1)Elton John “empty sky” Gema 120/100 ex-/ex+ 69g. “Ariola-E+HansaR…DIM r”
2) Elton John”cap fantastic” vg+/ex- UK 75g. 1 Pres 140/120 “This R.Co+DJMR” Color vinil red
3) Elton John”here and there” ex+/ex+ 76g. USA live inner original 80/60”MCAR(“This R.CO”)
4) Elton John “madman across the water” 72g.USA “MCAR(DJMR) цена ex- /ex+200/150
5) Elton John”21 at 33” ex/ex+ USA 80g.120/100 origin MCAR(‘SACVIllE P”
5) Elton John”Honky cheaten” 72 g.vg/vg- 100/80 USA “MCAR (DJMR) textured cover
6) Elton John” Elton John”p70.UK 200/150 VG/EX-- DJMR
7)Elton John”a single man” 78gМелодия цена?

Elton John “bloue moves”ex+/ex+ Holland origin 76g. 2Lp 170/150”Sacvillep R(“The rocket R”)
9) Elton John”leather jackets”ex+/ex+ inner 86g. Holland “Happenstance ltd (“the rocket r”)
10)Elton John”Your song” 87 g. Мелдия цена?
11) Elton John”honky cat Мелодия цена-?
12) Elton John”breakin hearts” Heppenstance Ltd(“the rocket r”) Gema origin 84g. inner 120/100(Happen stance LTD)”The rocket R”
13) Elton John”too low for zero” 83g. Gema “Happenstance ltd(“the rocket R”)100/80 origin
14) Elton John”goodbye yellow brick road”ex+/ex+ 2lp USA repress 150/130 “MCAR(SACKVILLEP”)
15) Elton John”caribov” ex+/ex+ 74g. UK 1 Press ThisR.CO+DJMR
16) Elton John”greatest hits”USA “MCAR” (This R.Co+DJMR”)74g. USA origin inner 100/80
17) Elton John”Rock of the westies”75g.USA”MCAR”(This R.CO)ex+/ex 75 g. orgin 100/80

Elton John”Don’t shot me im only the piano player”USA 72g.”MCAR(ThisR.Co+DJMR) inner repress 100/80
19) Elton John”the fox” ex+/ex+ 81g.Gema”Sackvillep”(The rocketR)origin 100/80
20) Elton John”Jump up”M-/M- Швеция/Норвегия 82 год альбом 140/120”Sackville P”(The roket R)
21)Elton John “The Captain&the cid” 2006 Mercury EU inners Booklet M-/site A vg+/site b ex+ 450/400
22 e.john 17 11 70 p 1970 uni usa 1 press ex/ex+ 200/15
возможна разбивка на 2 лота.
1)Ufo”High stkes & dangerous man” EX/m- 91/93 god SNC glance 150/130
2) Ufo”manking contact” ex-/ex glance Spain 180/150 “Chrystalic R”
3)Ufo”Misdemeanor” 85god Gema “Ariola”(Christalic R) ex-/ex origin 150/130
4)Ufo”Phenomenon” UK “Cristalys R” I1 Pres ex-/vg+ A2U-B2U 74god 1pres 300/250
5) Ufo”the wild,the willing and the innocent” Gema “Ariola”(Chrystalice R)81god ex+/ex+ 170/150
6)Ufo”No place to run”Holland “Ariola”(Chrystalice R )Gema 81 god ex-/ex+ 80god origin Holland 200/160
7)Ufo”Mechanix” vg+/ex- 82 god Gema 150/130 “Ariola”(Chrystalice R)

Ufo” Obsession” ex-/ex+ USA 78 god Origin 200/170 USA (Christalic R)
9)Ufo “Force it” Gema (Christalic R) vg-/vg- 75god repress 80/70
10) Ufo”No heavy petting”vg/vg- “bez glub carapin “ Gema 76god Original 100/80
11 ufo strangers in the night p 1979 2lp chris france gf ex/ex 450/400
1)Queen”news of the world” ex-/ex 300/280 inner Uk 77g “EMI”(“Queen”)
2)Queen”The game” 80-g Gema-cover,Holland-disc “EMI” ex-/ex Фольга Orig inner 150/130
3) Queen”Jazz” ex/ex textured cover inner USA 78g 200/180 USA “Electra R”
4) Queen “Queen” Fame ex/ex Holland 150/130 “EMI” 73g
5) Queen”Greatest hits” 81g?/85 Балкантон 30/20 M-/M-
6) Queen”Hot space” ex/ex+ USA 81g 150/130 ”Electrar”
7) Queen”the works” 84g Gema”EMI” DMM? 150/130

Queen”a day at the races” ex-,ex- Usa 76g 1Pres A1 B1 170/140 Electra R
9) Queen”Live magic” ex/ex inner Holland 150/130 86g. “EMI”
10) Queen” A night at the opera” ex+/ex 200/170 A1 B1 Gema Origin 75g inner “EMI”
11)Flash Gordon”Original soundtrack music by queen” 80-g vg/vg 120/100 Ispania “EMI”
12)Queen “Sheer heart attack” ex+/vg- Gema 74 g 160/140 “EMI”
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