А вот такое никто не пробовал- Daphile?
У меня ноут "лишний" намечается
- Headless music server OS
- Bitperfect and gapless playback
- Extensive audio format support
Native DSD playback up to DSD512
- PCM resolutions up to 384kHz/24bit
- High quality audio resampling including PCM to DSD conversion
- Convolution filtering for DRC and equalizer
- "Play from RAM" to minimize CPU load and disk activity during playback
- Automatic audio device configuration with multiplayer support
- CD ripping with AccurateRip™ verification, automatic metadata tagging and cover art
- Supports external file servers as music source
- Easy configuration and installation through the web interface
- WiFi hotspot support (if compatible hardware exists)
- Software update via web interface
- Network-attached storage (NAS) service
Freesound, глубокий пардон за оффтоп.

Сделаю тему по Daphile, если все "срастется"