Manley Snapper / 23-03-2011 16:57
Все вопросы сюда м.Львів вул Словацького 5
тел. 8 (032) 261-03-16 тел. 8 (050) 469-92-46
Ціна: $5 900.00
13.5"w × 15"d × 9"h
100 Watt partial triode (ultralinear) EL-34 output stage
100 W spec: 15 Hz - 40 kHz into 5 ohms
Precise and balanced signal path from input to output.
Circuit self-balances with either single-ended or balanced inputs.
Switch-selectable RCA unbalanced inputs, or XLR balanced inputs.
Input Sensitivity RCA jack: 800 mV RMS for full output.
Input Sensitivity XLR jack: 1.6 V RMS
Overall voltage gain RCA jack to output: 32 dBu, or about 32 volts.
Signal to A-weighted noise ratio is about 110 dB.
(Отредактировал 05-02-2013 в 14:35 #1.)