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Продам винил разных Жанров из Европы / 14-03-2012 17:01
Мою винил,снимаю статику. Немецкая фирменная жидкость KNOSTI
Цена на мойку одного винила 10 гр
Все вопросы в личку либо по телефону!!!
*** НОВИНКИ ***
1.Jesus Christ Superstar ex-/ex+ MCA Italy 165
2.Steely Dan "Gold" nm/nm 100
3.Steely Dan "Gaucho" ex/nm 120
4.Steely Dan "Aja" nm/nm 120
5.Steely Dan "Pretzel Logic"nm/nm 130
6.Steely Dan "Countdown To Ecstasy"nm/nm 130
7.The Moody Blues "long Distance Voyager"nm-/nm- 130
8.Renaissance "Novella" ex/nm- USA 150
9.Bob James " H " ex/ex 120
10.Bob James+David Sanborn "Double Vision "nm/nm 130
11.War "Platinum Jazz'' 2lp Blue Note Usa nm-/nm- 265
12.Mezzoforte "Surprise Surprise" nm-/nm- 120
13.Earl Klugh "Low Ride" ex/nm- 120
14.Bob James "All Around The Town"2lp nm-/nm- 180
15.Jean Michel Jarre "Equinoxe" nm/nm 150 France
16.Donald Fagen "The Nightfly" ex/ex+ 150
17.Manfred Manns "The Roaring Silence" Usa 1 st ex/ex+ 165
19.Larry Carlton 1978 Japfn nm-/nm- 220
20.Viktor Lazlo "She"nm/nm 150
21.Viktor Lazlo 1987 nm/nm 150
23.WAR ''All Day Music" ex/ex 150
24.War "The Music Band @" ex+/ex+ 150
25.WAR "Outlaw"nm-/nm- 165
26.Status Quo "Just Supposin"ex+/ex+ 150
27.Jan Gillan Band "Scarabus" ex/ex+165
28.Camel "Moonmadness"nm-/nm- 150
29..Camel The Single Factor"ex+/ex+ 130
30.Supertramp "Crime Of The Century" ex+/nm- 130
31.Queen "Sheer Heart Attack"nm-/nm- 150
32.McCartney "Band Of The Run" ex+/ex+ 150
33..McCartney "Venus And Mars" nm-/ex+ 150
34.Camel "Nude" nm-/ex+ 150
35.Camel "A Live Record" 2lp ex+/ex+ 210
36.Cerrone 5 ex/ex 150
37. Boney M "Nightflight To Venus"ex+/ex+ вкладка 150
38. Supermax "Flu with me"ex-/ex 150
39.David Bowie Low' ex-/ex+ 130
40.Uriah Heep "Look At Yourself" Franse 1 st nm-/ex+? 165
***** ********************************************************
*****СЕГОДНЯ******33.Cluster "Curiosum" 165 sealed **********
1.ELECTRIC SANDWICH 1972 240 mint (**)
2.STEEL MILL "Green Eyed God" 240new (**)
3.HIGH TIDE 1970 220 new
4.PATTO 1970 Akarma 240mint
5.CREEPY JOHN THOMAS "Brother Bat Bone" 1968 220 new
6.Area "Caution Radiation" new 240
7.KING PING MEH 1971 240new
8.KING PING MEH 3 240 mint (**)
9.Buffalo "Dead Forever" 240 sealed
10.Arcadium "Breathe Awhile" sealed 210 (***)
11.KARL JENKINS' SOFT MACHINE -De Wolfe Sessions 200 new
12.KING PING MEH "Hazy Age On Stage" 2LP 550 min (**)
13. Linda Hoyle "Pieces of Me'' 220
14.***AREA "Arbeit Macht Frey" sealed 240***
15.Clear Blue Sky 1970 new 210
16.***AGAPE "Victims Of Tradition" sealed 160***
17.Hannibal Same 240 (**)
18.BRAINTICKET "Psychonaut" 1972 240 new
19.TWENTY SIXTY SIX "And Then" 2LP 500 mint (**)
20.AFFINITY 1970 2LP 400 mint (**)
21.CAN "Tago Mago" 2LP 400 mint
22.DE DE LIND new 240
23.JANUS "Gravedigger" 240 new (**)
24.SPRING 2lp new 400 (**)
25.EDGAR BROUGHTON BAND ''Sing Brother Sing" 1970 200 mint
26.AREA "Crac" 240 new
27.Fear Factory "Mechanize" 200 sealed
28.Pentagramm "Show ' Em How" 180 sealed
29.Master's Apprentices "Nikelodeon" 180 sealed
30.The Birth Of Might Of Coincidence 180 sealed
31.The Keith Tippett Group "Dedicated To You,But You Weren't Listening" sealed 210
32.Cluster 1971 240 sealed
33.Cluster "Curiosum" 200 sealed
34.Spettri 2011 sealed 165
35.Van Der Graaf Generator "The Aerosol Grey Machine "200 sealed
36.Jade Warrior "Last Autumns Dream "240 sealed
37.Indian Summer 240 sealed
38.Ache "De Homine Urbano" 200 sealed
39.------"Green Mann" 200 sealed
40.Norah Jones ''The Fall" 220 nm/nm
41.------------''Come Away With Me" 200 sealed
42 .Leaf Hound "Crowers Of Mushroom" 180 sealed
43.Tom Waits "Blood Money" 220 sealed
44.---------- "Closing Time" 220 sealed
45.-----------"Small Change " 220 sealed
46.Can "Ege Baamyasi Okraschoten" 200 sealed
47.----"Soon Over Babaluma" 200 sealed
48.The Red Hot Chilli Peppers "Freaky Styley" 200 sealed
49.-------------------------"Mothers Milk"200 sealed
50.-------------------------''By The Way" 2Lp 300 sealed
51.Christina Aguilera "Bi-On-IC'' 3Lp 300 sealed
52.Deep Purple ''Rapture Of The Deep" 2lp new 220
53.The Flower Kings "Banks Of Eden" UK sealed 2LP 350
55.Smashing Pummpkins "Siamese Dream" 2LP nm/nm 450
56.Irish Coffee Rockpalasst 21.12.2005 Second Battle 2LP sealed 300гр
57.Fever Tree "Creation" sealed 220
58.Groundhogs "Hoggins The Stage'' 2LP sealed 280
59.Antonius Rex "per Viam" sealed 245
60.Cocteau Twins "Garlands" sealed 220
61.Cocteau Twins "Head Over Heels" 220
62.The Soft Machine 1 st sealed 240
63.The Soft Machine volume two sealed 240
64.Electric Frankenstein "What Me WorrY?" nm/nm 220
65.Hackensack "Up The Hard Way" nm/nm 220
66.Nirvana "Nevermind" nm/nm 220
67.The Jimmi Hendrix Exsperience "Axis:bold as love'' nm/nm 245
68.The Jimmi Hendrix Exsperience "Electric Ladyland" 2lp sealed 300
69.Big Brother & The Holding Company sealed 240
70.Robert Wyatt "Nothing Can Stop Us" sealed 225
71.Ripper "The Dead Have Rizen" sealed 180
72.Dead Can Dance "The Serpent's Egg" sealed 240
73.Alice IN Chains "Black Gives Way To Blue" 2lp sealed 280
74.NUCLEUS "Elastic Rock" sealed 280 ******
75.BUFFALO "Only Want You For Your Body" sealed 260
76.Nine Inch Nails "The Downward Spiral" 2lp Picture disk sealed 330
77.Napalm Death "Time Waits For No Slave" sealed 230
78.Dimmu Borgir "In Sorte Diaboli"sealed 240
79.Burzum "Hlidskjalf" sealed 240
80.KrawallBruder-Blut,Schweiss & bKeine Tranen sealed 165
1.Kate Bush " Hounds Of Love"nm-/nm- 100
2.Tranquility "Silver" USA vg+/ex 100**
3.Tree Dog Night "Naturally" original Probe ex/nm- 150***
4.Sade "Diamond Life" ex+/ex+ 120
5.Santana "Welcome" ex/ex+ 130
6.Genesis "...and Then There Were Three.." ex/ex 150
8.Status Quo "blue For You" nm-/nm- 150
9.UFO "C'mon Every Body" nm-/nm-160
10.Chicago Transit Authority 1969 2LP ex+/ex+ 250
11.Chicago "8'' USA ex+/nm- 150
12.Electric Light Orchestra "Eldorado" UK ex/ex 165
13.David Knopfler "Release" Canada nm-/nm- 165
14.Roxy Music "Avalon" ex/ex 120
15.Bryan FerrY ''Let's Stick Together"UK ex/nm 160
16.Camel "Breatlesss" Gema ex/nm- 165
17.Genesis "Nursery Cryme" Gema Philips ex/nm- 165
18.Gong "Downwind"nm-/nm- 165
19.Genesis Rock Roots UK Decca ex/ex+ 210
20.Grobschnitt Razzia"nm-/nm- 165
21.Steely Dan "The Royal Scam" ex-/ex- 120
22.Marillion "Misplaced Childhood' ex/ex 150
23.Vangelis "Spiral" ex/ex 120
24.The Enid "In The Region Of The Summer Stars "UK nm/nm 180
25.The Enid "Touch Me" UK ex/nm 180
26.The Enid "Aerie Faerie Nonsense" UK nm/nm 200
27.Pyjama Suicide "Drugtwist" Gema nm/nm 120
28.Andreas Vollenweider "Behind The Gardens....." 1981 CBS Holland nm-/nm- 120
29.Genesis "Wind And Withering" ex/ex+ 150
30.UK "Night After Night "nm/ex+ 150
31.Colosseum 2 "wardance" USA ex/nm 180
32.Earl Klugh "Finger Paintings "Original Master Recording MFSL 1-025 Blue Note Japan 440
33.Jan Akkerman & Kaz Lux "Eli" ex/ex+ 150
34.Queen "Jazz" nm/ex+ 160
35.Uriah Heep "Innocent Victim" ex/nm 160
36.Electric Sun "Earthquake" nm-/nm цена 200 гр
37.APRIL WINE "The Whole World's Goin'Crazy" 1976 USA nm/nm 160
38.------------"Review & Preview"1981 1976 USA nm/nm 160
39.------------"Walking Through Fire"1985 USA nm/nm 160
40.------------"The Nature Of The Beast" 1981 Holland nm/nm 140
41.------------"Hader.....Faster" 1979 Gema ex/nm 140
42.------------"First Glance"1979 Gema nm/nm 140
43.------------''April Wine Live at the El Mokambo'' 1977 USA ex/ex 140
44.------------"April Wine" 1972 USA vg+/nm- 160
45.------------"On Record" Canada nm/nm 160
46.-------------"Stand Back" 1975 USA ex/nm- 150
47.-------------"Forever For Now" 1976 Canada nm/nm- 160
48.-------------"The Best Rock Ballads" 1981 Canada nm/nm 140
49.-------------"Power Play"1982 Gema ex/ex 120
50.Sade "Promise" nm-/nm- 150
51.Puhdys '5" nm-/nm- 80
52.Omega "Time Robber"ex/nm- 150
53..Omega "Skyrover" ex/nm- 150
54.Fleetwood Mac "Tusk'' 2LP EX+/NM- 180
ДЖАЗ (новые LP и оригинальные издания)
***** ********************************************************
*****СЕГОДНЯ******14.Sun - Ra"Super Sonic Jazz" sealed 165 **********
1.Charlie Mingus "Tonigt at Noon" USA sealed 210
2.--------------"Oh Yeah" USA sealed 210
3.--------------"Pithecantropus Erectus" USA sealed 210
4.--------------""The Clown" USA sealed 210
5.John Coltrane "Coltrane Jazz" USA sealed 210
6.--------------"Coltrane's Sound"sealed 210
7.Herbie Hancock "Future Shock" ex/ex+ 160
8.Wayne Shorter "Introducing"sealed 210
9.Ornette Coleman "Change Of The Century"sealed 210
10.----------------"The Art of The Improvisers"sealed 210
11.Hancock,Hubbard,Williams,Shorter ,Carter "The Quintet" 265 sealed 2LP
12.Cannonball Adderley "Presents Soul Zodiac" 2LP sealed 265
13.Sun - Ra "My Brother The Wind" sealed 210
14.Sun - Ra"Super Sonic Jazz" sealed 210
15.Sun - Ra "My Brother The Wind vol-2" sealed 210
16.Sun - Ra"Its After The End Of The World" 210
17.Woody Herman "Woodchopper's Ball'' sealed 160
18.Artie Shaw "Blues In The Night"sealed 160
19.Thelonius Monk "Brilliant Corners" 2Lp sealed 265
20.Herbie Hancock "Fat Albert Rotunda" 210
21. Miles Davis "Live Around The World" 2LP nm/nm 240
22.Herby Hancock "Maiden Voyage" Blue Note Portugal ex/ex 150 (не новодел)
23.Eddie Harris "Is It In" Gema Atlantic original nm/nm 200
24.Herby Hancock "Trust" sealed 210
25.Alice Coltrane "Eternity" USA ex/nm 180 (ранний пресс)
26.Ornette Colemann "Science Fiction" sealed 210
27.Bill Evans Trio "Sunday At The Village Vanguard" 200 sealed
28.Miles Davis "In A Sillent Way " 200 Sealed
***29.Pat Metheny 80/81 ECM 2LP nm/nm 280
30.Alice Coltrane "Eternity" 200 sealed
31.Roland Kirk "The Inflated Tear" 200 sealed
32.Thelonius Monk "Monk" 200 sealed
33.Cookin'/With The Miles Davis Quintet 200 sealed
34.Herbie Hancock "Feets Don't Fail Me Now" CBS Holland ex/ex+ 150
35.Bill Evans "Sharp Notes" 280 sealed
36.Thelonius Monk "April in Paris/Live" nm/nm 240
37.Nina Simone "It Is FinisheaD" 200 sealed
38.Pat Metheny Group "Still LIFE (talking)" USA ex/ex- 150
39.Wes Montgomery "The Incredible Jazz Guitar" sealed
40.Mandrill "We Are One Mandrill' nm/nm
41.Cannonball Adderley Quintet "Mercy,Mercy,Mercy," vg+/ex 130
42.Cannonball Adderley 'Ji Grandi Del Jazz' nm-/nm- 140
43.Corea /Hancock/Jarrett/Tyner 1976 nm-/nm- 130
44.Gato Barbieri "In Search Of The Mystery" ex/ex+ 180
45.Eberhard Weber "The Following Morning" ECM ex+/ex 180
1.Ludwig Van Beethoven "Eroica'' Horzu Gema ex+/ex+ 60
2.Mozart Samtliche Klaviertrios Beaux Arts Trio 2lp 110
3.Karajan Dirigiert Gema ex+/ex+ 60
4.Classic Experience 2 "36 Of The Most Popular Classics" 2LP nm/nm 120
5.Porgy and Bess Gema Decca ex+/ex+ 3LP 160
6.George Gershwin ''Ain Amerikaner In Paris" nm-/nm- 60
7.Rhapsody In Swing CBS Gema 5LP nm/nm 200
8.Beethoven Violinkonzert -60
9.Giuseppe verdi "Don Carlos" Gema Decca 4lp 180 nm/nm
10.Musik Der Stunde Null 4Lp nm/nm 80
11.Bach Das Orgelwerk Follge 6 nm-/nm- 60
12.Bach Das Orgelwerk Follge 7 nm-/nm- 60
13.Bach Das Orgelwerk Follge 8 nm-/nm- 60
Дополнительная информация в личку либо по т.0674834486,0487872864 Владимир
СТОК!!!! (Винил по низким ценам)
1.King Oliver ex/ex+ 60
2.Jimmie Noone ex/ex+ 60
3.Joe Venuti ex/ex+ 60
5. № 18 Count Basie/Dave Lambert/Jon Hendricks/Anny Ross ex/ex+ 60
6. № 37 Kenny Clarke/Joe Harris/Sahib Shihab/Francy Boland ex/ex+ 60
7. № 60 Mary Lou Williams/Chris White/Rudy Collins/Earl Hines ex/ex+ 60
8. № 58 Copland Burian/Martinu Schulhoff ex/ex+ 60
******Supertramp "Crime Of The Century" + ''Even In The Quitest Moments" + BIli CosBy "Revence' 120 гр ****** цена за 3lp
****** Jon and Vangelis "The Friends Of Mr Cairo" + The best of Jan Akkerman and FRiends + Momms Mabley "Moms the Word" 120 ****** цена за 3lp
******Scorpions "Gold Ballads" + Foreigner "Double Vsion " + Udo live 2lp 120 ****** цена за 3lp
******The Tubes ''The Tubes"1975 + Exile "Mixed Emotions" + Marillion "Misplaced Childhood" ex-/ex- 150 ****** цена за 3lp
******Klaus Schulze "Audentity" 2lp ex/vg+/g 65
*1.Barclay James Harvest "Gone To Earth" + "XII" + The Romantics "National Breakout" Цена 120 гр за три пластинки
*2.Little Richard's Super Hits 2 LP USA ex-/ex + J.J,Cale "Shades" Цена 120 гр за три пластинки
*3.Saturday Night Fever 2Lp (Bee Gees) + Bee Gees 20 Greatest Hits Цена 80 гр за три пластинки
*4.Elvis "Seine 40 Grossten Hits" 2Lp + Bay City Rollers "Its A Game" Цена 110 гр за три пластинки
*5.Boston "Don't Look Back" + Meat Loaf "Bat Out Of Hell" + Pablo Cruise "Worlds Awai" Цена 110 гр за три пластинки
*6.Toto 1978 +Toto 4 + The Story Of Pop Status Quo Цена 120 гр за три пластинки
7.Don Baker At The Organ USA Hudson ex/ex 55
8.The Band "Stage Fright" ex/ex 80
9.Baby "Baby" 1975 g/ex USA 80
10.Lake "Lake" 1976 USA nm-/nm- 80
11.Saga "World Apart" + Exile "Mixed Emotions" 85 гр за 2 lp
*12.Barclay James Harvest "XII" + Mike Oldfild "Crises" + ABC "Beauty Stab" Цена 110 гр за три пластинки
(Отредактировал 25-07-2013 в 09:43 #1.)
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