Эта песня не просто вышибает слезу, но тянет и на размышления
и требует поставить на стол бутылку
и выпить с друзьями - только в мирной беседе...

а потом если будут силы полирнуть
`Gambling Bar Room Blues` (1932) JIMMIE RODGERS
Sensational Alex Harvey Band - Gambling Bar Room Blues
Ho! He! Ho! He! You`re just as drunk as me
Ho! He! Ho! He! Headin` for the deep blue sea
I went down to the corner, just for to meet my pal
I found him talking on the sidewalk, talking to my gal
I went back to the bar room, to get another drink of gin
But the first thing I knew I was reeling, rocking drunk again
Ho! He! Ho! He! You`re just as drunk as me
Ho! He! Ho! He! Headin` for the deep blue sea
I kept on drinking liquor, to way out in the night
My pal came into the bar room and we had an awful fight
I reached down for my razor and then we messed around
But when I drew my pistol, I quickly smoked him down
Hey! He! Hey! He! You`re just as drunk as me
Hey! He! Hey! He! Headin` for the deep blue sea
So I headed on back to the bar room, stopping in at the bar
And there I met a policeman, sitting in a motor car
We kept drinking lots of liquor, that flat-footed cop, and I
I thought he would never leave me. I knew that he had to die
And I laid my head on the bar room floor
Never get drunk anymore
I pawned my watch, my golden chain
I pawned my baby`s diamond ring
Hey! He! Hey! He! You`re just as drunk as me
Hey! He! Hey! He! Headin` for the deep blue sea
Hey! He! Hey! He! You`re just as drunk as me
Hey! He! Hey! He! Headin` for the deep blue sea
главное не напиваться ниже уровня городских луж (Headin` for the deep blue sea)