2002, remastered 5- 4 5€
Peter Gabriel Shaking the Tree. Sixteen Golden Greats no ifpi, made in holland 5- 5 6€ 5€
Peter Gabriel So no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 4 5- 5€ 3,5€
Peter Gabriel So no ifpi, printed in holland 5(-) 5(-) 6€ 5,5€
Peter Gabriel Us no ifpi 4 4- 3€
Peter Gabriel Us no ifpi 5- 4 4,5€
Peter Gabriel Us no ifpi, dadc austria 4 5- 5€ 4,5€
Peter Gabriel Us no ifpi, dadc austria, PGCD 7 5- 5- 5,5€
Peter Green Castle Masters Collection no ifpi 4 4+ 6€
Peter Green In the Skies CMRCD 1116 S S 15€
Peter Green In the Skies no ifpi, made in w.germany 3+ 4+ 8€
Phenomena Phenomena no ifpi, mastered by nimbus 5- 4 12€
Phil Collins ...But Seriously ifpi 5(-) 5(-) 4€
Phil Collins ...But Seriously no ifpi 4 4 4,5€ 2,5€
Phil Collins ...But Seriously no ifpi 5- 4 5€ 4€
Phil Collins ...But Seriously no ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€
Phil Collins ...But Seriously no ifpi 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Phil Collins ...But Seriously no ifpi 5 5(-) 6€
Phil Collins ...But Seriously no ifpi, Sticker with a name on case 5 5- 5,5€ 5€
Phil Collins ...Hits 5- 5- 4€
Phil Collins Both Sides 4- 4- 2€ 1,5€
Phil Collins Both Sides 5(-) 4+ 4€
Phil Collins Both Sides no ifpi 5- 4 3,5€ 3€
Phil Collins Both Sides no ifpi 5 5 4,5€
Phil Collins Both Sides no ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
Phil Collins Both Sides no ifpi 5+ 5+ 5€
Phil Collins Dance Into the Light 5- 4 3€
Phil Collins Dance Into the Light 5 5 5€ 4€
Phil Collins Face Value ifpi 5 5 5,5€
Phil Collins Face Value ifpi 5 5 6€
Phil Collins Face Value ifpi 5(-) 5- 5€ 4€
Phil Collins Face Value no ifpi 5 5 7€ 6€
Phil Collins Going Back 5 5 3,5€ 3€
Phil Collins No Jacket Required no ifpi 5- 5- 5,5€ 4,5€
Phil Collins No Jacket Required no ifpi 5 5 6€
Phil Collins No Jacket Required no ifpi, 251 699-2 5 5 7€ 6€
Phil Collins No Jacket Required no ifpi, target cd, made in West Germany by Polygram 5- 4- 8€
Phil Collins No Jacket Required no ifpi, легкие разводы на диске 5- 5 5,5€ 4€
Phil Collins Serious Hits... Live! no ifpi 4 5- 3,5€ 3€
Phil Collins Testify 5- 5- 4€ 3€
Phil Collins Testify 5(-) 5(-) 4,5€
Philip Glass Songs From Liquid Days no ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 5€
Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub Hispanola no ifpi, made in west germany by pdo, мин. надрыв буклет 1мм 5(-) 4 3€ 2,5€
Piano Love Piano Love 4- 4+ 3€ 2,5€
Pink Cream 69 One Size Fits All ifpi, dadc austria, 467963 2 5- 5- 8€
Pink Floyd A CD Full of Secrets AYCD69 4(-) 4(-) 4,5€
Pink Floyd Delicate Sound of Thunder 2CDs, fatbox, no ifpi 5- 5- 10€
Pink Floyd Echoes. The Best of 2cds, slipcase, 7243 5 36111 2 5, примятость от крепления на буклете, пальчики на цд 4/4+ 4 4 7€
Pink Floyd Meddle digisleeve, 2011 4 5- 4- 8€
Pink Floyd Music For Architectural Students 5- 4 5€
Pink Floyd Relics 1995, digital re-master, 7243 8 35603 2 5 4 4 6€
Pink Floyd The Division Bell 5- 5- 10€ 8€
Pink Floyd The Division Bell no ifpi, original tray, matrix: CDP 828984 2 2 1-1-22-NL 4+ 4 7€ 6€
Pink Floyd The Endless River dig, 825646215423 4 5 5- 7€
Pink Floyd The Film digitally remastered, unofficial 5-(4+) 5(-) 5€
Pink Floyd Ummagumma digi, 2cds, 2011 remaster 4(+)/4+ 5 4 10€
Pink Floyd Wish You Were here digisleeve, Argentina, 9990-84226-2 4 5- 4(+) 8€
Pink Floyd Wish You Were here no ifpi, Canada, MFG BY CINRAM, CK-33453 3+ 5- 6€
Pink Floyd Wish You Were here PFR9, Black plastic sleeve, gatefold digisleeve 5 5 5 5- 10€
Pink Floyd Works us 5(-) 5 7€
Pixies Doolittle ifpi, GAD 905 CD, Sonopress 50528725/GAD905CD 23 5(-) 5 4,5€ 4€
Placebo Battle for the Sun BATTLE09CD 5 5(-) 5€
Placebo Black Market Music 5- 5- 5€ 4€
Placebo Meds 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
Placebo Once More With Feeling. Singles 1996-2004 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
Placebo Once More With Feeling. Singles 1996-2004 5- 5 5€
Placebo Sleeping With Ghosts 5(-) 5- 5€
Placebo Without You I'm Nothing 4+ 5- 4,5€ 3€
Planet P Project Planet P (=Tony Carey), no ifpi 5 5 12€ 11€
Planet X Universe (feat. Derek Sherinian from Dream theater) 5- 5- 12€ 10€
Poison Flesh & Blood no ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Poison Flesh & Blood no ifpi, emi swindon, CDP 791813 2 00 1 : 10 : 4 EMI SWINDON, легкие разводы на диске (аккурано протереть при необходимости) 4(+) 5 5€ 4€
Portishead Dummy 4 5(-) 5€
Portishead Dummy 5- 5 6€
Portishead Portishead 4(-) 4 4€
Powerwolf Call of the Wild NPR976JC 5- 5- 10€
Pretenders Don't Get Me Wrong. 14 Classic Tracks no ifpi, red jewel case 5 5- 4,5€ 4€
Pretenders Last of the Independents no ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 4,5€
Primal Fear Seven Seals 27361 14952, задняя вставка чуть волнистая 5- 5- 8€
Prince 1999 ifpi 5 5 6€ 5€
Prince Come ifpi 5- 5- 5€ 4€
Pristine Reboot 5(-) 5(-) 12€
Prong Rude Awakening 5 5 6€ 5€
Propaganda A Secret Wish no ifpi, made in uk by pdo 4 4 5€ 4,5€
Puddle of Mudd Life on display 5- 5 5€ 4€
Pulp This Is Hardcore 4 5- 5€ 4€
Pulp This Is Hardcore 5 5 5€
Pyogenesis Twinaleblood 5 5 15€ 14€
Pyogenesis Unpop 27361-62032 4+ 5 4€
Queen A Day at the Races no ifpi, emi swindon, made in UK on cd, made in west germany on rear inlay, matrix CDP 746208 2 AR.2:1:3 EMI SWINDON 5- 5-- 15€ 14€
Queen A Kind of Magic no ifpi, UK 5- 5- 8€ 6,5€
Queen A Night at the Opera 1993, ifpi 4+ 5- 5€
Queen Greatest hits II ifpi, CDP 79 7971 2 5- 5- 5€
Queen Greatest hits II no ifpi 4- 5 3,5€ 3€
Queen Greatest Hits III 5 5(-) 5€
Queen II 2011 digitally remastered 5 5 10€
Queen Live at Wembley Stadium 2cds 5/5- 5 10€ 9€
Queen Made in Heaven ifpi 4 4 4€ 2,5€
Queen Made in Heaven ifpi 4 5 4,5€ 4€
Queen Made in Heaven ifpi 4+ 5 6€ 5€
Queen Made in Heaven ifpi 5 5 7€ 5,5€
Queen Made in Heaven ifpi 5 5 8€
Queen News From the World ifpi 5 5 10€
Queen The Miracle no ifpi, dadc austria, задняя вставка чуть волнистая 4 4- 4,5€ 3,5€
Queen The Miracle no ifpi, made in holland 5 5 7€ 6,5€
Queens of the Stone Age Lullabies to Paralyze 5- 5- 6€ 5€
Queens of the Stone Age Lullabies to Paralyze 5- 5 7€
Queensryche Empire 2003, remastered, 72435-81070-2-9 5- 5- 5,5€
Queensryche Empire no ifpi, dadc austria 5 5- 7€ 6€
Queensryche Empire no ifpi, emi swindon, пальчики на цд, CDP 79 5069 2 4- 5- 3€
Queensryche The Warning no ifpi, emi swindon, CDP 7 46557 2 5- 4 7€
R.E.M. Automatic for People ifpi 5- 5 4,5€ 3,5€
R.E.M. Automatic for People no ifpi 5(-) 5 4,5€
R.E.M. Document ifpi, sticker with a name on booklet 5 5 4,5€ 3,5€
R.E.M. In Time: The Best Of.1988-2003 4 5 3,5€
R.E.M. Monster 5 5 4,5€ 3,5€
R.E.M. Monster 5+ 5+ 4,5€
R.E.M. Out of Time 7599-26496-2 5 5 6€ 5€
R.E.M. Out of Time ifpi 5 4++ 4,5€ 4€
R.E.M. Out of Time ifpi 5(-) 5- 4,5€
R.E.M. The Best Of ifpi 4 4 4€
Radiohead Kid A 5 5 7€ 6,5€
Radiohead Pablo Honey ifpi 4+ 4- 4€ 2,5€
Radiohead Pablo Honey no ifpi 5 4 5€
Rage Against the Machine Rage Against the Machine 5-(4+) 5 4€
Rage Against the Machine Renegades 5(-) 4 4,5€ 4€
Rage Carved in Stone S S 8€ 7€
Rage Carved in Stone Digi, CD+DVD S S S 10€
Rage Seasons of the Black S S 10€ 9€
Rage The Devil Strikes Again S S 8€
Rainbow Stranger in Us All 5- 5- 6€
Rainbow The Best Of 2cds, fatbox, no ifpi, made in france by pmdc 5-(4+) 5(-) 7€ 6,5€
Rammstein Herzeleid motor music 4 5- 6€
Rammstein Herzeleid motor music, разводы на диске 4- 5- 4,5€
Rammstein Lichtspielhaus dvd 4 5 5€
Rammstein Live aus Berlin 5 5 8€
Rammstein Live aus Berlin DVD 4 5 6€
Rammstein Reise, Reise 5- 5 10€ 9€
Rammstein Reise, Reise dig 5- 4 4 8€
Rammstein Reise, Reise пират? 4 4 1,5€
Rammstein Rosenrot dig, cd+dvd, торец dig пожелтевший 4-(3+)/5- 5 4- 6€
Rammstein Sehnsucht made in germany by pmdc, original jewel case, Christoph Schneider, all lyrics in german 5- 5- 7€
Rare Earth Different World пальчики на цд, мал. наклейка на лиц. стороне цд 4 4+ 10€
Rare Earth Get Ready no ifpi, sonopress, разводы на диске 4 5- 6€
Reamonn Tuesday 4 4 3,5€ 2€
Reamonn Tuesday 5 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Blood Sugar Sex Magik ifpi 4+ 5- 5€ 4,5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers By The Way 4+ 5- 5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers By The Way 5- 5 7€ 6€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Freaky Styley no ifpi 5+ 4+ 5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Greatest Hits 5- 5 4,5€ 3,5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Greatest Hits 5 5 5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Greatest Hits 5(-) 5 5€ 4,5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Greatest Hits 5+ 5 6€ 5,5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Mother's Milk ifpi, made in Italy 4(+) 5 5€ 4€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Mother's Milk no ifpi 5-- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Mother's Milk no ifpi 5 5 6€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Mother's Milk no ifpi, emi swindon, made in the uk 5 5- 6€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Reissues 4CDs, promo, cd 1 и 3 пальчики 3+/5-/4/5 5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium 2cds 5-/5 5- 7€ 6€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium 2CDs, digi 5-/5- 5 4 7€ 5,5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium Digi, 2CDs 4/4 5 4 5€ 4,5€
Red Hot Chili Peppers The Red Hot Chili Peppers no ifpi, emi swindon, made in uk 5 5- 8€ 6€
Red Hot Chili Peppers What Hits?! ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€
Repent Disciple of Decline 5(-) 5- 8€
Richard Marx Repeat Offender no ifpi 5- 5- 5,5€ 4€
Richard Marx Repeat Offender no ifpi 5 5- 6€ 5€
Richard Marx Repeat Offender no ifpi, emi swindon 5 5 6€
Richie Sambora Stranger in This Town ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 5€
Richie Sambora Stranger in This Town ifpi 5- 5-(4+) 4,5€
Rick Springfield Living in Oz sonopress, no ifpi 5 4+ 6€ 5€
Rick Springfield Rock of Life no ifpi, us, cut-out 4(-) 4 4€ 3€
Rick Wakeman Aspirant Sunshadows 5- 4 5€
Rihanna Good Girl Gone Bad 5 5 5€ 3€
Rihanna Good Girl Gone Bad super jewel case 4 4 3€ 2,5€
Rihanna Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded 5- 4(-) 4€ 2€
Rihanna Rated R 5- 4+ 4,5€ 2,5€
Ringo Starr Ringo ifpi, Made in UK 5 5 15€
Rise Against Endgame 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Riverside Out of Myself disc made in mexico S S 7€
Robbie Williams Intensive Care 5 5 5€ 3,5€
Robbie Williams Reality Killed the Video Star 5- 5 5€ 4€
Robbie Williams Reality Killed the Video Star легкие пальчики на цд 4+ 5- 4€ 2,5€
Robbie Williams Swings Both Ways 5+ 5 5€ 4€
Robert Plant Fate of Nations ifpi,made in france by pmdc 4+ 5 6€ 5,5€
Rod Stewart Atlantic Crossing no ifpi, no barcode 5- 4+ 6€ 5€
Rod Stewart The Best Of 7599-26034-2 S S 6€
Rod Stewart The Best Of no ifpi 5(-) 5 5€ 4€
Rod Stewart Unplugged... And Seated ifpi 5- 5 4,5€ 4€
Rod Stewart Vagabond Heart no ifpi 4- 5(-) 3,5€ 2,5€
Rod Stewart Vagabond Heart no ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
Rod Stewart Vagabond Heart no ifpi 5 5 5,5€
Roger Waters / Ron Geesin Music From "The Body" ifpi, 0777 7 92548 2 8 4+ 5- 7€
Roger Waters Flickering Fireworks "The Angry Years Vol. I" unofficial 4 4 5€
Roger Waters Radio K.A.O.S. no ifpi, CDP 7 46865 2 4 5- 6€
Rondo Veneziano Misteriosa Venezia sonopress, no ifpi 4- 4+ 3€ 2€
Rondo Veneziano Scaramucce no ifpi, sonopress 5(-) 5 5€ 4€
Rory Gallagher Calling Card 1998 4+ 5- 6€ 5,5€
Roxette Crash! Boom! Bang! 3 3+ 1,5€
Roxette Crash! Boom! Bang! ifpi 5-- 5- 4€ 3,5€
Roxette Crash! Boom! Bang! no ifpi 4+ 5(-) 4€
Roxette Crash! Boom! Bang! no ifpi, диск без следов использования, но с легким налетом, накатка на диске местами вздулась 4+ 5- 3,5€ 2,5€
Roxette Joyride ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
Roxette Joyride no ifpi 3+ 3+ 2,5€ 1,5€
Roxette Joyride no ifpi 4+ 4- 4€ 2,5€
Roxette Joyride no ifpi, emi swindon 4+ 5- 4€ 3€
Roxette Look Sharp ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
Roxette Look Sharp ifpi 5- 5(-) 4,5€
Roxette Look Sharp no ifpi, sonopress 4+ 5 4,5€ 3€
Roxette Tourism dadc austria, no ifpi 4+ 5- 4,5€ 4€
Roxy Music Avalon mastered by nimbus 6 tochek 5- 4 6€ 5€
Roxy Music Flesh + Blood no ifpi, made in w. germany by polygram 4 4+ 7€ 6,5€
Roxy Music Siren remastered, HDCD, 1999 5 5 8€ 7€
Roy Orbison Blue Bayou 5 5 4,5€ 3,5€
Roy Orbison Mystery Girl 5 4 4,5€ 3,5€
Roy Orbison Mystery Girl 5- 4- 4,5€ 3€
Roy Orbison Mystery Girl sonopress, no ifpi 5 5- 5€ 4,5€
Running Wild Shadowmaker slipcase S(5(-)) S 12€
Rush Hold Your Fire printed in U.S.A on back inlay, Made in W.Germany on CD, Made in Germany in Runout, задняя вставка имеет волнистость 5(-) 5- 8€ 6,5€
Rush Roll the Bones no ifpi 5 5 6€ 5€
Rush Snakes & Arrows Digi, вмятина на диджи S S 4 5€ 4,5€
Sade Diamond Life 2000, 500595 2 5(-) 5 5€ 4€
Sade Diamond Life no ifpi, cd made in japan, printed in holland on rear inlay 5 5 15€ 14€
Sade Love Deluxe ifpi,пальчики на цд 4+ 5 4,5€ 4€
Sade Lovers Rock 5 5 5,5€ 4,5€
Sade Promise ifpi 5- 5 5€ 4€
Sade Promise japan cd, printed in holland on booklet 4- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Sade Promise no ifpi, austria dadc 5(-) 5- 6€ 5,5€
Sade Promise no ifpi, cd made in japan 5(-) 5(-) 15€ 14€
Sade Promise no ifpi, dadc austria, sticker on booklet 5- 4 4,5€ 3,5€
Sade Promise no ifpi,dadc austria 5 5 7€
Sade Promise no ifpi,us,RK 40263 4+ 5 6€ 5,5€
Sade Soldier of Love 5 5 7€
Sade Stronger Than Pride ifpi, 2000, 500597 2 4+ 4+ 4€ 3€
Sade Stronger Than Pride no ifpi, dadc austria 5(-) 5- 6€ 5,5€
Sade Stronger Than Pride no ifpi, dadc Austria, epc 460497 2, наклейка на диске, остатки наклейки на торце буклета 4 4 4€ 3€
Sade Stronger Than Pride no ifpi, dadc austria, диск чуть запыленный 5- 4 4€
Sade Stronger Than Pride no ifpi, dadc austria, наклейка на буклете, Runout CDEPC-460497 91 C6, пальчики на цд 5-- 5 4,5€
Sade The Best Of 5-- 5 4,5€ 3,5€
Sade The Best Of 5- 5 5€
Saga Behaviour made in W.Germany by Polygram 5- 5- 8€ 6,5€
Saga The Security of Illusion no ifpi 4 4 4€
Saga The Works no ifpi,2cds,double j-card case,sonopress 4/5- 4 6€
Sailor Sailor no ifpi, sonopress 5(-) 4+ 4,5€
Sally Oldfield Water Bearer no ifpi, clacd 101, sweden 4+ 4- 10€ 9€
Samsara The Emptiness S S 4€ 3€
Sandra Into a Secret Land no ifpi, sonporess, 259 371-222, no barcode 5- 4 6€
Sandra Paintings in Yellow no ifpi, sonopress 5 5 8€ 7€
Sandra Paintings in Yellow sonopress 5- 5- 7€ 6€
Sandra Ten on One (The Singles) no ifpi, 0777 7 86966 2 9 5- 5- 6€
(Отредактировал 18-09-2023 в 22:45 kolos.)
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 26.09 / 26-09-2021 19:49
Исполнитель / Альбом / Особенности / Сост. ЦД / Сост. Буклет / Сост Digi (если есть) / Сост. Slipcase (если есть) / Сост. Poster (если есть) / Цена € / Цена Sale €

Santana Caravanserai manufactured by dadc austria, no ifpi 5- 5 7€ 5,5€
Santana Greatest Hits no ifpi,dadc austria,red jewel case 5(-) 5 5,5€ 5€
Savatage Greatest Hits. Volume 1&2. Still the orchestra plays digi, 2cds+dvd 5/5-/5 5 5- 20€
Savatage Gutter Ballet 0089442CTR 5- 5- 6€ 5€
Savatage Streets. A Rock Opera no ifpi 4- 4- 4,5€
Savatage The Wake of Magellan lim. ed., slipcase, poster 5- 5- 3 4 7€
Saxon Heavy Metal Thunder 2cds 4 4 6,5€
Saxon Innosence Is No Excuse remastered edition with bonus tracks, 2010 S S 12€
Scar Symmetry The Unseen Empire slipcase S S S 8€ 7€
Scarlet Utopia Adventures Under Black Light Nasoni S S 7€
Schiller Sehnsucht 5(-) 5 7€ 6,5€
Schiller Sehnsucht dig, cd+dvd, Deluxe Edition, пальчики на цд, мин надрыв в месте куда вставляется буклет 4+/5- 4+ 4 7€ 6,5€
Schiller Sonne digi, cd+dvd 4+/5- 5 5- 12€
Schiller Tagtraum 2xDVDs, 06025 1713175 0, много пальчиков на цд 4-/3+ 4- 4 8€
Schiller Weltreise super jewel case 5 5- 6,5€
Schiller Weltreise super jewel case, 589 091-2, MADE IN GERMANY BY UNIVERSAL M & L B 5 5 7€
Scooter No Time to Chill 5- 4+ 4,5€
Scooter Push the Beat for This Jam [The Second Chapter] 2cds 4-/5(-) 4 5€
Scooter We Bring the Noise 5- 5 4,5€ 4€
Scorpions Acoustica 5- 4+ 5,5€ 4,5€
Scorpions Animal Magnetism 2001, digitally remastered, 7243 5 35154 2 3, легкий надрыв на буклете 5- 4- 6€
Scorpions Best 4+ 4+ 4,5€ 3,5€
Scorpions Best of no ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 5€
Scorpions Best of no ifpi, made in Germany, 1978/1984 5 4 5€ 4€
Scorpions Best of. Vol. 2 sonopress, no ifpi 5(-) 5 6€ 5€
Scorpions Classic Bites 5- 5- 6€ 5€
Scorpions Crazy World ifpi 5- 5- 5€ 4€
Scorpions Crazy World ifpi 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Scorpions Crazy World no ifpi 5- 3 3,5€ 2,5€
Scorpions Crazy World no ifpi, club-sonderauflage 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Scorpions Crazy World no ifpi, made in Germany 5(-) 4(-) 5€ 4€
Scorpions Deadly Sting no ifpi, holland, пальчики на цд 4 5- 4,5€
Scorpions Gold Ballads no ifpi, CDP 538-7 91015 2, emi swindon, made in uk, matrix: CDP 791015 2 A0.3 :9:3 EMI SWINDON 5 5 8€
Scorpions Gold Ballads no ifpi, emi swindon 5- 4+ 6€ 5,5€
Scorpions Gold Ballads no ifpi, sonopress, made in w germany 5(-) 5(-) 7€ 6€
Scorpions Moment of Glory 7243 5 57019 2 3 4 5- 6€
Scorpions Pure Instinct 4 5- 5€
Scorpions Pure Instinct 4+ 5- 5,5€
Scorpions Pure Instinct очень волнистый буклет, задняя вставка также с легкими повреждениями 5 3 3,5€ 3€
Scorpions Savage Amusement sonopress, no ifpi, made in W.Germany 4 4 6€
Scorpions Still Loving You ifpi, очень волнистый буклет 5- 3 3,5€ 2,5€
Scorpions Sting in the Tail 5- 5- 6€ 5€
Scorpions Sting in the Tail 5 5 7€
Scorpions Taken by Force digitally remastered, 2001, 7243 5 35147 2 3 5- 5- 10€
Scorpions Unbreakable 5- 5- 7€
Scorpions Unbreakable dig, 82876 60964 2 4 5- 5- 6€
Scorpions Virgin Killer no ifpi, sonopress 4- 4- 5,5€
Scott Matthew There Is an Ocean That Divides and With My Longing I Can Charge It With a Voltage That's So Violent 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
Seal Hits 2cds 5-/5 5 6€ 5€
Seal Seal no ifpi 4+ 5 4,5€ 3€
Seether Isolate and Medicate 0888072351103 5- 5 6€
Sepultura Chaos A.D. sonopress,no ifpi 5- 4+ 8€ 7€
Sepultura Roots sonopress 4+ 5(-) 6€
Serious Black As Daylight Breaks 5- 5 8€
Seven Mary Three American Standard us 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Sex Pistols The Mini Album uk, 1996 5- 5-- 7€ 6,5€
Shakira Fijacion Oral vol.1 5 5(-) 4€ 3€
Shakira Pies Descalzos 5(-) 5 4€ 2,5€
Shakira She Wolf отпечатки пальцев на цд 4 5- 3€ 2€
Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow us 5- 5 4,5€
Sheryl Crow The Very Best of 4+ 5 4€ 2,5€
Sheryl Crow The Very Best of US 5- 5 4,5€ 4€
Simon and Garfunkel Greatest Hits ifpi 5(-) 5 4,5€ 3€
Simon and Garfunkel Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria, CDCBS 62825 5 5 6€
Simon and Garfunkel The Simon and Garfunkel Collection japan for europe 5- 4 5€
Simply Red 25. The Greatest Hits 2cds, 3мм надрыв на буклете 4- 3+ 2,5€ 2€
Simply Red Greatest Hits 5 4+ 3,5€
Simply Red Picture Book ifpi 5- 4+ 4,5€ 3,5€
Simply Red Stars ifpi 5 4 3,5€ 2,5€
Simply Red Stars ifpi 5- 5 4€ 3,5€
Simply Red Stars no ifpi 4+ 5 4€ 2,5€
Simply Red Stars no ifpi 5- 5- 4€ 3,5€
Sinead O'Connor So Far... The Best of 5- 5 4,5€ 4€
Sinergy To Hell and Back red jewel case, 27361 65032 4 4 7€
Sinister Dark Memorials CD+DVD, Digi 5/5- 5 5- 15€
Sins of Omission The Creation BS16, диск чуть пыльный/грязный 4 5- 12€ 11€
Siouxsie And The Banshees Join Hands ifpi, made in germany by pmdc 4- 4- 6€
Siouxsie And The Banshees The Scream ifpi. made in germany by pmdc 4- 5-- 6€
Siouxsie And The Banshees Twice Upon a Time - The Singles no ifpi, 517 160-2 4 4 5€
Skid Row Skid Row no ifpi, 781936-2 5- 5- 7€ 6€
Skid Row Slave to the Grind no ifpi 5-- 5- 6€ 5€
Skid Row Slave to the Grind no ifpi, 7567-82242-2 5(-) 5 7€ 6€
Slash Slash 5 5 7€ 6,5€
Slaughter Stick It to Ya 2cds, fatbox, includes "Stick it live" 5(-)/5 5- 12€
Slayer Reign in Blood ifpi 5(-) 5 6€ 5,5€
Slayer Reign in Blood ifpi, 2006, диск чуть пыльный 5(-) 5- 7€ 5,5€
Slayer World Painted Blood 88697413182, limited edition 5 5 7€ 6,5€
Slingblade The Unpredicted Deeds of Molly Black S S 6€
Slipknot All Hope Is Gone sticker on front S S 10€
Slipknot All Hope Is Gone sticker on jewelcase 4 5- 5€ 4,5€
Slipknot IOWA 5 5 7€ 6€
Slipknot Vol. 3: (The subliminal verses) 5- 5- 6,5€ 5,5€
Smokie Bright Lights & Back Alleys ifpi, DISCTRONICS 5 5 8€ 7€
Smokie Changing All the Time ifpi 5(-) 5 8€ 7€
Smokie Changing All the Time no ifpi, sonopress, 261 029 5 5 12€ 9€
Smokie Pass It Around ifpi 5+ 5+ 12€ 9€
SNAP! The Madman's Return sonopress, no ifpi 5 4+ 5€ 4€
Snow Patrol Eyes Open 3 5 2€ 1€
Social Distortion Mommy's Little Monster ifpi, sonopress usa, 1995 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Social Distortion Social Distortion ifpi, sony dadc 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Social Distortion Social Distortion no ifpi, dadc austria 5- 5 6€ 5€
Social Distortion Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell ifpi 5- 5 7€ 6,5€
Social Distortion White Light White Heat White Trash 5 5 5,5€ 5€
Sodom The Art of Killing Poetry for promotion only S S 6€ 5,5€
Sonata Arctica Reckoning Night dig 4-(3+) 5 4 4,5€
Sonata Arctica Reckoning Night dig 5- 5 5-(4+) 7€
Sonata Arctica Silence 77363-2 5 5 10€ 9€
Sonata Arctica Stones Grow Her Name digibook S S 10€ 7,5€
Sonic Syndicate We Rule the Night 5 5- 5,5€
Sophie Ellis Bextor Read My Lips New special edition 5- 5 4,5€ 3€
Soundgarden Superunknown 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
Spice Girls Spice 5+ 5 3,5€ 3€
Spock's Beard Day for Night us, special edition, 2007, slipcase 5(-) 5 5-(4+) 15€
Spooky Tooth The Last Puff no ifpi, sonopress 5- 5- 12€ 9€
Staind Break the Cycle 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Status Quo In Search of the Fourth Chord 5- 5- 7€ 6€
Steely Dan Aja 1999, digitally remastered, 811 745-2 5- 5 6€
Steely Dan Pretzel Logic 1999, MCD-11917 5 5 6€
Stereophonics Language. Sex. Violence. Other? 5- 5 6€
Steve Hackett Genesis Revisited II: Selection 5 5- 10€ 9€
Steve Hackett Spectral Mornings slipcase, digitally remastered with bonus tracks 5- 5 5- 8€ 7,5€
Steve Hackett Watcher of the Skies. Genesis Revisited canada, mastered by emi mfg 4- 5- 7€
Steve Martin The Crow DIGI, deluxe pop-up edition, 24 page booklet S S 7€ 6€
Steve Vai Naked Tracks us, slipcase, digipack, 5cds 5/4+/4+/5/ - 5 5- 25€
Steve Vai Passion and Warfire no ifpi, france 5- 4 4,5€
Steve Vai Real Illusions: Reflections 5- 5 5€
Steven Wilson Get All You Deserve digi, DVD+Blu-ray+2CDs, блурэй пыльный 4/4/5-/5(- - 4 18€
Stevie Nicks Bella Donna target cd, made in w. germany by pdo, от буклета только первая страничка 5- 5(?) 15€
Stevie Ray Vaughan Live Alive ifpi 4 4+ 4€ 3€
Stevie Wonders Original Musiquarium I 2cds 4+ 4 4- 5,5€
Stiltskin The Mind's Eye no ifpi 4+ 5- 6€ 5€
Stiltskin The Mind's Eye no ifpi, feat. Ray Wilson from Genesis, разводы на диске 5- 5- 7€ 6€
Sting ...All This Time 5 5 5€
Sting ...Nothing Like the Sun no ifpi, made in w germany by pdo 5- 5- 6€ 5€
Sting ...Nothing Like the Sun no ifpi, made in w germany by pdo 5 5 7€
Sting Brand New Day 5- 5- 4€
Sting Mercury Falling 5- 4 4€
Sting The Soul Cages no ifpi 4 4 3,5€
Sting The Soul Cages no ifpi 5 5- 5,5€ 4,5€
Sting The Soul Cages no ifpi 5 5- 6€
Stone Sour Come What(Ever) May 5 5 8€ 7€
Stone Sour Hydrograd 4 4 6€ 5€
Stone Sour Hydrograd RR7454-2 5 5 7€
Stone Temple Pilots Shangri-La Dee Da 5 5 6€ 5€
Stratovarius Dreamspace TT 0008-2, 1st press, небольшая наклейка на диске с именем владельца 4+ 4+ 10€ 9,5€
Stratovarius Twilight Time ifpi, TT 002-2, небольшая наклейка на диске с именем владельца 5 5 15€ 14€
Success Will Write Apocalypse Across The Sky The Grand Partition and the Abrogation of Idolatry slipcase S S S 4€ 3€
Suede Coming Up 4+ 4 5€ 4,5€
Suede Coming Up 485129 2 5- 4+ 6€
Suede Night Thoughts 0825646032754, неглубокий волосок на цд, примятость от 1 крепления на буклете 4+ 4+ 8€
Suede Suede no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 4+ 5- 6€ 5,5€
Suede The Blue Hour 0190295642709 5(-) 4+ 8€
Sugarbabes Angels with Dirty Faces 5+ 5+ 4€ 2,5€
Sugarbabes Taller in More Ways Digi 5 5- 4€ 2,5€
Sugarbabes Three 5+ 5+ 4€ 2,5€
Suicidal Tendencies Still Cyco After All These Years no ifpi 5 5 6€ 5€
Suicidal Tendencies The Art of Rebellion no ifpi, диск грязный 4 4 3,5€
Suicide Silence You Can't Stop Me dig, cd+dvd, 27361 30310 5-/4 5 4 6€
Supermax World of Today with fpi, warner 5(-) 5- 8€ 7€
Supertramp Breakfast in America remastered 2010, 0600753304372 5 5- 7€
Supertramp Breakfast in America The supertramp remasters, 2010 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Supertramp Crime of the Century the supertramp remasters 5(-) 5 6€ 5€
Supertramp Even in the Quietest Moments... no ifpi, made in Germany in Runout 5- 5- 7€ 6€
Supertramp Retrospectacle. The Supertramp Anthology 2cds 5- 5- 6€ 5,5€
Supertramp Supertramp digitally remastered 5 4+ 6€
Supertramp Supertramp no ifpi, digitally remastered 5 5- 10€ 9€
Supertramp The Autobiography of no ifpi, made in germany 5 5 6€ 4,5€
Surgeon The Sign of Ending Grace ifpi, 1997 4- 4+ 8€
Syd Barrett Opel 1994 5- 4 6€ 5,5€
Syd Barrett The Madcap Laughs 1994 4 4+ 6€ 5,5€
System of a Down Hypnotize digi 5 5 4+ 6€ 5,5€
System of a Down Steal This Album! 5- 4(+) 5€ 4,5€
System of a Down Steal This Album! 5 5 6€ 5€
System of a Down System of a Down 1998 5- 5- 6€ 5€
t.A.T.u. 200 km/h in the Wrong Lane 4 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
t.A.T.u. 200 km/h in the Wrong Lane 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
t.A.T.u. Dangerous and Moving CD+dvd, limited 5-/5- 5- 8€ 7€
Talk Talk It's My Life & The Colour of Spring 2cds, 2 original classic albums 5 5 6€
Talk Talk It's My Life no ifpi, emi swindon, made in uk, barcode, CDP 7 46063 2 5 5(-) 6€ 5,5€
Talk Talk It's My Life printed in uk on back inlay, barcode, CDP 7 46063 2 S S 10€ 9€
Talk Talk Natural History. The Very Best of no ifpi, emi swindon 4(-) 5- 3€ 2,5€
Talk Talk The Colour of Spring no ifpi, uk, mastered by nimbus, потертости на лицевой стороне 5- 5(-) 6€
Tangerine Dream Lily on the Beach 5 5 6€
Tangerine Dream Optical Race no ifpi, US 5- 5 7€ 6€
Tanita Tikaram Ancient Heart no ifpi 5(-) 5 5,5€ 4€
Tanita Tikaram Ancient Heart no ifpi, made in uk by pdo 5 5- 6€ 5€
Tanita Tikaram Everybody's Angel no ifpi, japan, no obi 4- 5- 10€ 8€
Tanita Tikaram The Best Of canada 5- 5 4,5€
Tanita Tikaram The Sweet Keeper no ifpi 5- 5- 5€ 3,5€
Tanita Tikaram The Sweet Keeper no ifpi 5(-) 5- 5,5€
Tarja Act I 2CDs 5 5- 7€ 6€
Tarja Act I 2CDs 5/5 5 8€
Tarot Gravity of Light s s s 10€ 8,5€
Taylor Swift Evermore 00602435648583 5(-) 5- 10€
Taylor Swift Folklore Deluxe Edition, "In The Trees" 5- 5 11€
Taylor Swift Reputation slipcase 5(-) 5(-) 5- 7€
Tears for Fears Elemental no ifpi 4 5- 4,5€ 3€
Tears for Fears Songs From the Big Chair no ifpi 4+ 5- 5,5€ 4,5€
Tears for Fears The Hurting no ifpi, made in w.germany 4- 4+ 4,5€ 3€
Ten Years After Goin' Home no ifpi, sonopress 4 4 6€ 5,5€
Tesla Mechanical Resonance ifpi 5+ 5 7€ 6,5€
Tesseract Altered State 9982742 5- 5 8€
Testament Practice What You Preach no ifpi, 7567-82009-2 4 5- 6€
Thalia Zedek Been Here and Gone 5(-) 5- 6€ 5,5€
The 69 Eyes Wasting the Dawn 5- 4 5,5€ 5€
The 69 Eyes X S S 9€ 8€
The Alan Parsons Project Anthology no ifpi, mastered by mayking 5- 4 5€ 4,5€
The Alan Parsons Project EVE no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo, буклет чуть подмоченный 5- 4 10€ 7€
The Alan Parsons Project I Robot no ifpi, sonopress, инициалы (LD) на 1 странице буклета 5 4+ 6€ 5,5€
The Alan Parsons Project Tales of Mystery and Imagination ifpi, france 5- 5- 5€
The Almighty Powertrippin' 2cds, no ifpi, задняя вставка чуть волнистая+небольшой надрыв на правом торце 5- 5- 7€ 6€
The Almighty Soul Destruction no ifpi 5- 4 6€ 5€
The B-52's Wild Planet us, no ifpi, 3471-2, Matrix: 1 3471-2 SRC+07 M1S5 5- 5-- 5,5€
The Beach Boys The Very Best of digitally remastered 5(-) 5- 5€ 4,5€
The Beatles 1 7243 5 29325 2 8 4+ 5- 5€ 4€
The Beatles 1962-1966 (Red Album) no ifpi, 2cds, red fatbox 5-/5 5 10€
The Beatles Abbey Road ifpi 5+ 5 10€ 7,5€
The Beatles Abbey Road no ifpi, emi swindon, made in italy, digitally re-mastered, 0777 7 46446 2 4 5- 5(-) 10€
The Beatles Anthology 1 2CDs, fatbox 4(+)/5- 5 7€ 5,5€
The Beatles Anthology 1 2CDs, fatbox, booklet, чуть намокший буклет 5 4 6€
The Beatles Featuring Tony Sheridan Hamburg 1961 1987, unofficial release 5 4+ 8€ 6,5€
The Beatles Live at the BBC big double case, намокший инлэй, 7243 8 31796 2 6 5- 4- 8€ 5,5€
The Beatles Live at the BBC no ifpi,fatbox,2cds,booklet 5 5(-) 10€
The Beatles Past Masters. Volume One no ifpi, us 5 4 5€ 4,5€
The Beatles White Album 2CDs, fatbox, sonopress, no ifpi 5-/5 5 30€ 23€
The Beatles White Album 2cds, fatbox, us, ifpi, booklet, matrix: CDP 7 46444 L3623P Y 2-1-11 EMI JAX 3 4- 10€ 9€
The Beatles Yellow Submarine made in USA, no ifpi, 5 6 CAPITOL JAX 5x8(x) Mirrored): CDP 7 46445 2 AR @ 1 +5+6 5- 5- 15€ 12€
The Beatles Yellow Submarine Songtrack digisleeve,us 5- 5- 4 6,5€
The Black Crowes The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion ifpi 5- 5- 6€ 5€
The Black Eyed Peas The Beginning 5 5- 4,5€ 3€
The Black Eyed Peas The E.N.D. 5- 5 4,5€ 3€
The Butterfly Effect Begins Here 300948-2 S S 8€
The Byrds Play Dylan ifpi, CB 0322222 4 3+ 4€ 3,5€
The Cardigans Gran Turismo 4+ 5 4,5€ 3€
The Cars Heartbeat City no ifpi, target 5- 5- 20€
The Chemical Brothers We are the Night легкие пальчики на цд 4 5 4,5€
The Church Priest=Aura no ifpi, 262643 5- 5(-) 10€
The Clash London Calling red jewel case, no ifpi 5- 5 6€ 5€
The Coral Magic and Medicine 5- 4+ 4,5€
The Corrs In Blue диск запыленный 4 4 3€ 2€
The Corrs Talk on Corners 5-- 4 3€ 2€
The Corrs Talk on Corners special edition, includes four signed color pictures (5-) 5(-) 5 4€ 3€
The Cranberries Bury the Hatchet 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
The Cranberries Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? 5(-) 5(-) 4,5€
The Cranberries No Need to Argue 5(-) 5- 4€
The Cranberries Stars. The Best of 1992-2002 5- 5 5€
The Cranberries Stars. The Best of 1992-2002 5(-) 4 4,5€ 4€
The Cranberries To the Faithful Departed 5(-) 5(-) 4,5€
The Cranberries To the Faithful Departed yellow jewel case (трещина спереди) 5- 5- 4€
The Cranberries To the Faithful Departed yellow jewel case 5- 5- 4€ 3,5€
The Cure Disintegration no ifpi, made in w germany by pdo, присутствует неглубокая царапка 4(-) 4++ 4€ 3,5€
The Cure Greatest Hits 4 5- 4,5€ 4€
The Cure Greatest Hits 5 5- 6€ 5,5€
The Cure Japanese Whispers no ifpi 5 5 6€
The Cure Japanese Whispers no ifpi, made in w germany by pdo, пальчики на цд 4+ 4 5€ 4,5€
The Cure Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me no ifpi, made in w germany by pdo, Matrix: 832 130-2 01 * MADE IN W. GERMANY BY PDO 4+ 5- 6€
The Cure Mixed Up no ifpi, made in germany by pdo 4- 4+ 4,5€
The Cure Show 2cds, UK 5-/4+ 4 5€
The Cure The Complete B-Side Collection 1979-1989 Unofficial 5- 4 4,5€
The Cure The Cure 5- 5- 6€
The Cure The Head in the Door digitally remastered 2006 5- 5- 7€ 6,5€
The Cure The Top no ifpi, made in w germany by pdo 4- 4- 4,5€
The Davolinas Edge of a New Day Nasoni S S 7€ 6€
The Doors L.A. Woman ifpi, 7559-75011-2 5(-) 5-- 5€
The Doors L.A. Woman no ifpi, 7559-75011-2 5 5 6€ 5,5€
The Doors The Doors ifpi, 7559-74007-2 5- 4+ 5€
The Everly Brothers EB 84 no ifpi, made in w.germany by polygram 5- 5- 8€
The Firm The Firm US, no ifpi, Jimmy Page, Paul Rodgers 5 5 7€ 6,5€
The Flamin' Groovies Teenage Head no ifpi 5- 5(-) 10€
The Gaslight Anthem The '59 Sound SD1358 5(-) 5(-) 6€ 5€
The Good, the Bad & the Queen Merrie Land STUDIO13CD001 4+ 5 6€
The Heads No Talking Just Head 5(-) 5 5€ 4,5€
The Hollies Sing Dylan 5- 5- 7€ 6,5€
The Jeff Healey Band Cover to Cover 5- 5- 4,5€
The Jeff Healey Band Hell to Pay ifpi 5 5 6€ 4,4€
The Jeff Healey Band Hell to Pay no ifpi, made in west germany by pdo 5 5- 4,5€
The Jeff Healey Band See the Light no ifpi, made in west germany by pdo 5- 5- 6€ 4,5€
The Jesus & Mary Chain Stoned & Dethroned us 5- 4+ 4,5€ 4€
The Kaleidoscope Side Trips no ifpi, us, ek 48513, круговые царапки на непроигрываемом слое 4(-) 4 10€ 7€
The Killers Day & Age 4+ 5 5€ 3€
The Kinks State of Confusion no ifpi, sonopress, 255 275 5 5(-) 12€ 11€
The Leaving Trains The Lump in My Forehead no ifpi, US, price sticker and other small sticker on booklet 5 5- 7€ 6€
The Mars Volta De-Loused in the Comatorium 5 5-- 6€
The Mission Carved in Sand no ifpi, made in w germany by pdo 4+ 5- 4,5€
The National Alligator BBQCD 241 5- 5 8€
The National Boxer BBQCD 252 5(-) 5- 6€
The Notwist Vertigo Days digisleeve, mm 180 4 5(-) 4 8€
The Offspring Greatest Hits 5- 5 5€ 4€
The Offspring Ixnay on the Hombre 5- 5- 5€ 4€
The Offspring Smash no ifpi 5 5 5€
The Offspring The Offspring mastered by nimbus 4 4 4€ 3€
The Pogues Waiting for Herb 4509-93463-2 5 4+ 3,5€ 1,5€
The Police Outlandos d'Amour no ifpi, A & M 394 753-2 5- 5- 6€
The Police Reggatta de Blanc ifpi 5- 5- 6€
The Police Synchronicity uk 4 4- 4,5€
The Prodigy Music for the Jilted Generation XL/INT 847.903, рекламная вставка отошла 5-(4+) 4 4,5€
The Prodigy The Day Is My Enemy 5(-) 5 6€ 5,5€
The Pussycat Dolls PCD 5 5 4€ 2,5€
The Rasmus Dead Letters 4+ 4+ 4,5€ 4€
The Rasmus Dead Letters 5- 5- 5€
The Rasmus Hide From the Sun 5- 5- 6€
The Retrosic God of Hell TRIBUNE_003A 4 5- 5€
The Rolling Stones Aftermath no ifpi 5 5 10€ 8,5€
The Rolling Stones Beggars Banquet no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo, легкие круговые царапки на непроигрываемом слое, matrix 800 084- 4 4- 6€ 5€
The Rolling Stones Between the Buttons no ifpi, made in germany 5 5 15€ 12€
The Rolling Stones Blue & Lonesome 5- 5(-) 6€ 5,5€
The Rolling Stones Blue & Lonesome S S 8€ 7,5€
The Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon 5 5 6€ 4,5€
The Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon Special edition slipcase 5 5 5 7€ 6,5€
The Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon special edition slipcase, наклейки на slipcase 4 5 4 5€
The Rolling Stones Flashpoint 1998 5- 5 6€ 5,5€
The Rolling Stones Flashpoint ifpi 4+ 5 5€ 3,5€
The Rolling Stones Hot Rocks. 1964-1971 2cds, fatbox, booklet, ifpi, made in the uk by pmdc, digitally remastered from original mster recordings 5/5- 5- 8€
The Rolling Stones Hot Rocks. 1964-1971 2cds, fatbox, ifpi, no booklet 5- 5 7€ 5,5€
The Rolling Stones Hot Rocks. 1964-1971 2CDs, fatbox, made in france by pmdc, 844 144-2 5/5- 4 7€
The Rolling Stones Hot Rocks. 1964-1971 2cds, fatbox, no ifpi, 844 144-2 4/5 4+ 6€
The Rolling Stones Let It Bleed dsd remastered, 2002 5 4 5€ 4€
The Rolling Stones Let It Bleed no ifpi 4- 5- 5€ 4,5€
The Rolling Stones Shine a Light 2cds 5 5- 6€ 4,5€
The Rolling Stones Steel Wheels no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5 5 7€ 5€
The Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers no ifpi, dadc austria, 450195 2 5 5 10€ 6€
The Rolling Stones Sucking in the Seventies no ifpi, japan for europe, CDCBS 450205 2 4 5(-) 8€
The Rolling Stones Their Satanic Majesties Request ifpi 5 5 10€ 9€
The Rolling Stones Their Satanic Majesties Request no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo, special price sticker на предпоследней странице буклета, 820 129- 5- 4 7€ 6€
The Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge 4- 4 3€ 2,5€
The Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge 5- 5 6€ 5€
The Sisters Of Mercy A Slight Case of Overbombing. Greatest Hits. Volume One ifpi 4 5 4€ 3,5€
The Sisters Of Mercy First and Last Always ifpi, digitally remastered 1992, 9031-77379-2 5 5- 5€
The Sisters Of Mercy Floodland digi S S S(5-) 10€
The Sisters Of Mercy Some Girls Wander by Mistake no ifpi 5 4+ 7€ 4,5€
The Sisters Of Mercy Vision Thing no ifpi 5- 4 5€ 4€
The Sisters Of Mercy Vision Thing no ifpi 5 5 7€ 6€
The Sisters Of Mercy Vision Thing no ifpi, 9031-72663-2 4 4(+) 3,5€
The Smashing Pumpkins Adore CDHUT 51 5- 5(-) 6€
The Smashing Pumpkins Greatest Hits 2cds 5- 5 6€
The Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness 2cds 4-/3+ 4 4,5€ 4€
The Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness 2cds 5- 4+ 6,5€ 6€
The Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness 2CDs 5- 5- 7€ 6,5€
The Smashing Pumpkins Monuments to an Elegy dig, 81012450-2 5 5- 4+ 7€
The Stooges The Weirdness 5 5 5€ 4,5€
The Strokes First Impressions of Earth Digi S S S(5-) 7€ 6€
The Temptations All Directions 530 155-2 4 4 5,5€
The Temptations All Directions ifpi, 530 155-2 5- 5(-) 6€
The Tragically Hip Fully Completely no ifpi, dadc Austria 5- 4+ 4,5€ 3,5€
The Tragically Hip Road Apples sonopress, no ifpi, надпись ручкой на 1 стр буклета 5 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
The Underground Project It Doesn't Matter incl. Summer Jam 4(+) 4(+) 2€
The Veils The Runaway Found 5- 5-- 4,5€
The Verve A Storm in Heaven uk, примятая 1-ая стр буклета 5 4- 4€
The Verve Urban Hymns 3+ 4 3€ 1,5€
The Verve Urban Hymns 4+ 4+ 3,5€ 3€
The Verve Urban Hymns 5 5(-) 6€ 4,5€
The Wailers Burnin' ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€ 4€
The Who Endless Wire 1712655 5- 5- 5,5€
The Who My Generation. The Very Best of буклет примятость на креплении 5- 4 4€ 3,5€
The Who Sell Out 1995 5(-) 4 4,5€ 4€
The Who Tommy 2CDs, fatbox 4 5 8€ 7€
The Who Tommy 3747403 5- 5(-) 7€
The Who Who's Last no ifpi, mastered by nimbus 4- 5- 5,5€ 5€
The Who Who's Next Digi, deluxe edition, 2003 5-(4+) 5- 5- 5- 12€ 10€
The xx The xx YT031CDX 5- 4+ 5€
Theatre of Tragedy Storm 5- 5- 6€
Them Them - Featuring Van Morrison ifpi, made in germany by pmdc, 810 165-2 RH 5 4+ 5€ 4,5€
Therapy? Troublegum подмоченный буклет 4- 4- 3€ 1,5€
They Might Be Giants They Might Be Giants canada/us, mastered by nimbus 5- 5- 6€
Thierry Lang Echoes of Silence 5- 4+ 10€
Thin Lizzy Chinatown ifpi, made in germeny by edc, сильные пальчики на цд 4- 5 4€
Thin Lizzy Johnny the Fox no ifpi, made in W.Germany on CD, made in Germany in runout 4- 4 5€ 4€
Thin Lizzy Live and Dangerous no ifpi, made in west germany by pdo 5- 5 6€ 5€
Thin Lizzy Lizzy Killers no ifpi, 800 060-2, made in germany in Runout, printed in W.Germany on booklet, made in W.germany on cd 5- 5(-) 6€
Thin Lizzy Renegade ifpi, made in Germany by edc, примятость на креплении, разводы на диске 4 4 4,5€
Thin Lizzy Thunder and Lightning no ifpi, made in W.Germany on CD, made in Germany in the runout, 810 490-2 5- 5- 8€ 7€
Thirty Seconds to Mars A Beautiful Lie 5- 4 4,5€ 3,5€
Thirty Seconds to Mars A Beautiful Lie 5(-) 5 6€ 4,5€
Throwdown Deathless 5 5- 4€
Thunder Back Street Symphony no ifpi, emi swindon 5- 5- 5€
Tim Buckley Goodbye and Hello no ifpi, наклейка с ценой внутри буклета, 74028-2 5- 4- 4,5€ 3,5€
Tim Buckley Lorca no ifpi, us, 9 61339-2 4+ 5- 5€ 4€
Tina Turner Break Every Rule no ifpi 3+ 4 3€ 2€
Tina Turner Break Every Rule no ifpi, sonopress 5- 4+ 5€ 3,5€
Tina Turner Break Every Rule no ifpi, sonopress, легкие пальчики 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Tina Turner Foreign Affair no ifpi 5(-) 5 6€ 4,5€
Tina Turner Foreign Affair no ifpi, emi swindon 5- 5 5€ 3,5€
Tina Turner Foreign Affair no ifpi,US 5(-) 5 6€ 5€
Tina Turner Live in Europe 2cds, fat box, sonopress, no ifpi, booklet 5- 5-- 6€ 4,5€
Tina Turner Private Dancer 7243 8 55833 2 2, remastered S S 6€ 5€
Tina Turner Private Dancer ifpi 5- 5 5€ 4€
Tina Turner Private Dancer no ifpi, japan for europe 5 4++ 10€ 8€
Tina Turner Private Dancer no ifpi, made in Japan on cd, CDP 7 46041 2 U 1 B2 TO 4(+) 5- 10€ 7€
TNT Knights of the New Thunder no ifpi, made in W.Germany by pdo, диск чуть пыльный 5- 4- 8€
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Greatest Hits 5 5- 5€ 4,5€
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Greatest Hits ifpi 5- 5 4€ 3,5€
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Greatest Hits no ifpi 5 5 5€
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Hard Promises no ifpi 5- 5- 7€ 6,5€
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Into the Great Wide Open ifpi 5 5 6€ 4,5€
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Into the Great Wide Open ifpi 5+ 5+ 6€
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Into the Great Wide Open no ifpi 5- 5- 5,5€ 5€
Tom Petty Full Moon Fever ifpi, sonopress 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Tom Petty Wildflowers slipcase, USA 5- 5- 4+ 8€ 6,5€
Tom Waits Bone Machine ifpi, CID 9993, 512 580-2 4+ 5- 5€
Tony Braxton Secrets 5- 5+ 4€ 2,5€
Tony Braxton Secrets чуть подмоченный буклет 3+ 4 2€ 1,5€
Toto Falling in Between no slipcase 5(-) 5- 6€
Toto Hydra no ifpi, manufactured by dadc austria, nice price 5(-) 5(-) 6€
Toto Isolation no ifpi, manufactured by dadc austria 5(-) 5- 5,5€ 4,5€
Toto Isolation no ifpi,dadc austria 5(-) 5- 6€
Toto IV ifpi 5- 5 5€ 4,5€
Toto IV no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria, red jewel case, 1 примятость от крепления 5-(4+) 4 4,5€ 4€
Toto Past to Present 1977-1990 gold cd 4(-) 4 4€ 3€
Toto The Seventh One no ifpi, manufactured by dadc austria, CBS 460645 2 5- 5(-) 5,5€ 5€
Toto Toto no ifpi, manufactured by dadc austria, nice price 4+ 5- 5€
Tracy Chapman Crossroads no ifpi 5 5 4,5€ 3€
Tracy Chapman Crossroads no ifpi 5- 5- 4€ 2,5€
Traffic Best of no ifpi, sonopress 5 5(-) 5,5€ 5€
Transatlantic Live in America 2cds, 2009 5/5- 5- 12€
Transatlantic SMPT:E IOMCD 057 5 5 12€
Triptykon Melana Chasmata S S 50€
Triumph Classics no ifpi, MCD 42283, MCAD 42283 5 5(-) 10€ 8€
Turnaround Black Soul Woman ua, Nasoni S S 10€ 9€
Twisted Sister Big Hits and Nasty Cuts. The Best of ifpi 4++ 5(-) 4,5€ 4€
Twisted Sister Big Hits and Nasty Cuts. The Best of no ifpi 4 5- 4,5€
U2 Achtung Baby ifpi, диск чуть пыльный 5- 5- 4,5€
U2 Achtung Baby no ifpi, sonopress 5-(4++) 5- 4,5€
U2 All That You Can't Leave Behind 5- 4+ 4€
U2 All That You Can't Leave Behind white jewel case 4 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
U2 How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb 5 5 5,5€ 4,5€
U2 How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb 5- 5- 5€ 3,5€
U2 How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb 5+ 5- 5€
U2 How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb 2CDs 5(-)/5 5- 6€
U2 October ifpi, IMCD 223 842 297-2 5- 5 4€
U2 October marking on cd (marker) 5- 5 4€ 3,5€
U2 Pop 5- 4 3,5€
U2 Pop 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
U2 Rattle and Hum ifpi 5- 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
U2 Rattle and Hum ifpi, CID U27, 842 299-2 5(-) 5 5€ 4€
U2 The Best of 1980-1990 5- 5- 4,5€ 3,5€
U2 The Joshua Tree 2009, remastered 5+ 5 7€ 6€
U2 The Joshua Tree ifpi 5 5 5€ 4€
U2 The Joshua Tree no ifpi,sonopress 5(-) 5 5€ 4,5€
U2 The Unforgettable Fire ifpi, France 5 5 5€ 4,5€
U2 The Unforgettable Fire ifpi, IMCD 236, UK 5- 5- 4,5€ 2,5€
U2 War ifpi 5 5 5€ 4€
U2 War ifpi, IMCD 141 (811 148-2) 4+ 4+ 4€ 3€
U2 War ifpi, pmdc france 5- 5- 3,5€
U2 Zooropa ifpi 5+ 5 5€ 4€
U2 Zooropa no ifpi 5 5 5€ 4,5€
Ultravox The very best of Ure & Ultravox no ifpi 5- 5- 5€ 4€
Ultravox U-Vox no ifpi, 257 934-222 5 5 7€ 6,5€
Unearth Extinction(s) 5- 5- 10€
Urchin High Roller OBI S S 15€
Uriah Heep ...Very 'Eavy Very 'Umble CLACD105, FR, 1990 4(+) 5 12€ 8€
Uriah Heep Demons and Wizards sonopress, no ifpi, CLC 5108 5 5 25€ 23€
Uriah Heep Fallen Angel CLACD 176, FR, back inlay намокшая(сост. 4-), пальчики на цд 4 5 12€
Uriah Heep Wonderworld CLC 5112, 1992 5- 5- 12€
Usher Confessions 5 5 4€ 3€
Vampire Weekend Father of the Bride slipcase 5(-) 5(-) 5- 5€
Van Halen 1984 no ifpi 4+ 5- 5,5€ 4€
Van Halen 1984 no ifpi, 7599-23985-2 4 5- 3,5€
Van Halen 5150 ifpi, задняя вставка чуть волнистая 5- 5- 5€
Van Halen Balance 9362-45760-2 5 5- 6€
Van Halen Best of. Volume I 5 5- 5€ 4,5€
Van Halen OU812 no ifpi 4 4 4,5€ 3€
Van Halen OU812 no ifpi, 925 732-2 5- 5- 5€
Van Halen OU812 no ifpi,925 732-2 5(-) 5-- 5,5€ 4,5€
Vanessa Mae The Classical Album 1 5- 5 4,5€ 2,5€
Vanessa Mae The Ultimate 5- 5(-) 3,5€
Vanessa Mae The Violin Player наклейка с адресом владельца на задней вставке 5- 5- 2,5€
Vangelis 1492. Conquest Of Paradise ifpi 4+ 4 3,5€
Vangelis 1492. Conquest Of Paradise no ifpi, 4509-91014-2 5 5(-) 4€
Vangelis Albedo 0.39 ifpi, ND74208, царапка на цд 4 5 5€
Vangelis Antarctica made in w.germany by pdo 5 5 5€ 4€
Vangelis Beaubourg ifpi, ND70010 5- 5 5€
Vangelis Chariots of Fire 25th anniversary edition digitally remastered, DIGI 5 5- 5- 5€ 4,5€
Vangelis Spiral ifpi, ND70568 5 5 6€
Vangelis The Best Of ifpi, sonopress 5 5- 6€ 5€
Vangelis The Collection Albedo ND74208 (царапка на цд) / Spiral ND70568 / Beaubourg ND70010, sonopress, ifpi, slipcase 4/5/5- 5 4+ 14€
Vangelis Voices 4+ 4 3,5€
Vangelis Voices ifpi 5 5 4€
Various Kuschelrock 8 2CDs 5- 5 4,5€ 3€
Various Metal Ballads Vol. 4 sonopress,no ifpi,задняя вставка волнистая 4+ 5- 4,5€ 3€
Various The Jazz Guitar Story 3cds 5/5-/5 5 8€ 5,5€
Various Woodstock. Music from the original soundtrack and more 2CDs, fatbox, 7567-90305-2 5 5 12€
Vengeance Arabia no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria, диск чуть пыльный, Arjen Anthony Lucassen 5- 4 14€ 13€
Victory You Bought It - You Name It 5 5 12€
Virgin Steele Visions of Eden 5- 5 7€ 6€
Vixen Vixen no ifpi 5(-) 5- 6€
Volbeat Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies 5 5- 6€ 5€
Volbeat Rock the Rebel / Metal the Devil диск чуть пыльный 4+ 4+ 5,5€ 5€
Volbeat The Strength / The Sound / The Songs 4+ 5- 5€ 3,5€
W.E.T. Earthrage S S 16€
Waltari Big Bang no ifpi 4(-) 4+ 3,5€
Warlock Triumph and Agony no ifpi, made in W.Germany by pdo 5- 4- 5€ 3,5€
Warlock Triumph and Agony no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo 5- 4+ 7€ 5,5€
Warpath Against Everyone sonopress 5- 4- 7€ 6€
Warpath Massive no ifpi,sonopress 5 5- 10€ 9€
Warren Zevon Transverse City no ifpi, mastered by Nimbus, US, cut-out 5- 4+ 10€ 8€
Weather Report Heavy Weather CK 65108, remastered 5 5 6€
WHAM! The Best Of 5(-) 5- 5€ 4€
White Lion Pride no ifpi, 7567-81768-2, легкие пальчики на цд 4 4 5€
Whitesnake 1987 ifpi 5 5- 6€ 5€
Whitesnake 1987 no ifpi, UK, задняя вставка с двумя мин надрывами и примятостями от креплений 5-- 4+ 4€ 3€
Whitesnake Best of 2003 5 5(-) 5€ 4€
Whitesnake Flesh & Blood S S 12€
Whitesnake Forevermore CD+DVD, DIGI S S S(5(-)) 15€
Whitesnake Good to Be Bad BOX S S S 15€
Whitesnake Greatest Hits optimal media gmbh 5 5 5€ 4€
Whitesnake In the Shadow of the Blues 2CDs, PROMO S S 12€
Whitesnake Slip of the Tongue ifpi, 0777 7 93537 2 9 5(-) 5 5,5€
Whitesnake Slip of the Tongue no ifpi, dadc austria, диск пыльный 4++ 4- 4,5€ 3€
Whitesnake Slip of the Tongue no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria, примятость от крепления на буклете 5(-) 4 5€ 4€
Whitesnake Slip of the Tongue no ifpi,dadc austria 5 5 8€ 7€
Whitesnake Trouble remastered with bonus tracks, 0946 359688 2 8 5- 5- 7€
Whitney Houston Whitney Houston no ifpi, cd made in Japan, много пальчиков на цд 4(-) 4- 4€ 3,5€
Winger In the Heart of the Young no ifpi 4+ 5- 5,5€ 5€
Winterlong Walley of the Lost LMC 2104 2 5- 5(-) 6€
Wishbone Ash Wishbone Ash 5 4 6,5€
Within Temptation Mother Earth 4 5(-) 4,5€ 3,5€
Within Temptation Mother Earth 5- 5- 5,5€
Within Temptation Mother Earth 5- 5- 6€
Within Temptation The Silent Force slipcase, 4x postcards, dig 4-(3+) 5- 4 4- 5€
Wolfgang Haffner Heart of the Matter digi 5(-) - 4 10€
Wolfmother Wolfmother 5 5- 7€ 6€
Wu-Tang Clan Gravel Pit single 4- 5 3,5€ 1,5€
Wynton Marsalis & Eric Clapton Play the Blues 5+ 5+ 7€
Xandria Ravenheart 5 5 7€ 6,5€
Yello Baby no ifpi. runout: made in germany 5(-) 5- 8€ 6€
Yello Eccentrix Remixes 538 584-2 5- 5 8€
Yello Flag no ifpi, made in w germany by pdo 4(+) 5- 6€ 5€
Yello Flag white tray, no ifpi, 836 426-2 5- 5(-) 6,5€
Yello Pocket Universe 534 353-2 4- 4 5€
Yello Stella no ifpi, made in W.germany on cd 4 4 5€
Yello The New Mix in One Go. 1980-1985 no ifpi, made in w germany, 826 773-2 Q 5- 5 6€
Yello You Gotta Say Yes to Another Excess ifpi 5- 5 7€ 6€
Yello Zebra 4 5- 6€
Yello Zebra 5 5 10€ 7€
Yellowjackets Samurai Samba ifpi 5 5 6€ 5,5€
Yes 90125 expanded & remastered 5 4- 4,5€ 3,5€
Yes 90125 no ifpi 5- 5-- 5,5€ 4€
Yes 90125 no ifpi 5- 5(-) 6€ 5,5€
Yes 90125 no ifpi, target cd 5- 5- 15€ 13€
Yes Close to the Edge ifpi, newly digitally remastered 5(-) 4(-) 4,5€ 4€
Yes Close to the Edge no ifpi, 250 012 5 5- 7€ 6,5€
Yes Going for the One no ifpi, 7567-81510-2 4 4(-) 3,5€ 3€
Yes Heaven & Earth digi 5- 5 5- 18€ 16€
Yes The Yes Album digitally remastered, буклет примятости в районе креплений+мин надрывы 4 3+ 3€ 2,5€
Yes Union cut out, US, no ifpi 5 5 6€ 5€
Yes Union no ifpi, sonopress 4+ 5- 4,5€ 4€
Yes Yes 1969, no ifpi 5- 4- 10€ 7€
Yes Yessongs 2CDs, digitally remastered 5 5 7€ 6€
Yngwie Malmsteen Odyssey no ifpi 4 5- 6€
Zaz Zaz 88697744732 S S 7€
Zero Mentality The Heartbreak Motel S S 4€ 2,5€
Zodiac Grain of Soul digi 5(-) 5- 5- 8€ 7€
Zucchero Oro Incenso & Birra ifpi, примятости от креплений 4+ 4 4€
Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari's Greatest Hits. The Best of 5- 5 6€ 4€
Zucchero Zucchero ifpi, 1991 5 5 4,5€
ZZ Top Afterburner no ifpi 5- 4 4€ 2,5€
ZZ Top Afterburner no ifpi 5(-) 5 5€ 4€
ZZ Top Antenna no ifpi, 74321182602, uk on back inlay and cd, disctronics usa in runout 5 5- 6€ 4,5€
ZZ Top Eliminator ifpi 5 5- 5€ 4,5€
ZZ Top Greatest Hits 5- 5- 4,5€ 3€
ZZ Top Greatest Hits ifpi 5 5- 5€
ZZ Top Incinerator 5- 5 7€ 5,5€
ZZ Top Recycler cut-out, 0630-12069-2, US 3+ 4- 2€ 1,5€
ZZ Top Recycler cutout, no ifpi, US, легкие пальчики 5-- 4+ 4,5€ 2,5€
ZZ Top Recycler no ifpi 5 5-- 5€ 4€
ZZ Top Recycler no ifpi 5(-) 5- 5,5€ 4,5€
ZZ Top Tejas ifpi 5- 5 6€ 5€
(Отредактировал 18-09-2023 в 22:45 kolos.)
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 26.09 / 08-10-2021 11:26
На Заказ

Исполнитель / Альбом / Особенности / Сост. ЦД / Сост. Буклет / Сост Digi (если есть) / Сост. Slipcase (если есть) / Сост. Poster (если есть) / Цена € / Цена Sale €

Aerosmith Rocks no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria, CDCBS 32360 5 5(-) 6€
A-HA True North 19439982292 5 5(-) 15€
Air Supply Air Supply no ifpi, sonopress, 257 039 5(-) 5- 15€
Alanis Morissette The Storm Before the Calm 2cds 5 5 12€
Amgermain Cross A Farewell to Poison Ivy no ifpi, dadc austria 5- 5(-) 18€ 15€
Anathema Universal CD+DVD, digi 5(-) 5(-) 4 12€
Andi Deris Come in From the Rain SIGNED on slipcase, poster 5- 5- 3+ 5 15€
Arch Enemy The Root of All Evil digibook, patch 5- 5 5- 12€
Aural Float Space Night Vol. IV - New Frontiers 2cds 5- 5(-) 12€
Aural Float Space Night Vol. V 2cds, 3984-29300-2 4/5- 5- 8€
Aural Float Space Night Vol. VIII 2cds 4 4 10€
Bee Gees Life in a Tin Can no ifpi 4+ 5 20€ 18€
Benediction Dark is the Season no ifpi, 1st press 5 5- 45€ 40€
Bill Bruford Tim Garland Earthworks Underground Orchestra SIGNED, "Best wishes from Bill Bruford" on booklet 5 5 50€
Biss Joker in the Deck 5- 5- 15€ 13€
Black Oak Arkansas Black Oak Arkansas no ifpi, REP 4268-WY 5-(4+) 5- 25€ 22€
Black Oak Arkansas High on the Hog ifpi, RSA CD 832 5-(4+) 5- 20€
Black Oak Arkansas Keep the Faith 2000, US, Wou 38 5- 5- 25€
Black Sabbath Born Again 2cds, digi, deluxe expanded edition, 2011 5 5 5-(4+) 15€
Black Sabbath Dehumanizer digi, 2cds, deluxe expanded edition 5(-) 5 4 14€
Black Sabbath Master of Reality digi, 2cds, deluxe expanded edition 5 5- 5- 15€
Blank & Jones Chilltronica Nº6 dig 5-(4+) - 5- 10€
Blank & Jones Milchbar // Seaside Season 11 dig 4 5- 5- 10€
Blank & Jones Milchbar // Seaside Season 12 dig 4+ 5- 5- 12€
Blank & Jones Milchbar // Seaside Season 13 dig 4++ 5- 5- 12€
Blank & Jones Milchbar // Seaside Season 14 dig 5 5 5- 20€
Blank & Jones Relax Edition Eleven slipcase, 2cds 5-/4+ 4 4+ 10€
Blank & Jones Relax Edition Nine Collectors Edition, 2cds, SC0139 4/4+ 5- 10€
Blank & Jones Relax Edition Ten Collectors Edition, 2cds, SC0144 5- 5- 12€
Blank & Jones Relax Edition Thirteen slipcase, 2cds 5-/5(-) 5- 5- 12€
Blank & Jones Relax Edition Twelve slipcase, 2cds 5- 5(-) 4 10€
Blank & Jones, Marcus Loeber Songs for Sleeping 2 slipcase 5- 5- 4 10€
Blondie Greatest Hits: Delux Redux 2cds, NBL 500-2 5/5(-) 5- 15€
Boney M 20 Golden Hits. The Magic of no ifpi, sonopress, 252 505, original artwork 5 5 15€
Boney M Christmas Album no ifpi, sonopress, 254 300 5- 5- 15€
Budgie Budgie no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 4+ 5- 10€
Caliban I Am Nemesis Boxset, придавленность левый верхний угол, Bandana Facemask, NO Lanyard, 5 hand signed profile cards, Sticker, 3 custom guitar picks, Fanclub card 5/5 5 5(-) 4 35€
Can Delay 1968 ifpi, dadc austria 4+ 5(-) 10€
Can Ege Bamyasi ifpi, sony dadc 5- 5- 12€
Charly Antolini Knock Out digi, obi, JVC Japan XRCD24 (24-bit K2 Super Coding) Manufactured by JVC Victor Company of Japan, скобы ржавые - слегка отпечаталось на буклет 5 4(+) 5-(4+) 25€
Charon Sorrowburn promo 4- 4- 15€
David Bowie ★ (Blackstar) box, dig, no blackstar metal pin 5 5 5- 4+ 15€
David Bowie Let's dance japan, gold cd, no obi, CP43-5772 5(-) 5- 100€
David Bowie Peter And The Wolf no ifpi, sonopress, RD82743, диск пыльный 4+ 5- 10€
David Bowie Scary Monsters no ifpi, PD83647, маленькая царапка на непроигр слое + мин заходит на проигр слой (1мм), на произведение не влияет 5(4) 5(-) 50€
David Garrett Rock Revolution BOX S S 55€
Def Leppard Hysteria deluxe edition S S 20€
Depeche Mode 101 2CDs, sacd, super jewel case (broken), repress without the mastering errors 4-/4++ 5 50€
Depeche Mode 101 2CDs, sacd, super jewel case, repress without the mastering errors 4-/4 4+ 50€
Dismember Like an Ever Flowing Stream no ifpi, NB047-2 P+O-9891-A1 08-91, легкие круговые царапки на цд 4 4 25€
E.S.T. Live in Gothenburg dig, 2cds 5 - 5- 15€
Eagles Hell Freezes Over DVD Audio 4- 4 22€
Eagles Hotel California DVD Audio, задняя вставка чуть волнистая 4(-) 4 22€
Einstürzende Neubauten Halber Mensch no ifpi, mastered by mayking 4- 4- 6€
Einstürzende Neubauten Kollaps SPALAXCD14537 5(-) 4+ 17€
Ektomorf Black Flag dig, black cd 5- 5 5 10€
Ektomorf Reborn dig 4 5- 4+ 10€
Ektomorf Retribution dig 5- 5- 5- 8€
Entombed Clandestine no ifpi, mastered by nimbus 5- 5- 18€
Evil's Toy Human Refuse CD 93948-22 4+ 4 10€
Exodus Bonded by Blood 9962122 5(-) 5 10€
Fates Warning Awaken the Guardian box, 2cds+dvd 5-/5/5 5 5 18€
Fish Field of Crows CFVP017CD 5- 5- 18€
FM Atomic Generation S S 12€
Foreigner 4 no ifpi, target cd, made in w germany by pdo hanover in runout, made in west germany by polygram on cd, matrix 7567 16999-2 2895 241 01# CO 4(-) 5- 15€
Foreigner Double Vision no ifpi, target, matrix: made in west germany by pdo, cd: made in west germany by polygram, back inlay: printed in u.s.a., booklet: printed in u.s.a. 5(-) 5- 25€
Foreigner Foreigner DVD Audio, задняя вставка чуть волнистая, легкая трещинка на коробке сзади 4 5 25€
Frumpy Now! no ifpi, made in w germany by pdo, double sided cd, fatbox, promo 4 5- 20€
Garbage No Gods No Masters BOX, INFECT644DCD 5(-) 5 5- 15€
Genesis Selling England by the Pound SACD, 50999 519559 2 2 S S 90€
Genesis Trespass SACD, 5099951954321 S S 60€
Gentle Giant The Power and the Glory us, digi, cd+blu-ray, ALUGG039 5-/5(-) 5 5- 20€
Gil Evans Priestess japan, obi, J33D-20001, пальчики на цд 4 5- 20€
Gotthard Come Alive radio / club promo cd 5 5 6€
Hatebreed The Concrete Confessional SIGNED, NO cd 4+ 6€
Herman Frank The Devil Rides Out boxset, t-shirt (L) S S 40€
Highway Child On the Old Kings Road Elektrohasch 129 5 5- 12€
J.J. Cale Shades SIGNED, no ifpi, буклет чуть намокший, задняя вставка чуть волнистая 4 4- 40€
James Last The Sound of box, 3cds, slipcase, 557 147-2 S S S(4+) 15€
Jean Michel Jarre Oxygene cd+dvd, 2007, New Master Recording 5(-) 5 25€
Jordan Rudess / Steve Horelick Intersonic us, digisleeve, SIGNED by both 4 - 4 15€
Journey Revelation slipcase, 2cds 4+/4 5- 4+ 15€
Joy Fleming & Kristian Schultze Vocals and Keyboards Only no ifpi, sonopress, диск чуть пыльный 5- 5- 25€
Justin Sullivan Surrounded BOX, + "Navigating By The Stars" 2003, 0216555EMU 4/5- 5/5 5/5- 5- 12€
Kaipa DaCapo digi 5 5 5- 14€
Kaipa Inget Nytt Under Solen remaster 5 5 12€
Kaipa Kaipa remaster 5 5 12€
Kaipa Solo remaster 5 5 12€
Killing Joke Brighter Than a Thousand Suns 2007, 50999 5 09119 2 9 5(-) 5 20€
Killing Joke MMXII 5(-) 5(-) 20€
Killing Joke Pylon 2cds, special edition 5-/5-- 5- 20€
King Crimson Beat ifpi, EGCD 51, 0777 7 86863 2 3 5 5- 10€
King Crimson Starless and Bible Black slipcase, digi, cd+dvd, 40th anniversary series 5 5 5- 5- 18€
King Crimson THRAK slipcase, digi, cd+dvd, 40th anniversary series, KCSP13 5(-)/5 5 5 5- 18€
Klaus Schulze Irrlicht no ifpi, made in germany, 833 127-2 4+ 5-(4+) 12€
Komara Komara digisleeve 5 - 5- 15€
Kraftwerk Computerwelt ifpi 4 5 12€
Kraftwerk Electric Cafe ifpi 5- 5- 12€
Lacrima Christi Spiegel 5- 5- 30€
Leonard Cohen Największe Przeboje promo, cardboard sleeve 5- - 4 3€
Levin Minnemann Rudess From the Law Offices of digi, cd+dvd 5-/4+ 5 5 15€
Levin Minnemann Rudess Levin Minnemann Rudess digi, us 5 - 5- 30€
Lou Reed Transformer US, 24 Karat Gold, no slipcase 4 5- 20€
Louise Tucker Midnight Blue. The Best of no ifpi 5 5- 35€
Magma 1001° Centigrades no ifpi, REX VI 4 4 15€
Magma Kobaia 2CDs, digi, отпечатки пальцев на цд 5-(4+) 5- 5- 20€
Maxxwell XX SIGNED on booklet 5- 4+ 6€
Megadeth Killing is my Business no ifpi, CD MFN 46 5 4 25€
Megadeth Peace Sells... But Who's Buying? us, no ifpi, CDP 7 46370 2, Matrix CDP 7 46730 2 AR 01 1-2 CAPITOL JAX 2, легкие разводы на диске, price sticker on booklet 4 4 20€ 18€
Megadeth Rust in Peace no ifpi, mastered by dadc austria 5(-) 5- 15€
Metallica ...And Justice for All no ifpi, 210152-2311 5- 5- 12€
Michael Jackson History 2cds, fatbox, gold cds, booklet 5/5(-) 5 15€
Modern Talking 25 Years of Disco-Pop 2cds 5+ 5- 12€
Modern Talking In the Middle of Nowhere ifpi, sonopress, 259 512 5(-) 5(-) 10€
Modern Talking Romantic Warriors no ifpi, sonopress 4 4 15€
Monolord Your Time to Shine us 5 5- 10€
Monster Magnet Monster Magnet EP, GRCD 123, ifpi 5- 5- 20€
Monster Magnet Spine of God 2006 5+ 5 10€
Morgion Solinari us 4 5- 15€
Nazareth No Mean City no ifpi, CLACD 213 5- 5 15€
Neal Morse ? Live 2cds 5 5 8€
Neal Morse A Day in the Life (Inner Circle - September 2016) dvd S S(-5) 30€
Neal Morse Acoustic Sketches - A Collection Of Acoustic Songs From The Alive Again Tour (Inner Circle November 2015) us S s 30€
Neal Morse Commentary On A Dream Pt 1 (Inner Circle - January 2017) dvd S S 25€
Neal Morse Falling For Forever And The Kansas Demos (Inner Circle, July 2016) us S S 30€
Neal Morse God Don't Give Up us, 1st press 5(-) 5 15€
Neal Morse Inner Circle Concert - Morsefest 2014 (July Inner Circle 2015) us S S 25€
Neal Morse More Songs From November - Inner Circle March 2015 us S S 30€
Neal Morse One digibook, special edition, 2cds 4-/4 4+ 4 9€
Neal Morse Testimony Two - Live In Los Angeles us, digi, 3cds+2dvds 5-/5/5-/5- - 4+ 20€
Neal Morse The Blues Sessions (Inner Circle - November 2016) S S 30€
Neal Morse The Kaleidoscope Demos Part 1 - Inner Circle September 2014 us S S 20€
Neal Morse The Kaleidoscope Demos Part 2 - Inner Circle Nov 2014 us S S 20€
Neal Morse The Momentum Demos (Inner Circle May 2014) 5- 5 20€
Neal Morse The Sola Scriptura Sessions (Inner Circle - September 2015) dvd S S 20€
Neal Morse The Transatlantic Demos us 5- 5- 20€
Neil Young Eldorado japan, OBI S S 40€
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Crime and Punishment 4CDs, fatbox, japan, OBI, NO. 3457 S S 80€
Nightmares On Wax Back to Mine 2cds, slipcase 5- 5- 5 10€
Nina Hagen Nina Hagen Band & Unbehagen 2cds, fatbox, no ifpi, MANUFACTURED BY DADC AUSTRIA 4/5 5/4 8€
Oasis Be Here Now 3cds, digibook, RKIDCD85X, Track 3.8 Duration 3:35 4/4/4 5 5- 15€
Olly Murs 24 HRS japan, obi S S 20€
Opeth Deliverance & Damnation 4 disc bookset, mixes by Steven Wilson and Bruce Soord, легкие пальчики цд 1 4/4/4/4 5 4 55€
OST Vanishing Point SCL 1410-2 5 5- 25€ 23€
Outlaws Lady in Waiting no ifpi, sonopress, 74321 14016 2 5- 5 20€
Paolo Fresu, Richard Galliano, Jan Lundgren Mare Nostrum II dig 5- - 5- 15€
Paradise Lost Draconian Times special edition collectors box, box, digi, rtd gas 211.11842 4 5(-) 5(-) 5(-) 10€
Paramaecium A Time to Mourn есть "потертости" на непроигрываемом(зеркальном) слое, задняя вставка волнистая 4+ 4 25€
Pat Metheny Bright Size Life ECM 1073, 827 133-2, EDC 5(-) 5- 10€
Peter Green In the Skies 2005, us, 06076-86386-2, DIDX-173175 1 5- 4++ 12€
Pink Floyd The Dark Side of The Moon 30th anniversary edition sacd, 7243 582136 2 1 5-(4++) 5- 18€
Pink Floyd The Wall 2cds, fatbox,black cds, booklet, japan for europe, печать с адресом на буклете 3+/5- 5- 25€
Pink Floyd Ummagumma 2cds, fatbox, emi swindon, no ifpi, UK, cdp 7 46404 8 5/5- 5 15€
Placebo Never Let Me Go BOX, SOAK263, 13 LYRIC CARDS 5- 5 5 15€
Ragnarok Blackdoor Miracle slipcase, надрыв на slipcase, пальчики на цд 4 4 20€
Raindancer A Little Bit Confused no ifpi 4 4 40€
Rammstein Völkerball 1705068, Mexico S S 25€
Ray Wilson Chasing Rainbows RAY02 5- 5(-) 14€
Ray Wilson Genesis Vs Stiltskin box, digipack signed by Ray Wilson, cd, 2cds+dvd, dig+jewel case, slipcase, sticker (состояние 4) 5/5/5/5 5-/5 5(-) 4 30€
Ray Wilson Song for a Friend dig, RAY07 5- 5 5- 15€
Real Life Heartland australia 5- 5 55€
Real Life Send Me an Angel '89 us, CRBD-10614 5- 5- 20€
Repent Escape from Reality 5-(4+) 5- 30€
Roedelius Capanni Alesini Friendly Game 5 5 18€
Roine Stolt Fantasia SIGNED by Roine Stolt 4(-) 4 30€
Rose Tattoo Pain 5 4++ 7€
Sabaton Carolus Rex digibook, 2cds 4+/4 5 5- 12€
Sailor Street Lamp no ifpi, sonopress 5-(4+) 5(-) 12€ 11€
Sandra The Long Play no ifpi, mastered by nimbus, 610 627 - 225 4 4 20€
Schiller Leben Dig, cd+dvd, MediaMarkt Special Edition 5-/5 4+ 4 15€
Schiller Leben SACD, super jewel case, 06024 9865609 9, 1st press, but the sticker was removed 5- 5- 35€
Schiller Leben. Die DVD DVD, super jewel case 4- 5(-) 15€
Schiller Live Erleben DVD, super jewel case, first press, задняя вставка чуть волнистая, легкие пальчики на цд 5-(4+) 5 10€
Schiller Sehnsucht Boxset, 2xCDs+DVD, 06025 1757837 1, пальчики на DVD 3/3+/4- 5- 4 4 12€
Siouxsie And The Banshees Kaleidoscope ifpi 5 4+ 10€
Skid Row Thickskin sonopress, SPV 085-69452 CD 5 5(-) 12€
Spice Girls Spice SIGNED by all, matrix: EMI UDEN 8421742 @ 1 2-1-7-NL 5+ 5- 300€
Steve Hackett At the Edge of Light Mediabook, cd+dvd, SIGNED, на цд и двд легкая круговая царапка 4+ 5- 5- 25€
Steve Hackett Genesis Revisited II digibook, 2cds, SIGNED by Steve Hackett 5-/4 4(+) 5- 25€
Strangeways Native Sons no ifpi, 258 579 5 5 12€
Suede Autofiction dig, 538703872, маленькая царапка на цд 5- 5 4+ 10€
Suicide Suicide 2cds, 9104-2 4+/5- 5- 14€
Supertramp Breakfast in America MFSL, udcd 534 3+(4-) 4(-) 30€
Survivor Premonition no ifpi, sonopress 5 5 25€
Sweet New York Connection SIGNED, digi, остатки наклейки на диджи, wrong order tracks 8 & 9 (1 of the first 500 copies) 5- 4 30€
Syd Barrett Crazy Diamond longbox, 3cds, booklet, uk, на буклетах указана длительность треков карандашом, большой буклет состояние 4- 5-/5/5 4-/4/4 35€
Talisman Talisman no ifpi 5 5 15€
Tears for Fears Everybody Loves Happy Ending slipcase, 0161822ERE 5- 5- 4 14€
Terry Bozzio Live in Japan 2007 SIGNED, 2cds, us 5(-) 5 40€
The Atomic Bitchwax The Atomic Bitchwax 1009-2 5 5(-) 33€
The Australian Pink Floyd Show Eclipsed by the Moon 2cds 5(-) 5- 12€
The Beatles White Album 2cds, fatbox, booklet, no ifpi, пальчики на цд 1, emi swindon 4/5- 4 12€
The Boxer Rebellion Union digi, SIGNED 4 4 20€
The Fixx Phantoms no ifpi, MCD 31063, MCAD 31063 5 5(-) 33€
The God Machine Scenes From the Second Storey no ifpi 5- 5- 30€
The God Machine Scenes From the Second Storey no ifpi 5- 5 35€
The Kings of Nuthin' Get Busy Livin' or Get Busy Dyin' 5(-) 5(-) 10€
The Mission Sacrilege S S 15€
The Neal Morse Band Cruise To The Edge 2015 (Inner Circle January 2016) dvd 4+ 5- 20€
The Neal Morse Band Live In Athens (Inner Circle - May 2015) us, dvd 5(-) 5(-) 25€
The Neal Morse Band Live In India (July Inner Circle DVD) us, dvd 5- 5 20€
The Neal Morse Band Scenes From A Prog Cruise (Inner Circle - May 2016) dvd 5- 5 20€
The Neal Morse Band The Grand Experiment Demos (Inner Circle March 2016) us S S 30€
The Neal Morse Band The Grand Experiment digi, 3cds 5(-)/5/5 5-(4+) 5- 30€
The Neal Morse Band The Similitude Of A Dream digi, 2cds+dvd 5-/5(-)/4+ 5- 5- 25€
The Rolling Stones Undercover no ifpi, japan, matrix: CDP 7 46024 2 CP35-3087-6 1A1 5+ 5+ 20€
Thundermother Rock 'n' Roll Disaster digi, SIGNED by all 3 5- 4- 8€
Toto Hydra japan cd, 35DP 42 5 5 20€
Transatlantic Archive Series: SMPT:e As Mixed By Roine Stolt 1999 SIGNED by Roine Stolt 4(-) 5(-) 80€
Transatlantic Bridge Across Forever digibook, 2cds 4(-)/4- 5 5 20€
Transatlantic Kaleidoscope digi, 2cds+dvd 5-/5/5-(4+) 5 5- 25€
Transatlantic More Never Is Enough - Live @ Manchester And Tilburg 2010 digi, 3cds+2dvds 5/5/5/4/5 - 4(+) 28€
Transatlantic SMPTe digibook, 2cds 4/4 5 5- 18€
Transatlantic The Whirlwind digi, 2cds, много пальчиков на цд 4(-)/4 5- 5 12€
Traveling Wilburys Volume One japan, no obi, inlay сост 4, 25P2-2327 5(-) 5 20€
Triumph Rock 'N' Roll Machine no ifpi, us, диск чуть пыльный, matrix: MCAD-1455 1A5 72 4+ 4 10€
Type O Negative The Complete Roadrunner Collection 1991-2003 6CDs, box 5-/5-/4/5- - 5- 30€
Type O Negative The Origin of the Feces (Not Live at Brighton Beach) no ifpi, RO 9174-2 5(-) 4- 30€
U.D.O. Thunderball Digi, 2CDs, SIGNED by Udo, still in shrink 5 5 5 20€
Uli John Roth The Best Of 2cds 5 5 10€
Uriah Heep Abominog no ifpi, sonopress 5 5 35€
Uriah Heep Fallen Angel no ifpi 5 5 35€
Uriah Heep Wonderworld no ifpi, sonopress 5 5(-) 15€
Vladimir Vissotski Wir Drehen Die Erde тексты песен на немецком, на посл странице буклета имя подчеркнуто красной ручкой (поэтому состояние 4) 5- 4 25€
Volbeat Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies boxset, 2cds+7"vinyl, цд 1 легкие царапки от 1 раз вынимания, винил не вынимался 4+/5- 5 5 4 20€
Warpath When War Begins no ifpi 5-/4+ 4 15€
Yellow Matter Custard One More Night in New York City 2cds 5- 5 60€
(Отредактировал 18-09-2023 в 22:46 kolos.)
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Откуда: Харьков
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 08.10 / 25-10-2021 23:19
Исполнитель / Альбом / Особенности / Сост. ЦД / Сост. Буклет / Сост Digi или Slipcase / Цена €


Albinoni Bach Boccherini Gluck Händel Marcello Pachelbel Festliche Musik des Barock. Treasures of baroque music classical masterworks in digital, 507.2109-2 5 5 4,5€
Albinoni* • Corelli* • Locatelli* • Vivaldi* classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Anthology of russian symphony music Polonaises and waltzes by russian composers SUCD 10-00029, Мелодия 5+ 5+ 20€
Anton Bruckner / Wiener Philharmoniker • Claudio Abbado Symphony Nr. 4 Es-dur »Romantische« deutsche grammophon 5 5 5€
Antonín Dvořák Symphonie No.9 "Aus Der Neuen Welt"/"From The New World" classical masterworks in digital 5 4 4,5€
Antonín Dvořák / Bedřich Smetana, Wiener Philharmoniker, Herbert von Karajan Symphonie Nr. 9 / Die Moldau no ifpi 5- 5- 5€
Antonin Dvořák Concerto for Violin and Orchestra / Romance / Mazurek PANTON 81 0855-2031 5+ 5- 5€
Antonio Vivaldi Die Vier Jahreszeiten / The Four Seasons classical masterworks in digital 5- 4 4,5€
Beethoven Symphony No. 9. NBC Symphony. Toscanini 4 5- 4€
Beethoven* - Staatskapelle Berlin, Otmar Suitner Symphony No. 4 japan 5 5- 10€
dam Glinka Joh. Strauss Suppe Ein Ouvertüren-Feuerwerk. A firework of overtures classical masterworks in digital, 506.2142-2 5 5 4,5€
Dvorak The essential 2cds, decca 4+/4- 4+ 5€
Edward Elgar* - Leonard Bernstein, BBC Symphony Orchestra Enigma Variations, "Pomp And Circumstance" Marches Nos. 1&2, "The Crown Of India": March deutsche grammophon 5- 5 6€
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Symphonien No. 4 "Italienische / Italian" & No. 5 "Reformation" classical masterworks in digital 5- 5- 4,5€
Franz Liszt Symphonische Dichtungen / Symphonic Poems classical masterworks in digital 5- 4 4,5€
Franz Schubert Symphonien Nos. 5 D 485 & 8 D 759 "Unvollendete" / Unfinished classical masterworks in digital 5- 4 4,5€
Frederic Chopin Joseph Haydn Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 / Piano Concert No. 2. Klavierkonzert Nr. 11 / Piano concerto No. 11 classical masterworks in digital 5 5- 4,5€
Frédéric Chopin, Peter Schmalfuss Walzer = Valses = Waltzes classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Georg Friedrich Händel - Norddeutsche Philharmonie / Hans Zanotelli ‎ Wassermusik / Water Music Suiten / Suites Nos. 1-3 classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Georges Bizet Carmen Suiten - Suites NOS. 1& 2. L'arlesienne - Suite No. 1 classical masterworks in digital, 506.2159-2 5 5 4,5€
Johann Sebastian Bach Brandenburgische Konzerte / Brandenburg concertos NOS. 1-3 BWV 1046-1048 classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Johannes Brahms, Alfred Scholz Ungarische Tänze / Hungarian Dances Nos. 1 - 21 classical masterworks in digital 5 5- 4,5€
Johannes Brahms, Berliner Philharmoniker, Herbert Von Karajan Symphonie No 1 no ifpi, made in w.germany by pdo 5- 5- 5€
Joseph Haydn Symphonien - No. 6 "Le Matin" (Der Morgen / Morning) - No. 7 "Le Midi" (Der Mittag / Midday) - No. 8 "Le Siur" (Der Abend / Evening) classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Ludwig van Beethoven Die Berühmten Klaviersonaten - The Famous Piano Sonatas (Mondschein/Moonlight - Pathétique - Waldstein) classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Ludwig van Beethoven Violinkonzert / Violin Concerto OP. 61 classical masterworks in digital 5 4 4,5€
Ludwig van Beethoven Symphonie No. 9 (Chor - Choral) classical masterworks in digital 5- 4+ 4,5€
Maurice Ravel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Bedřich Smetana, Tomaso Albinoni, Edvard Grieg Ravel: Bolero, Mozart: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Smetana: Moldau, Albinoni: Adagio Etc. classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Modest P. Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel, London philarmonic orchestra Bilder einer Ausstellung / Pictures at an exhibition. Bolero classical masterworks in digital, 506.2104-2 4+ 5- 4,5€
P.Tchaikovsky S. Rachmaninov Zara Dorukhanova Romances SUCD 10-00202 5 5 20€
Peter Breiner and his chamber orchestra Beatles go Baroque with ifpi, sonopress 5- 4+ 6€
Puccini La Boheme emi classics, 2cds, booklet, box 5+ 5 4+ 7€
Ravel-Bolero And other classical Masterworks from Debussy / Bizet / Massenet/ Chopin / Franck 3CDs, grand gala new new 4 7€
Rimsky-Korsakov* - Khatchaturian* - Radio Symphony Orchestra Ljubljana*, Anton Nanut, The London Festival Orchestra, Alfred Scholz Scheherazade Op. 35 (Symphonische Dichtung / Symphonic Poem) Säbeltanz / Sabre Dance classical masterworks in digital 5 5- 4,5€
S. Rachmaninov. Conductor E. Svetlanov Bells SUCD 10-00145 5 5 20€
S. Rachmaninov. Conductor E. Svetlanov Symphonic dances… Melodiya 5+ 5+ 20€
Schubert. Heinz Rögner Berlin Radio Symphony orchestra Symphony No.9 "The great". japan, 1983 5+ 5+ 20€
Schumann Horowitz Kinderszenen Kreisleriana deutsche grammophon NEW NEW 6€
Shigeaki Saegusa arranges the Beatles performed by Die 12 Cellisten der Berliner Philarmoniker Memories Fun House Inc. FHCE-2002, Japan no Obi 5- 5- 15€
Smetana* - Bruch* - Dvorak* - Debussy*, London Symphony Orchestra*, Alfred Scholz, Philharmonia Slavonica, Alberto Lizzio, Austrian Broadcasting*, Milan Horwat* Moldau · Kol Nidrei Und Andere Werke / And Others classical masterworks in digital 4+ 5- 4,5€
Tschaikovsky Greatest Works 3CDs, Grand gala 5/4/4/ 5 4 7€
Tschaikowsky I deutsche grammophon, TL 511/03 5 5 5€
Tschaikowsky Nutkracker Suite zyx classic 4- 5- 4€
Tschaikowsky* • Wiener Philharmoniker • Herbert Von Karajan Symphonie No.5 made in UK, deutsche grammophon 5 5- 5€
Vivaldi*, Gidon Kremer, London Symphony Orchestra*, Claudio Abbado Le Quattro Stagioni deutsche grammophon 5- 5 5€
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Mozart Festival Orchestra, Alberto Lizzio, Richard Edlinger Symphonien No. 38 "Prager/Prague" & No. 40 classical masterworks in digital 5- 4 4,5€
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Royal Philarmonic Orchestra, Enrique Batiz Symphonien. No. 35 "Haffner" & No. 41 "Jupiter" classical masterworks in digital 5 5 4,5€
Wolfgang Amadeus Mzart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik + Oboenkonzert/ Oboe Concerto Kv 314+ Fagottkozert/Bossoon Concert Kv 191 classical masterworks in digital 5 4 4,5€
(Отредактировал 15-08-2023 в 12:01 kolos.)
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Откуда: Харьков
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 26.10 / 31-10-2021 14:45
На следующей неделе большое обновление
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 05.11 / 06-11-2021 00:26
Update 05.11
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 05.11 / 12-11-2021 11:39
Update 12.11
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 22.11 / 22-11-2021 23:37
Update 22.11
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 28.11 / 28-11-2021 19:11
Update 28.11
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 03.12 / 03-12-2021 11:25
Update 03.12
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 10.12 / 10-12-2021 21:27
Update 10.12
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 16.12 / 16-12-2021 15:00
Update 16.12
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 20.12 / 20-12-2021 22:27
Update 20.12
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 20.12 / 26-12-2021 13:01
Update 26.12
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 01.01 / 01-01-2022 17:11
Update 01.01
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RE: Re: Продам фирменные CD UPDATE 08.01 / 08-01-2022 13:46
Update 08.01
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