Электростатические панели
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RE: Электростатические панели / 17-01-2015 15:09
Александр от скольки НЧ звено тянет? - Не мерил еще?
как с насыщенностью (жир) Не сушит НЧ?
Как с накачкой НЧ энергии в КдП - в грудь постукивает?
Тог что четко, точно, быстро, аки линейно - то и так понятно. Но это как раз и может подсушить даже больше чем это на самом деле есть (да и хочется) тот же так обсуждаемый Воздух, пространство, сцену.
Ну и вообще по своей природе, сути, цели! - НЧ звено еще и добавить могучести, масштаба, монументальности во все удары и НЧ обертона. Не плосковато ли там?
Тут уже только одной скорострельностью не отделаешься.
аудиофилия болезнь которой хочется болеть. это как чесотка, - почесал и ещё хочется
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RE: Электростатические панели / 17-01-2015 19:27
По поводу Heil Transar нашел подробное описание, прочитал. Привожу текст.
This article, which originally appeared in the September/October 1977 issue, is reprinted by permission of HI-FI/STEREO BUYERS' GUIDE.
u.Transaudio Prospekt
Hi-Fi/Stereo Buyer's Guide evaluates the Transar/atd full range Heil air-motion loudspeaker system by ESS
Press Commentary
Hail to the Heil ESS Transar/atd Speaker. A close-up look at what it is and how it works
By William S. Gordon
It stands more than three feet high. Rigid panels extend out from its central core-the wings of a futuristic gargoyle. In the center, the power core-a cylindrical acrylic tube filled with an array of wafer-like diaphragms. At the apex of the drive cylinder, the electromagnetic motor, coupled through a complex array of incredibly stiff carbon fiber rods to the drivers. And suspended over all, the silver-black corrugated folds of the super-high- frequeney emitter.
A hush falls over the room. The engineer deftly mans the control console. Power on. The silence is broken, and with a mighty roar, all in its presence are carried back in time by the winged machine. The time warp is instantaneous. There is no sensation of motion. The days, the years, do not slip by in reverse order as the flipping leaves of a calendar. You are there. In Severance Hall. George Szell is on the podium. The space around you is filled with sound. The incredible time machine has spoken.
And speak it does, for it is the newest concept in loudspeakers-the ESS Heil Transar/A.T.D. The all-Heil system is, perhaps, the longest awaited debut in high fidelity history-certainly the most anticipated loudspeaker in history. It's finally here, or, to be more precise, two prototype stereo systems were hand-fabricated and demonstrated to the cognescenti this past spring. As of this writing, ESS is tooling up for production and Plans to have the first production run of 50 sets out by early fall. They will be sold on a limited basis by selected ESS dealers throughout the country.
ESS plans to follow the early units right through to the home of the ultimate user. They'll get quick feedback on whatever potential shipping or manufacturing problems exist on this radically new speaker. One of the earliest prototypes was earmarked for the Winter GES in Chicago. It was so mishandled by the airlines that it arrived in pieces and had to be re-assembled in the back room. Accordingly, it missed most of the show. ESS has vowed that that won't happen to their production units. But it is generally conceded hv the engineering fraternity-at least in a tongue-in-check manner -that any device that can survive being shipped into and out of Chicago will pass any military or NASA reliability spec in existence. So perhaps ESS has experienced the worst, first.
The new Heil low frequency driver is the result of three years' continuous research by both ESS and Dr. Heil. While it is not an air-motion transformer in the sense of the Heil high frequency driver, it is an equally unique innovatiou by this exceptionally talented scientist. In essence, the problem he sought to solve with the low frequency driver was the same one he tried to circumvent with the Heil tweeter-the inability of the conventional cone to follow the audio signals in a faithful manner vis-a-vis phase and transient response.
With proper engineering, the voice coil of a conventional dynamic driver can be made to move in accordance with the electrical signal, accurately and rapidly-at least suffiicently fast to be used as a woofer. The problem with the woofer is the cone. It must be large in order to move a sufficient volume of air to generate appropriately large sound pressure levels at low frequencies. And it must be rigid enough to move as a whole and not collapse under the strain.
Conventional paper cones that meet these conditions are massive and so of relatively low efficiency. But, to the ESS/Heil way of thinking, they have an even more serious problem. It takes time for the sonic energy to move up the cone, from the apex, connected to the voice coil, to the final outer edge. Thus, although the coil and base of the cone may move in synchrorism with the signal, the outer edge responds late. The speaker is out-of-phase with itself, different sections reacting at different times.
ESS improved matters with the Bextrene woofer in the amt lb. Bextrene is a British innovation-a rubber,/polystyrene compound with exceptional physical properties: low mass and high rigidity. Although Bextrene can be vacuum-formed, doing so to make a loudspeaker cone is no mean feat. A "normal" vacuum-forming operation would produce a cone with a thick outer rim and a thin apex, precisely the opposite of what is desired. Suffice it to say that ESS overcame the technological problems and has been able to form cones up to 12 inches in diameter.
Although the low mass, high rigidity and relatively high propagation velocity of Bextrene offered significant theoretical advantages over a paper cone, the basic "cone problem" still remained. And that's what the Heil low frequency driver is all about. Dr. Heil reasoned that the real solution would come about by using a multiplicity of sma11 radiators that could be driven simultaneously and in phase. Each radiator would be so small that it would move and radiate as a whole, essentially instantaneously in the low frequency region. The resonant points of these miniature radiators could be moved to a frequency sufficiently above the band of operation so that the resonance would not be excited.
Imagine, if you will, a hollow plexiglas cylinder, perhaps three feet high and five inches in diameter. Now, imagine five horizontal plates across the inner diameter of the cylinder and located at equal distances along its height. Each of these plates supports a pair of thin Lexan sheets, vacuum-formed to produce four bubbles, one in each quadrant of the sheet. (ESS and Dr. Heil may shudder at the analogy, but the formed Lexan sheets look very much like a section of "bubble-wrap"-that all-pervasive packing material.)
Four carbon-fiber rods extend almost the entire length of the cylinder, linking the corresponding bubbles on each of the five sheets. The four rods are then affixed to a voice coil at the top of the cylinder. The voice coil and its magnet structure are similar to that of a conventional woofer. As the voice coil moves, the vibrations are carried down through the rods to each of the five Lexan sheets. Each of them move, pumping the air in the cylinder.
In effect, the speaker "cone" has been divided into five small cones-or rather 20 very small bubble-cones. Since the bubbles are so small, they can move as a whole, in-phase, and their resonant point is above the low frequency range of the speaker. Carbon-fiber has one of the highest sound propagation velocities of any material known to man. It is extremely rigid for its mass. In fact, ESS claims that it takes less than 1/300,000 of a second (about 33 microseconds) for the energy to be transmitted from the voice coil to the farthest radiator. Thus, all five sheets move together, in-phase.
To allow the vibrating air (the sound) out of the cylinder, sections are cut from its periphery. Internal baffles are arranged at a 45° angle near each sheet. These baffles direct the sound from the upper surface of the sheet out of the front of the Minder, while that from the lower surface is reflected to emerge in the rear. This prevents the out-of-phase radiation from the lower surface (emerging to the rear) from canceling that from the upper surface (emerging to the front.) Thus, the cylinder acts as a dipole radiator, much like a large electrostatic panel.
Of course, at low frequencies, the out-of-phase rear radiation would just flow around the outside of the cylinder and still cancel the useful sound. Therefore, baffle panels are attached like wings to opposite sides of the cylinder to lengthen the sound path. The total width of the system is about four feet.
The Heil low frequency driver operates up to 1 kHz where the signal is crossed over to a bi-polar Heil high frequency driver that sits above the cylinder. The high frequency driver is similar to that used in the ESS amt lb and uses the original Heil pleated-diaphragm air-motion transformer design. That unique driver has been described many times in the past and so we needn't go over it again here. Suffice it to say that it is widely acclaimed for its exceptional frequency and transient response, wide horizontal dispersion and high power handling capability.
The Heil low frequency driver provides its best performance when fed from a current-source amplifier. A current-source amplifier provides an output current proportional to input level rather than an output voltage proportional to input. Essentially it has a very low damping factor-much less than 1-as opposed to the typical high-damping-factor transistor amp.
ESS will be marketing the Heil Transar/A.T.D. with its own low frequency current-source power amp. The special amplifier actually inserts the Heil low frequency driver within the feedback loop to insure linearity between the output current and the input voltage. The amplifier also includes the requisite crossover networks at 1 kHz-active type with 18 dB/octave slopes. Your present amplifier would still be used to drive the high frequency air-motion transformer. You'd probably be best off with an amp that has separate preamp and power amp sections. The preamp would feed the crossover network in the special amp, and the highs would be routed back through your power amp. Although the special amp is quite powerful-on the order of 250 watts/channel, the system efficiency is very high-about 93 dB SPL at 1 meter from 1 watt.
With its dipole radiation pattern, you can expect to find that the sound character-especially on the low end-will be affected by the placement of the Transar in your listening room. When we heard them, they were spaced about 3 feet out from the wall. This gave an excellent illusion of depth to the imagery.
They're not cheap. The expected price range is about $1,000 per speaker plus $800 for the amp-approximately $2,800 for the package. But, that's not firm at the time we're writing this. Only two sets of prototype existed, and they took a month each to build. Obviously, firm pricing has to await production experience.
Again, Dr. Heil has come up with a radically new concept in loudspeaker design and the long-awaited all-Heil system is now a reality. It was worth waiting for. The sound is prodigious.
Frequenzgang: Subwoofer 26 - 95 Hz
Transar-Bass 95 - 800 Hz
Heil-Air-Motion-Transformer 800 Hz – 23 KHz
Daten Subwoofer
Frequenzgang: +0 -3 dB, 26 Hz - 95 Hz
akustische Ausgangsleisung: bei 26 Hz 330 mW, 50 Hz 4,5 W
305 mm
Magnetgewicht 2,4 kg
Schwingspule 5,08 cm
Schwingspulenwicklung 3-fach
Resonanzfrequenz 14 Hz
Gesamtvolumen 300 Liter
Daten Transar Schallwand
Frequenzgang: 95 -23 KHz
Heil-Tieftöner: 95 Hz - 800 Hz
Heil-Air-Motion-Transformer:00 - 23 KHz .
Daten Heil-Air-Motion-Transformer
Gesamtabstrahlfläche:139 cm2
Rechteckanstiegszeit: 15 Mikrosekunden
Übertragungsverhältnis: 5,3 : 1
Magnetgewicht: 5,9 kg
magnetischer Fluss: 4.000 Gauss
Daten Heil-Tieftöner
Effektive Abstrahlfläche:413 cm2
Diaphragma-Material: Lexan
Magnetgewicht: 5,8 kg
magnetischer Fluss: 12.500 Gauss
Schwingspulenwicklung: 2-fach
Rechteckanstiegzeit: 40 Mikrosekunden
Elektronische Frequenzweiche
Regeleinheit für Subwoofer, getrennte Regler für Transar Schallwand Ausführung
Schallwand und Subwoofer: Nußbaum furniert
Stoffbespannung: braun/schwarz
Maße:Schallwand: Breite 70,1 cm Tiefe 38,1 cm Höhe 114,3 cm
Subwoofer: Breite 60,0 cm Tiefe 60,0 cm Höhe 40,0 cm
Gewicht: 100 kg
Versandgewicht: 136 kg
Система, действительно, вся целиком разработана Оскаром Хейлом, в том числе и НЧ звено. Тем не менее, классический излучатель АМТ Хейла в виде гармошки там озвучивает только СЧ-ВЧ секцию, он на фото виден вверху системы. Это широкополосный АМТ излучатель с полосой от 800 до 23000Гц. Аналогичный либо очень похожий шел во множество верхних моделей фирмы ESS вкупе с традиционным НЧ тазиком в ящике. А вот НЧ излучатель в Трансаре, абсолютно необычный, и конструктивно радикально отличается от АМТ. Кому интересны подробности, прочитайте англотекст...
НЧ секция у уважаемого Baheba мне нравится гораздо больше, чем хейловская.И конструктивно, и по потенциальным возможностям, и по предполагаемому соотношению технологическая сложность и стоимость- результат.
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RE: Электростатические панели / 17-01-2015 23:02
Я не буду с вами спорить об вкусе апельсина кот. вы даже не видели,а не то что не ели,а лишь скажу,что после долгих поисков и мытарств моей больной темы-правильных тембров,нашёл их только в ЭС, но заметьте -в полнодиапазонных ЭС и такой твёрдой наполненности тела как даёт нижняя середина этих больших панелей,не способен дать ни один динамик,потому как рыхлость во всём диапазоне ему присуща,очень размытая атака звука,само начало его(звука) не конкретно как на полнодиапазонном электростатике.Да,звук мягкий и без рези,потому как очень мало искажений и при этом очень точный.
Вам лично я так сказал бы-в звуке ЭС вам не хватает привычных искажений .
(17-01-2015 22:53)oleg2566 писал(а): Саша, действительно, а куда гармоники то подевал
Не веррю Есть,но совсем маленькая, первая от 100гц.
(Отредактировал 17-01-2015 в 23:17 baheba.)
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