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цены в у.е.
Скидка 10% при минимальном заказе 100 у.е.
15% - 200 у.е.
Artist - Title - Year - Label - Condition - Price / Price
$1-$5 BUDGET
Alain, Marie-Claire "Bach: Preludes & Fugues in E minor,
B minor, Chorals" 1985 Erato ex 5 / 4
Atomic 61 Heartworm 10" 1991 Box Dog Sound ex 4 / 2
Average White Band AWB 1974 Atlantic ex/vg 4 / 2
Bad Company Straigh Shooter 1974 Island, UK vg-/vg- 2 / 1
Basie, Count Basie - One More Time (music from "The Pen" by Quincy Jones) 1964 Forum vg++/vg(+) 5
Basie, Count Count Basie 1965 Metro/MGM vg++/vg(+) 5
Beatles Hey Jude 1969 Apple vg 5
Benson, George In Flight 1977 Warner Bros. ex-/g+ 2 / 1
Bluto's Revenge Slammed 7" 1990 Synthetic ex 1
Brothers Johnson Blam!!! 1978 A&M vg-/vg- 1
Byrd, Donald Stepping Into Tomorrow 1975 Blue Note ex/vg 5 / 4
Chicago Greatest Hits 1975 Columbia vg++/vg++ 5
Cocker, Joe Greatest Hits 1977 A&M ex/vg- 2 / 1
Cole, Nat King Love Is the Thing 1957 Capitol mono rainbow '62 vg++/vg+ одна еле тикающая на 3 песнях царапина reserve 5
Cole, Nat King/ Flowers, Phil Sing 1962 Excelior/ Pickwick stereo ex/vg(+) пара еле слышных фабричных деффектов 4
Commodores Greatest Hits 1974-78 1978 Motown ex/ex- 5
"Davy Jones/ Micky Dolenz/
Peter Tork (Monkees)" 20th Anniversary Tour 1986 FSH mint sealed 5
Deep Purple Made in Japan только диск 1 1972 Warner Bros. 70's vg+/vg++ srw reserve5
Demon Wonderland 12" 1983 Clay, France ex/ex- 3 / 2
Diamond, Neil Tap Root Manuscript w/ book 1970 UNI ex 5
Diamond, Neil Velvet Gloves and Spit 1973 UNI vg(+)/vg+ 3
Doobie Brothers Minute by Minute 1978 Warner Bros. ex-/vg++ 4
Doors Doors 1967 Elektra original vg 5
Earth, Wind & Fire Open your Eyes 1974 Columbia ex-/vg полторы песни испорчена думаю перманентно, хоть и выглядит просто очень пыльной. остальное вполне прилично звучит 1
Earth, Wind & Fire Gratitude 2LP's 1975 Columbia vg-/vg- 2 / 1
El Chicano El Chicano 1973 MCA ex/vg половина песни испорчена думаю перманентно, хоть и выглядит просто очень пыльной. остальное вполне прилично звучит 1
Grand Funk Phoenix 1972 Capitol vg++/vg 5
Hamlisch, Marvin/Scott Joplin The Sting - Original Movie Soundtrack 1973 MCA vg++/vg+ 3
Jarre, Jean Michel Equinoxe 1978 Polydor, Germany ex/ex одна царапина, заедает 1
Jefferson Starship Winds of Change 1981 Grunt, RCA vg+/vg 4
Johannesen, Grant Chopin: 8 Polonaises 1972 Allegro vg+ 3
Jones, Grace Portfolio 1976 Island vg 5
Led Zeppelin III 1971 Atlantic original 1841 B'Way vg/vg 5
Martin, Steve Let's Get Small 1977 Warner bros vg+ 2 / 1
Mayall, John Ten Years are Gone 2LP's 1973 Polydor vg++/vg(+) несколько раз цепяет в одном месте reserve5
Moody Blues In Search of the Lost Chord 1968 Deram vg+/vg 5/ 3
Moody Blues On the Threshhold of a Dream 1969 Deram vg ss 3
Moody Blues On the Threshhold of a Dream 1969 Deram vg(+)/vg ss 4
Moody Blues To Our Childrens Childrens Children 1969 Threshold vg(+) 5
Moody Blues A Question of Balance 1970 Threshold vg+/vg(+) 5
Moody Blues This Is Moody Blues 2LP's 1974 Threshold vg-/vg- 2 / 1
Moody Blues Other Side of Life 1986 Threshold/Polydor ex-/ex- 5
Munch, Charles/ Boston SO "Schumann: Symphony 1
Schubert: Symphony 2" 1969 RCA Victrola ex/vg(+) 5 / 3
Presley, Elvis Burning Love and Hits from His Movies 1972 RCA ex/vg 4
Rare Earth One World 1971 Rare Earth/Motown ex/vg- 2 / 1
Richter, Karl/ Pears, Peter, etc. Bach: Kantaten No. 67, 108 1977 Decca, Germany ex/vg+ 5
Rolling Stones Big Hits (High Tide and Green Grass) 1966 London mono vg+/vg(-) небольшой песок 5 / 4
Rolling Stones Between the Buttons 1967 "London original
maroon mono" vg+/vg(-) небольшой песок 5
Rolling Stones Goats Head Soup 1973 Rolling Stones vg/vg- 5 / 4
Santana Greatest Hits 1974 Columbia 80's nm-/nm- reserve5
Santana Festival 1977 Columbia vg/vg- 2 / 1
Scaggs, Boz Down to Then Left 1977 Columbia ex/vg(+) 4
Seger, Bob Live Bullet 2lP's 1976 Capitol vg+/vg/vg+ 4
Seger, Bob Night Moves 1976 Capitol vg(+)/vg+ 5
Smith, Jimmy Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1964 Verve original ex/vg 4
Split Enz True Colours 1980 A&M vg++/vg+ 5 / 4
Steely Dan Can't Buy a Thrill 1972 ABC ex-/g+ 1
Steely Dan Countdown to Ecstasy 1973 ABC vg+/g+ 1
Steely Dan Aja 1977 ABC ex/vg 4
Steely Dan Greatest Hits 2LP's 1978 ABC vg+/vg+/vg- 3
Steely Dan Gaucho 1980 MCA ex/vg 4
Steppenwolf Live 2LP's 1970 Dunhill vg-/vg 4
Steppenwolf Slow Flux 1974 Mums/CBS vg++/vg 5
Taylor, James Sweet Baby James 1971 Warner Bros. green original vg++/vg 3
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.1 H. Swarowsky/ Vienna Philharmusica 1960 Urania mono red vinyl!! ex/vg++ reserve5
"Tchaikovsky: Tempest;
Rimsky-Korsakov: Le Coq D'or" Z. Fekete/ Austrian Symphony 1957 Remington vg++/vg(+) 3
Traffic John Barleycon Must Die 1970 United Artists ex/vg 5
V/A - Eagles, Foreigner, Steve Miller, etc. FM - Original Movie Soundtrack 2LP's 1978 MCA ex-/ex-/vg+ 5
"V/A - Megadeth, W.A.S.P., Steve Vai,
Jane's Addiction, etc." Dudes O.S.T. 1987 MCA ex-/ex 5
Van Morrisson Moondance 1970 Warner Bros. green original vg(+)/vg 5
Vanilla Fudge Beat Goes On 1968 ATCO yellow original ex-/vg(+) одна негромкая царапина 5
Who Who's Next 1971 Decca vg++/vg(+) reserve5
Who Odds & Sods 1974 Track/MCA original "vg++/vg(+)
cc" 5
"Williams, John(guitar)/
Hurford, Peter (organ)" Play Bach 1981 CBS Masterworks ex-/vg+ 5 / 3
Ruby" Moers Duisburg Koln 1984 Jazz Haus Musik ex- 4
Yes Close to the Edge 1972 Atlantic vg+/vg(+) 4
"Ansermet, Ernest/
de la Suisse Romande" Bartok: Concerto for Orchestra 1969 London, UK ffrr ex 10 / 8
"Beecham, Sir Thomas/Royal Philharmonic" "Mozart: Symphonies No. 41 (Jupiter),
No.38 (Prague)" 1954 "Columbia Odyssey mono
1960's" ex-/vg+ 7 / 6
Bjoerling, Jussi Bjoerling in Opera 1959 RCA Red Seal mono vg+/ex- 6 / 5
Bjoerling, Jussi Incomparable Bjorling 1961 "RCA Victor Red Seal
mono" vg+ 6 / 5
Bohm / Vienna Philharmonic Beethoven: Symphony No. 9, 8 2LP's 1974 Deutsche Grammophon, Italy ex/ex 10
"Bohm, Karl/E. Schwarzkopf/
C.Ludwig/ A.Kraus, etc" "Mozart: Cosi Fan Tutte
4LP's box w/libretto" 1963 Angel vg+/ex(-) 20 / 17
Brahms: Piano C-to No.2 Gilels/ Reiner/ Chicago Symphony 1958 RCA Victor mono original ex/ex- 8
Brahms: Trio in E-flat; Beethoven: Sonata for French Horn & Piano Josef Eger(fr. Horn)/ Szeryng/ Babin 1960 RCA Victor mono original vg++ 8 / 7
Collegium Aureum/ Maier/ Leonhardt/ Linde, etc. Bach: Six Brandenburg C-tos 2LP's (authentic) 1965 RCA Victrola nm- 18 / 15
Fiedler/ Boston Pops Offenbach: Gaite Parisienne; Khachaturian: Gayne Ballet Suite 1959 RCA Victor mono vg++/vg++ ss 8
Fox, Virgil "In Concert: Bach: Prelude & Fugue in E minor;
Reger, Gigout" 1972 Command, ABC vg++ 5
"Gieseking, Walter/
Galliera/ Philharmonia Orch" Beethoven: Piano C-to No.5 (Emperor) Seraphim vg+/ex srw 8 / 6
Gilels, Emil / Reiner, Fritz Brahms: P-no C-to No.2 1958 "RCA Victor Red Seal
mono promo" vg++ 10
Gould, Glenn Beethoven: Piano C-to No.4 1961 Columbia Masterworks 2-eye ex+/ex+ shrink 10
Gould, Glenn Bach: Well Tempered Clavier Vol.1 - Book 1 Preludes & Fugues 1-8 1963 Columbia Masterworks original 2-eye vg+/vg+(+) 9
Gould, Glenn Bach: 6 Partitas; 2 & 3 Part Inventions 3LP's 1964 Columbia Masterworks 2-eye vg++/ex-/vg++ слышная царапина на сарабанде 5-ой партиты 20 /16
Gould, Glenn "Bach: Well Tempered Clavier Vol.4
Book 2, Preludes and Fugues 1-8" 1968 Columbia Masterworks vg+/ex- 10
Gould, Glenn "Bach: Well Tempered Clavier Vol.5
Book 2, Preludes and Fugues 9-16" 1968 "Columbia Masterworks
original 2-eye" "vg++
radio station
sticker" 10
Heifetz, Jascha/ Munch/ Boston Symphony Beethoven: Violin Concerto 1956 RCA Victor mono original vg+/vg++ 10
Horowitz, Vladimir "Beethoven: Appasionata,
Sonata No.7" 1960 "RCA Victor Red Seal
" ex shrink 10
Horowitz, Vladimir Schumann: Kreisleriana 1969 Columbia Masterworks vg+/ex 10
Horowitz, Vladimir "Scriabin: Etudes, Sonata No.10,
Vers la Flamme, Two Poems" 1973 Columbia Masterworks ex/vg+ 8
Horowitz, Vladimir Horowitz in Moscow w/ insert 1986 Deutsche Grammophon, Germany ex 8
Jenkins, Florence Foster The Glory(

) of the Human Voice 1962 RCA Victor mono vg+/vg+(+) ss 9
Karajan/ Berlin Philharmonic "Brahms: 8 Hungarian Dances;
Dvorak: 5 Slavonic Dances" 1959 Deutsche Grammophon, USA/Germany vg++ 8
"Klemperer, Otto/
Philharmonia Orch" "Strauss, R.: Till Eulenspiegel, Don Juan,
Dance of the Seven Veils from Salome" 1961 Angel ex-/vg+ 8 / 6
"Klemperer, Otto/
Philharmonia Orch" "Strauss, R.: Death and Transfiguration,
Metamorphosen" 1962 Angel vg+/ex(-) 10
Knapertsbusch/ Vienna Philharmonic Wagner: Tannhauser & Flying Dutchman Overtures; Ride of the Valkyries 1960 London, UK ffrr mono ex 10
Lanza, Mario For The First Time (soundtrack) 1959 RCA Victor mono original ex/ex 10 / 8
Leoncavallo: Pagliacci De Los Angeles, Bjorling, etc., Cellini (cond), RCA Victor Orch 2LP's box + booklet 1960 RCA Victor mono original ex- 14 / 11
Maazel / Vienna Philharmonic Tchaikovsky: Suite No.3 1977 London ffrr ex 10
Monteux/ Boston Symphony Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.5 1958 "RCA shaded dog
mono" vg++ 10
Morricone, Ennio For a Few Dollars More/ For a Fistful of Dollars 1971 RCA, France vg++ 15
Munch, Charles/ Boston SO "Tchaikovsky: Romeo & Juliet
R. Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel's Merry
Pranks" 1962 RCA Victor mono vg(+) 7 / 5
Ozawa/ Chicago Symphony "Janacek: Sinfonietta;
Lutoslawski: Concerto for Orchestra" 1970 Angel ex 10
Pavarotti, Freni, Karajan.. Puccini: La Boheme 2 LP's box w/ boklet 1973 London ffrr UK/US vg++/ex 17
Pavarotti, Luciano King of the High C's 1973 London ffrr vg++ 10
Ragossnig, Konrad "Lute Music of the Renaissance
England" 1974 Archiv ex/nm sc 7
Reiner, Fritz "Haydn: ""Clock"" Symphony No. 101
Symphony No. 95" 1964 RCA Victor Red Seal Dynagroove vg+/ex- sc 8 / 6
Reiner, Fritz/ Chicago SO "Festival of Russian Music: Tchaikovsky
+ Могучая Кучка - хиты" 1964 RCA Victrola mono original ex/vg(+) 8 / 6
Richter, Sviatoslav Beethoven: Piano Sonatas No. 11, 19, 20 1964 Philips vg+ 8
Robeson, Paul Essential 2LP's 1974 Vanguard vg+ 8
"Rubinstein, Artur/
Leinsdorf/ Boston SO" Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 4 1965 "RCA Victor
Stereo Dynagroove" ex- 9 / 8
Serkin, Peter "Schubert: Sonata in E-flat
Schumann: Waldscenen" 1967 RCA Red Seal vg/ex- 6 / 4
"Solomon/ H.Menges/
Philharmonia Orchestra" Beethoven: Piano C-to No.5 (Emperor) 1950 Seraphim '69 mono vg+/nm- sc 7 / 5
Stokowski/ Orchestra de la Radio Francaise "Debussy: Iberia; Ravel: Alborada del Gracioso;
Ibert: Escales" 1960 Capitol mono rainbow ex 10 / 9
Stokowski/ Symphony of the Air and Chorus Wagner:Tannhauser, Tristan & Isolde, Die Walkure, Das Rheingold orchestral music 1961 RCA Victor mono original ex-/vg++ 8 / 6
Susskind/ Sain Louis Orchestra Strauss, R.: Also Sprach Zarathustra 1975 "Turnabout/Vox
QUADROPHONIC" vg+ srw 9 / 7
Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No.1 Gilels/ Reiner/ Chicago Symphony 1957 RCA Victor mono original ex/vg++ 10
Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No.1 Shura Cherkassky/ L. Ludwig/ Berlin Philharmonic 1958 Decca Gold Label mono ex 8
Tchaikovsky: Romeo & Juliet; Francesca Da Rimini Golschman/ St. Louis Symphony 1955 Capitol mono green FDS ex/vg++ 8
Toscanini / NBC SO Debussy: La Mer; Iberia 1950 RCA Victor mono ex/ex- 10
Toscanini / NBC SO "Debussy: La Mer; Iberia;
Frank: Psyche and Eros" 1950 "RCA Victrola '67 mono
deep groove" ex- 8
Toscanini / NBC SO Mozart: Symphony No. 39, 40 1950 "RCA Victrola '68
deep groove" vg++/ex 8
Toscanini / NBC SO Invitation to the Dance: Berlioz, Brahms, Paganini, J.Strauss, Verdi, Weber 1951 RCA Victrola '68 vg+/ex 5
Toscanini / NBC SO "Five Tone Poems- Smetana: Moldau;
Tchaikovsky: Romeo and Juliet; Sibelius: Finlandia; Glinka: Kamarinskaya; Liadov: Kikimora" 1952 "RCA Victrola '67 mono
deep groove" vg++ 8 / 6
Toscanini / NBC SO "Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel, Don Juan;
Dukas: Sorcerer's Apprentice;
Berlioz: Queen Mab Scherzo" 1952 "RCA Victrola '67 mono
deep groove" vg+/ex 8 / 6
Toscanini / NBC SO "Tchaikovky: Nutcracker Suite
Bizet: Carmen Suite, etc" 1952 "RCA Victrola '67 mono
deep groove" vg+/ex- 8
Toscanini / NBC SO "Wagner: Die Meistersinger, Lohengrin Preludes
faust Overture; Siegfrid Idyll" 1952 "RCA Victrola '67 mono
deep groove" vg++ 8
Toscanini / NBC SO Wagner: Die Walkure, Siegfried, Die Gotterdammerung vocal & orchestral music 1952 RCA Victrola '68 ex/ex 5
Toscanini / NBC SO Beethoven: Symphony No.3 (Eroica) 1953 RCA Victrola mono '71 vg++/nm- 7 / 5
Toscanini / NBC SO "Beethoven: Symphony No.3 (Eroica)
w/ insert" 1953 RCA Victor mono 1960 ex-/vg+ 10
Toscanini / NBC SO "Respighi: Fountains of Rome; Pines of Rome
Berlioz: Roman Carnival; Saint-Saens: Danse Macabre" 1953 "RCA Victrola '67 mono
deep groove" vg+/ex- woc 8
Toscanini / NBC SO Dvorak: Symphony No. 9 "From the New World" 1955 RCA Victor mono '67 ex 5
Toscanini / NBC SO "Dvorak: Symphony No.5 (No. 9)
""From the New World""" 1955 RCA Victor mono original vg+/ex- 8
Toscanini / NBC SO Rossini Overtures (1945-1953) 1956 "RCA Victrola '67 mono
deep groove" ex- 7 / 5
Toscanini / NBC SO Brahms: Symphony No.1 "RCA shaded dog
mono" vg++ 10
"Toscanini / NBC SO
Robert Shaw Chorale" Gluck: Orpheus & Eurydice Act II 1952 "RCA shaded dog
original mono '55" ex-/vg+ 10 / 8
"Toscanini / NBC SO
Robert Shaw Chorale" Cherubini: Requiem 1956 "RCA shaded dog
original mono" ex 10 / 9
Toscanini / NBC SO/ Traubel/ Melchior Wagner: Gotterdamerung (Great Scenes) 1941 "RCA Victrola mono '68
deep groove" vg++ 6 / 5
"Van Cliburn/
Reiner/ Chicago SO" Beethoven: Piano C-to No.5 (Emperor) 1961 RCA Victor Living Stereo vg+/ex 8 / 7
Van Cliburn/ Kondrashin Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No.1 1958 "RCA shaded dog
mono" ex- 10 / 8
"Van Cliburn/ Ormandy/
Philadelphia Orch." Chopin: P-no C-to No.1 1970 RCA Red Seal ex 9 / 8
Verdi: Aida (Highlights) Price, Vickers, etc., Solti (cond)/ Rome Opera House 1962 RCA Victor mono original vg++/ex- 8
Villa Lobos: Bachianas Brasilieras "Victoria de Los Angeles/ Villa Lobos/
Orch. Natiaonal de la Radiodiffusion Francaise" 1958 Angel, USA mono ex/nm 10
Armstrong, Louis Hello, Louis! 1969 Metro/MGM ex/vg(+) 8 / 6
Armstrong, Louis and His Hot Seven Louis Armstrong Story Vol.2 1927 Columbia mono 70's ex/ex- 9 / 8
Barbieri, Gato Ruby, Ruby 1977 A&M vg++ 8 / 7
Basie, Count One Night Stand with 1946 Joyce mint sealed 10 / 8
Basie, Count Breakfast Dance and Barbecue 1958 Roulette original ex/ex- 15 / 13
Basie, Count Count Basie Story (Basie plays Basie) 2LP's + Book Deluxe Limited Edition 1960 Roulette original ex/ex 25 / 22
Basie, Count Not Now, I'll Tell You When 1960 Forum ex/vg+ 10 / 8
Basie, Count This Time By Basie! 1961 Reprise original tri-color ex/vg++ 10
Basie, Count Half a Sixpence 1967 Dot ex/mint sealed coh 15 / 13
Basie, Count/ Ferguson, Maynard Big Band Scene '65 1965 Roulette original ex-/vg+(+) 12 / 10
Bennett, Tony/ Count Basie Orchestra In Person! 1959 Columbia mono 2-eye ex/ex 12 / 10
Benson, George In Flight 1977 Warner Bros. vg++/vg+ 7
Brubeck, Dave Bernstein Plays Brubeck Plays Bernstein 1961 Columbia original 6-eye ex-/ex- 18reserve
Byrd, Donald Up Up Up with Donald Byrd 1964 Verve original mono vg+/vg++ 20 / 18
Cole, Nat King A Mis Amigos 1959 Capitol mono original rainbow vg++/vg(+) одна вообще не слышная царапина reserve7
Cole, Nat King Sings the Blues 1962 Capitol mono original rainbow vg++/vg+ одна еле тикающая на несколько оборотов царапина reserve7
Cole, Nat King/ Flowers, Phil Sing 1962 Excelior/ Pickwick mono ex/vg+ 8 / 7
Cole, Nat King/Shearing, George Nat King Cole sings/ George Shearing plays w/ the Quintet and String Choir 1962 Capitol mono original rainbow vg++/vg++ reserve12
Fitzgerald, Ella Sings Gershwin Songbook Vol.1 1959 Verve mono ex/vg+ 15
Getz, Stan Getz in Concert Pickwick mono ex/vg+ 8 / 6
Gilberto, Astrud Shadow of Your Smile 1965 Vereve original mono ex/ex- shrink 18 / 16
Jarreau, Al All Fly Home 1978 Warner Bros. ex 9 / 7
Jarreau, Al This Time 1980 Warner Bros. ex- 9 / 7
Jobim, Antonio Carlos Composer of Desafinado, Plays 1963 Verve original ex-/vg++ 15 / 13
Mahavishnu Orchestra Birds of fire 1973 Columbia ex/nm- 12 / 11
Moondog Snaketime Series 1956 Moondog, USA re ex/vg+ 15
Morricone, Ennio For a Fistful of Dollars 1967 RCA vg++/ex- 15
Sumac, Yma Voice of the Extabay 1952 Capitol 10" original mono vg+/vg(+) ss 12 / 10
Animals Animalization 1966 Polydor mono re '86 ex- 15
Beacon Street Union Eyes of… 1968 MGM, USA original ex- ss 27
Beatles Revolver 1966 Capitol original vg+ coh 22
Beatles Abbey Road 1969 "Apple (Her Majesty)
no Capitol" vg++ 22 / 20
Beatles Hey Jude 1969 Apple ex-/vg+ woc 18 / 16
Beatles Let It Be 1970 "Apple red Bell Sound
US original
""Maggie Mae"" credits ""P.D."" " vg+(+) 23 / 20
Blues Project/ Sun Ra Sensational Guitars of Dan & Dale: Batman and Robin 1966 Universe 180g 2001 ex 22
Buckley, Tim Tim Buckley 1966 Elektra golden original vg+ 28 / 25
Buckley, Tim Happy Sad 1969 "Elektra
red big E" ex- 20 /18
Buckley, Tim Lorca 1970 Elektra ex- 26 / 22
Buffalo Springfield Buffalo Springfield 2LP's 1973 ATCO yellow original vg+/vg(+)/vg+ 12 /10
Byrd, Joe & Field Hippies American Metaphysical Circus 1969 "Columbia Masterworks
sealed re-issue" mint sealed 14 / 12
Captain Beefheart Safe as Milk 1967 Buddah 1970 ex 50
Cream Wheels of Fire (два вторых диска, первого нет) Polydor, UK ex/ex 7
Crest, Jason Collected Works of 1968 Acme, UK nm/ex- одна практически не слышная царапина 25
Dave Clark Five Glad All Over 1964 "Epic mono
original yellow" vg++/ex- 20 / 18
Dave Clark Five Coast to Coast 1965 "Epic mono
original yellow" ex- 20 /18
Doors Doors 1967 "Elektra original gold
1 stereo
stkr" "vg/vg(-) местами песок
" 7
Doors Waiting for the Sun 1968 Elektra original vg+/vg(+) играет vg+ 12
Doors Waiting for the Sun 1968 Elektra tan original vg++/vg местами потрескивает reserve7
Doors Soft Parade 1969 Elektra butterfly 70's vg+ 14
Doors Soft Parade 1969 Elektra 2nd issue Red Big "E" vg+/vg+ 15 / 13
Doors 13 w/ picture insert 1971 Elektra original vg+ 12 / 10
Doors Alive She Cried 1968-70 1983 Elektra original ex-/vg+ 12 / 10
Dr. John The Night Tripper Gris-Gris 1968 Atco yellow vg++ 30
Dylan, Bob Desire 1975 Columbia ex/vg+ 7 / 5
Fifty Foot Hose Cauldron 1967 Limelight original vg+ ss 100
Freed Freed (датская психоделия) 1970 Orpheus, Denmark nm- 30
Genesis (USA psychedelic) In The Beginning 1968 Mercury vg++/ex 35
Hardy, Francoise "Ma Jeunesse Fout
Le Camp (1967-72)" 1979 "Epic, Sony
Japan" ex/vg++ 30
He 6 Beautiful Doll w/ poster!! 1972 "Beatball 2003 re-issue Ltd. Ed.1000
" ex 45
Hombres Let It Out 1967 Verve Forecast vg++/ex 25
Joyride Friendsound 1969 RCA original vg+/ex- 50
Kingsmen On Campus 1965 Wand ex/ex 13 / 10
Les 5 Genlemen Plus Grands Succes 1967 Belle Amie, ? ex-/vg+ 35
Les Fleur De Lys Reflections 2003 Turning Point Music, EEC nm- 40
Les Mersey's "21 Disques D'or
Quebec beat" 1974 "Les Archives
du disque
Quebecois" ex-/ex 25 / 20
Los Yorks Los Yorks' 67 1967 "MAG/El Ritmo Loco
re-issue" nm-/vg+ 22
Mad River Mad River 1968 "Capitol
180g re-issue" nm/ex 14 / 12
Mamas and Papas If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears 1966 Dunhill original ex-/vg++ 10 /8
Miller, Steve Band Children of the Future 1968 Capitol red 70's vg++/ex 9
Miller, Steve Band Living in the USA (Sailor re-issue) 1968 Capitol red 70's ex-/vg++ 8
Miller, Steve Band Brave New World 1969 Capitol stereo original rainbow ex 15
Monkeys Monkeys 1966 Colgems vg++/vg играет vg+ 9
Monkeys More of The Monkeys 1967 Colgems vg+/vg играет vg+ 10
Moody Blues In Search of the Lost Chord 1968 Deram ex-/vg++ 10
Moody Blues On The Threshold of Dream w/booklet 1969 Deram vg++/vg+ 8 /7
Moody Blues A Question of Balance w/insert 1970 Threshold ex/ex- 10
Moody Blues Every Good Boy Deserves Favour 1971 Threshold ex/vg+(+) 10
Moody Blues Seventh Sojourn 1972 Threshold vg++/vg+ 8 /7
Mops Psychedelic Sounds in Japan 1968 Perfect Sound, Japan? ex/ex- 45
Morrison, Van His Band and Street Choir Warner Bros. original green ex/vg(+) 8 /6
Mutantes A Divina Comedia ou 1970 Polydor, Brazil 1985 vg++/ex 40
"Mutantes/ Caetano Veloso/
Gilberto Gil/ Gal Costa" Tropicalia - Ou Panis Et Circenis 1968 "Philips, Brazil 1990's
re-issue" ex/ex- 25
Pretty Things Let Me Hear the Choir Sing 1965 Edsel '84 nm-/nm- 20
Quicksilver Messenger Service Quicksilver Messenger Service 1968 Capitol original vg+(+) 50
Rivers, Johnny Realization 1968 Imperial vg+ 10 / 8
Rolling Stones Out of Our Heads 1965 "London unboxed
maroon mono" vg(+) 25 / 22
Rolling Stones Flowers 1967 London original mono ex-/vg+ reserve20
Rolling Stones Their Satanic Majesties Request 3-D 1967 "London 3D cover
original dark blue label" vg++ 50 / 45
Rolling Stones Hot Rocks 1964-1971 2Lp's 1971 London ex/ex-/ex 14 / 12
Rolling Stones It's Only Rock'n'Roll 1974 Rolling Stones vg+/vg местами мелкий песочек 8 / 6
Rolling Stones Still Life (American Concert 1981) 1982 Rolling Stones ex-/vg(+) 7 / 5
Secos e Molhados Secos e Molhados 1973 "Alvorada, Brazil
1981 re-issue" ex 20
Seeds A Web of Sound Crescendo original vg+/g+ одна слышная царапина и одна не проходная, песка практически нет на удивление. 8
Shocking Blue Shocking Blue 1970 Colossus, USA vg++/ex 40
Soft Machine At the Beginning 1967 Charly, France '77 ex/ex 20
Steppenwolf Steppenwolf 1968 Dunhill, ABC vg+/vg 7
Tigers Tigers Story Vol. 1 2LP's + poster!! 1967-1971 1968 Polydor, Japan 1974 ex 30
Traffic Mr. Fantasy 1968 Island reissue ex/ex 16 /14
V/A Pebbles Volume 3 "The Acid Gallery" 1967 BFD 1979 original vg+(+) 20
V/A - LSD - Real Garage Punk from Sweden 1966! 1966 Subliminal Sounds, Sweden 2000 ex- 25
"V/A - Golden Cups, Dynamite, Mops,
Carnabeats, Beavers, etc." Sixties Japanese Garage-Psych Sampler 1966-68 1987 Corumbia, USA ex-/vg++ 55
"V/A - Laghonia, Traffic Sound,
Almendra, Dug Dugs, Ladies WC, etc." Love, Peace & Poetry - Latin American Psychedelic Music 1970 "Normal, Germany
Coloured vynil 1997" ex 30
V/A - Mops, Spiders, Beavers, etc "Monster a Go-Go Vol.1 Teen Trash from
Psychedelic Tokyo 1966-1969" 1969 "Planet X, Italy 1980-90's
red vinyl" ex 25
"v/A - Namelosers, Lea Riders Group
Shanes, Mascots, etc." Searchin' for Shakes - Swedish Beat 1965-65 1984 Amigo, Sweden ex- 35
"V/A - Nini Rosso, Rocky Roberts,
Little Tony, isabella Ianetti,
Orch. Marcello Minerbi" Arcobaleno Di Successi 1966 Durium, Italy ex(-) 14
Vanilla Fudge Vanilla Fudge 1967 Atco original vg++/vg легкий песок 9
Chicago II 2LP's 1970 Columbia "vg++/vg(+)
ss" 7 / 6
Chicago II 2LP's 1970 Columbia vg++/ex- 14 / 10
Chicago II 2LP's 1970 Columbia ex 19 / 14
Chicago 17 1984 Columbia ex/vg+(+) 7 / 5
Eagles On the Border 1974 Asylum vg+ 7 / 6
Eagles Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975 1976 Asylum vg++ 7 / 5
Fogelberg, Dan Captured Angel 1975 Epic vg++ 7 / 5
Heart Little Queen 1977 Portrait vg++/VG++ 7 / 5
Jethro Tull Minstrel in the Gallery 1975 Chrysalis ex/ex(-) shrink 10 / 8
McCartney, Paul McCartney II 1980 Columbia ex/ex 10 / 8
Nugent, Ted Call of the Wild/ Tooth, Fang & Claw 2LP's 1977 Discreet vg++/VG+/vg++ 8 / 6
Quatro, Suzi Suzi..And Other Four Letter Words 1979 RSO ex/ex- 14
Redbone Already here 1972 Epic vg+/vg++ reserve7
Reed, Lou Sally Can't Dance 1974 RCA vg++/ex- 10 / 8
Starr, Ringo Ringo 1973 Apple vg+/vg+ 10
Stooges Metallic K.O. Live 1973 1976 Skydog/Visa ex sc 13 / 11
Strawbs Ghosts 1974 A&M ex 10 / 8
Strawbs Nomadness 1975 A&M white label promo vg+/ex coh 8 / 7
Strawbs Deep Cuts 1976 Oyster, Polydor ex 8 / 6
Strawbs Burning for You 1977 Oyster, Polydor ex 8 / 6
Strawbs Best of 2LP's 1978 A&M white label promo ex coh 8 / 6
Strawbs Deadlines 1978 Arista ex- 7 / 6
Styx Grand Illusion 1977 A&M vg++ 8 / 7
Tir Na Nog Strong in the Sun 1973 Chrysalis white label promo ex-/ex woc 14
Walsh, Joe You Can't Argue with a Sick Mind (Live) 1976 MCA ex-/ex- 7
Who Who Came First + poster 1972 Track vg+/vg+(+) 10
Who Odds & Sods 1974 "Track/MCA
original die-cut cover" ex- 13 / 10
РАЗНОЕ 1980-2010
As Mercenarias O Comeco do Fim do Mundo (1982-8

LP+7" 1985 Soul Jazz, UK 2005 ex/ex 20
Branca, Glenn / Giorno, John Who You Staring At? 1982 Giorno Poetry Systems vg+/ex 16 / 13
Jones, Grace Nightclubbing 1981 Island vg++ 12 / 10
Jones, Grace Inside Story 1986 Manhattan sealed coh 10 / 8
Justice Cross (+) 2Lp's 2007 Ed Banger, France ex-/vg++ 30
Les Poules Les Contes de L'Amere Loi 1986 Ambiances Magnetiques, Quebec ex/ex- 15
Lunch, Lydia Hysterie 1976-86 2LP's w/poster, lyrics 1986 Rough Trade vg++/ex/vg++ 20 / 18
Madonna Like a Virgin 1984 Sire ex- 12 / 10
Madonna True Blue + poster!! 1986 Sire vg++/vg+ 12 / 10
Mantronix Should Move Ya 1990 Capitol mint- sealed sc 8 / 6
Nurse with Wound Automating "World Serpent, UK
clear vinyl" nm- 25
Pet Shop Boys Please 1986 EMI America vg++ 12 / 10
Police Synchronicity 1983 A&M ex/vg(+) 6 / 4
Prince Purple Rain w/ poster!! 1984 WB nm-/ex- 12 / 10
Prince Purple Rain w/ poster!! 1984 Warner Bros. nm- 16 /14
Saint Etienne Kiss and Make Up 1990 Heavenly ex/ex- 7 / 5
T. Raumschmiere Radio Blackout 2LP's 2003 Mute, EU ex/vg++/ex- 15
This Mortal Coil It'll End in Tears 1984 4AD/Atco ex- 16
"Thomas, David(Pere Ubu)
& The Pedestrians" Sound of the Sand 1980 Rough Trade ex 13 / 11
AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap 1976 Atlantic nm-/nm- 14
AC/DC For Those About to Rock 1981 Atlantic ex/ex 13
Aerosmith Rocks 1976 Columbia vg+ 16 / 13
Deep Purple In Rock 1970 Warner Bros. 70's vg+/vg++ srw 20
Deep Purple Machine Head 1972 Warner Bros. 70's vg++/VG++ 15
Deep Purple Burn 1974 Warner Bros. original palms vg++/vg++ 18
Deep Purple When We Rock, We Rock and We Roll, We Roll 1978 Warner Bros. ex-/ex- reserve7
Deep Purple Perfect Stranger 1984 Mercury ex/ex 10 / 8
Deep Purple Perfect Stranger 1984 Mercury ex-/ex+ 10
Dio Last in Line 1984 Warner Bros. nm/nm 15
Guns N' Roses Appetite for Destruction + original insert 1987 Geffen ex/ex 20
Guns N' Roses G N' R Lies + original insert 1988 Geffen ex/ex- 20
Judas Priest Screaming for Vengeance 1982 Columbia nm-/ex 10
Kiss Hotter Than Hell 1974 Casablanca ex/ex 15 / 13
Kiss Kiss 1974 Casablanca ex-/ex- 16 / 13
Kiss Alive 2LP's 1975 Casablanca vg(+) 6 / 4
Kiss Rock and Roll Over 1976 Casablanca ex/ex 15 / 13
Kiss Rock'n'Roll Over 1976 Casablanca vg++ 13 / 11
Kiss Alive II 2LP's 1977 Casablanca vg+ 12 / 10
Kiss Double Platinum 2LP's w/ insert 1977 Casablanca ex-/vg++/ex 25 / 23
Kiss Love Gun 1977 Casablanca ex/ex 15
Led Zeppelin IV (Zoso) 1971 Atlantic original 1841 B'Way ex-/vg 7 / 5
Moore, Gary G-Force 1980 Jet, UK ex/ex 14
Moore, Gary Corridors of Power 1982 Virgin, UK ex/ex- 14
Moore, Gary White Knuckles 1985 Raw Power, UK ex/nm- cc 10
Motley Crue Girls Girls Girls 1987 Elektra vg++ 12 / 10
Rainbow Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow 1975 Polydor nm/ex(-) reserve12
Rainbow Down to Earth 1979 Polydor ex-/vg+ 12 / 10
Rainbow Straight Between the Eyes 1982 Mercury ex- 12
Ratt Out of the Cellar 1984 Atlantic ex/ex+ 7 /5
Roth, David Lee Crazy from the Heat 12" EP 1985 Warner Bros. vg++ 3
Roth, David Lee Eat 'em and Smile 1986 WB ex(-) 10 / 8
Scorpions Blackout 1982 Mercury ex/ex(-) 12
Scorpions Love at First Sting 1984 Mercury nm-/ex- 12
Thin Lizzy Jailbreak 1976 Mercury vg++/vg++ 10
Triumph Rock & Roll Machine 1977 Attic vg+ 12 /10
Twisted Sister Stay Hungry 1984 Atlantic ex/ex sc 10
Van Halen 5150 1986 WB ex 7 /5
Amon Duul II Carnival in Babylon 1972 United Artists vg+/ex- srw ss 30 / 27
Amon Duul II Hijack 1974 "Atco
orig yellow" ex/ex- 25 / 22
Amon Duul II Pyrogony X 1976 Nova, Germany vg++/vg+ 22 / 19
Art Bears Winter Songs 1979 Ralph ex 20 / 18
Ayers, Kevin Odd Dities 1970-76 1976 Harvest, UK vg++ 16 / 14
"Ayers, Kevin/
Cale, John/
Eno/ Nico" June, 1st 1974 1974 Island vg+/ex 15 / 12
Brown, Bobby Enlightening Beam of Axonda 1972 Destiny original private vg++ 35
Can Delay 1968 1968 Spoon, Germany ex 30
Can Soundtracks 1970 Spoon, Germany 1981 ex(-) 40
Eroc (Grobschnitt) Eroc 3 1979 "Brain,
Germany" ex- 30 / 26
Gong Camembert Electrique 1971 Virgin UK original vg+ 36 / 32
Gong Live: Floating Anarchy 1977 "LTM 1002
orig french" vg+ 20 18
King Crimson Lizard 1970 EG Collectors Edition '70's nm/nm 27
(French dark prog-folk)" 4 1977 Hexagone, France ex/vg+ 24 /20
Matching Mole Little Red Record 1972 CBS, UK 1970's vg++/ex 30 /25
Matching Mole Little Red Record 1972 CBS UK original orange vg+/vg++ 40 / 33
Muro, Don It's Time 1977 Sine Wave vg++/vg 10/ 8
(NYC psych/space rock)" "Plastic Crimewave Sound
" 2005 Jagjaguar ex/ex(-) 14 / 12
"Rother, Michael
(Neu)" Flammende Herzen 1976 Sky orig ex/ex- 30 / 26
Rush A Farewell to Kings 1977 Mercury vg++ 12 / 10
Rush Exit…Stage Left 2LP's 1981 Mercury ex 12 /10
Soft Machine Volume Two 1969 "Probe
" vg+ ss coh 15 / 13
Strawbs Bursting at the Seams 1972 A&M ex- 8 /6
Supertramp Supertramp 1970 A&M '77 USA original ex- 10 /8
Tangerine Dream Phaedra 1973 Virgin, UK original vg++/vg+ 10 / 8
Tangerine Dream Stratosfear 1976 Virgin International nm- 10 / 8
Yes Fragile 1971 Atlantic 70's vg+ 8 / 6
Yes Relayer 1974 Atlantic ex 10 / 8
Yes Going for the One 1977 Atlantic vg++ 8 /6
Zappa - V/A - Captain Beefheart, Tim Buckley, Alice Cooper, Mothers, etc. Zapped 1970 Bizzare vg+/vg+(+) 10
Zappa, Frank Uncle Meat 2LP's 1969 Reprise ex/ex(-) 30
Zappa, Frank Just Another Band from L.A. 1972 Reprise nm-/vg++ 10
Zappa, Frank Roxy & Elsewhere 2LP's 1974 Discreet ex-/vg++/ex- 17
Zappa, Frank Joe's Garage Act 1 1979 Zappa Records ex/vg++ 16
Zappa, Frank Orchestral Favorites (1975) 1979 Discreet ex-/ex- sc reserve14
Zappa, Frank Sheik Yerbouti 2LP's 1979 Zappa Records ex/vg++ 20
Zappa, Frank Man from Utopia 1983 Barking Pumpkin ex/ex- 12
Zappa, Frank Meets The Mothers of Prevention 1985 Barking Pumpkin ex/ex reserve10
Zappa, Frank Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch 1985 Barking Pumpkin ex/ex- 14
Zappa, Frank/ Captain Beefheart Bongo Fury 1975 Discreet ex/ex reserve22
B. T. Express Non-Stop 1975 Roadshow ex-/vg++ 11 / 9
Chambers Brothers The Time Has Come 1967 "Columbia original
2-eye" "vg(+)/vg+
toc" 15 / 14
Earth, Wind & Fire Open Your Eyes 1974 Columbia vg++/vg+ 8 / 6
Earth, Wind & Fire That's the Way of the World 1975 Columbia ex/vg++ 11 / 9
Earth, Wind & Fire Spirit 1976 Columbia ex 10 / 8
Earth, Wind & Fire Raise! 1981 Columbia ex(-) 10 / 8
Earth, Wind & Fire Powerlight 1982 Columbia vg+/vg++ 8 / 6
Marley, Bob Exodus 1977 Island vg+ 12
Perry, Lee "Scratch" "Divine Madness…Definitely"1974-77 2Lp's 2001 Pressure Sounds, UK nm-/ex 18
Riperton, Minnie Minnie 1979 Capitol ex/mint sealed coh 12 / 9
Tower of Power Urban Renewal 1974 Warner Bros. ex/ex- 11 / 9
Wonder, Stevie Music of My Mind 1972 Tamla vg+/ex srw sc 11 / 9
Wonder, Stevie Fulfillingness' First Finale 1974 Tamla vg+ srw 10 / 7
Wonder, Stevie "Fulfillingness' First
Finale" 1974 Tamla vg++ 12 / 10
Wonder, Stevie Secret Life of Plants 2LP's 1979 Tamla ex-/ex srw 15 / 11
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