Продам интегральный усилитель Naim NNP01 с сетевыми функциями и встроенным ЦАП (Burr Brown)
Состояние нового, полный заводской комплект. Ретейл в Европе 3560 евро (4500 дол.) Спроектирован на базе топологии Naim NAP 200. Играет значительно интереснее, чем тот же Naim Nait XS-2. Классический "почерк" Naim угадывается с первых нот. В принципе уровень звуковоспроизведения соответствует Naim Supernait/SuperUniti или "голой" связке Naim NAC202/NAP200 МОЖЕТ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬСЯ КАК ОТДЕЛЬНОЕ ИНТЕГРАЛЬНОЕ РЕШЕНИЕ (интегральный усилитель) либо в составе системы NaimNet. В продаже также имеется сервер/CD-риппер/плеер Naim NS01, аналог Naim HDX). Убийственная связка. Возможно управление с ПК, ноутбука, телефона, планшета, пульта ДУ (опционально). Дополнительно комплектуется выносным ИК-приемником (возможно управлять с помощью запрограммированного пульта ДУ). Установлена самая последняя прошивка. Имеется поддержка русского и украинского языка в веб-интерфейсе управления (по умолчанию английский). На все вопросы отвечу по телефону либо через личные сообщения. ________________________________________________________________________ NNP01 is fully compatible with NaimNet and DigiLinX Ethernet-connected devices, which allows for distribution and control of both network-connected and local sources without any quality compromise, as there is no digital compression used in the media transport. NaimNet products must be installed professionally as part of a NaimNet/DigiLinX multiroom system and cannot be used in isolation. Please call for advice on NaimNet multiroom products. Any StreamNet network-connected source is available for playing and control by the NNP01 - all sources can be made either available in all rooms or easily restricted for privacy by the installer. 5 local sources (3 analogue and 2 digital) can be selected for local play, and can also be streamed to other rooms without any quality compromise - ideal for local music players, portable devices, or television. This also allows for the NNP01 to be incorporated within a HiFi system and to stream sources within that system to other rooms. Standard loudspeaker outputs are supplemented by line level outputs, both variable - ideal for subwoofers, and fixed - ideal for integration within an A/V system feeding an A/V controller. A wide range of user interfaces can be used to control NNP01 and the selected sources. An internal web server delivers intuitive control and feedback to a number of devices including DigiLinX touch screens, NaimNet Tablet, and even any PC, PDA, or mobile phone which is capable of running an Adobe Flash player. The NaimNet user interface gives the user a selection of sources and source control functions, as well as full control of the room amplifier. Simple systems integration means that the user interface can easily be used to control lighting, view security cameras, control heating and a whole range of other possibilities. Simplified user control is also provided by DigiLinX Keypads connected by a standard DigiLinX-compatible EIM port connection. Features StreamNetTM Connected 110 watts x 2 channels 4 ohms Compatible with both NaimNet and DigiLinX multiroom systems Compatible with NaimNet Music Servers, HDX, and UnitiServ. Control via Touch Panel, PC, Mac, iPod Touch, iPhone and more Multiple local source inputs EIM port for connection to a local keypad or remote audio input via CAT5/6 Fixed & Variable Pre-Outputs Rear Panel RS-232C and IR external trigger Connectivity Audio Inputs: 2 Analogue RCA 1 Analog DIN 1 Optical 1 Coaxial Audio Outputs: 1 Line Level Out 1 Volume Level Out Other: 1 RS232 1 IR Outputs 1 Remote Input 1 Trigger Network: Standard RJ45 10/100 Ethernet Specification Dimensions (w x d x h): 432 x 314 x 87 mm Power Consumption: n/a Nett Weight: n/a |