Bee Gees- Idea 1968 Polydor Ger EX\EX 80
Dirty Looks- Cool From the Wire 1988 Atlantic Ger EX\EX 80
Journey- Raised on Radio 1986 CBS Holland EX\EX+ 90
Giuffria- Silk & Steel 1986 MCA Rec USA EX\EX+ 90
Saga- Worlds Aport 1981 Polydor Ger EX+\EX+ 100
Status Quo- Rockin All Over the World 1977 Vertigo Ger EX\NM- 110
Status Quo- In the Army Now 1986 Vertigo UK EX+\NM 140
TNT- Intuition 1989 Vertigo Ger EX\NM- 105
Virginia Wolf- Push 1987 Atlantic Ger NM\NM 120

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