Откуда: Odessa
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RE: Вопрос о межблочнике от преда к моноблокам / 17-10-2013 11:56
(17-10-2013 11:21)Тибетский Ламер писал(а): Дед Иван Гуля (Van Den Hull) говрит, шо надо наоборот - спикер кабло - покороче, а интерконнекты длиннее. van den Hul: There are two questions here. First, in what situation do you use a long interconnect and a short speaker cable, and in what situation do you use the opposite? In my experience, and based on what I have just told you about low-level information, the shorter the cable, the better. With a poor-quality interconnect, keep it as short as possible, and make the speaker cable a little longer. But with high-quality cables, do the opposite. That is, the power amplifier controls the speakers better through a very short speaker cable. The longer interconnects don't create much of a loss, because a power amplifier has an input impedance of around 50k ohms. This cable is about 50 ohms a meter, so 10 meters is 500 ohms; 500 ohms is 1% of 50k ohms; 1% calculated in dB is 0.01dB, or whatever it is, so you don't create any losses.
Дед говорит ,шо трэба смотреть на ситуацию ,а в идеале и то и другое лучше покороче ,но с качественными шнурами лучше короткий акустический.
Не вижу смысла.