Gathering Egreat A5/A10Pro/A8Pro/A11/A13 models Feedback
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RE: Gathering Egreat A5/A10Pro/A8Pro/A11/A13 models Feedback / 06-03-2020 09:29
(05-03-2020 18:14)АндрейКа писал(а): Hello!
I am not the owner of the Egreat video player, but I am very interested in another Egreat product: Egreat H10 4K HDMI splitter
Could you tell the dealer in Ukraine from whom I can take this device for a test, and, if suitable, purchase it? Dear Friend ,
Thank you for contact us , our Egreat H10 audio splitter is out of stock , you may contact our dealer at Russia , get one of our Egreat A11 , it has the same features , with splitter functions .
Kindly let us know if you need more help ,
Best regards,
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Ловец сноВ
Откуда: Київ, Пуща-Водиця
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RE: Gathering Egreat A5/A10Pro/A8Pro/A11/A13 models Feedback / 08-03-2020 11:35
Стас, должен Вас разочаровать.
Ричард - это не человек, это - программа бот, китайского производства из Шэньчжэнь.
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Это был заблокированный ответ бота на пост Макса
Цитата:Dear Egreat fans ,
Due to the spreading Corona-Virus around the world .
Here is some advise we would like to share it with you guys to fight with new Corona-Virus , hope it can be helpful to ALL of you :-)
1. Please spend more time to stay at home ;
2. Avoid any kind of contact to strangers ;
3. Always keep distance with people , at least more than 1 Meters ;
4. Wash your hand more times ;
5. Always keep your masks on when you are out ;
6. Get more disinfectant at your home ;
7. Get more indoor exercise when you stay at home ;
This should be help to prevent new virus .
Thanks to our government , China is getting better every days , wish you the same with us .
If you guys need any help , Egreat always here with you :-)
Best regards .
Richard & Egreat Teams
Откуда: Киев
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RE: Gathering Egreat A5/A10Pro/A8Pro/A11/A13 models Feedback / 08-03-2020 20:44
(07-03-2020 09:16)Ловец сноВ писал(а): During the hostilities between Russia and Ukraine, more than 14,000 Ukrainian citizens were killed, more than 33,000 Ukrainians were injured.
These issues were regularly considered by the United Nations and international resolutions were adopted on them condemning the military operations of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.
Diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Russia have been officially broken since 2014.
Meetings of officials are held only in the "Normandy format", with the participation of officials of Germany and France.
There has been no official representative of the Russian Federation in Kiev for 7 years.
Trade relations are minimized due to the imposition of sanctions by the United States, Canada, Ukraine and the European Union against Russia after the annexation of Crimea. That is not true. For one thing no state of war has been declared and the last prisoner exchange totally explains it - Ukrainians were on both sides. The other fact is that since the beginning of the conflict over a million of Ukrainians immigrated to Russia which would be impossible if these countries we're at war and totally stomps the "hostile territory" myth. According to Pew Global research there are 3.27 mln of Ukrainians residing in Russia at the moment and this number is growing.
Both embassies ( Ukrainian in Russia and Russian in Ukraine) work full-time as always. No diplomatic ties have been broken. Saying that "There has been no official representative of the Russian Federation in Kiev for 7 years" is a blatant lie. Zurabov left his post in 2016, less than 4 years ago. Lukashik is in charge now .
President Zelensky had a long one-on-one meeting with Putin in Paris. Also, there have been a few phone conversations between the two initiated by Ukrainian party.
The best marker is that Russia remains being the biggest investor in Ukrainian economy according to the latest data
Trade has also been growing. And it's not just big stuff like oil and natural gas treaties... Go into any department store and you will find products made in Russia, especially appliances.
Another myth busted.
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RE: Gathering Egreat A5/A10Pro/A8Pro/A11/A13 models Feedback / 09-03-2020 13:18
(07-03-2020 04:31)Boostaddict писал(а): The only issue with that is that no state of war has actually been declared in Ukraine .
Which means that no war is officially going on. Everything else is [pure speculation. And as far things go, these two particular countries are not at war - they do business together, they keep diplomatic ties, their officials have meetings on a regular basis etc.
Thank you for your comments my friends ,
We are at a A/V products forums , hope we can talk more about tech issues and products .
(06-03-2020 10:42)Ловец сноВ писал(а): Mr. Richard!
You write at the Ukrainian audioforum.
A war has been going on between the Russian Federation and Ukraine for 7 years.
What purchases in the country of the occupier are you talking about?
Kind Regards from Ukraine!
Hello My friend ,
Thank you for your comments , I'm in charge of the most market in the east Europe , including Ukraine .
I also have lot of good friends at your country .
I'm writing this thread mainly gathering feedbacks on usage of our Egreat A5/A8/A10/A11/A13 , to help improve of our products , we are in processing of upgrade our products , so we need more comments on our products .
nothing else , sorry if i caused any confusions :-)
Hope we can be friends .
Be safe on new Corona-Virus .
Best regards .
Richard .
(08-03-2020 22:07)Muzzman писал(а): А что здесь делает, курильная тема,да еще без транслейта?
надеюсь, мы сможем больше поговорить о Egreat HDD Media Player, это UHD Blu Ray Media Player, поддержка HDR10, Smart Home, DTS, Dolby и так далее, спасибо за ваши комментарии :-)
Dear all friends ,
I suggest that we can back to the topic of Audio/Video Products , discuss of Tech issues , hardware and software of A/V products , trends and development of A/V industry .
Thank you all  .
Best regards .
Richard .
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Откуда: China
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RE: Gathering Egreat A5/A10Pro/A8Pro/A11/A13 models Feedback / 13-03-2020 13:31
Hello guys ,
Questions , when did you guys get to know about our Egreat A5/A8/A10/A11/A13 HDD UHD Media Players , and how long does it been .
We are now doing more upgrading plans about our players , it will release soon , hope you guys can continue to support us .
Love you guys :-)
Also , be safe on this new Corona-Virus .
Best regards
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