(07-03-2020 04:31)Boostaddict писал(а): The only issue with that is that no state of war has actually been declared in Ukraine .
Which means that no war is officially going on. Everything else is [pure speculation. And as far things go, these two particular countries are not at war - they do business together, they keep diplomatic ties, their officials have meetings on a regular basis etc.
Thank you for your comments my friends ,
We are at a A/V products forums , hope we can talk more about tech issues and products .
(06-03-2020 10:42)Ловец сноВ писал(а): Mr. Richard!
You write at the Ukrainian audioforum.
A war has been going on between the Russian Federation and Ukraine for 7 years.
What purchases in the country of the occupier are you talking about?
Kind Regards from Ukraine!
Hello My friend ,
Thank you for your comments , I'm in charge of the most market in the east Europe , including Ukraine .
I also have lot of good friends at your country .
I'm writing this thread mainly gathering feedbacks on usage of our Egreat A5/A8/A10/A11/A13 , to help improve of our products , we are in processing of upgrade our products , so we need more comments on our products .
nothing else , sorry if i caused any confusions :-)
Hope we can be friends .
Be safe on new Corona-Virus .
Best regards .
Richard .
(08-03-2020 22:07)Muzzman писал(а): А что здесь делает, курильная тема,да еще без транслейта?
надеюсь, мы сможем больше поговорить о Egreat HDD Media Player, это UHD Blu Ray Media Player, поддержка HDR10, Smart Home, DTS, Dolby и так далее, спасибо за ваши комментарии :-)
Dear all friends ,
I suggest that we can back to the topic of Audio/Video Products , discuss of Tech issues , hardware and software of A/V products , trends and development of A/V industry .
Thank you all

Best regards .
Richard .